I think it’s perfectly fine. It’s better that they learn something other than on social media. A lot of kids now days refuse to help out around the house or do anything. I think this is good for them to learn at that age
Doing things like these help a growing child. It will build muscles, helps develop a sense of worth and responsibility. I was weeding the garden and edging the lawns by the age of 8. I am now 88 and still love being in the garden and helping plants grow.
Reasonable work never hurt any kid. Mowing a lawn - trimming the weeds with an electric tool isn’t arduous. Teaches responsibility, pride in accomplishment, sense of family.
My 13 year old mows our yard. But I weed eat. I think the 13 year old is old enough. Not so much the 9 year old. They can pick up the yard and prep it to be mowed
Yes ,allowing them to do some is good they will gain independent…just supervisor them and don’t over work them .
Not every child is the same at a certain age. Some are much more responsible than others. Only you and your husband know if your children are mature enough at their ages to do the jobs you ask them to do. Yard work is one good way of teaching them some of that responsibility. They are not too young to learn.
Kudos to him! Kids being taught responsibility is definitely a good parenting move… and no, I don’t think they’re too young….I did a lot at those ages…God bless!
Absolutely they should be doing the yard work! My parents had me on the riding lawnmower by the age 8. It’s good for them, and for the family. Chores build character
I think it’s unacceptable to not require kids to do chores…not only does it teach them to help out but it gives them skills they will need to know once they are on their own. It especially irks me when I see people that don’t require their sons to do these types of chores. I don’t want my daughters to marry someone that doesn’t know how to do anything! My daughters never helped with any kind of outdoor work other than putting zinnia seeds in the garden, watering or raking. When they went away to college and wanted to live off campus, they had a quick awakening of doing full yard work when they rented houses where they were responsible for doing their own yard. I do think weed eating is a bit extreme for girls as young as yours. I can tell you this…get the battery powered yard tools. They are lighter weight and easier to use. I know this bc I required it of my husband when I started doing the bulk of the yard work!
You should have not got mad at him when I was there age I had to do the things that he asked them to do it don’t Hurt them to help out you can’t do it all they should help out around the house for you kids today think that they don’t need to do anything at home but they want phones iPads and Xbox and all that and they think that they should not have to do anything at all by him having them help do things it going to make them a better person when they get older God bless you and your family and tell your daughters that I said that I was proud of them for helping out where they can keep it up girls
You shouldn’t question this
Kids need chores to do, they learn from chores and responsibilities.
Too many kids grow up expecting way too much for doing nothing
Nothing wrong with it. Back in the day, they made 10-year-olds chop down trees with an ax for firewood. It teaches life skills, helping your parents out. Boy or girl shouldn’t matter. My 4-year-old daughter helps lay mulch and trim the shrubs. She wants to cut the grass, but she can’t reach the mower yet.
Yes it’s a great idea for both of them to help out. It is important to let them know what a great job they are doing and you appreciate them helping out. Builds character, responsibility and self esteem.
I think it’s great to have chores to do,it shows responsibilities.They should b helping and there not to young.Your husband wasnt wrong for taking there tablets away.My son goes through this with his oldest who is 13 he doesnt do his chores he gets all his fun things taken away.They need responsibilities.Your 13teen will b working very soon and your 8 year old will b following suit.
It’s good for children to have responsibilities. As long as he teaches them how to use safely.
My 12 year old girl uses the push mower and the zero turn riding lawnmower mower. As long as there’s supervision to correct anything before an accident, you’re solid. Don’t forget the safety glasses and closed toe shoes.
It’s good for them and teaches them values and responsibility. It also is teaching compassion and kindness. A small reward for a job well done is not out of line, but instead of letting them waste money on junk, clothes or temporary assets, set up savings accounts for them and let them help you watch it grow into a future for them.
I grew up in the country. Weedwhacking since 8 or 9…whenever I was able to carry the weight. Proper clothing/Gear is key. Eye protection minimally. Teach them proper handling. By 12 I was driving the tractor. Kids can do it. They just need proper guidance and supervision. It’s good for them to learn responsibility and ownership.
Your husband is right. If you really cared as to what kind of adults your girls will be you would teach them everything regarding running a house. Lifelong skills never hurt anyone yet lack thereof certainly has. Give them the ability & their confidence will grow. And they own what they know.
Thats I they learn they will have their own yard one day and maybe the best looking yard on the block
I wouldn’t let my 9 year old weed eat, that’s too young.I didn’t weed eat or mow grass growing up. And now I’m grown I don’t have any problems on how to work in the yard , I love working in the yard
I think that’s great for the kids. They know they are helping out etc. Responsibility. I used to love mowing the lawn when I was a kid.
As long as they are supervised, the 9 year, I think it is great. Builds great work ethics. I was mowing the yard before I was 10 and loved it.
My children do yard work and also tend a flourishing vegetable garden so they can know the value of hard work. They also have chores inside.
to your husband for teaching and encouraging your children to work around the house and gardens. One day, they’ll have their own homes and they’ll be prepared for what to do and how to do it - responsibility. They’re being taught compassion as your husband can’t care for his home and you’re up to your neck at work. Your girls live in the house and they should be part of making sure it runs smoothly.
So, no, do not be upset with your husband. Be grateful that your girls are outside and not glued to a device 24/7 as too many children are these days. They’re helping to run your household and for that you, your husband, and your girls should be proud.
My 11 year old daughter loves to mow… I see nothing wrong w it… the weed eater maybe not but idk I’m over protective lol
I did much more than that growing up. Gives your kids a good work ethic.
When I was that age, we didn’t have a weedeater and had to pull the weeds by hand. This is a good learning experience. They will find out if they like manual labor or are willing to do the work school, to do something else. More people should have their kids do chores.
No! From the time I could push a mower until I moved out of my dad’s house I did yard work. I also had to help with car work and plumbing issues. And I am glad he did. I am able to fix things on my own. If I can’t do it, then I know I have someone who could help me.
I did mowing with my dad which later in life this turned into a small business so I’m ok with the kids mowing and weed eating
It is good for kids to help their family. They should accept it as part of their chores. If you force it by with holding things it will feel like a punishment. At 9 and 13, they are old enough to learn about responsibility. Start, of course, by teaching them about safety.
nope dad is right, teach them young, kids now a days just want to sit and play games, they need to learn life growing up is not all cake and ice cream!
I think all kids should learn to work at something . They will grow up a lot better for it.
I started working on the farm younger than that, driving a tractor ,plowing mowing tending to so much on the farm. You grow up realizing that a since of pride in a good job done an work harder when an incentive is there for something you really wanted an you say I earned it myself. But teaches children that you need to not only get a job to take care of home life. But helping keep your home nice too…
Nothing wrong with them helping with yard work or housework. Teaches them responsible and they should be willing to help giving mom is working and dad is limited to what he should be attempting to do. I am female and was going yard work at 7 or 8. I was also helping take the trash out and setting and clearing the dinner table. Children need chores to earn their phones and tablets. This teaches responsibility and that nothing in life is free.
Perfectly acceptable, they are old enough for the tools they are using
No, they not to young. Make sure they are appreciated and feel part of a family team. If you had to pay someone to do this it would pull a good sum out of the house hold budget. Just be sure to throw some praise their way.
They are learning skills that’ll be useful in their adult lives.
My Brother was 10 and I was 12 when we started a lawncare business. We mowed 20 lawns a week. We also weeded flower beds, racked leaves, cleaned gutters, trimmed shrubs. Our customers loved our work and tipped us well. We were much younger when we mowed our own lawn and it was 1 1/2 acres with a garden that we also helped care for.
I do not think a nine year old has one bit of business with a weed eater, neither should a thirteen year have the full care of a lawn.
I think the kids now days are so consumed by electronics that they feel like they don’t need to do anything else its good for them to be outside and being productive
I was pushing a hand mower before 13
Why is it moms think girls belong in the house doing chores?
We live in the 21st century not the 1900s.
Don’t get me wrong nobody wants to have their child hurt, but if the child is mature enough allow them to learn.
My mother had girls n we wern’t allowed in the garage except to push a broom. Dad being a well versed mechanic we never got to learn. Mom paid bills, dad bought n sold boats & vehicles. Dad even built parts of our house. All things we never were taught by our parents that were to teach us.
I dont blame them for it though for the ones that taught them how things should be ran in a house hold were set in old fashion ways to.
I guess the point I’m getting at is, teach them all the skills you as a parent know. One day you wont be around to do it or pay someone to do it for them. Yah their gonna get bumps n bruises along the way but with a parents guidance will be far less damaging than what life will due to them when your gone.
Ps. the $ you were willing to pay a lawn service with, do something nice for your girls with. Since the schooling mom received is priceless!
No not to young to start … good thing to learn… our kids started young and still does work but we also farm we start them early to help out
My kids did yard work. My son formed his own company and was really good at it. They live there, they should help. Good for them .
Even if the father wasn’t in a wheelchair…having the kids do yardwork is a good thing. They should be helping the mom with housework as well.
I think considering the circumstances your daughters should be happy they can do that for him
I think it’s a good idea for them to learn. Listen nothing in this life is free and if it is then generally it’s not worth a thing. Helping is good it will be returned 100 times over.
I was doing yard work around that time. Without being able to have a phone or tablet, I might add. I’d say your kids are lucky in that sense
Best to start them young. If you’re nervous about it, pay them commission for a job well done…not allowance because you want your kids to learn how to earn their own money and respect it, don’t allow them to have money. You have to work for what you have and so should they.
They must learn how to take care of thhings, It’s very important to teach our daughters that kind of stuff, she won’t NEED man for every little thing. Very healthy& HE CAN’T.
Our daughter got a mower when she was 12. The other daughter didn’t like working outdoors so she did all of the ironing!! This was back when we ironed-today my husband taught our 11 and 12 yr old grandsons how to mow. They are proud of their new skill
I honestly thought this was a joke. Really? You work 50/60 hrs a week and have children and a paraplegic husband. Usually you mow? You’re asking if it is too much work for the children? Poor things have their lap tops restricted?
You want them to become entitled or spoil or lazy its good 4 you’re kids to help out. They live there 2 n they are a age where they understand. You have sons do you? If you sons that age or older i rather u have the boys do that kind of work but if they ever buy a house when they grown without a husband this would be a good life skill to learn
No, it’s good for them. My brother was allergic to cut grass so I had to do it. It won’t hurt them at all. It will teach them to carry their share of the load at home, and at those ages they do have a share of the responsibility. If you feel guilty, give them an allowance and that will teach them how to handle money at the same time. But don’t feel guilty for teaching them. Feel guilty if you don’t teach them. My kids started doing their own laundry when they were 9.
I mowed the grass for years. My dad had an artificial leg and my brother was 4 years younger than me so it was up to me to do it. Push mower for many years until he bought a power mower for me to use.
It’s fine. Builds character. Kids should have chores. If they can handle it, why not. They are outside, getting fresh air. It teaches them responsibility.
I see nothing wrong with a little work for the kids. It’s good that your husband is teaching them life skills.
I was cooking and cleaning and helping on the farm when I was 9…at 13 I was working in my Grandmother’s hotel serving and making the cream teas for a wage It was fun. I loved it. In terms of a wage I suggest you pay in terms of who does it and be fair about splitting the work.
I was 8 when my dad taught me to use the push mower and the weed eater. My mom learned to drive a tractor at the same age. Trust me they are more than capable. Just cut the apron strings a little. Kids wont learn if they dont get taught. And the earlier they are able to understand the better. And in this age of technology its hard enough to get kids or adults to do their jobs and keep their noses out of the phones and tablets. Its ridiculous actually.
My sisters and I did all kind of yard work from the age of 6 on up! I am glad he showed us hard work. We learned a lot and it made us appreciate what we had. Dad is doing great
I was cutting the lawn at 7 plus doing the other chores around the house. I got a paper route at 11 learned what work was and what doing it could get me. Owned my own construction company at 18 been self employed ever since. Work never hurt anyone’s future. It actually makes it better.
I think it’s great that your husband is teaching your daughter as a skill at this age as long as they pay attention to what they’re doing and he is there to supervise then it’s a wonderful thing and as they get older they’ll know how to do it and won’t have to have anyone do it for them
You are over reacting! The kids are old enough to help with chores inside and out. It builds independence, character, values, can do attitude, love for something other than phones/computer, teaches them what life and nature is all about, gives them pride in themself, it gives them value in self. You could go out and teach them safety if that is what you are frightened about. Those girls will be far richer for doing chores.
Good on him. Don’t know anything that promotes self worth like realizing you are making a contribution. Kids need to know how to work. The last two generations are full of slackers who weren’t taught to work.
My son isn’t even two yet and wants to "help clean " the house with me and my husband we are also teaching him how to put his dirty clothes in the dirty clothes basket cause I am pregnant so him trying to help is fantastic
It’s ok and good for them to get this experience my 9 yrold granddaughter has been taught to wash dishes and wash and dry Laundry the 4 yr old cleans up living rn and helps fold clothes
My boss were doing house chores from the time they could walk and put their toys away. Build a good work ethic and understanding of working together. They weren’t the best at it but the kids like to help out and have change for treats
That’s the best thing your husband can do for them… He is right on they learn to help out, commitment, discipline, focus, hard work and most important they do not need anyone they can do many things themselves… All of my kids have done outside work since they were little it’s a part of growing up…
My granddaughter who just turned 14 loves cutting the grass. Her younger sister helps with the weed whacking. Its a good thing for girls to learn these skills. I am a 60+ widow who has put together grills, weed whackers, built raised flowerbeds and repaired steps on the deck and more by myself. Learning to tile and sink a wall anchor were things I learned after a divorce, so when my husband passed away if I needed to learn something called my brothers or checked out YouTube. Saves a ton of money.
I had to do more then that growing up on a farm. It will teach them respect and responsibility.
I feel like kids should’ve included in chores as easy as possible. Definitely age appropriate of course. No reason a 3 year old can’t help pick up dirty clothes or carry napkins to the table…as long as they are helping, they are learning to be good adults (eventually lol). When my son was 5 he got a small shovel and he learned how to pick up the dog poop in the yard and to put it in a plastic bag and then we would put it in the trash. He got paid $1 everytime he did it (about twice week) and that kid saved up to buy himself a used Nintendo with a few games.
Absolutely. It is very good for them to share responsibility around the home they live in. Our 2 1/2 year old grandson helps with chores. He picks little weeds from around sand box and swing. Work is healthy
Yeah I did it all when I was a kid and proud to have the knowledge later in life. But you know mowing only happens in the summer. They should help clean and cook and do laundry.
I believe it’s a great life lesson, teaching work ethics and their self worth. As long as you and their dad let them know they’re doing a great job and you appreciate what they’re contributing.
Thank God someone making their children responsible. Good for you. No reason they can’t work and help with jobs around the house
My kids are made to do yard work, cook , their own laundry etc. Im not the maid. Im a single mom and how else are they gonna learn?
Children of your daughters ages are old enough and should be doing chores. They should be helping out with more than the yard work.
my 8 year old asks to help mow now i have a huge backyard so i don’t make her do it all or make her at all but she does get some money to help so she usually asks to help she likes it
They are not too young. He provided them with tools to make it easier for them. Being a girl doesn’t excuse them from this line of work either just like boys should clean house, wash dishes and do laundry. They have to learn.
It’s good to know how to use them.
As there will not always have a man around to do it.
My kids don’t do yard work reason being they have allergies to grass. But I don’t think 9 is to early depending on the maturity level.
Absolutely great for their contribution to the upkeep of their and your home. And just think they will know how to tackle that duty when they have their own homes
I don’t think that there is anything wrong with chores for kids and your husband did right and more than likely watched over them. Children crave chores and guidance. Your husband made the world a better place by teaching them to be self reliant
My 7 and 9 year old help with yard work…and chores around the house… they both pick up dog poop. They help me weed, my 9 year old mows the yard… it’s teaching them life skills
It is totally ok. They need to learn how to do it. I’ve been doing chores long before that age
My dad had 3 girls and he taught us to do yard work. My mom taught us to do housework. No, I never got an allowance!
Personally, I think your hubby is right hun. They need to learn to do these things, and I think a 9 year-old can work a weed eater well. as far as taking their tablets and phones to work is done, I did that to .y kids, sometimes only way they will do tge job and get it done.
That’s good the kids need to help out. I started doing chores when I was about 3 or 4 and did yard work etc. teaches kids responsibility and to contribute to the house they live in. My five sons have always had chores I work full time and have raised them on my own so it’s team work that I expect from them.
They probably won’t now but when they are grown they will thank him or appreciate him for teaching them to do work early in life. It will serve them well as adults. Great job dad.
I had my daughter and son doing all kinds of chores starting at age 5. Teaches them responsibilities. That’s the best gift he can give them. They should be helping with the cleaning and laundry as well.
You guys need help and they are able. Support your hubby because he’s trying to support you by giving you less work to do. Plus it’s better for your kids to be outdoors rather than on technology. I wish my husband would make our kids do it but he’s a big softie and hates any type of conflict.
I think it’s perfectly acceptable and will help build responsibility and character. My 9 and 7 year olds do yard work as well as inside chores… even my 2 yo does her part by helping to pick up any trash that blows in our yard. We make it fun for them but they all have to chip in.
They are old enough to do chores. It’s good for them to know how to maintain stuff and take care of themselves
I see nothing wrong with the kids doing this just so your husband was outside with them watch over the weed eating.
A 13 yo girl is mostly grown. If they are capable of not hurting themselves, they should be physically capable of yard work, if you as mom don’t want your 9 yo mowing & “eating” then you do it for them. As a family, if you don’t pay someone, family members must do it or hire it out!
If you dont teach them how to do this kind of work, who will?
That is the purpose of household chores - to teach children how to become productive independent adults.
There is no laundry fairy, dish fairy, or yardwork fairy who will visit their houses when they’re adults. They need to learn this when they’re kids. This is called good parenting!!
It’s good for them. They are old enough to help with other things at home.
Chores are good for kids, it teaches them so much especially if they get an allowance for them
Regardless of his wheelchair YES! Kids should work! Not like child slave labor but age appropriate work!
It’s good for them to have chores to do make responsible Children out of them, then when they leave home they will know how to work and take care of themselves and their homes