My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

My kids are 6,11,12,14 and all help with yard work my daughter is the 6 year old and loves helping

This is a wonderful thing he has done. He is teaching them to take responsibility and be part of the family! You are a lucky mom/wife.

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My kiddo has mowed and used a weed eater since he was 7 or 8. He’s rode a riding mower at 6-7 but I didn’t let him actually mow with one until he was older, like 10-11.

No. My son is 10 and ASKS to mow the lawn. Sheesh…as long as he supervises and helps I don’t see issue.

No, they are not too young but I would personally supervise, for safety reasons

Oh no they are not hes teaching to get off the electronics and dont be lazy… they live there they can contribute to the household also…i was doin way more then that at their age…they need worth ethics and someone has to teach them to not expect everything handled to them…want something get off your butt and work for it plain and simple time to stop babying them

Heck yeah living as an adult is hard enough give them as many chores as possible builds a strong work ethic and builds character they’ll go far in life unless they’re soft and then they won’t go far in life

My kids had mowing chores and hand weeding the garden . It’s character building

My 8 and 6 year old do the same jobs around the house i dont think its a problem.

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At that age they should help out inside and out

Our kids helped with the work.
They didn’t always like it but that’s life.

What are you question that? Do u want to support them the rest of thier lives or have them depend on someone els.

I have seen two year old kids selling tomatoes in a market in Vietnam. Kids as early as 18 months help in the Chinese family business. It’s good to start them early. Work never hurt anyone. Starting early ensures that those kids will never be hungry.

Teaches responsibility , good work ethic, and family cooperation. They are plenty old enough to help out

I had my son helping me as soon as possible

it is past time to get them started i was working at 9 yrs of age i had no choice

I was mowing and bailing hay at like 6 it’s pretty normal

I think he’s being an awesome parent!

No especially if he needs the assistance. Making children do chores is nothing to be ashamed of. You never know you’ll have a botanist or landscapers. :heart::pray:t3:

I see nothing wrong with it. How big is the yard? It’s a teaching moment

Think of the family as a corporation, every family member contributes to the whole. They’ll appreciate doing their part.

At 13, I did yard work not only at home, but also for the elderly lady down the street.

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I would say it is the best thing in the world for them. Teaches a work ethic. They will be able to get a part time job in their teens and learn responsibility. All kids should be doing ths.

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13 too young?? Ughhh hell no. We were out there well before 13 helping my parents.

Your husband is helping them by teaching responsibility and sharing family needs in the famil

My sister and I were doing it when I was 9, they were 10, 11. Sure didn’t hurt us.

Good for them. They learn a skill, learn to contribute to the family, and break away from gadgets for awhile.

Work never hurt anyone…as long as he feels comfortable they are knowledgeable and cab handle it then that us great

Your husband is right on target. They are learning many great VALUABLE lessons. Much more than mowing and weeding that should last them a lifetime. Ones you will be proud of!

It’s more than ok I was picking beans at 12

Seems rather normal to me except the punishment.

Of course it’s ok for your girls to do yard work! …and I hope you’re teaching them to cook and do housework…!

Not a thing wrong with it. Kids need to learn how to do house stuff.

Him doing that Is good he’s teaching them responsibilities he’s showing them that you have to work to get what you want Bc nothing is handed to you in this world you have to work if you want something

I used my dad’s lawnmower to make money when i was 8 yrs old. I cut other folks’ yards, and got paid. only a couple rules, i had to pay for gasand oil, parts and repairs, and our yard had to mowed first!!

He is right. You are wrong. You need their help, and they can feel good about helping.

They are old enough to learn life skills. Have you been teaching them how to cook and do laundry?

Nothing wrong with the kids pitching in.

No it’s good for them but should give them a few bucks for good job

Good job dad…work ethics .your kids dont realize it now but when they are older they will have work ethics…keep it up.

My boys were 8 and 10 and did lawns to make money to buy their bike and other things they wanted.

Of course they do hard work doesn’t kill them and its part of being responsible

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Should of already been doing chores around the house. Teaching them a work ethic and to be a part of the family.

You’re overreacting. He’s teaching them a work ethic. ALL children need it, or they become leaches and don’t have pride in their accomplishments

Kids are never too young for chores. That mentality is why there are so many “young adults” in the world that can’t handle real life.

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I was changing tires on tractor trailer rigs at 8. What’s your point? Teach them to work early

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If it takes them a long time and they’re out in the hot sun for hours on end, then it’s out of line.

I see nothing wrong in starting them early as long as he stays with them to supervise!

There is no way they are to young for this. They need to learn to do these things. They should be learning a lot of life skills along the way starting now.

So what I was mowing at 6

They are helping thier family and dad is there to supervise so yes they should learn

I started a lawn business at 11 years old…My dad said if I wanted to go racing I had to earn some money…So, I started mowing lawns. Still doing it 48 years later btw :wink:

Nothing wrong with them at that age doing yard chores.

No your husband is not wrong- Famoly chores are not just mom and dad it’s the whole family
No matter the age

Please be greatful for them helping out even if they dont like they are learning responabilty my 15 year thinks its a sin that he has to take trash out.

I mowed the lawn when I was 9. Gotta start somewhere. And let them be proud of it!

No they are plenty old enough to do yard work

Your husband is completely correct! He’s teaching your children responsibility and skills. He’s doing what a Dad should be doing. Stop second guessing him.

I might have put the bigger kid on the weed wacker - but no, kids that age should be doing alot to help around the house and the yard. Who is paying for all their electronic gadgets? Talk with your kids about what things around the house cost; life is expensive; helping with chores is how they can contribute to the family.

Actually is part of being a Family
If he’s watching making sure no one gets hurt
It’s Family teamwork working together to get jobs done :white_check_mark: helps make response able adults
You are working more
So rest of family has to help

It’s good for them. Not too young at all.

Not at all. They live there also and they are under parental supervision. No reason at all.

They are the perfect age to be required to do chores, regardless of the family situation

It’s great to teach ur kids certain things. But for a 9 n 12 year old I don’t think they are old enough to mow. Accidents do happen

Work ethic comes at a very young age. If it doesn’t start from home, it doesn’t start!

Its ok.for kids to.have responsibility shows them good work habits. I would suggest giving tjem an allowance just like a job

No, they’re definitely not too young as long as they have direction and supervision. Definitely not too young lol

Sharing chores is a part of growing up. Teaches them to be something other than spoiled brats.

When they were young &at home they did. It’s called responsibility

No, It should be just fine. M6 boys both did the mowing and weed eating at that age. Its great experience for kids and it gives them responsibility and a sense of accomplishment

Start in the cool of the morning…no problem with the chores…probably just weekly…

They are old enough and great habits to instill!

Good for dad. Nothing wrong with children doing yard work.

Yes, my kids always had chores which included yard work.

I milked cows at 5 worked out in fields at 9 didn’t hurt me any made me a better person

Thus is how our children learn responsibility, I think it’s wonderful he’s teaching your kids life skills never to young to learn

It’s a good start to teaching them responsibility! They need off the electronics!

No more than a hour for the 9 year old and 21/2 hours for 13 year old.

Hard work builds character. It also keeps them from having to pay someone to do it. love it. #independentwoman

As long as he is monitoring them so they don’t get hurt & they know the proper use, it’s ok

You are over reacting. Mowing with a powerless mower when 8 years old. The children are knowing responsibility and doing things for their father. If you don’t like that and don’t have time to do it get someone other teen in neighborhood to help and put your children at the tv and games.

At 13 I was mowing the neighbors lawn and getting paid for it. Good for them to do something productive.

I was going my own laundry at 8 washing amd drying cooking and doing yard work old school ima teach my son same thing

This is a joke correct? Children need responsibility. Helps them grow into responsible adults and productive members of society.

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My son is 11, he mows and about to start learning to weedeat.

Yes and they are both old enough to keep the housework up too. Including dishes and laundry.

No they are not too young. It instills a work ethic and independence so that they don’t have to depend on anyone.

You are wrong. He is right. Kids can be responsible and do chores. Good lord, if you kids mowing the lawn and weeding makes you a bad parent, arrest most of the world. My 12 year old grandson mows his lawn for pay, and mine because he loves me! Responsibility makes for responsible kids.

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Gotta start some time. Don’t want them to become lazy free loaders expecting someone else to do everything for them while they play on their electronics. What kind of future do you want for them?

Nothing is wrong having children do work around home

With him watching and telling them what not to do .they should be fine . THEY WILL BE LEARNING TO NOT ONLY MOW AND WEED WACK BUT TO HELP OUT IN THE TIME OF NEED …

Absolutely! Make him stop that immediately, go out and get them a participation trophy, apologize to them at once, upgrade their mobile devices and hope no one calls child protective services on you for teaching your children to take part in family chores, learn the ability to contribute and function.

Under supervision it’s ok to let them do it. They are old enough but keep them hydrated.

:joy: why would he be wrong? The problem with kids today is the parents want to baby them & never teach them to do anything.

No it is not too much for them. Just work during cooler hours and stay hydrated.

I was mowing, raking , vacuuming, and babysitting when I was 9

I don’t see anything wrong with it, If they can operate a phone and other luxuries,I think they can operate a weed eater.

They are learning responsibility. He should supervise, but all family members should work for the benefit of the family.

At 13 my kids mow. But no weed eater yet.

I meant to say if we only had eggs and beans to eat that’s all they got to