My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

What a perfect way to teach your kids work ethic, how to earn money, the joy of working the earth. Dad should certainly supervise and they need to be sure to do it safely.

You would hate to see what I’ve had my kids do at that ages. Those are more than appropriate chores for them to help out with.

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You’re overreacting. My husband has all our kids (4-12) help with yard work.


WAY TO GO Dad!!! Kudos ! Geart parenting and showing them responsibility!! Oh and yes your overreacting!


I was push mowing the backyard at 8 while my dad drove the riding mower and mowed the front yard.

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It won’t hurt them. It’s good for kids to understand responsibility and hard work. I say let Dad do his thing.

Good on him teaching your girls responsibility . This is good for them to learn to take care and maintain

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I agree with the husband here. Unless they have severe cognitive conditions I’d say good for him to take the chore off you and ensuring they understand in life we have to work if we wanna play!

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:joy::joy: you made me feel like l have enslaved my 7 n 10 yr olds.


Yup your just overreacting :joy: I don’t think it’s early for them to do chores like that, it will make them more independent to stuff on their own esp if when they get older and their boyfriends are lazy to do shit like that then they will be the ones doing it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My 2 yr old grandson helps with yard work. At your girls age they are capable of doing the yard work and it sounds like your husband provided the tools for them to do it safely


Do not be upset. They should learn. They will have to do it for themselves one day.


My kids mow the youngest is 11 and the oldest who is 16 has been doing it for a while as well. I started with them doing laundry and dish ra since they were 5


I Started younger then that. I see nothing wrong with it. Plus shows them things are not free in life.

They are old enough to do that and other chores it teaches them to be responsible and earn those privileges. This is a crazy question I think just saying

Good for them They need the exercise and it teaches them responsibility

Yes. They need to learn to do these types of things themselves and they are contributing to helping their family


My girls have been helping in the yard since they were 3…watering and tending gardens and then aging up into driving the tractors by 14.

Is this for real though?


I agree with ur husband


They’ll be better human beings for this

I’m 4 ft 10, my fiancé is 4 ft 7x and my fiancé’s 16.5year old daughter, is 5ft 11. There’s certain things that she has done for as long as we’ve been together (6 years in Dec) She was doing ALL her own laundry by the time she was 12, and could cook a whole Thanksgiving Dinner and just about anything else she wanted to cook. She has been mowing the lawn since she was 13 with the Riding mower. She’s been using the push mower since before I came along. Your kids Dad is teaching them life skills and how to be independent, I would feel so happy about that and be proud of your girls. In our house, there are no gender roles for anything. When our 16.5 year old gets a car, we will teach her how to do her own maintenance on it and how to fill her fluids, change wiper blades, clean it, anything she may need to know, we try to teach her. Parents are supposed to make sure that when their child leaves the house, they are respectful, responsible, independent humans. Teach your children they don’t HAVE to have rely on someone else XOXO


My 9yo cuts the grass, loads and unloads the dishwasher, starts the laundry and sweeps. My 6y empties trash, cleans their guinea pig cage, takes stray dishes to the sink, stray clothes to the hamper and stray shoes to the closet. They help clean the house because they help dirty the house.


No it is not too young ,I was dropping tobacco sticks in the field when I was 8

I push mowed at 11 and riding mowed at 13 this is crazy.

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It won’t hurt them and it teaches them to be helpful, something missing these days

I grew up on dairy farms and have been doing chores since I was six or seven. It teaches responsibility. Which is sadly lacking in kids today.


They need to start somewhere and they are not to young

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Nothing wrong at all imo. My kids seeked and worked jobs since fourteen on their own decision. They as adults have impeccable standards of what work entails.

Are you actually serious?!? They’re way passed old enough to have chores! Your husband is teaching them responsibility. You’re setting them up for failure as adults if you don’t give them responsibility now


9 and 13 are too young to do chores? Noooo.

U are way over reacting. They are plenty old enough to help out


What! That isn’t too young…& he’s in a freaking wheelchair! Are you kidding me! :flushed:


They can and should absolutely be doing this.

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It’s good for them to know how to do these things, just don’t forget to let them be children too!


stares in farm kid


Is this a serious question?
Of course your daughters can get off their electronics and do the yard work. They should be helping with the housework laundry and dishes as well.
WTH is wrong with people?!


Your children…your choice :heart: no worries what other people think.

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Definitely siding with dad on this


Wtf. Yes it is ok. Man some of these questions are f’n bizzare


My 9 year old mowes the grass supervised of course. But kids have to learn to do these things. There is nothing wrong with it.


No.they are not too young
My grandkids mow and shovel snow in their neighborhood to earn their own money they are 9 and 12 .DID THEY DIE. OF COURSE NOT.

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Children need responsibilities…


Uhh… YES …!! Why not …?? I
Made my son help
Me when he was about that age… because you have to get them prepared for “adulthood”…!! They will have a lot of grass/yard work when they get older… you don’t teach them now … how will they know how and what to do…??

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They’re not too young. Farm kids run tractors at the same age. Just teach safety and use safety goggles and closed toe shoes. The electric mowers and weedeaters are awesome. If anything, he is teaching them valuable lessons about self sufficiently and work ethic. :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Girl, nothing wrong with it. Teach them while their young. My 6, 10 and 16 yr old help out in the yard. To answer your question, YES, you are over reacting.


Good for him! They should be helping.

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They are absolutely not too young!!

I was mowing at 9 my dad didn’t take anything from me to do it. I was happy to help.

My kids are 5-6 and mow with their dad.

Kids are so different these days. Kids are lazy. This question is beyond mind blowing. I just had my 13 year old daughter cut the yard last weekend for the first time. I should of had her start 3 years ago. Start teaching your kids how to do things before they move out and are always reliant on someone else. Also…why do you think we have kids? They’re mini slaves! Jk but seriously, they need to learn responsibility. Hell my 8 year old picks dog crap up and helps rake. They should just be happy that they don’t live on a farm.


Honest labor never hurt anyone.

That is perfectly fine. It’s hard to loosen the apron strings around dangerous heavy equipment. Just make sure they know and follow all safety protocols. Make sure they don’t stick their hand anywhere to clear a jam. Same lesson with the snow blower.

13! And 9! Absolutely old enough. 9 year old with some supervision and guidance. But 13 should be able to do any of it just fine with simple direction. Teaches them to work for what they want. There is nothing wrong with that at all!!

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No…its starts them young on how to be independent…good for ur husband :clap:…my daughter is 6 and she helps her dad pick up the back yard of sticks and helps around the house…the earlier they start the better

I did!! We were also milking cows before breakfast at 10. My boys also did too. 13 is way old to not be doing chores including lawn work

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Nothing wrong with them doing it! My 6 and 9 year old girls help in the house and outside


Team dad, kids can most definitely do yard work

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As long as he doesn’t overdo it. Make sure they gets breaks especially in the hot sun. And do let them be kids too. I think it’s a good idea.

Damn girl. Calm the f down.
They are totally old enough to be doing f*cken chores. Quit spoon feeding them. And teach them how to work

Way too young for the 9 year-old. Let the 13 year-old mow and if the father can whip from the wheelchair, he needs to. There are safer jobs for the 9 year-old.

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I was alot younger and had wayyyyyy more chores than that to do. From cooking to cleaning and weeding and laundry. If that’s all they do they got it easy

A lot of kids start off early, there’s nothing wrong with that. I support taking kids off of electronics, and having them do yard work.
Teach em to cook young too.

My boss is a rice farmer. He has his 12 year old nephew plowing the fields as we speak. There’s nothing wrong with it. All your husband is doing, is teaching your kids how to work.

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They are old enough to do it

Just curious if you’d be asking this question if they were boys.
Of course they’re not too young OMG! :woman_facepalming:t3:

Hell I drove a tractor at 10 plowing the field for a garden. They will be fine. :joy::joy:

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Good job dad I used to have to help my 3 older siblings push mow weed eat and rake our 2 1/2 acres as a very small child it taught us hard work skills respect how to work as a team and the value of taking care of our home this dad did nothing wrong kids today spend wayyy to much time on electronics and inside so sounds to me like he’s trying to raise good independent daughters

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At nine I did everything. I cooked, cleaned, took care of my little sister, and yes mowed. My kids do yard work, even my 6 year old daughter. It’s good for them.


Ummm I was driving stick shift at 7 to feed the cattle. I was mowing lawns at 8 and in charge of feeding animals and cleaning their pens. I think they will be ok as long as he is giving them clear safety instructions and safety gear like goggles and gloves, and good protective shoes. And make sure they always wear pants.


No one in my house is even paraplegic and my 13yr old daughter mows the lawn every other week :grin: these are LIFE SKILLS. It’s never too early to learn! My 5 and 3 yr old daughters help dad drag branches/ foliage to the garbage when he’s doing yard work. I FULLY support putting the electronics away


Excellent parenting in my opinion.

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They can do it. It is good for children to have chores and help out around the house.


You are overreacting kids need to learn how to work with their own two hands

Definetly not to young I think it’s a good thing

I had a lawn mowing business at 7… I’d mow our lawn and 3 others every week…

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Wow :joy: just wow… the fragility.


I wish someone taught me things like that when I was younger😂 I’m 21 years old living on my own and I’ve cut through the strimmers twice

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Teaching children a positive work ethic is a good thing, helps them grow into responsible adults


I was mowing the yard when I was 8 years old and all my siblings ha did too and it does not hurt for girls to learn to do yard work. That way when they have there own place they don’t ha e to rely on someone else to do it .

I am 50 and I am thankful my parents taught me at a young age about chores and keeping our rooms clean and hand washing dishes and yard work. Now days some kids expect there parents are other adults to do those chores . :pray:

Yes. My 9 year old grandson weed eats and mows with proper instructions and supervision. He’s done it for at least 2 years. Safety is first, but he loves it and it’s an expectation in their house. I’m sure my 16 year old started around then too.

They are not too young! I started mowing the lawn when i was young and my 8 and 11 year old help out with mowing and weed eating. I would much rather them learn to do things on their own then sit on electronics and do nothing. I feel like that’s how kids get a sense of entitlement and get lazy.


They are fully capable of all of that work and much much much more

MORE parents should do this to their kids. It will prepare them for the real world. This is what I did growing up. I used to help my dad with yard work. If more parents did this today, kids wouldn’t be as F’d up as they are and it would teach them responsibility. I give full credit to your hubby. Way to go!!! We need more parents like him. And that’s the thing. Kids today are so jammed into their phones and electronics that they do not know the meaning of WORK!!

They should be helping out, chores teach them responsibilities


Yes! Yes! Yes! Even if your husband wasn’t physically disabled- this is absolutely ok. Not enough kids are learning life skills and aren’t being taught to have pride in where and how they live. My almost 3 year old helps me weed the flower beds.


To be your kids…! My mom was a CNA, at nine I was making full meals, cleaning house, yardwork, and helping dad get firewood. It isn’t going to hurt them to contribute.

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I starting driving a tractor at 8. They good homie.:rofl:

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Yup, you’re overreacting! These are life skills and they are definately of age to learn these.

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It doesn’t hurt them at all! I was mowing before then and I turned out okay!

My 14 has been doing the lawn since he was 10 so no not really

Lol you’re over reacting . I also thought my 8 year old was too young but he mowed the lawn 2 weeks ago and he was able to do it for the most part with some help . I think at the end of the day it’s good to teach them young.

This is great!
Awesome dad!

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My son operates a mower, and we pull weeds by hand. As long as they’re staying hydrated it’s fine.

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Had my 3 girls and son working in the yard before that!


Teaching them WORK ETHIC! Something not many people have nowadays!

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Lord. Have. Mercy.
Exactly why kids are punks today because THEY AREN’T being made to do chores! He’s being awesome… mad props to Pops!!! :tada::tada::tada: These children will have EVERYTHING to gain from it :heart:


No that’s a good thing. No work… No tablets or phones.

He’s right, you are overreacting

Perfect ages to help around the yard. Plenty of 13yo mow neighbors lawns for money or just out of kindness. You husband is doing the right thing.

Personally my 9 year old wouldn’t be made do chores till she turns a teenager, as a child i was just aloud be a child and play and enjoy childhood when I turned a teenager that’s when I was given responsibility like emptying the dishwasher, the bin and mowing the lawn. But at 9 no way let her have fun with friends etc.