The Military has, quite sadly, an extremely high divorce. My ex got caught up in tail hook a number of years ago.
It is just awful being divorced but it is much better worrying about what STD he will bring home.
Get a good lawyer. If you don’t have the money, reach out to legal aid. Save as much money as you can while he is away or at least pay off as many bills as you can while he’s away. Have your lawyer draw up the Marital Separation Agreement where you receive child support directly from his pay. Do not back down on this. Unless you’ve been married 10 years, you won’t qualify for benefits such as healthcare but you can request base privileges and healthcare for your child until your child no longer qualifies due to age or marriage.
Stop communicating with your husband except to send updated photos of your one-year old. Send your spouse photos of your child a couple of times a week. If your spouse notices you aren’t giving him updates about yourself, let him reach out to you.
I literally struggled to the point of depression during my divorce but part of that was Tail Hook, how the Navy investigated that and other incidences that happened concurrently (my ex was in Las Vegas at that time with an enlisted who was also married) and that everyone knew. Even people at my work heard about it. Even clients where I worked told the story to me not realising that I was the wife they were talking about. I am sharing this because people will talk. People will blame you. You may lose military wife friends. Keep your chin up. Your husband’s unfaithfulness is not your fault. This is issue rampant in military families and particularly during deployments. If you need to talk to someone, use your medical and go and get counselling sessions. Please: Don’t put this off.
Get up to date on dental and all of your other medical care. Part of the divorce process can mean that you don’t care for yourself as you should. Make appointments and keep them. Take your child to the park. Take your child for daily walks. Don’t let your life fall apart.
Can you move in with family? Being around others during this time can be helpful.
Don’t make the mistake of getting into any romantic relationships during this time. You should give yourself two years to heal. Keep all aspects of your life above board so that there are no custody issues. If there are baby and me classes, or yoga in the park classes, join up. If you haven’t been to a house of worship for a while, get back to it.
Your last comment/question about working: I went back to school. I knew my job wasn’t enough to support my children. There are online classes you can take. There are places that offer childcare. You may qualify for a pre-school program for your child. Check those out because there is a waiting list. You need to figure out what you enjoy doing and use the time until your husband returns to go to school and get the training you need for the career you’d like to have.
Take care of yourself. It is no fun but there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Sending hugs and blessings to you.