My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

Dad has the right idea let him run with it he’s being a responsible parent

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Yes it is ok remember raking yard at 5 years old with my brother and sister we had a huge yard

Honey is nothing wrong with you’re husband teaching the kids to be independent. So calm down sweet least you won’t have to worry about them growing up thinking mom and dad are suppose to do everything for them.learning to work now is very very good for them.

Do it your way they will be living in your basement you will still be supporting them working 60 hours a week and you will probably be single …just sayin


The question in my mind is what is wrong with you? Not a damn thing wrong with putting them to work.

There’s nothing wrong with having your kids contribute as they can. It’s a great learning lesson for them.

I think all kids should have responsibilities. Whether, it be barn chores, laundry, babysitting, doing dishes. Kids are not learning daily, life skills. It kills me to see how lazy they are or on the electronics all the time.
A 1st grader can help clear the table, clean the bathroom sink. Kids are smart.

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Doing chores is integral to the teaching of humility, appreciation for work, and a contributor to fine-tuning character. Not every person who has good character did chores, though all shitty charactered-people did not.

You are raising responsible hard working kids. Think back to the old days when kids quit school in 2nd grade to work on the farms. That generation was the most responsible and hard working. Work as a family.

As long as they are taught how to run them, I don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t.

It’s called CHORES!! This is how you teach a child a good work ethic. And god only knows kids need this in todays society.

Good for them/ I started cutting grass at 15 and did it til I could not do anymore at age 67 and it did not kill me. Good hubby as far as I am concerned…

They need safety instruction, good hydration, supervision. We mowed at about 10.

I believe a family is a team. Everyone should chip in. There are a lot of former 9 and 13 year olds who did these things and a lot more. I would say parental presence is a must but other than that they are ok .

Its family chores, why would you even think its a problem? Give them an allowance for helping

Things around the house need to be done. Helping with family chores are a must, don’t want them thinking that they don’t need to pitch in.

It’s not hurting them youngsters to help out and do chores. Kids been doing yard work for forever. Good on their Daddy.

I did it, scrub floors, haying, lawns, weeding, baking as a child from 10 years old.
But that was then, chores seem to become a dirty word these days. Some kids are spoiled some are not. I think it teaches them responsiblity and respect. But that’s my old fashioned thinking and ideals.

My 10 yr old has used a electric weed eater

There is nothing wrong with that age doing yard work. They should help. And learn how to do more.

Growing up, I was given an allowance and expected to do house chores as mom and dad worked. After school it was expected when in from School that certain things was done. As far as grass, yes I pushed a mower and other jobs. However in addition to my weekly allowance to sepend for swimming pool visits, buying music etc, when summer camp for 4H or boy scouts came around dad paid for it. So no I never worked for free but was taught a life lesson on work and pleasure and without one ,you do t get to enjoy the other

It’s good for them. No they’re not too young. They’re part of a family. They need to pitch in.

This day in time kids need responsibility and skills… especially daughters so they won’t have to depend on no one!!! Each one teach one :point_up:

My dad had me out there at 6 years old picking up sticks and picking weeds! Lol

It’s fine. It builds character & their self-esteem if you praise them for a job well do ne

It’s good for them! Kids need to get off their butts & help & learn how to do things

And this is why kids are lazy as fuck. There is no reason those kids can’t help out and should be doing a lot more.

Seriously! I was mowing at 7 owned my own yard business by 9. Stop coddling them.

most kids now would scream and cry and throw a fit about doing it and not having their electronics. and horrible enough, a lot of the “parents” out there would say they can’t do that kind of work because they are too young or not strong enough. that’s bull. regardless of what us of the older generations did as kids, it doesn’t hurt children to do work to help out the family! it’s not asking them to something that will hurt them, and there is a reason they need to help. #1, dad can’t and mom is at work, #2 it will teach them to be good workers when they are older. girls can work outside just as well as boys…at some time in their adult lives they may need to know how to do that stuff! i actually congratulate a dad and mom for teaching daughters and boys how to do the outside as well as the inside work! and i ask all parents to not forget to teach their children at some point about the financial aspects of life too. anyway, he’s not doing wrong, and there’s no reason for anger or guilt here. be proud of your kids for doing a good job and make sure to tell them you are!

It great that they help out and 9 is not to young for electric weed eater. Gets them away from being stationary

My dad had us kids singling barns when we were 12 hated it then but now glad we learned work ethics

Not To young at All.
Especially if he’s not able to.
The kids should help. Especially because you work alot to support your family. Nothing wrong with them kicking in To do their part as a team.
Lighten The load so to speak. You deserve as much help as you can Get with out having To Pay outside help.
Quit babying your kids.

It doesn’t hurt your children at all. They are old enough to mow with an adult over seeing them.

Absolutely. Kids need to learn a work ethic. Allowance is due though!

They will learn to work…I think it’s great…just don’t expect the results like an adult would do and have the kids wear safety glasses!

Yes all of them come out and help and they do the trimming and edging and weedeating 10,13,15

Not too young. Need to be watched/compassionately guided/lovingly show how too by dad and you. They are not too young. God – I milked a cow at age 5, in the dark early mornings and later evenings for years. I think if properly taught and with safety gear it’s fine.
The big issue is you and your husband’s lack of communication and coparenting and give n take.

You are definitely over reacting! A 9 year old is quite capable of yard work. Our kids were all mowing yards to earn extra money at age 9/10. I began driving a tractor on our farm at age 9. Parents need to teach their kids to work hard, not be crybabies their whole growing up years. Cheers for your husband!

If he is going to trust them with adult machinery to do adult work why is he treating them like children by taking away their electronics. He either trusts them and his decision or he’s being a jerk. Also I hope he taught them how to use the machines. Does the 9 year old have protective shoes?Do they know to wear jeans so that their legs are protected? Safety glasses? Gloves?
I don’t want to hear stuff about “my generation” didn’t need blah blah blah. If you want them to know responsibility you go first. Provide them what they need to do the work safely.

Nothing wrong with chores and helping out around the house.

As long as he watches and has taught them to be safe then I think it is ok.

Absolutely he is right. I was mowing and weed eating by this age. It won’t hurt them to learn what it takes takes help out around the house.

I was cutting grass with a sling blade at that age. Depeds on the maturity of the child & if she is taught the correct way to use it.

Yes you are …one the fact that they are girls means nothing two…their father needs help…three they will made more resilient of doing things for them selves nothing wrong with chores…especially for young kids…

Nothing wrong with that at all especially seeing as he bought the weed eater specifically for her to use.

My kids don’t but they are super clumsy and might cut a toe off or something. Depends on the kid

I agree with him but like someone else said, it shouldn’t be a punishment. Might have to be at first but give them praise not pity and they will do it more willingly.

Absolutely and so did I at that age

Pay the kids, they’ll learn that working has it’s rewards. A teach how save for the big ticket items want.

I think you’re overreacting, like he said. Absolutely nothing wrong with girls those ages learning how to help out with yard work. Kids need chores. They shouldn’t be spoiled by letting them constantly sit on their butts playing with phones and tablets, etc. I think your husband is being very intelligent, and for me to say something like that is significant, because I personally believe males aren’t all that bright. So, I say let the kids have at it. Since you say you would pay to have the job done, why not give the money to the girls?

Depends. Do you want them to grow up and be the mindset of the younger generation today or the mindset of the older generation? Entitlement will not make America great.

I was high pressure hosing our roof tiles at age 8 :joy::joy::joy:


Heck that was how I made money as a kid. Mowed 6 to 8 yards in the neighborhood

Before my husband was old enough to go to school, his parents put him on a horse with a sack lunch, and he spent the day away in the pasture keeping cattle in a designated area as no fence. No phones; horse could have gotten spooked etc. I couldn’t send my 5 year old son out for the day with no way to make contacts…

Well I think they need to be supervised since they are working with power tools that even grown adults have hurt themselves with.

Plus there’s nothing really wrong with the kids learning the skills needed to maintain the yard and being rewarded for their work. I would suggest maybe they also get a small allowance along with their electronics privileges.

But you do need to be ready for when they get older and too busy with school work or community activities to do the yardwork.

My kids mow the lawn they are 10 and 12. Teaching them life skills

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My son started using a weed eater at 6 and not at 10 mows the lawn also

No. It doesn’t hurt. Just make sure safety rules are understood and followed. P.S. Note: Divorced parents. Large yard…we all did the yard work, weeded 2 large gardens, picked fruit and berries. From age 5 up we began picking up sticks, raking leaves. I love the smell of new mown grass.

My siblings and I did that type stuff around that age. I

Girl bye my 7yr old daughter mow my lawn. It’s nothing wrong with teaching your daughters to do yard work ion like lazy kids especially a girl. Teach them while their young.

Yes appropriate for the girls to do chores. More responsibility and independence.

9 is ok if supervised. I pulled my brothers sking (ages 13 and 9) at age 12. Just need to be taught safety/skills

It won’t hurt them to learn to help out. In fact it will probably make them better adults.

I think it’s smart … Builds character makes them strong women… please don’t raise your daughters to need the help of a man. Self sufficient girls who can do it themselves if need be.

There is no reason why your children can’t help with mowing, house cleaning, washing cars, etc.

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Over reacting. He is there observing and teaching them a life skill. Getting them away from electronics and Inyo nature. They are doing something to contribute to the household. I think this is wonderful. Self reliance increased ones self worth.

Yes, kids need to get off their phones and computers. We have raised a lazy, no effort children who do not know how to work. Spoiled brats.

It will teach them life is not always easy! It’s good for them.

Children were doing far more 20 to 30 years ago. Parents coddle kids to much which makes for lazy adults

No ma no ma in the name of jesus no no i thank somewhere in the bible it says ben the sap while its young some thing like that thank about what going to happen when you all grow old and cant do the yards and vacum and mop your floors let them do it now while they are young it will allways be in them

I was mowing the lawn when I was 7-8 by myself. Would I let my now 9 year old son?

No, it’s a different “generation” I do push him to do things so he learns life skills though.

Nothing wrong with kids helping with outside, or inside work. Good for your hubby.

It’s good for kids to have chores it’s even better if families Do it together.

My grandson was helping his dad put roff on some houses at that age hes now in his twenties and

Nothing wrong with it as long as he is supervising…Yard work is good for the soul…
I had to do it all the time…

It just teaches them responsible and respect for their parents Don’t forget to hug them snd let them know how proud you are of them​:two_hearts::heavy_heart_exclamation:

I did it and cut the elderly neighbors yard

My sisters and I all did indoor and outdoor chores growing up and we had a rich, full, exciting childhood, all competing in gymnastics, taking ballet and swim classes. Now in our late 70s and 80s, we’re still vibrant, working, doing indoor and outdoor chores and loving life, plus we’re robust, flexible, energetic, and not the least intimidated by hard work. So, is it okay to give your kids chores? It’s more than okay, it’s a crucially important part of growing up as a responsible team player, as a person who can manage time, set priorities, always look at the bigger picture (beyond just “me-ness”) and actually find the joy and plus side of doing chores.

What is wrong with helping in the yard? Absolutely nothing. About time more kids do chores.
Stop this babying crap.

more parents should follow suit and get your kids out of these devises and into nature. that is good life skills as long as it is not child labour. pay them a little and see how they would want to earn more

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My kids have operated a lawn tractor since they were heavy enough to keep the seat down so probably 9. They weed and garden and rake. Of course its right

I used to as a kid not going to hurt them builds character

They are absolutely not too young to be doing yard work…nothing wrong at all.

He is teaching them a life lesson. They are many things children nowadays are not taught. It gives them a chance to earn their phones and help out.

You are 100% overreacting. Children at that age are more than capable of helping out.

They should be helping out. Weed eating is not too strenuous for a 9byear old

Work maketh a man proud. This good for them and they have the joy of the praise of their father when finished and a feeling that comes over us when something is accomplished.

Not to going. We have kids here in kansas those ages and younger with businesses mowing and light landscaping… their parents just do the driving. No joke. Some of these kids have saved up their money for a year or two and were able to get new zero turns, and awesome equipment. They do great work. They keep a small list of regular clients and are supervised by their parents. Be proud of your children. It’s ok for them to learn that it takes a whole family to run the house not just the parents or one parent doing it all. He’s supervising, he’s taught safety and general knowledge use of the items I’m sure let them share this experience and mama, please be proud that they are growing and learning with their dad and its making your life easier. Don’t worry babe you got this. Kids can learn responsibility at any age. I know kids that are 18 that have never learned to cook a single thing. Man is hard to watch them struggle because a parent wanted their “baby” to want for nothing and be a kid. We should be teaching them early cause you can’t just wake up on their 18th birthday and think that it’s going to have to start then and be retained.

I applaud your husband. He is teaching them responsibility and also instilling that every action has a consequence and if they chose not to do the chore (it’s perfect for that age to do so) then they have to have a negative consequence as a result of not doing that chore. He is doing the right thing.

The world is full of kids who can no longer cope. They simply do not know how. They have never worked to earn anything! It builds resilience. It forms problem solving. It teaches goal setting. It shows that failure is the road to success .

Let them work:) it’s good for them and regardless of what they may say kids like structure and work. Gives them a sense of self worth. Farm kids drive machinery at 8 or 10 years old. I was 8 when I “HURT” my dad’s brand new tractor spreading fertilizer lol. We milked cows staring around age 6 or 8. :))

No, he is not wrong. They should contribute, anyway, whether there are health challenges, in the family, or not. I believe that children, should have chores. It’s the least, they should do.

Buy ear and eye protection and get to it!!!

There’s nothing wrong with kids doing yard work. I know you are being sure they are using equipment safely with proper eye and ear protection.
My brothers began mowing when they were 9 or 10. Of course, my Dad supervised and made certain they were doing things safely and properly. There were water breaks and time to sit in the shade for a few mintues to cool off, but then you have to be taught to endure and finish. Challenging work wont injure or harm a child if it is handled properly and with understanding of the child’s limitations.
I taught both my girls how to mow, bc I told them you cannot always count on your hubs to do it for you, bc of work, injury, etc. so you need to know how to mow and I taught them the proper care and maintainece of a push mower. It took a few summers to get it all straight, but now
neither of them flinch when it comes to mowing.
If your husband is supervising, and being patient with the child and bringing them along at an even pace, leave him alone and let him be the Dad. That’s what Dad’s do.
They’ll be tired, but it will be a good tired, and thats ok.

Work don’t hurt kid’s. Ask the Amish. I worked on the farm , kids need to work help them when they grow up.

You don’t think they are too young for phones do you?? Well, they are the perfect age to learn to do some weed eating.

Proper teaching and supervision kids need to have responsibilities parents shouldn’t do everything for them

What he’s doing is giving them good work ethics. The oldest one should be doing the hardest job. My kids have always helped out. They didn’t like to do it but they learned from it. It helped my husband and both out. We both held full time jobs and worked a lot of overtime for the kids benefit. It does them no harm to learn life skills and responsibility.

I think it’s fine if they are physically able to do the work -I would think so at their ages

Chores are good for kids and teach them responsibility! Support your husband on this!