I think you are a moron even asking that
Let them work. It’s good for them and saves you money
They aren’t too young. They can operate a computer, then they can operate other stuff.
My son was mowing and weed eating at 8. It teaches them that if u want something you have to work for it. It teaches values
I dont think its too young.
Try garden work or pulling up water byv a chain yes kids should do chores
Good god… they are going to have to learn at some point… my almost 5 year old helps us mow now. Start them now, they won’t be lazy later…
Kids need chores. My kids have been doing it since they were like 8. Maybe have the older one work the Weed whipper.
My kids are 7,9,14,16 we have chickens, ducks, turkeys, rabbits and farm dogs. It is their responsibility to feed and water and clean up cages and coops! It’s also on them to clean the yard when it’s time to mow. Quit bein so soft on kids and we won’t have so many on welfare! They’re learning pride and respect for their own place. Let your husband instill that in them!
You’re beyond over reacting. Like I’m seriously trying to figure out how this is even a question. Your kids are fine. Some yard work and sweat isn’t gonna hurt them.
Omg is this real? I had a part time job at 14, work and responsibilities are wonderful for children. They need to be outside , take the away the phones and tablets more. It caN only help.
I was mowing the lawn, pulling weeds and weed whacking at 6. They’ll be fine.
My son was mowing the grass at 12!
It’s fine I loved mowing and weed eating when I was a kid! Mowing is like driving- so boss, and weed is fun!
If they can control electronics, they can control chores. I think it is not only fine, I give him a hand for getting them outside and off the electronics.
Why is this a question? Why should they NOT be doing yard work? They are way old enough for that responsibility. Should be helping with house work inside too
I mowed as a girl and still do at 80 on zero turn mower
You are teaching your children how to be independent when you teach them the skills they will need to have as adults. Of course your children should be doing MOST chores around the house, at least sometimes. My 7 yr old boy can do all the laundry except fold (I don’t trust them to do it right.)
I think he is being a good dad. Teaching his children the right way
If you are upset about this maybe u should get off your ass after work and mow and weed eat
Absolutely!!! And the wife should be alongside the children!! Helping and teaching. Chores are good for kids!!
I was doing it at nine.
I see nothing wrong with what your husband is doing; he can’t do it, you don’t have time, nothing wrong with kids being responsible for doing chores. If they were boys would you feel different?
Why should you be responsible for it all??.. they live there too…
My 15 and 11 year old mow and weedeat. Along with many other chores.
You are overreacting
Yes, you are over reacting. Children need structure and responsibilities. Children should have chores everyday. This teaches that a family is a unit and they must help out.
ohh yes my 12 yr old’s biggest chore is mowing. He started when he was 8… He ain’t fell over from it yet! Up until this yr me or his dad would help or do it sometimes but he’s gotta long list of wants and so … i have a list of things I expect from him.
Let them mow, let them learn. Ask them to take on more chores so they can learn how to care for their own homes.
Yes they should help!
Perfectly fine for them to be doing yard work. At that age I was mowing 4 yards on Saturdays. I didn’t use a weedeater I used the push mower for smaller areas. My dad won’t comfortable with me using a gas powered weed eater
There’s nothing wrong with kids that age doing these chores, or any others for that matter. Its good for them to be off electronics. Having them help is part of being a family. Besides when they help it’ll teach them to be respectful young adults.
They are old enough to do yard work, but making it seem like a punishment instead of just explaining that the work is needed from them is I feel unnecessary.
Grit… that’s how you get it.
You are being dramatic! It’s great life lessons to know that you can just do it yourself regardless! Hubby is just making your hectic schedule much more easier this way! Praise your babies and hubby for doing it and make it a all the time type of thing
I was way younger … Makes great kids
Oh my gosh, if you think your husband is wrong for this… You’d want to have me arrested. My kids range and age from 7 to 16 and all of them Cook, clean, do yard work, and do their own laundry. Everyone pulls their weight. Almost equally, if I’m being honest. Everyone asks me how I managed to run a household and run a business which I work in full time. The answer is quite simple… I’m raising phenomenal, independent children who do not need to lean on adults. They are part of this family and they work inside this family, just like the rest of us do. Kudos to your husband.
My nine year old ran a bobcat
My guess is he feels terrible about not being able do that chore and loves you enough he don’t want you to do it after working all day and loves his daughters enough to teach them in case someday they marry a bum that’s to lazy to work. I know my daughter was married to one for 18 yrs.
Why would you not want your children not to learn to be responsible and have a work ethic, you should tell him thank you for trying to prepare them to become responsible adults
They definitely should be doing yard work! They live there, they should help. There’s no chore that has to be done by only one gender. Proper training and supervision should be done by the adult, though, and safety equipment ( glasses, ear plugs) be provided and taught to be used.
Man my son has been helping me do yard work and work on our car, do dishes, take out trash, clean house, do his own laundry, I teach him how to cook, and fix small items. He has his own tool belt. His is red mine is pink. Work ethic, independence, responsibility. He can take care of himself if something happens to me and his lifestyle has to change and he’ll be able to take care of himself when he moves out in his second year of college IF he’s ready. I want to give my boy everything he wants but I will not spoil him. He has to work hard and earn everything he gets. By the way, we started when he was seven. He’s ten now.
My son was 5 years old when I let him use a very small weed eater on the yard. He wanted to, we showed him how to do it and it helps. His brother is two years older than him and they like weed eating and mowing the yard. It’s completely fine, I think anyway.
My son helps my fiance/his dad with yard work… He’s 2😂 Your kids will be fine.
Let them work now and you’ll never worry they can’t take care of themselves… I was mowing a large yard and weed eating at 7 years old to help the family unit…
Hell no you shouldn’t be upset!!!
He’s going to raise these kids right!
Good for him!!!
Working in the yard is just fine. However, I know I sliced a pretty good gash in my leg with a weed eater. .I think the younger child should be picking up sticks and trash, using the rake and hand tools like a pruner. Honestly, dad could use a weed eater even if he is in a wheelchair.
You’re over reacting
No my parents made me mow the lawn when I was in middle school. She had me stop because I couldn’t mow straight lol.
Both my kids started mowing the lawn at 8 years old. They do quite a bit of yard work to help out!
My kids are 5,6,8,9, and 10. We live on a farm. They do yard work, farm work and house work. Builds work ethic and sense of responsibility.
Country kids start a lot younger
I think it’s an excellent idea!! It teaches them character.
Wtf is wrong with people? If your worried about a 9 and 13 year old working do us all a favor and stop breeding
Sets them up fur life with good skills, problem solving, confidence. Then they get a reward of device
Definitely a great thing. We do the same, family/teamwork!
They are certainly not too young to be taught yard work. My parents had me doing it when I was big enough to push the mower. Mine started at 9. Not gonna hurt them one bit to help out while you’re working insane hours to provide for them. They live there too and need to pitch in.
They’re old enough my brother mowed the lawn at 13 and my bestfriend who’s a girl did it for her parents at 14 as part of allowance. If they know how to use it and carefully they’ll be fine.
I used to love mowing the lawn when I was that age. I used volunteer.
Bravo to your husband, it’s their home & they should help. Look nay sayers doubtful it hurt any one of us & we know yard work, housework & GASP wash the family car/dog/driveway.
Once while driving around town I saw a kid that looked no older than 5 operating a riding lawnmower, nobody would believe me I’m sure but back then we didn’t have cell phones with fancy cameras otherwise I would have taken a picture
I grew up cutting the lawn with a push mower! No motor just push. I did the neighbors for 50 cents, which bought a lot of candy in the 60’s. I learned work ethic. Thank you Dad! I am 68 and still cut my own lawn but with a battery mower.
My son loves getting out on ride on and mowing our lawns. He is 9. He also loves doing my parents. Earns him extra money. Teaches him about working to earn rather than getting everything handed to him.
Your definitely overreacting!
Mine did . It’s ok ! This teaches them a good work ethic , lifetime skills and time
Management skills. Very good
For them . I do think they should be paid some money for doing it .
Good way for them to learn how to work your kids grow up better then other kids who dont have to work.
No thay need to learn how to work thay will learn everything not handed to them
Oh that’s plum terrible now they will grow up knowing how to work.
A little work isn’t going to kill them…. Remember back in the day when we had chores to do every day / week and that was just part of life? No pay or allowance…. Just expected to do it! Oh, abs we didn’t have cell phones or tablets to take away!
I agree with your husband. He could watch them while they do it. They should also be helping in the house with chores. My 2 yr old grandson brings the recycle bins in for his parents, supervised, of course. Kids need to learn chores early, then it comes naturally & they enjoy helping out. The younger you start, they don’t see it as just work, they really want to help. It also teaches them responsibility.
They are both old enough to help with ALL the chores!
Can you not find a reasonable yard helper? I’d have the smallest yard I could live with too. They are a littke young for machinery. Bith can be dangerous and weed eaters heavy and hard to handle. Ask church for help during summer months, that’s what I would do
Absolutely! My brother started mowing when he was tall enough to use the push mower (before self-propelled was a thing). We racked leaves in the fall, pulled weeds and whatever else was told of us. When we were in our teens, we were in charge of the mowing of our yard and the yard of our great-aunt’s yard. Her yard was small but more dirt than grass (it was terrible). Our yard was pretty large and required someone to trim with a push mower and the other to use the ancient riding lawn mower… it was not fast. Mowing the two lawns took roughly two hours. We both had jobs but we were expected to coordinate when we’d get the mowing down.
By the time our younger brothers got old enough to more, the great-aunt had passed but they didn’t get it any easier. New rider, but now they had our parents’ lawn and two lawns on the opposite side of town (family business in a small town). They didn’t have two mowers, they drove the rider, pulling a push mower, across town. For safety, they weren’t allowed to use the fastest route. When they got old enough to drive, they got another lawn added but a trailer was finally purchased.
They are plenty old enough…its ok…mama!
You are overreacting
My sons now almost 9 and 6 LOVE helping with yard work. It’s how they earn their games and help take care of their home. These are things they need to learn for their future. I think he’s doing a great job training them to be adults so they are confident when they get their own homes:) My guys have been doing age -appropriate chores since they could help out and they enjoy it. Kids thrive in an environment they feel confident and practice makes perfect
What? We used to move Boulders when I was like 5 . Rocks for me but my brothers were like under 10 at the time. We worked hard when we were young
Not to say they shouldn’t do chores they should absolutely… I just disagree when it comes to machinery at that young maybe 14…my kids did cut grass for sure after a teen…
Yeah you’re wrong. I was working with my step dad by the time I was 5, helping him cut yards and mowing the WHOLE yard and weed eating by the time I was 11. There is absolutely nothing wrong with girls knowing how to handle these things, especially when they’re father can’t. Some of us love to maintain our yards, you never know they might actually enjoy it one day.
The only thing I really have a problem with Is the operation of the weed eater, they can be dangerous if not handled properly. At least with the mower the blades are not exposed
Are you kidding me, my brother was mowing the yard at 6 yrs old until he left home at 19, when I was old enough 6 I help him, my dad ran a garage at home, so we also Work in the garage, cleaning part and cleaning the garage, and tools, help in tobacco at my grandparents, work is the best lessons we got as kids
I got put behind a push mower and weed eater when I was 8 years old. My dad had me mow the entire campground he owned. Taught me the value of hard honest work very young. And I thank him as an adult for it.
With proper protection (closed toe boots/shoes, safety glasses) they should be fine.
We always had to help, but we also had plenty of time to play, go skating, or putt- putt
My dad had me start mowing the grass at 12
Yes you are wrong. You’re a family. The kids need to pull their weight and help out. Don’t spoil them. The world will not.
They should be helping
Your husband is right…and I have a hunch you know it.
Yes chores are great!
My now 15 and 17 year old have spread out hay off vehicles, filled troughs, mowed, whipper snipped, my daughter actually works out meals for the week and she will cook most nights except weekends. Both my kids do fencing, washing etc. We work long hours at the moment, I get a cleaner to do showers etc but we have 80 acres as well and they are always helping. We work as a family and my kids are happy, healthy and independent
Yes it is. Teaches them responsibility and to help around the house. I did at that age.
Each situation is different. If the girls are made to help in the house, yes, a mower is easily used but to much danger for a weed eater.
What other reason to have children but the free yard work? Im at a loss…
My word. Do you know the chores a 9 yr old performed regularly in a farm or back in the day? As long as they are taught safety and being observed, yes. I mowed. Weeded. Shoveled snow. Did dishes. Cleaned windows inside and out.
Every child should be required chores every single day.
My granddaughters help with yard work. As long as they are paid a proper amount. Forcing them with no compensation will send them out the door before you are ready. They are not your slaves.
It’s never a bad thing for kids to do yard work. Make sure they are wearing good shoes and even some safety googles if you are worried.
My kids have been doing yard/house work since they were 3…the older they get…the more chores they do
Kids have worked on farms for generations. The more kids they had the more farm hands for the work.
I was mowing the lawn at 7 with a push mower no motor.
Depends on the maturity of the kids. If your husband thinks they are old enough and can do it let them. It will teach them responsibility