My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

Chores are good for them. My 13 yr old has 3 jobs. Hes all about those Benjamins.


Hes doing a great thing by teaching your kids work ethic. Support him, don’t enable your kids like I did.

Nothing wrong w giving them these responsibilities. Teach them to be careful!

One of the things missing the up bring of kids these days is the lack of teaching the kids responsiblity of sharing famiiy chores. Paying for things the kids can do cheats them from learning to be responsible and having pride in their achievements.

there should be more parents like your husband, they’ll grow up to have respect and be someone or would you rather they live with mommy cause mommy will take care of them

When I was 10 I was mowing lawns in our neighborhood to make spending money. I also had a Sunday only paper route when I was 11. Those were the good old days.

Yes my girls did. Let me note this, please teach them all safety cautions.

Well, I was mowing at 8, standing on a chair doing dishes at 5. Doing housework and chores from 4 or 5 on. This is how I learned to take care of myself once I became an adult. Thank your husband!

Letting them have the opportunity to be proud of something they have done and the responsibility of doing it is what is important. I agree with your husband.

Yes my children come out an help me. It builds responsibility, work ethic, community and a sense of pride.

Kids need to help out instead of sitting on their butts staring at electronics.

My daughter was cooking when she was 9 years old.

Children have it way to easy these days your husband is right for showing them responsibility in living

It’s good to have the kids do work around the house. Never too young to start, it builds responsibilities.

Your husband does everything I was eight years old when I helped my grandmother in the garden.

It’s a good thing. He is teaching them independence. It has nothing to do with being a paraplegic. He’s being a responsible father.

No they need chores . Too much tablet and phone time sucks the life out of kids these days

They are definitely old enough to pitch in and help!

I was mowing the lawn at 13, weeded the yard and vacuumed our pool. Not to mention doing dishes and dusting the house. LOL

I started mowing lawn at 9 years old. They are fine.

It will teach them work ethics and to be responsible. It is good for children to have chores.

I never used a weedeater but always helped mow as early as 8

I was weeding when I was 7 and mowing when I was 9. Its not a terrible skill and as long as they’re hydrating if its hot out, it should be good

Nothing is wrong with that they need to learn to help around the house and learn that not everything is headed to them and they are old often to do it

What, pray tell, is wrong with that? A little responsibility never hurt anybody!!! I applaud your husband!!!

I started mowing lawn at 10 yrs old. I think it’s good for kids to start young also started doing other chores around 4-5 yrs

I think you are overreacting. The chores are doing more than taking care of the lawn. It’s fellowship with their Dad, it’s team building between the three of them, it’s learning respect for hard work, it’s allowing the girls to take pride in their accomplishments, it’s giving them a goal to aim for. Be proud of them, and what they are able to accomplish.

13 using an electric lawnmower not horrible just watch for power cords. I question the nine yr old using the weeder. Umm not so sure. She does need to help outside some. But operating power tools of any sort I question. Maybe a blower would be ok. Weeders scare me and Im in my late 50s. Unseen rock broken glass. If the weeder is small your husband should be able to use it. The 9yr old can sweep the walk way driveway with a smaller push broom.
My 11yr old daughter, my husband, myself replaced woodsiding on a home several years ago, replaced some termite damage area on lower areas. Then painted it all. Took us 4 months. So I know things and hard work can be done with kids help. My son learned to used to use a nail gun early too. But both of us were there watching and helping. Dad should be doing something as well other than sitting in his chair taking stuff away. Im sorry he is in a chair. It doesnt mean his 3 ladies are his slaves. A gardner wouldnt be a bad idea 2xs a month and the 3 of them do the in between stuff. But him sitting there and taking stuff is only going to cause bad blood later. My Grandfather was in a chair for most of his life. He never just sat there. He did help. He did wood work to suport his family he helped inside and outside. He did his best to do home repairs. He taught his 6 children how to do things. He cooked. He was a quadriplegic. He was squashed between a car and trailor. My youngest 3 Aunt and 2 uncles never remembered him wslking.
He never gave up. He never took.anything away from his children to make them help him. He did what he could and his children helped.
Everyone worked inside Everyone worked outside. Crockpots instapots and electric skillets werent a thing then. Microwaves either. My kids in todays society are respectful, helpful to us and others, can cook, clean, do yard work, laundry, both graduated high school with honors. I have a serious Nerve Disease and my husband a Disabled Vet.
How did we make this make all of this happen? Because pushing my body pains aside, my husband too. Each of teaching life skills. Piece by Piece no Threats, not taking stuff away. But by being parents. Your husband is being an unnecessary hard ass.
I just believe he should be helping and not taking. I get the wheelchair thing. Its hard. Lived in one for four months.
Heavenly Father, you know this family, you know their needs, desires, wants, health. Please allow dad to see a different way of having his girls do these instead of the you cant have until.
Father help him make room in his heart for more than I have room for what he wants, for what he thinks he needs. Bless the girls Dear Lord. For All things I give Thanks. Amen.
Please do not leave nasty comments here. I wont respond. Its an opinion no more. Reading what mom wrote and reading in between, there is more he does he is an angry man. I have empathy not sympathy.

Mom., what he is teaching them will last a lifetime. I grew up doing chores, much harder than what your husband is having your children do and at a much younger age. It taught me many things most important being work ethics whisbis in such short supply today. Don’t worry, stand behind him. Your blessed.

Also as they get older this is also a skill they can use to make a few bucks during the summer

I did both at 7. It builds good character and responsibility

No they can learn alot more. There’s.nothing wrong with helping out!!!

One of the best things a parent can do for their children is to teach them chores and responsibility.

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owed lawns to earn money, I raked leaves, on the weekends I had to help do laundry , did house work and in my teen years I took care of my mother that was in a wheel chair and went to school. And I never complain about all the chores I had to do I was so glad I could take care of my parents when I was older just like they took care of me when I was younger.

my paper route was from basically from Bridge St. south on Elm to the southern end then up to High st. and eventually ending on middle st and Bridge st. and all inside of that sq.

Doesn’t hurt at all to teach these kids skills these days even if it’s outside bare knuckle shit. Keeps them off these stupid ass phones.

We started the girls doing duties before they were 2
Good instructions n working along side them has created kids with good work ethic. Went on to college graduating top of their class.

I did yard work, never killed me, I am 82 and worked 53 yrs. It is how kids learn to be good workers.

Let him teach them the value of hard work, to earn what they want . I admire him for this . They will become great adults , and thank him for this later . My kids had chores and survived to be good adults . Idle kids sometimes turn into troubled teens and adults .

If you don’t teach your children to work when they are young. They won’t have the life skills and drive when they are older. I was working in the yard and house when I could walk and I did the same to my daughter. She thanks me to this day for teaching her to have a drive and know how to work.

My daddy taught me how to do things a man usually does. He said that way you don’t have to depend on a man. He just wanted me to be able to do things myself. Believe me I thank him for teaching me to be independent.

Your husband is spot on correct teaching those kids to mow and trim… It’s real life… He can’t do it and they and you should be doing it

There’s nothing wrong with teaching kids to work around the house they will have a whole new prospective on hard work they will also have more respect for money everything means more to you when you half to work for it. More people should raise there kids this way

As long as they are supervised and taught safety, I think it’s great!

I was cutting my yard and half the neighborhoods yards when I was that age.

Your kids are gonna be fine.

If you don’t teach them to work who will ? Yes all five of them and my grand children. They brag about what they learn.

Not too young at all. You want them to be self sufficient adults someday, right?

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You are wrong they are old enough.
That is the way that true adults give their youth responsibility. Proud of Both of You. God will Bless Your Family

Yes they have and was is a 9 year doing with a table

nothing wrong with teaching kids how to do chores.

Let them help you
. Thank them and him for the help. They are also big enough to clean thier own rooms , and do laundry. Learning how to work and be part of the family is good for everyone.

Its not going to hurt them. They may learn something important!

Depends on the 13 and 9 yr old, and the size and topography of the yard. Hills could be difficult and dangerous to mow.

My two 9 and 8 help with chores outside. I supervise. Taught the 9 year old how to mow. I use the weed Wacker, and the 8 year old pulls weeds.

There is nothing wrong with children there age pitching in and helping .I applaud your husband for his values and what he is trying to teach them .

Your kids should be helping around the house all the time. Inside and out.

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Those children are learning responsibility. The are needed. Let them enjoy that they are a valuable part of a family

He is a great father instills in his daughter’s how to take care of things themselves. You should be thanking him for being a present and nurturing father. Count your blessings. Your daughter’s will be self sufficient :heart:

I personally think they are too young to operate and control those machines…especially the lawn mower.

He’s doing the right thing, it builds character and responsibility, nothing in life is a free ride.

I think its fine except maybe the 9 yr old weed eating would need allot of supervison, Do you trust hubby to supervise good?

There is nothing wrong with kids doing yard work. That was part of my chores while growing up.

I was cooking family meals ( for a family of 7) at 13 plus taking care of chickens and gardening. They will be fine

My hat is off to him
A real dad knows the need to survive in this world
He is a great parent
More dads should practice this
Bored kids would not be in trouble before they are out of diapers

All good, all my girls did those chores and more. We had a mini farm and you got too

No, he is not being mean. He is teaching them to take care of thier home and teaching them life skills

Not yard work but housework to help you out! Our middle daughter did not like house work so she would go help me with my yards!!

Great way to apply and learn responsibility. Never too young to learn to help. A small allowance and a firm request to leave phones, etc… inside till jobs are done. Never too young to learn life skills.

I mowed and used sheers to “weedeat” all thru my teen years at home…

By the time I was using a weed whacker; considerably more dangerous than a weed eater.

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My kids and grandkids were doing younger then that.

They’re old enough! Especially the 13 year old!

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They aren’t too young. Perfect age to start doing and learning how to do things they’ll have to do when they live in their own.

If they were boys, by now they’d be touring the neighborhood looking for pay for doing those chores for people. If dad is in wheelchair, even moreso.

Absolutely Wonderful!!! He is doing the right thing 100%…Mom let him teach them…When we were kids there wasn’t any computers or online,we learned how to work for something we wanted,helped around the house and respect our parents…Something that is missing in today’s world…Need to get back to it

Choirs never hurt me and any age except under 6 is fine make them better men and women !!

We all did this as children.doesnt hurt them to know it takes a family to make a home.

Nothing wrong with the girls working . All of us older people worked like that growing up it didn’t hurt us us a bit. In fact it made us better people.

My brother and I mowed lawns and chopped weeds when we were 10.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that teaching responsibility and in family everybody needs pitch in and help and when work finished get tablet back

If they have been taught how to really be safe with equipment l see no problem At All!!! Work never hurt no body.

NOT TOO YOUNG!! My brother and I were doing this at 8 and 9 years old!!!

mine had to help with mowing today because its so hot we all made a couple stripes

Would you be upset if the kids were boys? Like almost everybody that grew up in the 40/50/60’s, we ALL had “jobs” to get our allowance

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Nothing wrong with having them help out. I lived on a farm and was doing chores at 9 my brother was 7. I was mowing law by age 12 and my brother was driving tractor by age 10.

Yay for hubby
Children should be taught to help with whatever needs to be done. A feeling of a job well done will build self esteem

It is teaching then to have things you want you have to work for them, they aren’t necessaries but privileges… keep it up!

If they are taught the correct way to use the equipment it should be a problem.

Being a mother myself I think you’re terribly overreacting teach system responsibility and how to pitch in when you’re short-handed just like you’re doing you said a good example

What I see as the BIGGEST problem is that you are questioning your husband’s VERY reasonable solution and literally putting your husband’s parental decision to a vote, amongst strangers. SHAME on you!! Just let your husband raise the children and make the important decisions you seem incapable of making. And next time, don’t ask us to parent your children, communicate better with your husband. P.S. He’s 100% correct. Seriously.

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I think it’s wonderful. Growing up I did it all. We didn’t have phones and tablets!

Your husband is correct, children need to be showed responsibility they will appreciate it when they get older. No their not to young to learn.

It’s what they need! Kids need to learn work ethic/ something most kids (and many adults) don’t have because parents never made them work. I applaud your husband for having kids do chores. :heart:

This is why today’s kids are lazy and don’t anything… it is good to stay away from electronics and be outdoors

There’s nothing wrong at least they’ll know how to do something when they leave your house

No, they need to learn responsibility and help around the house. It will not hurt them. It will make them hard working adults and you will be proud of their work ethic.

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Yes. You are overreacting. My 11 year old mows the lawn. He whines, but I do think he gets a sense of pride and accomplishment from it.

No not at that age beside I could see if they were boys

No that is how they learn responsibility and if there dad really can’t do it then who else can


I think he is teaching them a valuable lesson. The world would be a much better if parents taught their kids how to be responsible and have chores, and got them off the phones and computers.