My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

Bravo to your husband

Great job dad. You will raise responsible girls

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Yes!! It’s good for them.

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Is this a joke are you retarded you got no sense you must be a blonde

For God sakes let the man raise his children to be responsible young people !

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That’s good for them to learn how to work n responsibility

John O Mahony splitting blocks since you were 5, what’s your opinion on this

Responsibility is what it’s all about.

Some people are just so dumb.:person_facepalming:

Nothing wrong with it

He is absolutely doing the right thing!!! Good on him.

Teaching responsibility.

Well, they do live there😊


Great skills to have!

Good for your husband!!

You are overreacting

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Definitely over reacting

They are part of the team

You can’t be serious? This

Good for him! No reason they cant.


Chores are a good thing. Teaches responsibility and work eithec

It will not kill them

No will build character.

Both our boy and both our girls

Nope I was doing that

thats a good kid job!

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God gives me such problem

They are not to young

Y’all are doing great :sparkling_heart:

Good for him.As long as he is supervising.

They aren’t too young.

13 year old should weedeat and 9 year old mow

It teaches responsibility

Yes, they will be fine.

It’s a good thing, join in on helping them become responsible members of society.

Good for kids to have chores to do.

My sisters and I did

Yes. You are overreacting.

Never to young to be a team player. As long as there is supervision for safety reasons.

Count yourself lucky

It will prove to be a great lesson in self reliance

You are overreacting

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They are old enough!

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TeAching children right

Creating good work ethics.

You are over reacting.

As long as they know the safety rules. They will be fine

He’s their dad
Nuff said

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Good for him. Kids need to know how to work!!

He’ll no. Teach them early

This isn’t a serious question is it??

Congratulations to your husband. He’s teaching the kids to work and to help do chores. He’s doing a great job

Exactly what’s wrong in America

Good for him… avoiding raising more snowflakes.

Your just over reacting

Why shouldn’t children be doing that sort of thing? How old should they be?

Dangerous tool for 9 ye old

This is a joke…right???

They are fine as long as he supervises

No harm !! Good for them

Please I bet they love it!!

You’re over reacting

~lm old school and it’s never hurt our family ~

It’s just chores no biggie

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I started all that at age 9 …Cooked , cleaned, washed clothes, hung them out to dry , brought them in , folded, put away , ironed …Had to stand on a milk crate to reach stove , ironing board , etc …Wringer washer …No steam iron …Ironed for people for 5 cents a piece …11 people in the household…Walked everywhere…No car …And on and on …No …Your kids need to learn all that …Part of growing up …A push mower with no motor , all manual …No weed eaters back then …Your kids are on easy street…

You’re teaching them responsibility,

Builds character

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They are fine for this responsibility!!!

Always safety first !

He’s doing it right. :+1:t2:

You are instilling great work ethic and responsibility :heavy_heart_exclamation:. Good job!

They will thank him later in life.

Totally overreacting!

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He’s doing them a favor.

Work is good for them

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safety equipment
Chores ars good.

:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: :arrow_left:we need this emoji as a reaction to posts

Good for them they probably enjoy it

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Nothing wrong with it

Good for him and for them!

It will be good for them

Good skills for them to have!

God Bless Him for teaching children to WORK !!!


Uhm what? This is behavior is why kids dont want to work

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Uh yeah. They are old enough to help, with supervision

I did all that and glad I did :blush:

Don’t see any harm in them helping out

he is doing a good job,you’ll thank him later!:hugs::hugs::pick::crossed_fingers:

You ARE overreacting

No they are not to young

Good more kids should learn to work

I’m not seeing a fuckin problem

Hell no it’s not too young

Yes your overreacting… I was cutting grass and weed whacking at 9 also. I did it to help out. Kids nowadays are lazy… If anything a 9 yo is to young for a cell phone… Since your husband is in a wheelchair, the kids should be helping without being asked…

Upset? You should be proud.

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You’re over reacting.

Not quite what you mean? Of course 9 and 13 is plenty old enough to help out. And in our gender sensitive society theres no such thing as boys work or girls work…equality and non gender right?

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are you ki\dding me! NO they are not too young! It is very good for them


Yes ma’am they should help