My 17 year old has been running the riding mower for a few years now, but this year, I bought a push mower for my 11 year old to use around the house. I wouldn’t trust my 9 year old with a weed eater, but that is me.
Girl I’ve been push mowing 4 acres since I was 8 granted now that I have my own house and work constantly I pay someone else to do it, but honestly I miss doing it myself. When my kids are old enough, they’ll be doing it too
Our 7 year old does yard work and splits firewood.
I think it’s fine and good for them. I was doing whole gardens at 9 from start to finish…with just a hoe and my hands. And we have 7 acres of yard work and pasture…barn to be cleaned…horses, rabbits, and chickens. Granted, I loved most of it…and there was no play until work was done. My kids don’t have it so extreme, but they have a chore list too.
My son is 11 and he’s been mowing the yard for years, lol. I think it’ll be good for them.
I was mowing regularly at 8 yrs old. I had a few brothers, but we were on a rotation and all bad our turn to do the chores. My parents wanted all kids to do all chores (shovel, laundry, dishes, dust, etc).
I see no problem with this.
No they are NOT too young!! I’m sure your husband will supervise. My kids always had chores. That’s their contribution to the household. You shouldn’t have to do it all.
I respect your husband for doing that. Your kids may not like it (just as other kids these days think they are hard done by) but they need to learn how to do things. As long as he’s outside watching how they are doing and reminding them of the safety aspects, let them do it. You need a break as well
Put them kids to work!!!
Should have started earlier!!
that’s how I made money as a kid, from age 6 on!
Nope.Bsffsd to see them doing something to help get there exercise than be sitting watching TV or with video games.Helping doing chores will make them feel good also cause they learn something .
My kids started mowing when they were that age or younger. Push mowing and weed eating. Nothing wrong with them having responsibility handed to them.
He’s absolutely right to have them doing chores. It teaches responsibility!
My kids were doing yard work way earlier then that. A 13 Is damn near ready to have a job.
You’re definitely over reacting. A little yard work won’t kill them.
They ade absolutely not to young. My daughter at 12 was washing her own clothes, mowing the lawn, loading and unloading the dishwasher and taking out the garbage. She is now 15 still does all that and works 30 hours a week.
Teaches them what work ethic is instead of the possibility of turning into parasites of society
They need to learn to work and responsibility.
my mom was a single mom when I was a kid, she even worked 2 jobs for a while. I was more than happy to mow the lawn. I took pride in it even.
Yes, you are overreacting …
They are old enough to help …
Good for him.
Way to go Dad !!
There’s no harm so long as they are being observed by your husband so he can help if something comes up. Why teach your kids to just pay someone for things they can do? If you wanted to pay then perhaps start by paying your kids for a job done well. By this age I knew how to cook a few basic things as well so its never too soon to start with basic things so they KNOW what you might have to do to take care of your life. If I had my own home rather than renting you can bet because I was taught about yard care and gardening and flower beds and pond making I’d have a wonderful yard.
My 9 year old helps out with my moms boyfriend when he has landscaping jobs. Because she does help willingly and does what she is asked when she goes, he pays her for her time. She is learning the concept of earning her own money in the process. She loves it. She has her own chores she does on her own when she is home but no they are not young. Honestly how do you expect them to live on their own if you cater to them or don’t have them help around the house. I remember doing yard work and a lot more other chores as early as 5.
Unless you’ve got a 10 acre yard, yeah. You’re over reacting. As long as you don’t over stress kids with extreme amounts of work, it’s okay to have them help out. Especially seeing as your husband is a paraplegic and you work a lot.
Chores are ALWAYS good for kids to learn responsibility for a job well done, and to get paid for their work. A 9 yr old would do a great job, if taught safety first!!!
I really don’t mean this to be rude at all but is this a serious question?! Like they are 9 and 13…. And your asking strangers if it is right that they use their ABLE body to help around the house?! …. Sooooo I make my 4 year old clean his room before he goes to bed and I make my 6 year old clean the living room and help load the dishwasher before she goes to bed if that is a rational thought then you think I’m pretty close to child abuse. I’m a single mom and I love my kids more than life itself. But I am raising children who take responsibility for their actions and teaching them that messes happen but THEY make it THEY clean it…. I’m sorry but WOW … also taking away phones and tables IS NOT A PUNISHMENT. It is not a RIGHT for a teenager to own said items it is a privilege which can be taken at any point and given back when seen fit. It is merely a convenient item to have.
He isn’t wrong at all!!Start them young and get them used to doing things to help out! I always say “if you can wipe your own ass you can do some chores!” A family is a working unit and having all parts of that unit working together will only create a stronger family and more confidence in the kids!! Good job daddy!
Put your kids to work. Don’t have lazy kids. They can do the yard work and he’s 100% right. You won’t teach them to be responsible and work treating them like babies. They are 9 and 13. They’re very capable of doing it and they should.
I think it’s awesome! Good on him .
If you want your kids to grow up useless and have no work ethic go ahead and hire a crew.
Teach these kids young,Impower them with skills,and they will go far in life,the more you teach them now,the better they will be as adults!!
Are you f**king kidding me with this b.s. right now?
Definitely overreacting
You are wrong in thinking this is a problem! They should also because doing laundry, cleaning their rooms, dusting a vacuuming.
Of course it’s fine, why would you be upset?? That’s a great thing they have some chores and responsibilities! That’s what’s wrong with most kids today; lazy and spoiled, everything handed to them.
Teaching them responsibility is a good thing, how can you be mad about that ?
My 11 yr old mows and knows how to trim the yard too!
My grandson is 12 and he would get on the tractor at the age of 8 and take care of the 1/2 acre lawn while my husband did the weedeaters . My husband would say it’s easier for our grandson to mow just sit there and go than having to pick up a weedeater. It’s best they learn at a young age. We’re here today gone tomorrow just never know so let them learn and be RESPONSIBLE. Like my mother says kids now a days are lazy when it comes to chores but good at being on phone talking, playing games all night.
I was mowing and weed eating at 8, along with watering my mother’s many plants and flowers🤷♀️ plus doing laundry for a family of 6, sweeping/mopping, vacuuming and baby sitting my 2 younger siblings at 10. My mother worked days, then cooked dinner. Dad worked 70+hours a week. You do what you have to do, to help your family.
I was cooking at 6yrs old mowing and weedeating both by 10
I think you’re thought process is great, it shows your concern for your girls. But I think that him having them do that, is perfectly fine.
Not being a smarta$$ like this is fixing to sound but… did it hurt them in any way? It’s also totally helping you out!
You are definitely over reacting. There’s no reason the kids can’t help with chores around and outside of the house.
I would be proud of my husband lol!
Your teaching your kids the importance of keeping up with stuff & the responsibilities of chores! Now I would definitely reward them for doing those things, like a small amount of money or doing something they would want like an activity.
Won’t hurt them at all that’s what’s wrong with kids including mine to many phones and tablets little outside work won’t hurt them at all
There is nothing wrong with it.
I was pulling weeds and doing heavy yard work at the age of 4 and mowing the lawn at 8 so I’m sure your kids are totally capable to do that work.
Its good for them! My step dad had my 8 year old step brother cutting grass and they love to help. Me personally I was cuttin grass during the summer when I was 11 years old and i enjoyed it on top of cutting down branches and other stuff. I still do to this day.
My 7 yr old son mowed our lawn on a riding mower for years (he’s 17 now) and all our kids have learned to mow or even snow blow in the winter. They need to help the family and be taught so they can understand what it’s like to run a house.
I personally have never allowed my girls to do such work but to each their own. I say follow your gut momma.
My daughter who is now 17 has had the job of mowing since she was that age and my husband has full use of his body! There’s no problem in experience hard work. It’s imperative.
They may hate it now but I promise they will appreciate it later. Put them boys to work
Husband is teaching them a valuable lesson!!
So you would rather your kids sit around on their butt and not learn the meaning of hard work?
You are being ridiculous.
It is great for kids to help around the house. Your husband is doing a great job with teaching them young.
I think its great that he is teaching them this! Especially as young women in today’s world. They’re learning life lessons that will be invaluable to them as adults. Dad is teaching his daughters to be self efficient! Next he should teach them how to check the oil in a vehicle & how to change a tire! My dad did the same with me & I am forever grateful for that!
Start the kids young! This will teach them responsibility and how to work. Reward them and let them know they are doing great!
I think your husband is doing a great job as a father! relax!
The 9 year old I can kind of understand maybe but the 13 year old idt there is anything wrong with that child doing those things
It’s never too young to learn responsibility and responsible safety measure. My guess is that these girls are very well supervised by your husband. I also have a feeling that he is teaching the right and safe way to do their chores. This will always make them proud to see the end results of their hard work and give them respect for earning your respect and praise.
There is NOTHINGGGGG wrong with the doing lawn work! But… That’s my opinion!
Um yes they should be helping. Man I’ve been mowing the lawn ever since I was little. My daughter is two and tries to help we have push mower so I went a bought her a fake lil kids one. There’s nothing wrong or too young for your child to learn life needing skills as long as their we are properly taught and aware.
I was mowing the lawn at like 7 and weed eating by 9. I had a lucrative business going by the time I was 10. I’m sure they’ll be fine! Lol
He did an excellent work by making them put down their gadgets n work physically n yes they are old enough n yes girls can do this work considering my energy when I was 13
Yes, perfectly normal and they need it! You will be thankful later when they aren’t lazy. They need to do chores and learn to be productive and help maintain the house they live in.
My 4 year old and 7 year old do yard work! Pull weeds, rake, shovel snow, hep mow and weed eat! As long as they have shoes on and proper clothing etc no issues with this! It’s good for them!
Get over yourself yes a 9 yr old can do chores such as that
No they are fine My father started me working in the yard at about 6
I’d be a little sketched out that they’d get hurt but they need to learn and he still supervised them right? I think it would be fine and reinforce contributing.
He’ll no they’re not to young my daughter has been doing that since she was 10
Sorry but your definitely overreacting, they definitely both are fine and will benefit from doing that vs being on their phones and tablets all day
My 11 year old does all that and some. Most of his friends ages 9-13 also do all that too. (We live in country so we all have property and animals)
As long as they are supervised and have safety lessons beforehand and reminders each time until they are solid in themselves, I see nothing wrong with it. Maybe suggest he doesn’t have them do it while you’re gone? Make it a family thing. Serve tea and sandwiches and play music. Dance together as you do chores. Make it fun while being safe for your peace of mind! Having a disabled person in home forces everyone to chip in, maybe more than others. But nothing wrong with it. I personally believe Homes with a disability will always have different rules, timelines, expectations, etc. I myself live in disabled home so I can relate to your fears and concerns but it’s fine. They will be fine. Electric weed eater is light weight and batteries only last short time so it’s not like she’s being hurt/pushed to hard physically. I think it’s great that they are learning how to help, how to be efficient for their own future homes care and taking some of housework burden off of you. My son does array of things around our house and property. Never too young to start working hard and helping others, at least in my opinion.
Although, I do not agree with taking away phones during chores. My son puts on his music and headphones and just dances around as he’s doing his chores. He enjoys it and it motivates him. He even has a “chores” playlist. Can’t imagine doing everything plain and boring.
In the end, there has to be a compromise. It’s too much for you to do everything on your own, he has limitations and they are capable of doing what’s needed. Trust in your parenting and in your partner!
13 yr old I babysat at 12
I don’t know that I would be okay with a 9-year old operating weed eater, one mistake could be bad. 13 year old though should be plenty capable of operating both.
I’d say with breaks and allergy meds. A few hours of yard work isn’t a big deal. Now. It can cross into excessive. As long as also hydrated, protected from sun, gloves and proper clothing…safety first. Why not =) gender of child doesn’t matter…it’s a contribution to the home and teaching about home upkeep. My boys are 3 and 5. They help water and pull weeds. Like 5 or 6. But when older…it’s a fam affair a yard and home.
My 10,9, and 6yr olds do house/yard work. They do their own laundry, load and unload the dishwasher, sweep & mop, clean their bathroom, vacuum etc. They also help pick up dog poop, pull weeds, and do small jobs around the yard (my SO likes to mow). It teaches responsibility and shows them that privileges like electronics have to be earned.
Nothing wrong with it in my opinion. My 7 year old mows out yard with supervision. I work 3 jobs and work 7 days a week. We all go out and do yard work. Even our 3 year olds help with yard work (picking things up, pulling weeds, etc). I think weed eating and mowing are good age appropriate tasks for a 9 and 13 year old.
Yes. I was doing chores at 5 and yard work around 7. Nothing wrong with that.
Do they do any chores at all ,who take the trash out,does the dishes helps with laundry, cooking if they haven’t learned these or any other life skills you are teaching them how to be worthless as an adult ,wife or mother
Yea overreacting. It’ll give them something constructive to do that contributes. It’ll help them feel accomplished when they see their finished work. If it helps you feel better for them, give them lots of love and tell them how much you appreciate their help when they’re done. My dad owned a landscaping company when I was that age and we’d get to work every summer. It was hard but rewarding and it felt good when he let us know when we did a good job.
It teaches them good work skills. They will always know how to work for a living.
He sounds like a great parent and husband.
9 year old could help with weeds and if you have a garden go help out and maybe one day could have their own and they know what to do.
No it’s good for them jest think what they be doing if you were on a working farm problie driving trackers an everything
In my opinion it will teach them not to have to rely on any man. It’s hard work but it’s rewarding when seeing the accomplishment of a fresh mowed yard.
My 5yr old helps my dad do all that teaches responsibility
Yes, I think it’s great. Boys or girls can do yard work. It’s good for them.
It’s called chores and learning responsibilities. Lol. You all who disagree are the ones with kids who call u a c*nt or hit you when they dont get their way. Lol
That’s crazy…I wish I could’ve have waited until I was 9 before my dad had me pushing a mower haha
I think it is a great age for them to learn. Kids are way to coddled these days. It won’t hurt them any
Is this a serious post??? Yes they should be doing yard work plus other chores! . It teaches responsibility etc. your husband is doing what should be done as a parent good job to him!
Way over reacting. We as kids started yard work as soon as we were 4 n 5 pulling weeds helping in the garden and doing the grass. Teaches them.tongrt off thier butts n unplug. Gets them.outside
There is nothing wrong in kids helping around the house and yard work and anything else that they can do safely. I also had a job to do beginning very early. Nothing I couldn’t handle. Give your husband a break. Are you going through a guilt trip because you work or jealousy or what? More parents should be doing for their children. Just saying.
13 year old can def mow. Why do we keep moving the age of responsibility back? When will they learn to work?
Nothing wrong with it.
Prob should have started them doing chores sooner , , what if something were to happen to u , who would help out with ur kids and husband ???
You should thank your husband. Learning life skills is extremely important. To bad other fathers are not doing the same thing
All my kids do yard work ages 6-17.
Nothing wrong with learning early about responsibility
Put them to work. It teaches them to be responsible. My boys are 4 and 5. Since they were three I’ve been teaching them to pick up their own toys, clean their rooms, they sweep, wash dishes, gather their laundry and my husband takes them outside to pick up leaves when they’re misbehaving. When they’re a bit older they will be taught to mow the lawn. I don’t want them growing up lazy and entitled like most kids these days.
That’s what’s wrong with these kids today they are too entitled and we’re not taught the value of true actual hard work and responsibility if they had been then we wouldn’t have this generation of self absorbed millennial idiots who will end up raising more idiots instead of strong bodied and strong minded young adults that actually can think and know they have to earn things not be given them and are self sufficient and can care for themselves and that every thing is not a tragedy that some things are just life and it is ok.