… it’s good to teach them to help out around the house , didn’t everyone have chores growing up ? I was moving the lawn around 11 and a lot of other stuff; it’s important to have chores.
Never too young to help out. Teaches responsibility
I was younger than 13 when I mowed I think its wonderful we had to help in the garden and around the house. I would be more concerned about them having access to the electronic devices than doing yardwork.
You cannot be serious with this question……of course it is alright, and will build character. This is why today’s society and the next generation is so soft, this would have been laughed out of the room if asked when I was a kid.
No it’s good for them to learn values. I’m surprised that you are even asking this.My boys did yard work and my daughter house work then I would switch them out. They need to learn the value of work in life.
As long as the kids are taught how to operate the mower and weed eater properly, are wearing sturdy clothes and shoes and eye protection and are supervised at all times, it’s just fine. It’s good for kids to help out around home, learn responsibility and build a good work ethic. You and your hubby could sweeten the pot a little by letting them earn some additional spending money for their labors. P.S. They should also be helping out, inside, too. Dishes, keeping their rooms up, helping dust, vacuum, pet care and so forth.
My 14yr old daughter mows with a small tractor… and has for years
It’s actually something good for them to know how to do. I did it when I was younger too. Good job on Dad’s part.
It’s great for them to learn to contribute to caring for the home and they are old enough under supervision. Sounds like a little heavy handed in approach. But valuable experience for their future
Been doing yard work since I could go to school, cooking and cleaning to help mom, and mowing lawn since 11
This…I couldn’t love this more!!! This dad is AWESOME!!! My boys have been helping do this kind of stuff since even younger than that! Now granted, they’re boys but still, you want your daughters to be strong-willed and independent and have good values…this will sooo help teach them those things!! I know it sounds crazy but just let it happen momma. I promise, you’ll be so thankful that you did and you will be so beyond proud of your girls!! Let them show you what they can do!!
It’s time they don’t need their damn phones get a little responsibility
That are not too young
They are able and part of that home. I think its good.
My kids and grandkids worked hard, try baling hay for a summer,
We mowed and kept up the garden and stuff when we were that young …helped make us responsible adults …they need to learn
Hes correct your over reacting.
My 4 & 7yr old sons n 5yr old daughter help my husband to their abilities. My 7year old uses a push mower and oh no they dont get paid for it!! They live here too and help around the house just as we do.
I think you are overreacting because they will learn from having responsibilities. If you are working that many hours they should be doing dishes and cleaning. They are big enough.
I’m 62 now and it sure didn’t hurt us
No it’s the only way there going to learn is if you make them
I delivered newspapers at 9 y/o. My brother Bob went into WW11 and I took over his route. I would use an old fashioned, (no engine) mower and also trim the edge of the yard. My brothers did the same as me. No questions! I NEVER hated my parents, it was a family thing.
I’m glad it’s called. Being a parent.
Wow why is this a question? It’s absolutely an amazing thing! At their age my husband was helping his family run a ranch and even his sisters and female cousins were too… it is teaching them responsibility and skills
Not to young to do a little work to keep home front beautified. Great dad for teaching them some skills and keeping them busy rather than sitting on Tiktok, snap chat and other platforms. Way to go dad!
Yes it’s okay. It’s good for them. It teaches them hard work, responsibility, and also it gets them out of the house so they are not playing games, sleeping all day, or just not doing anything at all. I agree with your husband 100%
My five year old mows and weed eats.
They’re not too young.
Yes. It’s a good way to install good working habits, responsibility in our youth. They will grow up knowing the hard earned dollar and not be entitled.
Most of us started doing yard work with our moms/dads just after we learned to walk , but nowadays we tend to forget the importance of teaching that work ethic on to our kids . Teach them while they are young and able to be taught to work or support their lazy asses when they become adults .
Yes, they are old enough to help. It’s called being in a family. Hopefully, they are helping inside the house too. It’s good for them !!!
I have been mowing and weedeating since I was about 8. It teaches a good work ethic.
Ive been mowing since i could literally walk. My uncle would push it behind me and then i got tall enough to reach it on my own and it was go time from there. Theyll be fine.
I don’t see anything wrong with it…
Absolutely not too young! Teaching them responsibility and that there phones/tablets are NOT the priority… that’s not at all the problem.
What a great teacher
Let them have this responsibility. Good for them to learn.
My 7 and 9 year old daughters do yard work. I don’t allow them to operate my weed eater because it is gas but if I had an electric one then they definitely would be weed eating.
I was mowing at 8 years old.
Nope, our 14 yo girls, 8 yo boy, 4 yo girl and 1.5 yo all help with yard work! It’s teaching them good work habits! Don’t worry my little little ones don’t mow or weed wack lol
I love the idea, actually tell your husband to go around the neighborhood and take others electronics and put all these young kids to work!!
My granddaughter loves to do mowing has Been a couple years just turned 11 this mth.
Wow all my grankids come out to help no matter what we are doing and I love it. It’s teaching them good work ethic
I was mowing at 10. Nothing wrong with physical work.
I started mowing at 7. They’re fine.
They are definitely old enough to help. We raise children to be capable in life.
Yes, you’re wrong thinking they’re too young. They’re plenty old enough to start learning how to be responsible and contribute.
My 5 year old grandson weedeat with his daddy
I have a 11-year-old four-year-old an 18-month-old and they all help around the house and have chores. mowing, picking weeds, dishes, vaccuum, laundry, helping with meals and more
If they were raised on a farm they would be doing a lot more than that…
I did when I was that age nothing wrong with it keep them from getting fat !
Teamwork makes the DreamWorks. They are definitely old enough
They are old enough. By those ages my brother and I were mowing lawns around town for money.
My boys mow and use the weed eater (they are 8 and 9) my 3 yr old waters the flowers and pulls weeds. It teaches them the value of work and helping out
You are so overreacting. By now they should be able to handle daily chores inside the home also. By 9 my oldest was making simple meals, doing her own laundry, vacuuming, yard work mowing etc… my other two kids followed suit.
Oh yea. They need to know how to do things, or when they grow up they will have no idea or no desire to even do anything themselves. Dishes. Mow. Vaccum. Tech em how to do all yard work. Hell even some basic scrub bathrooms, f
Help fix things around the house, my mom tough me how to take a vacuum apart and deep clean it so it lasts longer or if it gets clogged. Back when living with people they had no idea it was clogged and assumed it was broken and went to throw it away…fixed it . Little things.
Thats actually a good thing not only re tou teaching them a valuable skill your putting a sense of pride in them that even at their young age they can still contribute in helping mom and dad as long as they are being supervised and you teach them how to do it properly i dont see any harm when I was young kids mowed and throw out garbage and had chores before we could go out to play sl
I did all of these things at 9 if not before. I was begging my dad to let me help him mow lawns to earn money. I was never handed anything as a child and I’m so glad for that.
Making kids work around the house, makes them more responsible adults when they grow up.
It is not wrong to ask them to mow, weedeat, rake or do general yard work. Why would you think it would? If you think about the years past, children were learning from parents as soon as they could. It’s what made life go around and they learned that work is good as it produces food, products that benefit them, and skills that they use for life. They find ways to make it fun and they learn responsibility. Absolutely ask/tell them to help with all types of things that need done around the house. There are limits of course based on age and maturity, but if you two don’t teach them in their formable years, how will they know how to live their lives as adults?
Look out they will call CPS, My almost 10 year old grandson was making peanut butter cookies, with me, warming it up in the microwave, saying it was abuse cause I’m in a wheelchair…etc. or lets don’t forget he got us a soda out of the fridge. Some nut job can call anything in and they have to go scare the child, tell them its abuse when he has spent his whole life seeing his grandma most all weekends, summers. Oh, by the way, there are no drugs in my apt. no liqour, no sex, apt. was clean, I had just washed his clothes. plenty of food, oh we draw pictures of cartoons, guess that is abuse too. I think people who lie like that should be charged, if they are thinking nasty lying thoughts they have a mental problem, if they can even imagine such evil things.
Maybe take what you were going to pay someone and give it to them as allowance. Good work habits and let’s them know they can do it on their own in the future if they need to. I’ll be honest, I didn’t touch a mower until I was like 30.
I think it’s a good idea. My kids are 12, 9, and 7 and do yard work. They get paid, though. It’s good to know in case they ever have to do it for themselves.
9 and 13 are definitely acceptable ages, they do need to do chores an learn responsibility
Mine 10 and 8 use riding lawn mowers push mowers leaf blowers and all sorts of other stuff. It’s part of making productive citizens in this weird world we are living in. They also have daily chores and help cook too. The 10 year old even uses the outdoor flattop grill. They aren’t too young. P.s. my 10 year old has a phone and 8 year old does not. All activities are monitored including how much time is spent on them. Let them work it’s okay.
You are sooo wrong. And with your attitude your children will be incapable of caring for themselves as adults. He is absolutely right to make them do the work. My son is 11 and mows our front yard with adult supervision. What chores do you have your kids do? Please tell me your not letting them just do nothing…
My 7 and 5yo do dishes and my 2yo helps me sweep, once they’re about 9-10 I fully plan on making them do yard work. Kids need responsibilities as well as time to be children. How can you expect them to be functional adults when you don’t teach them how?
Yes it’s good for them.
You’re overreacting. Teaches them responsibility.
My 8 yr old mows our front yard every Friday during the summer. My 16 yr old cleans up the flower beds.
I don’t see the harm in it. As long as their taught how to use the equipment.
Nothing wrong with it. They need to learn to work.
They don’t accumulate those life skills in school. They reside in the home and should have shared responsibilities when it comes to house/yard work. My son started mowing the lawn (push mower) at the age of 6. They will be fine.
My 5 and 7 year old granddaughters do yardwork. There is nothing wrong with teaching kids that they have to help out around the house. Inside and out
I think this is a great way to teach family teamwork so kids are aware and empowered when we need help getting everything done
Nah it builds Character and teaches them responsibility
My daughter is 6 and she helps. We supervise and help, but we’ve made a point to have her very involved in chores and teaching her to grow up to be independent.
as long as the were taught proper safety they should. They need to learn responsibility younger and less screen time. The amount of younger employees that come in for jobs nowadays don’t know how to put a phone down anymore. Had a girl who graduated h.s. not even know how to do dishes or know her numbered months to the names of the month. I’m teaching my kids how to become adults and succeed in life and not live at home forever. some free time is fine but in moderation.
Good ages, not too young for that. He is teaching them responsibility.
My 5 year old LOVES to use the weed eater lol, I don’t think they’re to young to be doing physical labor, just make sure they’re wearing protective eye gear and closed toed shoes.
My 11 year old son, not only mows our lawn, but his grandparents and his older sisters lawn (we all live very close together)… he actually enjoys doing it. He is currently mowing his grandparents lawn right now.
My 13yo mows the grass and all of my kids do age appropriate chores it’s not like he’s got them doing something dangerous.
My 11 and 7 year old do yard work all the time. My 11 year old does the riding mower and my 7 year old does the push mower. It’s perfectly fine.
I had a mowing “business” when i was 10 mowing yards for $10 or more over the summer time in my small town. No reason a 9 or 13 yr old can’t help
Wow! Lol. I mowed when I was 9. Sorry, but it teaches them to be independent. Kind of surprised you’d even be mad that he is finding ways to help out and save money. They are too young to mow the yard but not too young for phones?? Really?
My 13 y.o son does both these tasks as well as load the washer/dryer/dishwasher, and take out trash. Sometimes he complains but then he remembes everytime he wants something for his xbox or ps4 he gets it. I also remind him that I am preparing him for his future wife…she may not know how to do these things!
I will say I have a maid come in 2x per month to clean toilets, shark mop, vaccum, and organize as both my husband and I work more than FT hours. It helps
My 11 year old mows our yard, I mowed as a kid too. They’ll be fine.
Things like this is how I tell apart people who grew up in small towns or the country versus the suburbs or cities
They’re fine. Manual labor builds character
Omg…teach those kids to do things like that…dont raise kids that have no work ethic and cant do anything!!!
They should have chores inside the home as well at that age. The 13yr old should even be able to cook full meals by now. You better stop treating them like babies because in 5 short years your oldest will be considered an adult and should be able to take care of herself and a home.
It’s called chores. We all live here l, we all work… nothing wrong at all with teaching kids good old fashioned responsibility.
You’re crazy. It’s perfectly acceptable.
Nothing wrong with teaching them a little work ethic. I was mowing way younger than that.
I had to do it, plus chores, and have my parents supper cooked when they came home from work. Then we cleaned the kitchen. Also ee had a big garden and we shelled beans
As long as they’re careful and under supervision it’s good for them to help out!
I would just want him to stay out there because of these crazies snatching kids.
My sister and I did many chores when we were growing up - our parents both worked and we did what we could. I did a lot of the outside yard work and my sister did a lot of the cleaning and some cooking. I had to help with some of the inside stuff too. Can’t say it hurt me or her.
You’re husband is awesome. Take notes lol
Nah! On the path to Independent women when they grow up!
You Are overreacting. You need to Honor your Husband’s Role as a Father. You are Not Doing that.
My 4 and 6 year old do yard work they have been helping since they were toddlers! It’s fun for them too
Gotta teach em young!
I hated it when my step dad made me do it when I was that age.