Your kids can play on the phones and tablets why cant they help with yard work my 5,4 and 2 year old work in the garden and the yard with me and only get screen time when I’m at the store shopping so I can actually get the shopping done
My 6,911 year old do yard work
My 7 year old cuts our grass and our 2 year old just started to attempt to help cut the grass…nothing wrong at all. (Side note, they use the old school push mowers) we have a decent sized yard…
I was mowing fields on a ride on mower at 10/11 they’ll be fine
Is this a real question? lol Kids could use some chores. They won’t die
It would be wrong for him to not make them do yard work and other chores.
We raised our 3 grandbabies and i wouldn’t let them. Was afraid they would get hurt. We are 70 and two of them are still living with us. Neither one will help out with the yard work. I WAS WRONG for not letting them.
As long as they are being supervised and have been properly instructed, then I say it is ok. I’d say instead of holding electronics hostage, you parents negotiate a rate of pay above their allowance for doing these chores. Make it an incentive rather than a bribe.
Lmfao!!! I didn’t think this was serious….
You’re way over reacting. What’s wrong with them helping out.
I did more than that when I was their age .it won’t hurt them .make them help with the house work also
He is correct here in my opinion. Family chores and breaks from electronics build character. Also they live there too and though you may not fully realize it in this moment not only is he helping himself and your kids he is helping you by lightening your load. Praise your husband and your kids for helping out and doing a good job. This will prepare them for real life and build their confidence in their own abilities. I say good job to your husband and to the kids. They will appreciate this skill in the future and they will respect you and what you provide for them more because they have had to invest their time and energy into the upkeep.
Are you kidding me?? Is this a legit question?
Not at all. I was doing the same at those ages. It was that or pull weeds in the flower bed.
OMG. Hell yeah he is right. They need to be doing their own laundry, washing dishes, vacuuming and mopping. A true family works together. Phones and ipads should be a privilege
You should give him a beer, and thank him!
Hell yes, take their electronics, or whatever, and make them help with the chores, inside and out! Stop making children that are going to helpless adults, and believe they are entitled to do nothing!!
It’s a family. Family works together.
They are Plenty old enough. Pay them to do it teaches Responsibility
And value of Money
The younger they learn to do family chores the more excepting of them they will be. It’s good for children to learn a well kept home doesn’t just magically happen. Mom and dad should not be regarded as their children’s personal slaves. Or an ATM.
Operating tractor and other equipment by the time I was 12. Plowing and stuff. But not before I listened to someone to show and train me on it.
Is this a serious question? Yes it is perfectly fine for your children to contribute to where they live instead of you hiring someone to do things they can clearly do.
Children must be taught to work and become a productive part of the family and society. They need supervision to teach safety and proper use of tools
As long as they clearly understand all the safety issues including lose clothing and proper closed types does while using that equipment i see no problems with it. My q3 year old now or years and several neighbors. He’s very small for his age. Only 80 lbs and he does it no problem
Nothing wrong with that…my kids did it at 6 years old. It teaches them to be proud of the way it looks cause they did it. They’ll be stronger for doing it.
Nope they need to learn
No problem. Hearing protection for those young ears though.
Great Dad. My husband and myself never just gave our kids everything, they had to earn it. Today both kids work hard and understand that nothing is free except the air you breathe.
No, it is not wrong! All of mine we’re doing g chores way before those ages!
Anything your kids are capable of doing to help they should be doing
GOOD ON HIM. They will be responsible adults. And not be expecting everything done for them.
I understand your concern, but, that’s the momma in us😁. I see nothing wrong with the girls doing yard work. It’s good for them. Teaches them responsibility and good work ethic. Plus when they are finished they have a good feeling of pride when they see what they accomplished😏. It’s OK momma, they will be fine❤
I think they’re plenty old enough to help with the yard. As long as they’re being supervised and guided in how to properly use the equipment.
There is no reason those kids can’t do it. I did dishes, laundry, carried in wood in the winter for heat, babysat my younger brothers (who by the way, mowed, weeded, shoveled, and helped stack and haul in wood). Never too early to do their fair share of chores.
Good… kids that age should be helping out.
It will teach them to be responsible and have some discipline.
Chores won’t hurt them one bit.
Our 11 year old weed eats and wants to learn how to mow. Our 17 year old is the one who mows. We both work full time so it’s nice to have them help.
No ma’am ur kids are not to young. That will teach them to be better adults. And to know what working mean. Their not hold up in the house under an air conditioner playing games all day and night long.
Our kids are 9 and 13 they both take turns mowing the lawn and using the wipper snipper
Is this a serious question
Theyre not too young at all. Teaches responsibility and hard work. If your willing to spend money to hire a stranger, why not teach your kids a lesson and let them earn something.
My dad was a Gardener, I helped waaay younger! Like 5? Nothing wrong with working outside! As long as it’s not too hot. I loved being outside feeling like I was doing something!
My 6 year old son does all kinds of yardwork AND helps me in the house! It teaches them all kinds of life lessons. They’ll be grateful for these lessons when they are adults!!
The younger the better
He’s doing what Fathers should do. Teaching old school work ethics.
My Dad use to say if you want something, then you better get use to doing something! Because around here there’s no free rides…!!!
What kinda ass backwards question is this??? Should my middle school aged kids be doing yard work?? What is upsetting about learning chores?? Tbh the should’ve been doing yard work. They aren’t toddlers. Good for dad for taking away electronics until it was done
Nothing wrong with them helping out
I had to do everything starting at 10. I’m 70 now & survived. I’ve been a clean freak since 21 yrs old…
i was doing that at 10yrs old nothing wrong with it
They should be doing chores
What’s going to happen when they reach 16
I started doing this at 8.
No it’s not worng for a 13yr old or 9 old to do. That.
My son is 8 and he gose out and mows people yard to make money
girl it’s okay for kids to help out around the house and learn how to do things your husband physically can’t do it and you’re at work it’s perfectly okay for the girls to help out with yard and house work it won’t kill them
I’m all for letting kids be kids, but they are 9 and 13. They are definitely old enough to understand that being a family is being a team and that you all need to work together to help each other out to work towards your collective best interest.
I have my 3 year old help clean up leaves and sticks around the yard all the time and my 1 year old sees us doing it and decides to help all by herself
Nope not too young. They are learning life lessons and most importantly they are helping their dad. It’s not like he left them unsupervised. My 4yr old daughter jumps on the ride on mower with my partner (we are on a big property so need to use a ride on). She comes and weeds the garden with me and even works on the cars with my partner…as in hands him a tool here and there…she generally just sweeps the shed when he works anything to spend time with him (he’s not her bio dad but he’s been in her life since she was 10mths old). She helps with the dishwasher as well…my 13 yr old daughter was the same from as young as I can remember was in helping
Yes,you are wrong.the younger the better,now is when you teach them responsibility.
As long as there is no steep banks they should be safe
Little manual labor aint gonna kill em haha. Seriously tho, it will instill good work ethic. Nothing wrong with that!
My kids started helping with the yard work and gardning when they were little, They would roll up the hose,
clean up the trash, pull weeds and help planting.
now at 12 and 13 they can run the pushmower, the ride mower, and the Is tractor with a brush hog!!
Out here in the country It’s a necessity for everyone to pitch in.
Also hard work and chores teach children A good work ethic, responsibility, and team work!
I mowed when I was like 10 with a push mower… I think they’re fine!
Show your kids that a little hard work is part of growing up today’s kids just want to play with their electronic games and then get rewarded.
Anything 7 and up is usually okay for gardening tasks, because that’s when they can take operational directions. I don’t see the harm if they learn how to do it properly
As long as your husband is somewhat supervising to show them the proper way to do it. I am 28 and where I grew up kids started mowing lawns at 10 for cash . When my child gets 9 and I am doing the lawn he well be encouraged to either push the lawnmower or the weed eater. My husbands gone all simmer so if I don’t do it myself it dont get done.
Yes. As long as they wear closed toed shoes and safety glasses.
You will thank him years down the road for building work ethic in them. It’s good for them
I was about 9 when I starting using the push mower to mow my grandmas lawn. Sounds normal to me
Mine have had chores since they learned how to walk (putting their own toys away). I think kids need chores.
Absolutely should have more people doing this no workie no eatie
Definitely not too young. They’re learning
Me and my cousins made money mowing lawns when we were 10 and all of us still have all our fingers and toes. We’d push them up and down the neighborhood and had regular customers too. We washed cars too! It’s good for them.
He is absolutely in the right.
Sounds like he’s raising independent women!
Not a bad idea at all, I’ve been thinking of doing this with my 6 and 8 year old. Not so much them operating weed eater and lawn mower but helping lay down mulch and pull weeds and such. Too much tablet and screen time these days, they need more sun and dirt.
my 12 year old son and 10 yr old daughter mow and weed eat. i just make sure they dont get too hot and drink lots of water. it’s good for them to have responsibilities around the house other than normal chores inside.
Both of my boys got a push mower and a gas can for their 12th birthday, they started making their own didnt hurt them one bit they helped buy their school clothes and had spending money and saved for something special I was there accountant lol
It’s good for kids to have chores snd help around they’re home
It’s a good lesson. My son is 10 and does it all on his own. (Single child) kids need to learn to work. Nothing is free. It’s life lesson. They need to know this stuff. Wear proper shoes and pants and glasses and your fine. Pick up rocks and socks before mowing. Your good to go.
Nah you’re overreacting
Not to young at all. I was 10 when I started doing it for cash, and I still love doing it lol. We had a 0art neighbour who was absolutely shocked that I knew how to start a mower let alone use it as she had no idea.
Sounds like a couple of good adults in the making🙂
elec or battery weed Wackers are safe , fairly easy to use.
They need to know how to do chores, in and out side of the house. That way when they are old enough to be on their own, they have the knowledge to get stuff done
Your over reacting. Good work ethics and your husband is great for starting them at that age. I’m sure if he could he would so he got the essentials for the 9yr old to do it. Well done hubby.
Yes he is teaching them. To work They can be proud of the job they are doing.l am from a family of 10 kid’s. I helped my mom with younger babies…l knew how to work . she taught me. Our you get generation want’severything given them…l think this will be good for your kid’s.
You’ll be glad he did. Mine wouldn’t mow if you told them to lmao
I think this is normal for them I did yard work often when I was very young and the whole family did too! Most kids today are somewhat lazy and need chores to do! And learn responsibility’s or else they will be grow up being helpless and living with you all of their lives. My son washed cars and dog walking to earn money when he was younger
Good for your husband, chores teach kids work ethic. They are old enough
My 8 and 11 mow and weedeat among other things
I think it is a great idea as long as he is watching them and they wear the right protection. It is a very important teaching moment for your children. They are both old enough to take on some of the responsibilities in the yard as well as in your home. I see nothing wrong with your husband is doing.
I agree 100% overreacting. You’ll be glad they learned these skills down the road.
That is the ages they should be doing those things. And for Christ’s sake, you’re married to a paraplegic and you’re mad he’s getting the kids to do yard work? Gasp he’s SAVING you money? How dare he!
I see no problem with this. I feel as if your overreacting at the fact that your husband is having your guys kids help with the house chores. (as he should) it’s good milestone for them as when they get older they’ll already have the skills from him teaching them. Give him some slack.
Mowers ok. A little young for a weedeater. They’re dangerous
Not to old,they are also old enough to clean up after themselves,make there beds an make there lunches,at that age they should have chores
Husband doing the right thing my 25 year old when I ask him to mow he says how much u gona pay me believe me it will teach them when they get older yay husband
My son started mowing at 7.
Your overreacting.
My 10 year old has been helping push the lawn mower since he was 6.
Now he can mow the whole lawn on his own (obviously supervised)
Kids are never to young to help with household duties. And it’s good to get them involved and helping now. Set the standard and teach them. So one day when they leave the nest they can do it on their own.
There is nothing wrong with chores and teaching kids how to work hard
it wont hurt the girls. i had the front yard to mow every week growing up
They should also learn to clean and cook and do laundry to help y’all .
I worked on a farm and did not get allowance but $20.00 to go to the fair! And I was happy growing up that way!