My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

I think you’re overreacting. Children are way more able to do things then we like to credit them for.

Why is this even a question? There’s no age limit on teaching kids to help around the house!!

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As long as gives them plenty of water and breaks in this heat and keeps n eye on them, nothing wrong with it in my opinion.

Sounds like a good trade for phone and tablet.

It is good for children to do any kind of work around the house…it is good for structure …100 % okay… they will thank him later in life that they know how to do things

Yep teach them young boys or girls it’s a way of life no matter what good job my kids do chores too at this age

Not at all! At age 6 we were building a new house and clearing the land. My dad had us build rock walls, drag brush, dig holes. It’s good for them especially now a day where kids are so soft and don’t know what it’s like to work for anything.bif your that worries about it reward them for helping.

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Great job dad!!! I would be grateful that your husband was thinking of you and the long hours you are putting in at your employer. He was trying to help you out! Not only was he trying to take some work load off of you at the home but he is also teaching your children responsibility :blush: they are at a great age to take on responsibility.

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You are over reacting. It’s good for them. Life skills. They are plenty old enough. Here is my 4.5 yo helping mow.

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They need to be doing something to pull their weight around the house. Trust me you don’t want them feeling entitled and not knowing exactly what needs to be done or should be done. They should also be doing things around the house as well like cleaning the bathroom Living room dinning room kitchen their rooms. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with them learning life skills they will desperately need when they are adults.


Doing yard work is part of maintaining your home and I believe we’ve been instilling those skills since kids were babes… teaching them to put things away, where we eat, where we sleep and helping out with yard work is part of it too.

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My 9 year old drives the tractor and mows. My older 2 used the tractor to plow us out every winter.

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I think kids should be learning responsibly and doing chores. My four year old pulls weeds for his grandma, somethings require an adult but as long as they’re safe I think it’s good for em.

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Nope, my 9 and 11 year old do yard work. Last year my oldest got her very own mower

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I dont c a problem with it

I think you’re overreacting and you should be happy they’re learning this stuff at a young age. They’re plenty old enough to be learning. If they’re old enough for phones they’re old enough for yard work

My 8yo and 4yo pick up sticks and sometimes move chairs while my husband and I mow. We reward them with allowance or their favorite snacks. When your kiddos become adults, they will be able to tend to outdoor chores so it’s a win-win. The chores are getting done while you’re at work and the kids are learning a life lesson.

Why would they not? Don’t they live there?

Where boots an thin pants

Teach them while they’re young

Its ok to bave children do yard work! Don’t over react! Geez!:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:

I think you’re over reacting

No :joy: does them no harm x

God forbid kids have to learn life skills and help out at home… oh the horror :sweat_smile:


As long as he gives them water and time too cool off I think it’s great!

Is a weed eater a strimmer I wouldn’t be overly happy with a 9 year old using one but as long as she’s taught safely

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They are doing chores. Yes its fine.

I’m 27 years old. I grew up living with my mom in my grandparents home. My grandpa would never let me mow or weed eat or do any of that because I’m a girl, even though I was willing and wanted to.
Like I said, I’m almost 30 and I still don’t know how to do it.
Let your girls learn. As long as he’s watching them and making sure they’re being safe. That way they can be independent if they have to when they’re grown.

Your husband he is doing a splendid Job…maybe theres something else that wanna makes you upset…

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My 9yo weed eats, started last summer with small one and worked up to a bigger one this year.

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You are overreacting. Teaching them young to work hard isn’t a bad thing, as long as he’s monitoring them as they do it. I was out mowing and helping my dad around that age….


I was mowing a full farm yard at age 9 !

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As soon as I feel the kids got it down, they’ll be out there helping us more ! They already pull weeds and mow with assistance and they’re 7&8 !! they’ll be okie dokie ! Teach em young !! :grin:

As a girl I did this with my sisters for my parents when I was young. I’m grateful they taught me now that I’m older.

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Working and helping family builds character but machinery can be dangerous for young children ,not advised

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Our 10 year old loves to mow the grass. She ASKS to do it. And hubby does the weed eating.

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I was mowing at 9 along with my sister and cousins. My grandfather owned a lawn mowing busy and it was only family. Our parents put us to work. I was mowing our yard at 9. It gives them a sense of responsibility. My girls are 16, and 13 and my son 6 all help with mowing and yardwork

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I make my 9 yr old sweep & mop, doing yard work won’t hurt them. Let them be taught a simple skill. Then You wouldn’t have to do it all. My 13 yr old drives his grandpa’s riding mower, and he knows how to operate a vehicle too. So I say, be glad they are not just being lazy inside all day.

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Nothing wrong with kids doing chores…. And time outside in the sun is good for them. As well as learning to work hard and help out around the house. I don’t see anything wrong with it.

As a farm boy I was allowed to help and enjoyed it.

My mom has had my 13 out year out there helping her since he was like 4 pulling weeds, and fluffing mulch now he mows her yard I don’t see anything wrong with it.

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I think that’s awesome.

Maam I was seven when my dad taught me how to cut grass im now 28 I’m glad he did so in case I had to do myself and change tires and oil in my car sometimes women need to learn these things

I was on a dirt bike at 7. If they can’t do a little supervised mowing and weedwacking at their age then what’s my kids at 4 and 6 doing helping me through my day,passing me tools and bolts and “helping”

Your children are learning real life work and team work to boot. I love it and encourage it in my own children, so they won’t be lost on how to do it when they go out into the world on their own. My dad had me help him with everything and guess what… now I have a whole tool box of knowledge… to put in garbage disposals, fix toilets, and build a fence along with much more. I thank him all the time for helping to mold me into a strong independent woman.


My 13 year old does both. :woman_shrugging: My 4 & 6 year old niece and nephew pull the weeds that we tell them too. They all enjoy it.

I would say if anything flip it, have the 9yr old mow and 11yr old weedeat at 9 family was paying me to go mow their yards, as long as they know about picking u the yard first, and don’t have hills, should be just fine 🤷🏻‍♀

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They are definitely old enough to help with- or do yard work. I was before 7 with my grandpa. Good for him.

You’re overreacting. They’re doing chores and learning to be responsible for their own home. I see nothing wrong with this. hopefully he already is, but if you’re concerned, I would just make sure dad was out there to supervise while they’re doing it.

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Hell yeah that’s okay they need to do that in order to get ahead in life there’s things they got to do even if they don’t like them and out there working in the yard is a whole lot better than them sitting in the bedroom playing video games or on the phone or tablet I used to be I’m 49 now I used to be when I was younger like in my thirties I would get up in the morning go outside mow the whole yard weedeater the whole yard clean that around the flowers rake everything up burn everything and I would not quit that day until it all was done and I was in a lot better health then than I was now I kept doing it as long as I could and finally just one day my body said I couldn’t do it no more I loved it. even if you had to pay them a little bit they need to be out there doing something and they don’t have to be out there all day they can do some work and then go back in especially when it’s hot my two kids they did stuff but when my son got older like in his twenties he got hooked on video games and he would spend his whole day on there playing games then he finally got a job it’s really hard on people these days so they need to be taught something that this stuff has got to be done you can’t just sit there and let all your dishes be dirty all your clothes dirty all your beds messed up the floor got trash all over it the yard needs mowed especially since they’re snakes around I found two in my bedroom within a couple of years when the grass got tall just thank God I killed one of them the other one got away it was bigger but they need to be aware of all of that when they’re working in the yard keep your eyes open for snakes so they ain’t no way this will hurt them they need to be out there doing it even if it’s just early morning or late afternoon they will gain a lot more doing it than anything else they do other than go to school they got to have the instinct in them too realize what they got to do when they’re older if they don’t do it now do you think they’re going to do it when they’re older be sure they drink plenty of liquids while they’re out there and good luck

I feel like it’s appropriate :woman_shrugging:t3:

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No !!! It’s good for them… I raised 3 kids and ALL HELP with homestead chores… now that they are adults their spouses are amazed that they are so capable all chores inside and outside ones


I was mowing before I was 7

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My now 15 yo started mowing when he was still in diapers. He now uses our huge commercial ztr and helps maintain 40 acres. He can also repair it, change belts and other maintenance. He has his own truck which he’s been working on rebuilding with the help of some mechanic friends. He can weedeat, uses the blow torch to get bag worms, helped cut fire wood with the chain saw, can feed & water an entire farm of animals of all species, sweep the floor fairly accurately, do dishes & basically anything else I ask. He volunteers with me on a regular basis and maintains a great attitude & work ethic. Teach them young. Life skills matter more than book skills anyway.

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I was driving a tractor and mowing a 20 acre pasture at 9. They should be supervised until they learn to operate safely. Safety glasses etc. but learning to work is good.


My 3,5,7 year old all pick up dog poop and weeds

Your over reacting. He’s teaching them responsibilities he’s getting them off screen time and outside doing something productive for afew hours which will also teach them a new level of respect for what you do for them and self achievement for accomplishing something new that they haven’t done. And for being helpful around their home. I would rather my child doing something constructive outside and helping around the house than sitting in doors on screens all day. You should praise them and thank him. He’s doing a good job. As long as he’s watching them so that they are safe while doing this then there shouldn’t be an issue.


Your husband is right. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Umm yes !!! My 5 year old will help pull weeds and pickup dog crap … pretty sure a 9 and 13 yr old can do yard work

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I have 7 and 8 yr old boys and they mow and weed eat. Make sure they wear close toed shoes and sunglasses for protection.

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That’s a good chore for their ages

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My kids have pitched in since they could. As a Mom I want them to experience confidence in their abilities, in their learning, a sense of accomplishment by hard work. Even if I know they can’t do it, they can try. I’m surprised they weren’t doing it before this and no I don’t pay to be part of the family, so there was no allowances. We worked together

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One week one mows and the other week wacks, the following week switch the chore. No they are not too young. Builds character and responsibility.


Yes, absolutely. Why didn’t he start sooner???


Yeah I learned how to push mow at 5. Hunny let your kids do chores ok. This is the reason why kids this society are lazy. Yard work oh my it’s slavery. Lol

I don’t see anything wrong with teaching them while they’re young they will grow up to be respectful and know what responsibility is all about! Good work Dad


My kids started doing yard work since they could walk! They would pick up sticks and stuff like that.
Those ages are VERY appropriate to do yard work and taking their devices away until it’s done is good parenting. And girls can do yard work just like everyone else. They can contribute and pick up the slack at home while you bust your butt.
Are they doing their own laundry? Vacuuming? Loading the dishwasher?? Laying something out for dinner? Helping cook??
Mine have! Mine are teens and completely self sufficient which was a good send when I was hospitalized for two weeks! Mine are 15 and 13 and have also been going to their grandmothers house to help with her 5 acres and garden. Learning work ethic and contributing to the family is character building. I’d draw the line with having a chainsaw running in their hands at that age since they are supervised by someone using a chair…. This will teach them to mow and care for a yard when they get a home of their own and it won’t be some big dramatic deal. Let him parent and teach his young ones some responsibility and work ethic!

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Yes they can handle this

LOL of course its okay. Kids these days are so lazy…I started yard work and chores when I was 6yo…why not kids today?

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Its a good thing…teach them how to be independent…todays kids need something that requires movement

Giving kids chores teaches them life skills and helps them become responsible, you are over reacting bc my parents had me doing chores at 7yrs. Also they made me buy my own cell phone and other things i wanted once i got a job. So babying and over reacting needs to stop

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They need to learn an obviously are being supervised !!

I dont see what’s wrong with it. I think it’s actually good for them especially being girls.

That’s a good chore for them. The more things they know the better. Independence is always good.

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I think your husband has a really good idea. It’s good for them to learn how to do these things. Being outside WITH OUT their phones is really also a great idea.


My daughter wouldn’t be doing those kind of chores but that’s just me. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Ur kidding right!!?? We all did these things growing up!!


As long as the weed eater has the safety guard on

Not too young at all. I did that kind of work at that age. I mowed the lawn with a push mower. Weeded by hand. We had fresh vegetables during the summer.

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Um ok and this is what is wrong with these kids these days . Privilege little shits . You help period around the house washing dishes to mowing the damn grass .

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I just wanna know what “weed eating” is. I’m Australian and never heard of this term before. Someone enlighten me please :rofl:

Sounds like good parenting to me! Way to go Dad!:tada:


Good chores! My 10 year old mows our lawn with a 0 turn mower! Teach them values not sit around and get stuff handed to them.


My son started mowing at 9 years old to help me out because his dad is a truck driver but only when the sun wasn’t beaming now me on the other hand I didn’t care what time I mowed but my son only when it was cool out

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I did yard work at age 4.

They will become great entrepreneurs. Cheer the up!!

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Your husband is making your girls strong in a world that is bringing up a bunch of pansies! Too many parents don’t make their kids do anything, and those are the spoiled brats I can’t stand to be around! Tell him we all think he’s doing a great job!!!


Let’s see: have two able-bodied kids help with the yard work vs doing it yourself after work or paying someone? Yeah, it’s fine to let the kids do it. I’d also give them some sort of compensation for their labor.

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My hunny owns a lawn care business, my 14 year old daughter can out weedeat every man that he has hired but one it does her no harm to go out and help. I dont imagine it would do yours any harm either.

I was 10 when I started mowing our lawn…

I was 6 and my dad had me climbing on roofs to pull nails so they could re shingle and paper back. It’s not going to hurt them one bit. Hard work is good to instill your kids.

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:neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::joy: this is a joke right? It’s better to TEACH them young. They are perfectly fine.

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My 10 year old mows.

My parents had me doing yard work at 4…
I think they’ll be just fine…

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Well done Dad. :clap:… both my boys do chores. Inside and outside the home. They have mowed and weedwack. Dishes and Laundry. We teach our children to work for money and privileges. Its there home to. Its a group effort to make a home run. Also better they know now before we set them off as adults who can’t do anything for themselves or expect others will just do for them.


As long as they are taught safety - this os awesome!!! Damn straight they SHOULD help!!!

Taking their phones and tablets away until it was finished was a bit much imo. And the 13 year oldshould have been the one to weed eat not the 9 year old. But they should at least get paid for their work. I started mowing the lawn at a pretty early age but I got paid for it, it wasn’t until I was older that my dad let me weed eat. :woman_shrugging:

My siblings and I all had yard chores at that age. If he was able and just too lazy and forced them that’s one thing but it’s good to teach them to help out when needed. They will have pride in their accomplishments.

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Nah. I started mowing and weed whipping about that age too. Its good for them!