Are you serious??? Too young??? They should be helping out with more chores in the house as well. That’s part of being a family. My 2 grandsons (12&14) have been cutting grass for years and they now have 6 paying customers as well as us. They have quite the bank accounts too.
They are definitely old enough. Our kids have been doing all kinds of yard work since they were 6yrs old.
No way! Kids need to learn the value of hard work and feel the joy of accomplishing something. A good work ethic is best is learned at a young age.
Children should be doing chores! Laundry, dishes, making sandwiches, dusting, vacuuming, weed eating, mowing. Altho first several time might need parental guidance and oversight but your husband could do that from a w/c.
Be a lot better world for everyone if children helped out around the house and had chores and responsibility,it would give them pride and a good feeling of accomplishment
Yes u R over reacting, electronics has taken over kids life and it’s a shame , they will grow up not knowing what being a kids is, let them learn responsiblies, they will appreciate it more as they get older
Its awesome parenting. Teaching them to do things their going to have to do someday. Im sure hes supervising them. I think parents have gotten away from this.
I think it’s a very good idea, as long as he’s there to supervise and also teach them how to do it the right way. It’s good for learning not only responsibility but the satisfaction of a job accomplished and done well. It’s good:bangbang:
I think it’s wonderful, I have my kids help. They’re all part of the household and will need to know the skills. The longer you wait the more they’ll feel like someone else should have to do it.
I worked on a farm drive tractor at age seven raked hay and cut hay at age eight. Hauled draw and hay then also. Believe me they will be good workers and thank you later and kids are non social as it is they are always on phones. Take it from me they can do this. Let them learn .
I was mowing yards around that age in my neighborhood for extra money but weedeaters weren’t invented yet! Don’t see a problem with that!!
I did it and i learned how to be responsible and kept me out of trouble. Great job Dad!
Teaches them that yard work is ok for a girl. But boys should be made to wash dishes sweep floors and mop.
Always teach your kids to do there part. I guarantee you won’t be sorry. My daughter is a very productive person today because she was thought to be a productive person.
Just remind dad that they need to use sunscreen outdoors. Good job dad.
That teaches the kids work ethic etc. and gets their phones out of their hands!
Not too young, its good for them, outside fresh air exercise, good on hubby, and also spending time with dad
It is good for them to help around the house and garden i had to do it and it learns them to do jobs around the house and garden you work a lot of hrs,
Your kids should definitely do the work. It will make them better people. Your husband is doing the right thing.
That is hardly an issue. It’ll teach them some good skills. Non issue. They use to do waaay more than that back in the day. Most children these days don’t learn the value or hard work. My three do chores all of the time, inside and out. It makes them feel like they are apart of the family and belong.
At 9 years old I was driving a 3 ton tractor pulling implements. A good work ethic starts early. Adult supervision of course but your kids need to learn hard work never hurt anyone
As long as dad taught them how to use these tools safely, gave them safety glasses, and they’re tall enough to safely wield those tools, then it is appropriate for them to do these chores at that age. I remember hand milking our 2 cows morning and night by around the age of 12ish, and doing the laundry and dishes for a family of 13 people at an even younger age (we all took turns). I drove a tractor (can’t remember how old I was when I was taught) and am so grateful for my brothers and the neighbors who got me out of a couple of sticky situations! We had a strawberry farm for a while, also, which meant weeding and picking a couple acres of strawberries (best strawberries I’ve ever tasted). Dad and the older boys would fell trees, and we’d cut & load it, haul the wood back home, and stack it in the barn for the winter. We sure worked hard growing up, but we also had sooo much fun!! We had bonfires, made home made root beer, home made ice cream, had enough people to play baseball in the fields, and we had a basketball hoop on the barn and a tetherball pole set up as well! I remember how the turkey barns had fantastic acoustics, and we’d sing and harmonize together. I’m SO grateful for my parents teaching me how to work, and how to work hard.
I grew up mowing the lawn and trimming hedges with electric hedge clippers. I was doing this at 9/10 years old. It’s good for kids to put down the electronics and take pride in helping to care for their homes IMO.
It is great for the kids especially since most kids do no chores these days and can help them towards good work ethics.
You are over reacting, as long as they are being taught safety along with the work ethic, they will be better for it later in life!
I had my 11 9 and 7 year old help outside when we were putting our pool up. One is a girl. I believe they should learn yard work. Especially if they ever wish to own a home and have to do it themselves one day. And if its ok for you to do as mom and kick ass at it why not support ya daughters doing the same thing
- Cheers for the husban raise the kids right their is nothing wrong with kids learning to work
Of course they can mow. Mine did and pull weeds and use a weed whacker. If your child is too young to weed eat then have em PULL the weeds but they should help.
Absolutely they help. How are they ever going to learn or survive in life. They should be doing dishes n cleaning the house
There isn’t any free rides in life
Lady. What are you thinking ??
Lost my father at 15 . This guy takes pride in teaching respectful generation in my kid’s Teaching any child what it takes to grow up …Is simple teaching common scence and raise a respectful adult someday…
Honey. I mowed our large yard with an old fashioned push mower when I was 9 years old.
I think is good to teach ur girls skills,how to learn and keep clean the outside of the house ,is like a mom should be teaching them also how to clean their rooms and wash their clothes ,kitchen or living room near,in case one of the adults are sick ,also cooking,they need to learn for their own good and future ,by having their phones and tablets around their won’t learn the right way to do things ,so ur husband is doing the right thing ,don’t worry!! As long he also teach them how to be careful not to be injured ,
I been asking my 22 year old grandson to please mow my yard I would give him sixty dollars he is so lazy won’t work lives at hope he knows I have trouble walking I even asked him to take lawnmower out of shed for me so I could mow as much as I can of the yard as I can ground is not even and house on hill so only part of yard I could push lawnmower still at least I could do some because I am able to hold on to lawnmower and push I can’t walk in yard since not level everywhere and if I fall I will not be able to get up
Giving kids chores no matter what age allows them to learn not only responsibility but feel better about themselves for having accomplished something that needed to be done. Teaches them respect for their elders as well, most parents/most kids for that matter would rather sit at home on their phones, tablets etc. and let that be a babysitter while the parents do whatever needs to be done at home
I applaud yout husband for making the kids help out. They are quite able to do it under supervision of course. I see so many 50, 60 and 70 year old people out there doing the work while their “no work bum” kids sit inside and say they cannot do it. The most common retort is “they do not know how”
They are the perfect age. Good for him. Thank him. Kids need to learn to help and do chores that maybe labeled girl or boy jobs. My kids have always done lawncare
I was doing that and more at 9…oldest in family of 9 so no …hard work teaches us to be be responsible and appreciate
Helping out is good yes but honestly I feel they are too young to operate that machinery. Could be very dangerous even for adults.
I little work is not going hurt them maybe their feelings cause they don’t want to work but they’ll be fine
That kid is lucky to have a weed eater. After I mowed our huge yard–4 hours on a clunky riding mower, I had to trim around all the trees with an old non-powered push mower and a pair of scissors. I am a girl and I started doing the yard work by around nine or ten years old.
Good job dad , kids need to learn how to do things around the house and yard , girls and boys, your girls are not to young to do this
At 10 years old my son was doing break jobs on cars with my husband and now his is an airplane mechanic running a department of 10 at 25
they should help out nothing wrong with it.
Nothing wrong with that. It’s good for them. I had to when I was young and it didn’t hurt me one bit.
My 10yr old grandson mows my lawn, not that I’d not want to, but it’s good for him mentally and physically, long term many rewards for doing chores!
Life Skills!!
I started my kids out as soon as they could walk with learning to match socks.
Surely he supervises & this Teaches independence!!!
Nothing wrong with this. It teaches responsibility. Now the only factor to be considered is their maturity. Some kids are not mature even at an older age. I would however not take their phones away.
I was mowing the lawn when I was like 7-8… We had a riding lawn mower because we lived on a farm with a HUGE yard… like it would take 3 hours to mow. My parents would pay me $10 to do it and I actually didn’t mind doing it. I think chores are very good for kids…
We already have been teaching my 5 yr old grandson to use a small weed eater. In our family we all lend a hand from a young age. I cannot tell you what is right for your family.
Hey at there age I was out in the summer time picking fruits and vegetables and after dinner snapping and sucking. I also spent my summer mowing grass and my kids were washing there own clothes at 10 and putting them away along with doing dishes and out side chores which has given them the work ethics they have today. My hat is off to dad because that’s the problem with a lot of kids these days parents give and kids take and take and very seldom give back so have them start doing more then just mowing and weed eating.
If the child can use it (like knows how and is tall enough) I see nothing wrong with it. My daughter has been mowing the lawn since she was 8. I never let her weed eat but that’s only cause I don’t really know how use one so I don’t know how to teach her
Absolutely nothing wrong with it imo. My son has been doing yard work since he was ten or so and so did I!
I don’t see anything wrong with chores. Whatever the circumstances are. All kids should do something to help the family.
I was mowing grass at that age ,we didn’t have a weed wacker we had grass scissors to cut by hand,doesn’t hurt to teach them some things like that to do
My husband is 69 years old and a paraplegic. He recently bought a zero turn Toro riding lawn mower. He changed out the seat for one with arm rests and a higher back. He put on a seat belt and a chest belt. The hand operated mower allows him to mow our yard and it is rather hilly and steep in places.
My kids do and they are 9. They also want to help! They want to do things like this and teaching them now will help them in the future. Safety is learned as well. I personally don’t think it’s bad I was driving cars when I was 9
No, that is great. Never too young, born in 1956, my first job was at 9 in a laundry mat then 11 at a grocery store then 12 babysitting. Worked right up til I left for college. 1 was first of 8 and the siblings were very close in age so we started working at home actually at 2. Not lying! We all started pitching in around the house at 2 years of age. Only thing is dad was very mean and we did not get an allowance. We all turned out great and we have independence and good work ethnic. At least PAY them an allowance. Putting Electronics down is good! When they are older or now if not too obsessed, have them place their electronics in a tray, basket, etc before doing chores. Teaches responsibility and accountability.
Former teacher.
They have phones and tablets at 13 and 9, what do they do to earn them? How do they help pay for the internet to use them? 13 and 9 are more than capable of doing yard work and all household chores. Such as meal prep, dishes cleaning laundry, etc. up to and including preparing a grocery list and help going to the store to help shop. How are they going to be prepared to live on their own if you don’t teach them the schools don’t. Thank goodness they have an involved father who wants to be hands on.
I think you should hire someone to do that kind of work…your kids could get hurt doing that work…and it could really mess up their lives…later on…so many terrible accidents I have heard of…please be careful…
They are old enough, and it doesn’t hurt kids to do chores. Make sure they are wearing safety glasses and pants to weed whack though. Some of kids were driving tractors that young on the farms.
My kids help with the house and yard work
Instead of paying someone else pay them it will help them learn work ethic and how to work for things they want by saving money
I think this is great! Did they get the job done? Did they hurt themselves? If they did it, then they can do it!
It’s great for them! Kids need to learn responsibility and to help out at home. Absolutely nothing wrong with yardwork.
Nothing wrong with children that age starting to do chores.
honey, is he doing them a favor. There is nothing wrong with them mowing and weedeating, esp if he is there to keep an eye on them. They will grow up knowing how to take care of their own lawns…chill out.
They won’t learn any younger…… as long as supervised why would it be an issue. ? A small electric weed eater isn’t heavy and is easy to operate
Yes you are wrong!! Your husband is right. Quit babying your daughters and spoiling them. The BEST thing you can do for your kids is to teach them how to work. My oldest daughter was 9 years old and wanted a Schwinn bicycle that cost $240 in 1972!! That was a lot of money at that time. I told her we couldn’t buy that bike for her and she would have to work and buy it herself. She said “what can I do?” I said there’s a lawnmower (gas) in the garage. You can mow lawns. She said “well how can I get jobs?” I said “Walk up and down the street and knock on doors and ask them if you can mow their lawn!” So she did and she got at least several jobs. (One was a huge thick lawn that was hard to mow so I helped her with that one) but she earned the money for that bicycle!!! Our kids all (3) had to work at various jobs. They drove tractors when we farmed later on. The girls went to College on gymnastic scholarships and had jobs also. They graduated with great grades. One is a Principal. One was is a Dental Hygienist, a Consultant, an Office Manager etc. etc. my son is the CEO of a successful company. If you want your kids to be confident and successful and great citizens the best thing you can do is stop babying them and teach them to work!! Then when you die you know they know how to take care of themselves!!
Kids need chores to do. I don’t think it’s bad at all. I think your hubby did the right thing & saved you money & they have to get out & get off their stupid phones. Nothing wrong with kids having a little responsibility.
My sons went to work with their father in their teens, just clean up carrying things and when they were old enough, he put them on the payroll for school breaks. My daughters learned how to clean house, cook and do laundry. All my children helped with the yard work. It can teach the to appreciate a job well done. I don’t see anything wrong with a 9 yr old weedwaching as long as supervised.
It is more than fair in fact it is correct and good parenting,Teaches them lifelong lessons, chores are good.
Shoot i was working in the garden and doing other chores when I was there age i was doing laundry and cooking to and helping taking care of my younger sisters to
Your husband us doing a great job!! They are not too youung!! You should be happy he is helping the only way he can! It’s all good.
This is fine…as long as safety is envolved…long pants, safety glasses and hats… and they drink lot is water. It teaches them responsibility, safety and that everyone in the home pitches in and no one sits on their butt while everyone else works…this includes house work as well… as long as there is free time…they are fine.
doesn’t hurt them … my mom always had my brother & I switch chores so we both had to mow & do the dishes…easier for her I think
YES it’s more than okay. Our kids should have responsibilities in the home. The home belongs to everyone, and it takes everyone to help keep it up.
I started mowing the yard at 9 and pulling weeds beforw that… my 4 year old helps me outside too…
I was earning my own money mowing for neighbors at 9 yo. It’s great to start your kids out young knowing these skills. Today’s kids so often lack the work ethic
Nothing wrong with those ages-- my older sister was driving a mower at about 8ish, but I always had to push as for some reason the rider was gone by the time I was old/strong enough to push the mower. I actually enjoyed helping my dad by mowing despite having to push. By 12 I was carrying 3-4 gallons of water a couple times a day to help water the horses at about 12, and none of it killed me. I did other chores as well. I was carrying split wood to get piled for the wood stove for my aunt & uncle for quarters when I was 4 or 5, but I’d do it even if they didn’t pay me.
All of it was very beneficial for me, and I was undiagnosed as neurodiverse. None of it hurt me, and the adults never put too much work onto me, in fact I was always ready to do more when everything was done!
As for age it depends on the individual what they can do, but it sounds like the dad was right there & made sure they were safe so I see no issue from the information given. Also it is not wrong to have a kid earning their keep instead of sitting around playing games or watching videos all day on a tablet.
Also if i had a 9 year old they wouldn’t have a smartphone, but that’s a personal parenting choice of course.
I started cleaning house when i was 4. Not just picking up toys. Toilet, mirrors, etc. Started mowing with an electric mower when i was 6 or 7. I am in my 50’s. Still alive and working.
It teaches them that girls can do anything and do it well if they are determined and this will help them in the future in what ever they decide to do.
I mowed yard from 12 on. 2 hours of riding and 2 hours of pushing. Help teach work ethic.
I see nothing wrong with it .My kids helped .And it teaches them things to do and how to do it
Nothing wrong with them working in the yard or helping out around the house.
My grandson is 10 and he mows there where six of us girls we learned young nothing wrong with learning r
I would supervise my kids because of my grand mother losing two of her toes do to a lawnmower her foot slipped and went under the mower if it wasn’t for her wearing shoes she would’ve lost her foot she walked with a limp after that happened to her
No, I think it’s good. It will enable them to know how to do it when they are on their own eventually. And teaches them the value of hard work
My brother and i did as children. I was tought the proper way to use both. That was part of our chores.
My 13 year old has been doing lawns since he was 11, whats wrong with letting them learn good work ethics,
If they’re doing ok I wouldn’t worry about it. It is a small weed eater that was given to your nine year old. I would watch closely to start with and take it from there. All the best.
It is good for kids to help out at home… When I was growing up in the 60’s all of my brothers and sisters and me had to work every day after school and on the weekends. Life is full of hard work.
As long as they have safe equipment and eye protection I think it is fine for them to do this yard work
I was running around the neighborhood when I was 9 pushing a push mower asking to cut ppl grass so I could make some money to go to the skating rink:eyes:
Lawwwdd, heaven forbid children actually peel their faces away from their devices to develop some much needed life skills! I was doing all that and more by those ages…kids nowadays act helpless about the littlest things and this is most likely why. Teach em young about a good work ethic and that work comes first, then play. Nothing wrong with that other than the fact they should’ve been doing such things a loooooong time ago.
Learning respondabilities, is a perfect way, to share unique growth, for your children, teaches,them how to appreciate life, family,etc. I am thankful that my parents, loved me enough to encourage me to value, are blessings in life, even work labor.
They will grow to appreciate what it takes to be an adult. I think its’s great as long as they gets breaks and lots of water.
There’s nothing wrong with a child having to do chores. It helps to have a good background on which to grow into a responsible adult.
Nothing wrong g with it at all.
Believe me they will thank him later.
I’m 65 and thank my dad everyday for the things he taught my sister and I to do. It has made us strong and independent women.
If you think there is something wrong with it then there is. Follow your instincts. Your away from the home a lot . Make sure those kids are ok.
I did at a very early age. As long as someone is supervising them they will be fine.
Your husband is teaching your kids life skills. You’re kids will thank you when they’re older. Kudo’s Dad!