My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

I see nothing wrong with it I did at home chop wood work in garden we can survive this way don’t need to depend on a man

There is nothing wrong with your children helping out around the house. When I was that age I got up and fed my horses and whatever other chores there was before school and helped my grandpa in the fields. Didn’t hurt me any

No they are great kids helping like that builds self esteem and is a great way to show parents they can contribute.
Good job mom and dad.

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Us five kids all helped my dad. My brothers mowed and me and my sister trimmed with “hand” trimmers and there was a lot to trim. We learned hard work ethics. I think he’s trying to help you and that’s fine.

I made mine start helping when they was 6-7 years old and it didn’t hurt them one bit! A few years ago I had my neighbor from my childhood ask my husband and my son’s could mow for them and when they got done they was told that’s the best the yard has ever looked! Made me very proud!

Thats the best thing you can do for them, having chores is a good way to teach them about taking care of themselves and will make them more independant teach them as much as you can and have fun later in life you will be glad you did…I am.

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I believe kids need to have more responsibilities, so when they are adults they know what to do, and I believe it builds character…

It’s fine to have them do chores! As long as you or your husband makes sure they know the correct way to use the machines! When I was little, we were outside mowing as soon as we could push the mover and believe me, those push mowers weren’t easy to use!
I’m not sure about taking away their devices though. I wonder if that doesn’t create resentment?? Maybe try to find a way to reward a good job instead!! A little extra allowance or a pizza for dinner - whatever would make them happy without breaking the bank. Just a suggestion!

I started my career when I was 10 years old I fixed up an old lawn mower and I mode neighbors yards for money by the age of 13 I was building my own transportation from some of those old Lawn Mower Motors my kids started their career when they were about 10 I see nothing wrong with children doing work

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Seriously? There’s nothing wrong with them having chores. They’re part of the family. They need to contribute.

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I’m from a family with 6 kids. There was a large age gap between the first four and last two. I was the youngest of the older group. I did everything from tilling the garden to taking care of babies. Cleaned house did the ironing. Never hurt me and I remember when I got my own apartment there wasn’t anything I didn’t know how to do. Or at least had a general idea. It has served me well. Teach them young. Supervise those things that if not done correctly could hurt your child

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More kids should have chores. I was mowing our yard by 9 years old as well as my grandparents yard. Plus had other chores. Teaches responsibility, respect ,and pride for a good job

I think. It’s great he is giving the kids responsibilities . They will learn from having chores. Too many kids do absolutely nothing and expect everything handed to them.

My daughter started using the riding mower at age 8
But she was not allowed to weed eat until she was older. Kids should always have to do chores for allowance or just to learn resposibility

Weed eating is a bit dangerous but mowing lawns is a good morals builder.I think its wonderful for children of any age to be helping out.It makes good character snd helps with life skills .

More kids need to be doing this. I mowed our yard from a very young age. Too many young adults have no clue today.

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It is good to learn skills young. They should be doing there laundry, dishes,making beds,vacuuming I can go on and on.

Good for your husband!!! Kids on farms do this work all the time. He’s teaching so many good lessons! Smart man!

I mowed the yard every single weekend from the time I was old enough to do so. It’s not hurting them.

It doesn’t hurt kids to learn hkw to do work inside the house and outside the house. One day they will be on their own and qill need to know how to do these things. It’s all life lessons

Yes let them do it as long as Dad is out there supervising .Thats why kids now days dont wanna work :unamused:. Cause they weren’t taught right .

I worked in the yard since I was about 5 or so. I hated pulling weeds and hoeing BUT, I learned about caring for a home and yard. About nature. About pulling weeds before they go to seed. Also how to prune roses, trim up trees and reduce the size of the cutting so you could get more in the waste can, I was younger so I raked and picked up. I also learned how to safely use tools. The whole family did. The boys would mow. I learned responsibility and team work to get the job done. We also figured out ways to do things more efficiently so we could get back to climbing trees etc. I also brushed the pool, skimmed the pool, washed down the deck. Do my own laundry etc. I’m an older person now. Taught my kids the same. Oh, and I have a beautiful garden that makes me happy. My point I guess, is that your husband is out there with your children working as well. Modeling hard work and teaching them the dignity and grace of physical work and teamwork. These are good life lessons.

To be honest You have a good husband some average kids in this day and age are playin with guns and drugs dont be mad at him I think he is doing a great job I wish my husband was around to do that for our children

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I am the oldest of 6 girls and my dad had us mowing the lawn by 10 years old. We would also help with getting fire wood in the house and other things. I feel like having chores, even outside ones, teaches kids responsibility and work ethic! I personally feel that having a good work ethic is essential!

I started yard work at 9 … it is a great age to get them started on pulling their weight around the home :slight_smile:

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Teach them safety! Yes it’s good to have them responsible. Praise for a good job certainly helps their attitudes. :butterfly:

I always helped my mother and never complained about it. In fact now that I think about it, I wanted to help. My mother used a wringer washer and at 2, I just watched. After watching her and she went to another room, I decided to try to wrong the clothes. She came running back when she heard my screams and had my arm was in the wringer up to my elbow. I can’t remember when I actually was allowed to use the wringer.

They are perfectly fine doing yeard work. I was milking cow’s and doing field work when I was 7 years old.

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I think they’re at a good age to do it, alot of kids their age and younger do a lot more than that, as long as their taught safety and how to use them properly, it’ll teach them responsibility and hard work, how to care for your belongings, fresh air, etc helps sleep, mental and emotional well being as well, could turn it into making money as well, a lot of landscapers started this way

My brothers mow I mows but his finger got cut once it stop then it tore his finger off little they had to find it so be careful.9 yr old ok but instead sure if nine year old know not touch it the blade i know somebody that got cut once on mower with big blade cut the leg not all the way blade blew off

See that’s what’s wrong with kids today they aren’t taught the Basic things alive like doing dishes washing clothes how to make a decent bed how to clean a house how to do yardwork. Then when they grow up and have a house of their own I don’t know how to do anything they need to learn how to cook shopAnd handle money.

I used to mow when I was a kid. It didn’t kill me. And I even used a non electric push mower from time to time.

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At 13 I cooked for 8 ppl. Fetched water. Fetched firewood n much more. This means I started early. My 9 year old does a lot in the house n now I’m training her how to cook.

I was mowing a double lot at 10 years old. Kids need to assume some responsibility, it will help them when they are older.

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When I was 10 I could cook clean and look after all of my siblings while my parents were out and the youngest was 2 yrs old! Your husband is preparing them for life and that’s a good thing :clap:t3:

Absolutely! I was working on the farm, in the fields at 5! Working and teaching kids responsibility builds their self esteem, teaches kids how to work hard and that the world doesn’t revolve around them More kids should be forced to get off their rears and taught to be hard workers. Our world would be a better place and they would be happier as adults

I not only agree with your husband but encourage ALL parents to teach their children how to do regular maintenance chores. A family shares joys, challenges, chores and parents are responsible for preparing their children for their future life. Support this responsible husband/ father!

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Ur husband is correct let the kids know life trades n chores its great…it part of excise opens the brain…

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yes, builds character. I was prob 11 years old, cleaning the entire house with my younger sister who was 9. we also cooked dinner and had it on the table by 5:30 on weekdays. we worked our butts off, and still to this day, I am 65 and still work hard.

Its not going to kill them andvat least theyre not going to grow up being spoilt and pampered poodles.and no you shouldnt be doing it either.if u give them money they need to learn how to earn it


Let them help. That helps as they get older. Kids need to learn how to do as much as they can. To help others. Make great people.

Is it wrong for boys to clean up the kitchen or learn to wash clothes? NO
Same goes for this.

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My 10 year old boy mows and does the dishes. I’m teaching him to be independent and not rely on the woman. I’m teaching him to be a man and responsibility. There is nothing wrong with kids doing chores like that to help the parents out.

I did this at this age plus mowed grass in the summer time and had money for me to spend on what I like plus it was fun doing it I wish that I could do it now I’m paralyzed from the waist down and yes it’s hard to be able to do stuff like that no you’re not overreacting they can actually get out there and learn responsibility at that age and I’ll help him later on in life

They should wear long pants, sun hats, sun glasses boits, or other closed toe shoes, and remember to keep their mouths closed when working, in case a rock or other debris flies up. Easier to heal skin than replace a cracked tooth.

Get after it kids! Life owes you nothing. Hard work is absolutely a life skill that needs to be instilled early.

No they are not too young…my grand children started at about age. They all need to do jobs around the house, it’s all character building…hubby has it right!

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Under good guidance and being watch the first year and depends how responsible the child is. Our grandson started at age 11 and this year our granddaughter who turned 9 wants to learn. But of course we pay them. To to it all depends on how mature and responsible the child is. And taught the right way with SAFTEY being the top prioty

Trust me it teaches them respect and to have responsibility for things your husband is doing the right thing

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It’s good for them to work but not as a punishment that they can’t do something else until it’s all done. They will resent that later I’m you have alot on your plate and your Situation is different than most maybe hire a lawn person and have them weed in between not fully do everything in my eyes kids should do some work but they also have to be kids too. The years fly by and we can’t get them back . Good luck

I worked in the yard and garden everyday as a child when I was younger! I tell my grandsons, who live with me, that we are all part of a family, and we all do our part!! I am 65 and retired with three chronic health conditions. If I can do it, so can they. I guess that work ethic that was instilled in me all those years ago paid off!

as I remember it, all 5 of us kids had CHORES to do from when we were very young, setting table to cleaning… it helps build character, discipline, my goodness your children at 9 and 13 don’t have to do anything, at all??? How do they feel like a part of what they are growing up in??? The very fact that they are a part of something to build pride in, feel as if they were an intricate part of something important… AND when it came time for fun they knew they had earned something… My God what is wrong with the family that is so disconnected that they don’t feel much of anything and have to go elsewhere for feeling connected. Lastly, I know your husband is disabled, but he is certainly not disabled enough to teach his children discipline, responsibility, character even though he is unable to do these things, he is helping out in other ways!!! I commend him in so many ways…how can you question him???

My kids, 17,11 and 9 do yard work. My husband does it most of the time but they are willing to step in and help and do. There is nothing wrong with showing these kids these days a good string work ethic. My kids all have chores and cannot go do stuff u til chores are done.

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Lol girl he’s building some work ethic in those children. Kids are so lazy because parents don’t make them do anything or express the importance of work. My dad had me and my sisters helping with the yard when we’re kids too. It definitely felt good to accomplish something as a kid and to help my parents.

There is nothing wrong with that! I had chores like mowing and cleaning up dog poop and raking when I was that age! I lived on a ranch and took care of all the animals before school and after.

Nothing wrong with it I’m sure he was suprivizing them and all in all they probably feel good about helping out let them help you :+1:

Like alot of others, I and my siblings all had to help in and around the home. This at about 9 or 10. Builds a good work ethic and character. In your case with your husband in a wheelchair I would hope your girls would step up anyway. Good luck to you all.

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Thats whats wrong with kids these days. Kids feel they shouldn’t have to do any chores. Their dad can’t do it they should have been helping out long time ago. It teaches them responsibility.

I sure don’t see a problem with it as long as they are supervised and instructed on making the yard look good while staying safe!

It is great to teach them responsibility and the value of hard work. I grew up working like a trojan horse. It is also good to show them that you value their contribution by giving them a small allowance.

There is nothing wrong with having them help out around the house and yard work. I used to have my kids do that along with pulling weeds.

Damn right! Kids need to learn to work and take on responsibilties when they ate young

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No they are old enough. I’m sure he supervises. It’s much better for them to do this then be on electronics. As a widow my grandkids help me with whatever I need when they are here. I believe children need to do chores and learn responsibility.

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It is good for them as long as the are being watched and wear appropriate clothes shoes and eye protection.

It’s called chores. Good work ethics. My kids drove tractor on the farm at 9, my husband started driving tractor at 6 yrs old.

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I don’t side with dads that often but I’m siding with this dad. My dad had me and my brother out working in our garden at 3 and 2 yrs old, cutting grass, feeding and watering our animals ECT at a very very young age wtg dad

My siblings and I were doing chores beyond our bedrooms from the age of 6. Chores were assigned age appropriate and with supervision. It is fine. He’s being a good Dad to teach them the skills and to contribute to the household is a plus for everyone.

as long as they were taught how to use the equipment and to be careful there is nothing wrong with it, my Dad was also a paraplegic and there were 6 of us our yard looked great and we didn’t think it was wrong.

It’s terrific! Gives your daughters the satisfaction of knowing they are truly part of a family unit and are making valuable contributions to it. Good for all of you.

I little hard work is good for them and no they are not to young…

When I was 9, I was pushing a mower down the street to mow neighborhood yards.


Not at all. I worked in my parents plant nursery at nine! A long as he gave them safety glasses and taught them safety measures, I don’t see a problem with this at all. I also had to wash dishes ( 2 other sisters) one would wash, one would dry and the other put away. I learned how to do my own laundry at that age too. I think that is why I want to retire so much. I have been working for too damn long lol

Nothing wrong with them doing chores to help out, you wanted to hire someone so give them an allowance for doing their chores and they could do more then mow and weeding

They are not too young!
It’s time they were shown how to survive and work. That’s exactly what’s wrong with today’s society!


I don’t think they’re too young. Make sure they have safety gloves, hats, sunscreen, and hydration.

Mine began helping mowing at 12. I started them dishes , folding laundry about 10- 12. I do think 9 is too young with weed eater

I started younger than that with my Dad & I was a girl

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Nothing wrong with it… You should be showing them also how to cook… Do stuff around the house… Washing and so on…

Nothing wrong with that, my dad taught us how to mow the lawn, wash the car, and even tile long before we were teenagers,and we were girls

They are NOT too young at all, kids should be doing chores, household & yardwork, that is how they get structure, self worth from a job well done and know what to do when they have their own place someday. Regardless of your physical abilities or limitations.

9 is too young for weed eater. Those are dangerous for adults. I would worry.

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My son was 4 and had muscles from shovelling bark. He loved the wheelbarrow rides

Its called chores and most kids have them or should have them! My siblings and I had a certain amount of housework and yard work we did on a weekly basis and my kids turned out just fine doing the same! It teaches them responsibility and they will be proud of their hard work! Kids now days spend way to much time on electronics and not enough time being an active member of a family! Tell them what a good job they did and they won’t complain so much next, and if you feel like the should get an allowance then that is good too!

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Nothing wrong with teaching kids responsibility…my sister and I helped my mom when we were younger…my dad was paralyzed from waist down…but he would sit on the grass and pull weeds…kids need to learn…

This is probably every Saturday? This is 2 to 3 hours other little girls are on their phones or iPads or tv and your girls are getting exercise, sunshine and learning responsibilities. Just make sure they’re hydrated and take little breaks.

My kids mow, rake, pull weeds. If properly taught (including protective eyewear) and supervised, kids can learn to safely use a lawn mower. We started at age 10. Kids rise to level of expectation.

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I was 10 mowing the lawn, painting fences…
It’s good for the girls to know they are part of a family and they need to pitch in.

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I do not think it is wrong to ask children to do chores at home. It treaches them responsibility, etc. You see some college kids who do not know how to do their own laundry or cook. In this case, I would just want to make sure that the tools were safe. I think many kids are spoiled nowadays. I had chores to do at home growing up, keeping my room clean, taking out the garbage, going to the store, and other household items. Not alot but my parents worked. They would say, “You live here? share the burden”. No one thought this wrong. I am thankful to them for teaching me certain things to enable me to handle my own household when I got older.

I think your husband is right. Too many kids are on phones an iPads all day long. They need to know how to do chours. Helps them with a good ethic. You worked for that iPad so why can’t they work for the privilege of having it.

No is never to early to start to have children either sex to do chores aroymd the house they learn so much from they may hate now but theyll appreciate later

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My kids had chores some inside and others outside like mowering and pulling weeds. All of my kids are successful people today because they have work ethic. And I was a single mom.

Great move Dad! The kids will learn skills, feel valued for what they can contribute to the family and grow up to be responsible and capable adults! Good job👍🏼

I started mowing lawns when I was 5. I was born in the 70’s tho.

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They’ll be ok !! You need their help!! Do they do laundry/dishes/ house cleaning? They should be glad to help for the both of you!! Nothing wrong with him doing this!!

The best gift your kids is a good work ethic. Knowing how to work affects every aspect of life. Smart good father!!

Much better than them sitting on their butts on their tablets. Work is good experience. At any age.

Am 87 yrs old. Cut grass before motorized lawn mowers. Dad taught me how and when to get the oil can out and give it a good oiling. He kept blades sharp. Had a dandelion digger too to use on the lawn. Then started at age 5 to dry silverware. Mom worked 2 jobs and dad worked at factory. Mom cooked, dad grocery shopped. So we all had our jobs. Cleaned house too. Age related.

No , they need to learn to do it so they can do
My beautiful daughters do some home duties

It’s perfectly fine for the kids to do yard work. This is good for them and I think you’re the one overeating.

No. I worked with my dad at that age. Now I’m a perfectionist at yard work.