My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

Good for their Dad. The kids are old enough to do outside chores. Our daughter raked leaves when she was 4 yrs. old. As she got older she mowed the yard and did weedeating. It gives them a sense of pride, responsibility, and builds integrity.

At what age do you want them to learn?? When they’re ready to leave home??? That’s very good what they’re dad is doing…

Teaching children to be responsible by taking care of the yard is great! I know I was mowing the lawn by the time I was 10 or so. I would be sure he is supervising the younger one, (and the older one, too, at first). Paying them something for their help is also a big incentive for their willingness to help.

I use to have our yard mowed before my dad got off of work because I knew he would be tired and I was little. And I still mow today.

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It it’s not hurting them one bit to help out and to learn some responsibility if you want to pay someone pay them a little bit of incentive

My 10 year old has been mowing with our rider for a year now. Kids need to learn how to do this stuff and to help out.

It’s a character builder and shows respect I was doing at a young age I’m 42 and still do it and with my kids

Good for your husband doesn’t hurt to learn how to do these things. Better than sitting around on their phones. Let them learn to help you and your husband. You will be glad you did.

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You might end up with 2 great horticulture lovers and or landscape artists…

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My sister and I did yard work from day one both our parents worked and my dad only got Sundays off. Your husband is a great dad

Yor husband is correct, life lessons. The girls will know how to do this and won’t have to depend on a man. Kudos to Dad and you need to learn to stop trying to do it all. The girls can also load dish washer and vacuum keep up with their own rooms.You my lady put in plenty of hrs. Good luck. The girls will thank you later on in life.

I did that plus do wash and help clean house on Saturdays started that at about 10 and I’m now 70 it’s good for the kids to help out around the house

Very age appropriate for them to be learning to help with chores around the yard and house. Teaching them to learn how to work, builds good work ethics that will help when they are in the real workforce.

I was about 6 learning a riding lawn mower you had to manually shift gears. I say yes as long as they wear safety gear.

You think it’s wrong for your husband to start teaching your Teenager who will be an adult in five years time some responsibility? You think it’s wrong that he shows your 9 year old that when life gets hard (you being short staffed and over worked) tht everyone should pitch in and help to maintain the house and life? I think your husband did a great thing by having your girls step up and help out, especially your 13 year old as she will be old enough to leave in five years and needs to learn now how to live life. Sure it might be an adjustment but I think it’s for the absolute better Momma. You deserve a little less stress in your day.

Those kids should help out…they are old enough & healthy & strong…this also teaches them to grow up & not be lazy adults…its a good thing…

They will never regret that they learned work skills early.

They are not too young. As long as they are being supervised. We learned how to do this at this age. Took pride in knowing how and also how to make extra money if we wanted to.

Thats why we have a generation of self-entitled young people. Chores do not hurt any child. Start young with small chores & add more as they get older.

I was working on our restaurant at 10 yrs old. Good for your husband!!!

Are you serious? Be thankful that your husband is fulfilling his father duties. Your daughters are being taught responsibility and work ethics. If more parents did this with their children, we wouldn’t have lazy, irresponsible young people.


I used the ride on mower as soon as I could reach the pedals. It was an upgrade from the push one. I think it teaches you life skills. I’m all for it.

My neighbor turned 7 today. He has spent much time this summer cleaning out brush from their back yard. He clips and saws, he also tends a small controlled fire to burn off the brush. He has adult supervision, but works independently because he enjoys it. He is also learning to cook and has mastered pancakes from scratch. He’s quite the talented and interesting young man. They had work done on their house last month ( roofing, windows etc.) He asked to help by moving the debris to the dumpster. The workmen were happy to accommodate his request. Developing good work skills and habits and learning life skills can and should start at a very young age.
My 5 year old granddaughter is learning to use a sewing machine. Her mother started making her bed every day when she turned two. Becoming a contributing member of a group or household is a valuable life skill that will serve your children well.

This will be good for them, to often kids are not taught skills to help them survive when their parents are gone , as long as he is giving love and support with it

I loved being outside helping my father in the yard. I still live in the yard.
They are your kids too.
Questions for you. Dovthey have safety glasses and long pants before using a weed eater? If not get them. They could lose an eye.
I also injure myself as an adult using a weed eater. Bloody whip marks on my legs.
They need to ve very careful.
Its sad to ne. They will hate being outside doing yard work if they are forced to do it.
Just my opinion

If you’re husband is supervising them I think it’s good for them teaches them they have to work for what they want

Absolutely! They should learn this stuff cause they will have to do it one day.

I think we survived it and they will too…need more parents like him…he needs their help, nothing wrong with some work…just watch the sharp stuff…dont wanna lose anything vital…

I was mowing the yard with a non electric push mower at the age of 7. I think they’ll live through it. :rofl::joy:

Uhm no it’s not wrong! It builds a good work ethic, something our young people are definitely missing!


It certainly won’t hurt them. My kids were brought up knowing that the house and family help each other out and everyone needs to pitch in to keep things going.

I see nothing wrong. Kids did more back in the days. Most kids nowadays don’t know the meaning of work. They think everything should be given to them without earning it. Plus helping around the house teaches them valuable lessons

We started young doing yard work and laundry. We were supervised, some one was always watching and helping us . Our payment was getting to go to the movies , or special family dinner out someplace we all dressed up . Mom would take us to Concerts , classical or plays .
Some times we got 5 or 10 dollars allowance. My own kids I also did this with . They value their money and their stuff . Kids have to have Purpose . And :heart:

Good for your husband. Teaching the girls that all the family should pitch in on all chores. They will be better for it! :heart:

I was feeding chickens, hoeing the garden, raking the yard, grass and leaves, cutting up apples and pears to feed the cows…and a whole lot more; grew up on a farm. It teaches them a good work ethic. A little hard work never hurt any one.

When I was 9 I washed laundry in the huge pan by hand not just mine but the whole family

I had several yards I mowed and weedeated by myself when I was 13. It’s good to teach them to work. Leave dad alone he’s trying to grow responsible young women.

Parenting done right. You go Dad. Everybody needs chores to do. Teach responsibility, good work ethic. I was raised to earn my keep and so was my girls. Nothing’s free.

I was raised on a family farm, I was working in tobacco fields when I was 6. Kids today don’t know what work is, all spoiled brats.

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I don’t think so. I think it is good for them to learn to help out. I was doing more than that at that age or earlier. In fact I think they should be happy to help out.

I have our kids do yard work and it is definitely something that builds character teaches them how to take care of their own yard one day and builds a good base for hard work being rewarding. If you have the opportunity to teach your child things and have them work with you you need to use that and do it…

There is nothing wrong about this. Older one can mow and you her one weeds. Also take turns. Chores are good for children

I was young when i started to do yard work with my dad iam only 34 now and i am thankful he taught me how to do it it has helped me be independent in knowing how to take care of my own yard as long as they stay highdrated I think it will be ok for them to learn it my son is 11 and does my yard it helps the learn a work ethic as well

Yeah! I mowed from 9yrs old! What’s a Weed eater though? Dont know that one! I used a paraffin fuelled one when I was 12 I think. Then I discovered Glyphosate! Easy peasy!

It’s a good age to teach him I was driving a tractor and Baler and hay for my uncle when I was 9 but it sure taught me a lot

Not at all tell them to be safe and make sure Dad is out there with them

I think it’s great he is teaching them responsibility at that age, us obviously teaching them the right way to do things. Some people have never been taught either of these & have problems as an adult because of it.

Well good for your husband teaching the importance of work I sure there are many kids mowing and weed eating where I live I have read where does that age looking for grass to mow It would be nice if he would give them some allowance for doing then they would know they are working for some of their own money.Two many don’t want to do that because they have never been made to do it now their just lazy ad want your tax dollars to support them

That is how is kids earned our money to buy anything just not our yard but around the neighborhood we liked to do that…

It does them no harm I used a to as a kid so now I don t give it a second thought

I was doing yard work like that at those ages and helping around the house. They are going to grow up knowing how to do things around the house and won’t have depend on someone. This is a great thing to be teaching them.

As long as hes teaching them to be responsible i think its ok, work is good for them…

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They are plenty old enough and it sounds like he was supervising them as well. This teaches them a valuable skill and responsibility. Maybe they can help you now.

Children should have chores but a nine year old weed eating is dangerous. At least wear safety glasses and adult supervision.

Doing chores is part of being a family. Help each other out, take pride in what you do.

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It’s teaching them more than mowing & weed eating as long as he’s being nice not yelling at them.

Less screen time is always a plus. Good work ethic is needed in the younger years. I think as a mother we want to nurture, but that also means showing them how to be responsible and taking initiative to do things for others to help. You need more time for you and they can enjoy learning new things.

I have no problem with it, my 5 kids all have chores and have since they were around 3… small things a s more as they get older, important skills learned and work ethic

I think it a great way for your kids to earn responsibility and earn some extra money like getting allowance. There is nothing wrong to get your kids to help around the house and learn some life lessons about helping out when needed.

I was doing it at 9 and not just our home, we had an elderly neighbor so i did hers as well. My pay 2 dollars

I was mowing the lawn at 9 but it was a push mower. Your kids seem old enough to do the chores.

work never hurt anyone - but as for mowing - I hope there is supervision ALL the time - and an electric cord on weed eater could be an issue for a 5 year old - they should be supervised completely and allowed breaks when needed - make them feel they are helping and not Demanded to do this -

No it’s not wrong cause it help kids understand that it’s part of life helping out around the house. And they also learn that in order to make it in this world every thing is not just handed to you. There are to many people that don’t make there kids earn things and when they get older they think why do I have to do it . They need to help out in life

No. It is good experience. I am 57 and have never mowed a lawn. Now I am afraid to have my own house because I don’t know how to take care of it.

It’s quite ok!! I was raised on a ranch and had to do a lot of different kinds of work!! It didn’t hurt me a bit!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with your children doing these chores. It teaches responsibility. More parents should be doing the same.

I helped out with yard work younger than that, with supervision of course.

My folks owned a dairy farm…so yeah…why havent these kids been helping until now? :flushed:

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Hell back in the old west 9 year olds carried rifles to defend the farm/ranch from predators. So a weed eater with instruction is not out of their capabilities or their comprehension. Instead of stiffleing you should be encouraging them to be productive members of the family which will later transfer to productive members of society. Choose your battles wisely.

Nothing wrong with it, just supervision wouldn’t hurt. It’s good for them to help out…

Good time for them to contribute to the family. I’d say they both can do outside work as long as it’s not too hot and humid out.

All kids should have a reasonable amount of chores. When using a weed eater, you have to be more safety conscious: enclosed shoes, blue jeans and a face shield,or safety
googles are in order. Ask yourself if they were boys would you question it? Until puberty, girls are as strong as boys.

Sounds like he is teaching them life skills. They should be preparing for their future by learning to take care of things for themselves. Don’t let them go unprepared into the world. It’s your jobs to teach them these skills.

Yes, you seem to be over reacting. Relax. The kids are old enough to use the tools if taught how, and it seems he is teaching them. They need to feel that they are now contributing members of the family and this will enhance there self esteem and their pride in a job well done. Nobody is too young to have that deservedly bestowed on them.

Finally! A parent who teaches their kids the value of working. Those kids are some of the luckiest in the world. Congratulations dad!

My 12 yr old son mows and works the edger. It’s part of his chores for his allowance

I think this is great !!
This shows great responsibility and that is what most kids lack these days !! My kids did these same things at a younger age and now they are 9 and 6 and LOVE HELPING AND CLEANING!! I always get reports from their school saying they love clean up time and they are the most clean in their class! He is Def not wrong in this. Hope this helps :green_heart:

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anything the kids can do, they should do it takes all of you working together to get things done, don’t feel bad about it, they need to know if it takes more than one person to make a mess it should take more than one person to clean it up

I learned to mow and pull weeds (before weed wackers), etc. If the children are taught safety measures and are supervised these ages are capable of these tasks. Hope you can find a way to not be so anxious about this as they help out while you are working.

Its called family responsibility. Our boys had a lawn mowing service at 10 and 12 all over town. Teach your kids at a young age a good work ethic and to be proud of what they do. Even a small kid can learn to pick up and put away. Your husband is in the right my dear.

9 year old may need some safety lessons but kudos to Dad, chores teach lessons and lifelong skills!!

You are dead wrong. When I was 13 years old I worked as a teacher’s aid during Summer School. As long as the child has safety goggles and proper supervising there’s nothing wrong with a 9 year old using one of those little electric weed eaters. If it were a gasoline engine I might be concerned, but not with an electric.

There is nothing wrong with it I done it when I was a kid at home

i was mowing and weed eating on my own for other people’s yards for money at 10. my step father taught me the safety of the machines. what to do, what not to do etc etc and made sure i knew how to do it at home before i was allowed to do it at any other place and most of those jobs were of people that one parent or the other knew, and all were with in safe walking distance pushing said mower. also … it gets them outside in the sun and helps build immunitys to things like dirt/dust/pollen etc :stuck_out_tongue: :> and gives bonding between dad and the girls!

There’s nothing wrong with having them do that. They get to be outdoors and it shows them responsibilities. I think it makes them appreciate life more. Doing yard work won’t kill them. It also shows the importance of helping disabled people

Fyi…I never had a cell phone until I turned 18 and bought it myself. My parents didnt believe in kids having phones.

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I think it great at least they don’t have there nose in a tablets or phone all the time.

Your husband is correct a 13 year-old can certainly mow the lawn with no problem at all. Boy or a girl. Nine years old is a little young to use an electric weedeater. She can always weed by hand. LOl Then she’ll say I have no problem using this weedeater. Just have her wear boots and thick dungarees

Our son as been operating these since he was about 7, riding mower included. He started with power tools at 2. Supervised of course. Kids aren’t learning responsibility anymore. These kinds of things are teaching them that. Taking away phones and tablets isn’t a bad thing.

Nothing wrong with it at all!Mine started at their ages if not a little younger.If he is there supervising I don’t see a problem with it.

Also all my children from age 5 have helped out in some way now they can just go and so it when it needs done without being asked

No way let them work. I hope they are also rewarded because work equals reward. But it is good for them!

Nope my kids were about that when they started helping with the lawn and yard work. They live there they should help out.

Trust you those kids will grow up to be excellent kids. The way kids are coming up now iOS very wrong. imagine if corona continues those kids will steal be able to maintainthe house surroundings without any worker.
Encourage your kids and show them love.

They are not too young. They need responsibility. He did right in buying an electric weed eater. They are much safer to allow the child to use. But no way would I allow a 9 year old to operate a gas operated one.

The 9 year old is to young. The 13 year old is old enough. I was doing it at her age.

It teaches responsibility BUT he should be giving guidance and teaching safety. He should help them with sharp parts. And. Encouragement is better than removing personal property

a little bit of work never killed anyone and you really should be proud of your husband teaching the girls to help out around the house.

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I cut Wood for the house when I was 13 , girls need to know how to take care of them self ,

Kids need to be shown that work is a good thing.Today kids expect everything and want to have nothing to do with working to get it.

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