My cousins and I did yard word every summer pulling weeds ,cutting grass,raking… it’s a way to teach children the value of money. Nothing wrong. As long as they get breaks ,lunch and plenty of water. Don’t forget to give them a dollar
9 is a little young but an electric one isn’t half as bad
There’s nothing wrong with responsibilities
BTW my.son was about 5 when he started and done it all by the time he was 8 9 he was using a Sawzall to help keep the trees trimmed. My 5 yr old daughter pucks up stuff and helps weed eat and does the flowers and tomatoes with me.
My 11 year old and 12 year old helps me mow. Either early morning or late after noon of course once the sun goes down
Well good for your husband!! There is nothing wrong with your girls learning how to mow and weed whack!
Over reacting my grand son wants to help me all the time he is 4
My boys are 6&8 and they help with yard work…they have phones and I make them earn their phone minutes by doing chores
I think having chores & responsibilities are necessary for heathy mental and physical growth for all children. That said, as long as he teaches them safety while using tools.
Keeps them out of trouble.
They should help and everyone’s situation is different. If you’re ok with them doing yard work then why not?? Its not gonna do anything except help them learn to be responsible and dependable. Maybe give them some incentive for doing such hard work??
Yeah you are overreacting. And if it’s that big of a deal your daughter’s learning yard work go hire somebody yard work isn’t just a certain age group and it’s not just for a certain gender everyone can do it little kids can do it supervised and I’m pretty sure he’s just not leaving your 13 and 9-year-old out there doing it unsupervised he is probably checking on them
My 8 year old has been mowing our lawn all summer and we have a pretty big lot. He also mows another empty lot but with a tractor… he’s been doing this since he turned 6. I think it’s a proper age house chore
Definitely a good idea! Make sure they wear the proper safety gear, and make em do the weeding by hand if the weed eater is too much.
I can’t believe you’re even asking this question. Are you afraid this new world order will “think” it bad. They should have already been doing this.
He’s right, you over reaction!!
Am I the only one confused by weed eating?
Buy them proper shoes n some light splash pants, teach them the risks, dos and donts. Definitely old enough to help out
Great husband & Dad. Teaches them discipline, responsibility & how to do something themselves! Not just be in front of a screen all the time.
Yes, their isn’t nothing wrong with that. That is good for them
My kids knew how to use our lawn equipment and drive our tractor at those ages. I will not hurt them to do that. I believe it hurts them more if they aren’t taught how to do things inside and outside of the house. As long as they know how to do it safely, they will be fine.
My son is just turning 5 and he asks to mow at 9 i was weedeating and mowing neighbors yards for money
total over reaction in my opinion
You know hes doing the children a good thing. All the participating tropheys of the past has hurt the youth, giving them to much, no responcibilitys, no penality, no direction. Sounds like your husband has them on a good path now, support him and be proud of your children.
I was mowing 10+ acres at 8 years old, on an old snapper lawnmower. The only reason my daddy didn’t have me weedeating was because I couldn’t start it when it would cut off. Congratulations, your husband just taught your kids some basic life skills at a young age.
I think its a good idea. Gives thrm structure and teaches them responsibility. When i was 7 i was doing yard work.
I don’t know if your post is real or if you’re just messing around but if it’s real, you’re overreacting lol
Only in first world countries will you ever have a problem like that
Shoot i was up at 4 am feeding animals , cleaning up poop , mowing , weed wacking getting the farm ready at 7 years old I think they’ll be fine teach them some life lessons ! Kids today are to wrapped up in social media and the Internet
I think its great…if hes taught them safety precautions.
How I earned skating and football game money. And I turned out just fine.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with it
Use this for reference
I did 3 hours of grass cutting at age 9 on a riding lawnmower and I loved to do it. Nothing wrong with it at all
As long as he is not overworking them, keeping them hydrated, giving them a break and snacks, and a cool off period…chances are he is also trying to give you a break the only way he knows how…why work all those long hours and give your hard earned money to someone else when you have the equipment. Since your husband is disabled there are churches and charities that will do it for free…
Yes, you are wrong. Teach your children some responsibility. They are well old enough for these tasks.
Yes you are over acting! It builds character and good work ethics.
This has GOT to be a troll
My papa had us help with yard work it helped in our development by a lot especially by being girls. Now if a man won’t take care of our yards we know how to maintain them at least. The only thing I don’t agree with is making them do hard labor extensively. If he’s giving them breaks and making sure they are hydrated it’s all good. Plus it gives them a feeling of accomplishment like I did that, look at what I did.
It has to be this new world crap. When I was younger each and every one of me and my siblings had to do yard work before we got to play or go places. My grandfather would wake us up every morning to do some type of work and I was younger than your daughters. I commend him and applaud him for doing so!!! I hate seeing babies these days all up in the house with their electronics and having no type of responsibility around the house. It teaches them responsibility as well as how to do things on their own and won’t have to depend on anybody else! I love it
Way to go dad!!! You are definitely overreacting. They are old enough to do that and more. Good for him taking thier electronics and having them contribute to helping the household.
You are overreacting! My boy started mowing the lawn at age 9. He knows how to cook, fix small maintenance problems, clean his room, do laundry, do dishes, take the garbage out…… you need to let your children learn some life skills for sure!!
Do you want your children growing up to depend on paying someone to do their every day life chores, or do you want to teach your children responsiblity and independence so they can take care of themselves as adults. My children had to pitch in with household chores as well. I have the confidence that they went out into this world knowing how to take care of themselves.
Great way to learn some life skills so they’re not helpless when they leave the nest.
I was mowing by age 10 nothing wrong shows responsibility
Lol no make them help out. All mine do. Girls do dishes and sweep son does dishes and takes out trash. They alternate. My son also helps his dad with yard work.
Um this is a joke right?
My 7 yr old is outside right now helping my husband do yard work, teaches them responsibility. When he gets tired he takes a break or comes in
We have multiple family businesses around my town that have their middle schoolers mowing lawns, working in lumber yards, working in their restaurants. I think it’s fine. Maybe pay them somehow instead of paying a corporate worker. Teaches them how to be helpful, create work ethics (if it’s not done right/finished Ya don’t get paid ), and also gives them responsibility within the family. My ten year old does our dishes and does dump runs with dad.
Kids will be fine. Builds character and they won’t be lazy adults with no basic life skills when they get older. I was cutting grass when I was 9!
They should be doing yard work or other chores. Teaches them good work ethic and the importance of taking care of things. That’s just how I was raised though, I started cutting grass at 9
Baby our Grandparents were having babies and getting married at 13. Let them babies learn how to work and do things that need to be done.
Oh no it is good for the boys to learn these skills. My son would cut our grass and his lines were so great…better th as n he or our dad would do .gives them a sense of accomplishment…don’t coddle to much they need to learn…let them wash dishes, teach them to fo l as laundry…they will be on their own one day… so proud of my son…he does it all.
I mowed around that age and my son is 9 and weedeats. Nothing wrong with that.
My 12 year old has been mowing our 4 acres on a riding lawn mower the past 3 years. You are definitely overreacting our daughter has learned a lot by doing chores and helping around the house.
I was push mowing an acre or more at around 9 or 10… maybe before that honestly… lol they’re old enough, and it’s a good thing they’re learning what work really is before becoming entitled brats as teens.
I think that is super reasonable as a chore
Nothing wrong with it. I agree with every other comment. We had to do chores growing up as well. Today’s society is teaching our kids to be soft whining brats. Good job dad!
I was mowing with a gas mower and a riding mower at age 11 or so. A weed eater is pretty safe, and usually light. I am on team husband on this one - build capability into your kids early as possible!
My 3 year old mowed our lawn so no they are not too young to HELP. Kids that just live without contributing to the household become entitled teenagers, then entitled adults. Even allowing them to complain to you is not a good idea it should be a “well I agree with what he said because we are a team”. Trust me, it will backfire later on if you don’t make it a point to have them contribute. Even my 70 year old mother does yard work. Teach them, don’t just “make them”. Good luck!
My 11 year old helps take the trash and recycle out, she’s responsible to clean her room. I help do a deep clean every few months, she’s helped with dishes and picking up kitchen and livingroom. My son also 6 helps cleaning up. They need to learn these things lol or when they become adults they’ll constantly rely on someone else to do it. Never clean, never want to work. It’s not punishment making them help out. Wtf. It’s called chores.
You’re overreacting. I’ve been mowing since I was 10. Responsibilities are good for children they’re helping out while you can’t it is instilling good values and work ethics. Everybody needs to do this with their kids today and stop treating them like their prince and princesses
If I could get my soon to be 13, year old son to drive the lawn tractor in a straight line, he’d be mowing all the lawns on my street!! My daughter, 12, isn’t tall enough for my weed wacker, but certainly would be willing to give it a try. I say let the kids help out, there’s certainly no reason why they can’t. I’d love to know which weed eater you bought.
My 6 year old helps with yard work
What is weed eating? Weed whacking? I wouldn’t let my 9yo do it. But she’s not coordinated. If they can handle it & know not to touch the blades then I don’t see anything wrong with it.
I did it as a child it’s good they learn work ethic as long as watching for their safety I used an old reel mower ours my grandmother’s yards
Let’s the kids help! Hes in a wheelchair for Christ’s sake!! You sound so spoiled Better yet, get your ass out there and do it!!
Nothing wrong with help with chores. We were cutting lawn with an electric mower at 10 yrs and driving tractor hauling loads of bails up to 4 & 4 miles at 11 yrs (too small to pitch bails).
But did they die?? They can definitely help around the house. Inside and out.
Wow the audacity lol this is why this generation is so lazy and wants handouts without working for it and knowing the value of money. I think that’s great he’s teaching them responsibilities and life skills. Not to mention he’s helping you out while you bust your ass at work and it be one less task for you. I’m all for this go husband! Really reevaluate those thoughts on kids having chores and not just stuck to their gaming devices!
The kid I PAY to mow my lawn for the past 3 years started when he was 9
Reading this as I’m just coming back inside from picking up grass piles and debris from our yard with my 2 and 3.5 year old sons I literally always had to help with yard work from the time I was young, there’s nothing wrong with teaching some responsibility early on. Better they learn to do things themselves than have to rely on someone else to take care of their future home for them. My parents making me help with things is the reason I know how to take on projects and maintenance in my own home when needed instead of having to pay someone to handle it for me.
I did all of that and more at that age, it’s good for them!
Shoot that’s nothing i know a badass 9 year old who can operate a John deere tractor. His parents took their time to show and train him maybe if I were you I would go outside and supervise them so they won’t get hurt until they become a pro. I remember learning how to push mowe by I was 10. Unless you want them grow up being a bunch of lazy leeches sucking you and your husband dry.
I did at that age…its good to teach them to help around the home
My 7 year old like to help with yard work he uses the walk behind weededer and loves it… it teaches them for they get older
Oh My Gosh… are you serious….My kids absolutely mowed!!! There is absolutely nothing wrong with children their age doing yard work plus a whole lot more.
I think its a great idea…it teaches them so many different things … my children help me around the house … and they earn their treats and game box’s etc (unless it’s for their birtbdays Xmas etc) it teaches them the value of money and to help themselves and have responsibility… I think its a gd thing if everything is safe… plus it gets them put into the fresh air… get them to do more … have a little earning system… they will like earning money… my kids do…
Nothing wrong with them helping . Chores are good for kids
They are never too young to learn to do stuff that they will do one day when they get older. Is better to start showing them early. My brother never did anything around the house when he was little and now he is 22 And thinks that if he has to do anything around the house that he should get paid. He does not like to work, he has never been responsible still wants to be at the parents home without paying anything or even helping around the house, my daughter is 5 years old and she has to clean her room, put all her clothes in the washer for me to get it wash she has to fold her clothes, and some times she offers to wash dishes. Show you kids from an early age, that is some good ways to get the kids moving around instead of using their tablets all day. Main reason why a lot of kids are obese
Better to get them started now
I think it’s fine as long as they know how to safely do it.
Nothing wrong with this at all, as long as their father is supervising them until they are doing everything properly and safely.
My kid is 10 and has his own little mowing business with the help of my husband… teaches the value of hard work
Nothing wrong with teaching them how to do yard work.
God forbid you raise kids that learn what hard work is! I had my first actual job at 13, 35 hour work weeks, school, and cheer! They will be fine.
as long as he talked to them about safety and he’s there to watch them. should be fine
They’re at the right ages to do more serious chores to help out.
So… , first off, I had to Google weedeater . Its a Grass Strimmer ?
As long as the tools are an appropriate size/weight and they’ve been shown how to use them safely i dont see a problem with them helping out.
Personally wouldnt have removed their gadgets …that makes it seem like punishment…but would have asked them to help as part of household chores
Work never maded me a bad person
Nothing wrong with the kids helping out… If you need help though Ollie’s landscaping & home improvement is awesome. Great price and the work is beautiful
Growing up the way I did I new how to weed eat an now at like 7years old an was helping out at a really young age I don’t think it’s a bad idea an saves money to you could pay your kids im sure they’d like extra spending money I know my girl does
NO it’s a great idea teaches them hard work always pays off
I was doing three acres at 12. they are fine
For sure! My 4 and 10 year old both do yard work. The 4 year old mostly picks up sticks, trash, drags stuff to the fire pit and stuff like that, but my 10 year old does everything. Next year I’m going to teach her to use the push mower.
Absolutely! Got to start somewhere. My 15 and both 11 year Old mow AND weedeat, they also do household chores!
My 8 year old mows. We go over mowing safety before she mows each time. She also helps weed eat and completely clean out flower beds. What’s the issue?
It’s good for them! Teaches responsibility
It teaches them responsibility, accountability, work ethic - so long as they’re doing it safely there can be nothing wrong with it.
You are overreacting. There is noting wrong with them doing this. Many boys in those ages used to take push mowers around to earn money in the summer if the issue is because they are girls not boys then you are as bad as the men who think women should be home barefoot and in the kitchen.