My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

They should do it! It’s called building a work ethic. At that age my grandsons were a ground crew for a roofing company 4 hrs a day and clean up crew for remodel contractors 2 hrs a day when needed. At 16 they now have their own company’s and staff to do the manual labor. They are respected in the county and the first to be called when businesses are looking for help. They are fair employers and their staff have been trained to do a job quickly and clean up behind themselves.

Mowed the yard with a push mower from the time I was big enough to push it. June

Nothing wrong w children helping w family chores. Just keep an eye on them to be sure they are safe

I started working in the fields when I was 8 years old chopping cotton and also drove the seed truck on the turnrows to keep it up with the planter. I progressed to driving tractors in the fields. laying and pulling up irrigation pipe and mowed yards for neighbors, too. This was all before I was 12 years old! I am thankful to have developed a work ethic at an early age. I am thankful to have begun earning my own money at an early age and learning how to save and manage spending. I was able to retire at 62 due to my hard work and great saving efforts – so, no, they are NOT too young to work. :slightly_smiling_face: (And I also took care of my horse, cleaning barn and feeding and watering twice a day beginning at age 5 – and STILL taking care of my horses!)

This is the best thing that could be done for your children. Teaching them more than you could ever know .

won’t hurt them at all. Just do it when it is cool.

I agree with others that helping with chores teaches good life and family skills. As a safety precaution make sure they wear tennis, not flip flops. Being a caregiver is a difficult job and you’re doing extra at work. Make sure you take care of yourself and allow him to make decisions that help you.

As long as there wear eye goggles, I believe it is good .They will understand it takes everyone in the family to keep home clean and in order.

My grandson is 12 and on the shorter side. He mows the yard. Has since he was tall enough to push mower. Just as lo g as they know the safety rules its good for them.

Grew up with 7 children in our family and we all had chores from a young age. We all ended up as hard working adults. Good parenting.

Absolutely not, I’m sure they both feel pretty accomplished and proud of what they’ve done.

Absolutely it is appropriate. I think even more so since your husband is a paraplegic your kids need to learn how to pitch in. My daughter is 11 and willfully lazy. We have to force her to do this. We just bought a new lawn mower and I will be showing her how to use it. I’m going to have her know the front yard and I’ll mow the back which has more complex obstacles. Families are about teamwork. If you are working and earning the money for all of their stuff at least they could do is pitching to take the burden off of you. And yes I think those things are safe but ultimately if you don’t think it is a safe task oh, you know your child best. Then hire a landscaper but definitely have your kids help in other ways. Personally I think your husband a good dad because he is taking them that they have to earn things and also that a family works together

Are you kidding me?? I started mowing grass when I was like 6 or 7. That’s what’s wrong with this whole general of kids. They don’t want to work. Kudos to your husband!

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The 13 year old especially should be mowing and weeding. The 9 year old should do some yard work, not necessarily with mechanical items, maybe like pulling weeds by hand or attending to gardens, or raking.

Ummm this is what is wrong with the world and the kids in it. They aren’t given hardly any responsibility at all.I was made to wake up at the crack of dawn to now,weed eat,rake,clean the gutters by myself while in middle school and high school! Fortunately for me I had the greatest friends that would come help me so we could get it done faster that way we could all go hang out and do teenager stuff. Kids these days are very disrespectful and lazy and have NO work ethic at all!! I grew up to appreciate the dreaded days I was woken up early to do chores🤷🏻‍♀

I think it’s wonderful that the girls are helping out with the family needs. I do think that dad might have approached it differently, adding this to whatever chores they may already have as a “we need to help mommy out right now, and I know you girls are smart enough and strong enough to do this.“ Taking away their phones until they’re done is it back ass way to get cooperation from kids, and makes something that should be a positive into a punishment.

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They are absolutely old enough. They should help. So nice to see responsible parenting. Most kids do nothing but stay on their phones.

This is exactly what is wrong with this generation! Parents allowing there kids to grow up an not have any kind of responsibility what so ever. There for when they are grown an out of the house…or should I say if they ever leave mommy’s house they still depend on there parents to do everything for them. They think that the world owes them everything. Everyone need to take phones and all video games an all the technology away from kids an make them go outside an be kids. Make them do chores. Make them keep there rooms clean. Unless u want ur kids to grow up to be lazy ass bums. Which unfortunately 99%of today’s kids are gunu be exactly that. Sorry but. True story.

Wonder why you’re even asking this! They’re definitely old enough to do yard work!

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When I was young I use to do the mowing and other yard work and came to enjoy doing it. It makes a child feel confident and proud of the work they can do for the family.

It won’t kill the kids to help around the house. In my neighborhood we have kids ranging in age from 9 to 15 walking around with weed eaters and mowers and clipping shears looking to help others. No it’s not wrong and it reaches them the start of responsibility

No children need to do chores and learn to work and be productive this makes them more responsible in this world they should not be given everything it ruins them

Teach young people to be responsible members of the family
Teach young people to step up when others have limitations
Teach young people to be independent with skills they will use later
Teach home skills that the Gen Z kids seriously lack
Teach inside home skills just the same, not everything all at one but slowly so they learn

I always thought of my mom job as raising strong independent citizens, my three are 32,25 and almost 21. They know inside and outside duties of a household and all live on their own… yes they still ask questions but they are mostly self sufficient

Kids are resilient. They will adapt to what is expected of them. If safety is the priority, they can do the work

Good for kids to learn to work . As a kid in the 50s I did things that were more than just yard work . It’s not to dangerous mean as the dad has seen to getting the right tools and can be with them .

No he is not wrong. I was raised on a farm and by the age of 5 or 6 we were tending the garden and the tobacco field. Every one had to work and you learned early. We had little spare time for anything and we did not complain when night came, we ate what was put before us and we slept all night from working hard only to get up at sunrise again and start all over. That was our summer months, in the fall we had to go to school and then work as soon as we got finished with supper. The world is not a easy place to live in, prepare them for what comes next in life

There is nothing wrong with “expecting” kids to do chores. When you are a family everyone should be expected to pitch in and get things done around the house. Now if he expected them to do everything in snd out of the house and did it with screaming and punishment thats a different story.

It not too soon for them to learn but I hope dad is outside supervising accidents happen but supervision helps avoid them.My son was doing yard work and even splitting firewood(using an ax) at 8 years old with supervision

Teach them kids to work it’s good for the soul I was cooking at age 11

Your husband is doing the right thing all kid have to get off there a** and start giving a helping hand instead of sitting on their computers and phones and playing games. Teach them how to work it never killed me and won’t kill them if they are shown the proper way to respect the materials they are working with that is the problem today parents baby their children to much they need to start to learn how to do these things kuddos to you dad.

Yes. I did at 13. 9 is good start age as long as they are being watched.

What if they purchase their own home with a yard? They’ll be able to take care of it themselves thanks to their father.

Fantastic!!! Mine are 9 and 12 and will not do a thing. Learning to help out early is great.

I think it’s a great idea and it also puts family first

Kids need to have chores & help out. Less time on computers & cell phones is also a good thing. Way to go dad!!! :+1:t2::blush:

I think it is wonderful. It teaches them a work ethic and that they need to contribute as part of the family. With proper instruction regarding use and safety, the girls should be fine.

Not too young. All about being independent one day. That’s how I was raised. Not much I can’t do.

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Yep, you are over reacting. I did yard work starting at 6. My kids did yard work around that age too.

Our 10 year old daughter mows and does the weed eater in our yard, this is her second year doing it. Our son did it before she took over… he’s been mowing Our neighbors yard since he was 13.

Just teach them safety first and not so sure about the electric weed eater

They are way old enough to that… think if kids that live on the farm they muck stalls feed the animal’s mow .bale hay… girl it does them good to know about responsibility and that thing are not just handed to them … they may complain, but in the long run they will be better off…train them to be helpful adults


Kids need chores and responsibilities…as long as they also know how to be safe!

Yes, chore are an Intricate part of growing up inside and outside chores, laundry, washing cars

It’s nothing wrong with that my father had us doing our lawn at an early age too he always made sure we had all we needed to do it, and I now enjoy doing my own lawn! My brother actually had his own lawn care service

My kids did these things when they were 8 and10 as long as they are supervised it should be fine. This also gives them a sense of responsibly.

Cub scouts used to do bob-a-job when I was a kid. The money earned then went to a charity. It felt like we’d achieved something important. Of course it wasn’t life changing amounts of money, but the sense of achievement was no less real.

It sure won’t kill them they have got to learn to do things at home if your husband can’t do them, discipline is good and healthy for them.

Not gonna hurt them. I was push mowing before I could see over the handlebar

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My kids started doing laundry at 8 & 10. I dont see anything wrong with that!

They are fine. Doesn’t hurt them 1 bit. If you’re that worried her them some safety glasses.

Mamma bad dad heap more good
I was the dad momma did not care. I felt sorry for my kids because way their momma acted? Did nd make them do anything son is drug addict daughter been divorced and remarried I wonder if I had enforced a work ethic would things been differen momma you seem to have a good work ethic

I started mowing when I was 8. I’m 75 now. As long as he teaches safety I see nothing wrong with it

As long as they have all the necessary personnel protective equipment…a string trimmer can put out an eye as easy as cutting weeds!

Your kids going to be some of the few that are going to be self-sufficient and will not be a bunch of little sheep’s, your husband is doing a good thing I wish more fathers would do that and mothers, work never hurt anybody if anything it builds character

Glad to hear someone is teaching life lessons. There should be more with chores!!!

There’s nothing wrong with chores.
Teaches them adulting-
Helping out is a good thing.
Watching your parents struggle and not wanting to help is just crazy!

My 3yo picks up sticks before the lawman comes. By the time he is 10 we will stop paying the lawn man and start paying him for yard work instead. Your kids are gonna be absolutely fine. Work is good for children, even if they don’t get paid contributing to the household is always a good way to instill some good values.
*also adding that all of my children participate in yard work, the 3yo is just the youngest so I used him as example. They do lots of things that is well within their physical limits. Stacking wood, helping move bricks for our fire pit. Whatever. Lots of breaks, obviously provide water, and if you do a stellar job…momma probably has a popsicle with your name on it :wink:

I think it’s a great idea. Not enough kids today are being taught responsibility today and it shows. Good on you teaching your kids to work, and help people out.

He teaching them how to upkeep a yard for when they are on their own. Not a bad thing to do. My kids have been doing yard work since they were 3 and they are 13 almost 14 and 15. Obviously they weren’t using mowers or weed eaters at 3 but once they hit 7 years old they started to use them (with an adult right there). It builds character and gives them confidence. It’s a good thing Momma. I understand completely about being scared that they could get hurt but they can get hurt doing anything. Let your husband teach them these skills. Who knows maybe later on down the line they can make money in summers mowing people lawns! My kids still do it to this day and enjoy it immensely!

Make your children work. It helps their confidence and many other self identity area. Relax Mom

Nothing wrong with helping out . As long as he keeps an eye on them the whole time and the yard is all flat ground .

I made all my spending money in the summer mowing yards. I started at 12. I am female by the way.

Wonderful job! A dad that takes his responsibility as their father and as your husband to raise daughters who are capable, strong, responsible and blessings .

Nothing wrong with it at all teachers them to responsibility

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Children should be taught to do chores and help around the house. Your husband is right this time mom.

9 yr old might need a bit of supervision and both need normal operating training etc. As long as they get good breaks doesn’t seem too harsh.

My Dad made all 4 of us do yard work period ! We were young but we knew we had to do it

I did yard work when I was. 9

100 percent on having work around the house, regardless of parents conditions, they need to learn life skills .period. its not punishment its learning about life and what it takes to become a responsible adult! An electric weede wacker is not going to kill them

If they don’t know how to work when they are young. They won’t know how when they get older.

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Outside work never hurt anyone instead of paying someone to do yard work let your kids earn a little reward :wink:

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Hell no. You teach them how to do things safely and let them help. Otherwise you can end up with lazy kids which then become lazy adults where SM and online gaming etc are their priority. My 2 year old insisted on helping empty the dishwasher. He was allowed to work with me putting plates away, no for the knives, forks and spoons ok… he always loved to help me. He is now in his 20s helps me whenever I need it, helps his friends love him because he has a strong work ethic. There is a clip which shows age appropriate jobs and by nine they should be able to most of the housework. I was coming all the family meals at 11 (made a deal with mum so I didn’t have to do farm jobs)

It’s part of life, it something they need to know how it’s done. When I was growing up it was call chores and they do neef to step up and help. They’re old enough to do things around the house including yardwork

I think it is perfectly ok as long as he watches them in case they get hurt.

Way to go punish your kids for not pulling the weeds something’s wrong with that

Absolutely not yes they should do yard work at 12 years old I was cutting 40 acres with a push lawn mower so it’s not going to hurt them teaches himself reliance how to get a job done

As long as the weed whacker for the day is wearing ling pants n glasses! Yep! My kids did yard work at 8.

Teaches work ethics…not to young I grew up on a farm my sister and I worked at an early age…

Absolutely not there’s nothing wrong with a nine and a 13-year-old doing chores God bless your husband making them do it it’ll teach him responsibility

Mine learned to weedeat and drive the zeroturn at 10…

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Teaches responsibility whi h is not gender specific. And it helps Dad who could use his condition to opt out and doesn’t.

My kid was riding a gas powered dirt bike at 2. Kids raised in the jungle carry machetes. I don’t see an issue :woman_shrugging:t4:

Most definitely capable of doing assigned chores. Start now with regulations of rules and chores they will thank you when they are on their own.

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It’s a great way to build skills and responsibilities can’t hurt them for sure

There are some kids on their own mowing yards at 9. They mow yards for those in need and can even start their own business doing it that young. My brothers did.

Of course it’s ok.:roll_eyes: What happened to parenting? Kids need to learn how to do everything.

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9 and 13 is definitely old enough. Teaches good hand co-ordination. I’ve older kids try to rake up leaves but don’t have good hand dexterity except for cell phone use.

yes get them to help but give them somethin in return but have snot of a hubby supervise outside while they are doing it

You Ma’am are OVERREACTING. Calm down and stay at work where you are more comfortable and don’t have to put up with LIFE.

Yes for the 9year old weed eater can hurt you some time especially if you wear shorts .

We all worked out hoeing beets at 9 there was eleven of us picking cucumbers :cucumber:

There’s nothing wrong with kids doing yard work or any kind of chores. Teaches responsibility

Nope, a bit of work never killed anyone and it will only teach them that if nothing else…good on him, we all have to pitch in where possible to survive today.

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I believe it’s ok to have them mow & weed eat. It teaches them responsibility!

It’s just me and my 8 yr. old granddaughter and for as long as she could help me she has. It teaches them so much.

They need to learn, time to work, time to play. I never taught my kids to do anything, worked two jobs and hired someone around the house. Husband gone. Regret it. Now am old, no one volunteers to help. Make sure they are safe.

Start them out young to be responsible, so they’ll appreciate those phones and tablets you work so hard to buy.

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I think by taking their devices it makes it seem like a punishment rather than being part of a family and all pitching in. Maybe next time say something like “in an hour it’ll be time to mow the lawn”. Or, do you want to mow the lawn now or in an hour. Just my opinion

My kids did that and more, raked , pulled weeds, mowed, shoveled, nothing wrong with that it’s called work ethic.

I totally understand how you feel but I grew up doing yardwork and I turned out fine. I’m sure your girls will be ok as long as he told them the safety rules first.