Kids now adays are babies!!! This is perfect for them to learn something that will be mean something throughout their lives. especially when you are a busy mother and your husband tries his best. it’s wonderful for them to help out & learn something!
I hope the mother who wrote the original question has read each and every one of these responses. I also hope she allows their house rules to now include chores for her daughters w/o any payment. A small allowance is one thing but children should learn that everyone in the family should work together by sharing all the chores and responsibilities that it takes to maintain their household.
I have always felt that our children need to learn a work ethic, the sooner the better. It has always been good for them to feel pride in their efforts .
I think it’s great. Me and my siblings were doing yard chores at early age
nothing wrong with it as long as they know all the safety precautions to use
Its a good thing for them to learn responsibility, help Mom and Dad. They can also help with house chores. It doesn’t hurt them a bit.
My 12yr old mows the lawn. They have to learn now. I am supervising when he is running itm but they can do all household chores at 10
Kids have to learn to take care of themselves, one day they will be out in the world on their own, isn’t that what parents are supposed to prepare them for?
Nothing wrong with having them help out and earn their electronics. Myself and my two sisters grew up doing the yard work and helping our grandfather with his carpentry business during the summer months, teaches strong work ethic and life skills. My 4 almost 5 year old daughter and almost 2 year old son help their dad pull weeds and do yard work.
I was raised on a farm. Nothing wrong with the way your husband is having your children work. I was doing all that and much more at their age. More kids need to be doing work instead of being on the I pads-phones-computers. That what wrong with our generation today.
They are not too young. Hope is outside watching them. It is a good insensitive for them and it’s helping you out.
If he was teaching them to cook, would that be a problem? As long as they know how to use the equipment safely it isn’t a problem and just think for the rest of their lives they’ll know how to do it
There is nothing wrong with teaching the girls simple chores. As long as he’s supervising, they should be fine and learn how to maintain a yard so they are prepared for their own homes. They should be helping with the dishes, dusting and taking out the trash, too!
Kids need to learn what responsibility is all about. It helps the kids realize they are part of the family and their help counts and will make them feel good about being able to pull some of the weight in the family.
It is the blessed child that is taught functional life skills. They are not too young. My only suggestion is to make sure they have ear, eye and nose protection.
I know I was mowing by 12. I washed dishes at 5. Cooked full meals at 12 and was beaten if I ruined food. I was abused…maybe I’m not the best person to answer this question Just make sure they are careful not to get thier toes under the blade!!!
There is nothing wrong with it. They need to learn these skills and there is no better way than to do it.
More kids need to help out with the yard work. Maybe they wouldn’t be so disrespectful if they were taught to help.
We started mowing before we had good leverage on the handles - boys & girls. Our house was unisex chores.
They are most definitely old enough to be helping out around the house and in the yard!
Absolutely we were 9 and 11 13 and 14 picked up all sticks and trash took turns mowing with a push mower didn’t have a weed eater in those days we had to pull them and dig them out took clothes off the line help make soap milk cows feed chickens sloped hogs chop wood carry to woodshed worked in garden I’m 67 and still doing yard work it’s good for them and they will take pride in themselves
I’ve mowed and done yard work since I was 6 years old. I turned out perfectly fine. It taught me to work for what I had and what I wanted to get.
My kids work with me doing lawn care outside of working my full time job. Nothing wrong about it at all.
How wonderful to teach them to help. Most children are on games while parents are paying for someone to do the yard work. They will never learn. I wish more parents would insist some help. Daily chores in the house would be great, too. That would help you since you are working so hard!
I did lawns for my grandparents at 6. My grandson did at 5. He worked along in gardens, mowing acres, harvest garden help jar, freeze, slice. Pull weeds, toss bales of straw. My son was born quad. I would like to ask do you think your kids shouldn’t be doing these things?
At 9 and 10 my kids could do laundry dishes yard work as well as vaccume. Chores are good for children teaches them responsibility … and how family maintaining a family household is a team effort and everybody needs to do their part
I was doing those type of chores since I was six years old, it’s good.
Yes .kids need to learn to do work .mine did ask them. Will give them good work ethics.
Instead of playing Video games everyday.
Try pushing a lawn mower around. Or pick up rocks out of the yard.
They got to learn to work to make a living.
Unless you are going to pay there way forever
I was doing yardwork like that when I was nine years old. I don’t think it hurts to teach children that it takes everybody in the family to keep the family in the home up and running. Kids spend way too much time on cell phones and electronic equipment . It will do them good good to get outside and get some fresh air , who knows you may have a budding gardener starting up
Chores never hurt any kid. Give them some responsibility and teach them to be prepared for adult life.
No, it’s not too young to get them involved (safely) in yardwork & household responsibilities. As a kid of parents who both worked, I was mowing/trimming/edging our yard by 12 (with training and supervision). Kudos to Dad!
I pushed mow 3 acres every Other Saturday growing up. My dad broke his back so since I was the oldest I had to do it. Started at 13!! Didn’t kill me but made me appreciate when we finally got a riding mower!! Now my teens are in charge of our yard. It sucks and they will complain but they will appreciate it when they become independent adults:muscle:t3:
That’s what is wrong with kids today parents don’t make them do chores. You go dad
We taught our son to mow the lawn at 10 with supervision It’s his chore he also does not get paid for chores it’s part of helping around the house. It teaches him responsibility and a life skill. I was raised not to rely on anyone to do something for you that you can do yourself. Why would I pay someone 40+ dollars a week to do something that someone in the family is quite capable of doing.
I started mowing on a riding mower at age nine. It’s good to start teaching responsibilities early. It helps teach a good work ethic
No it’s not to young to do it I’m sure their dad was watching to make sure they were being safe
That is great teaching kids how to do chores and help out around the house
They should help out. There is not a darn thing wrong with that… Absolutely!!!
No their not too young. Teaches them responsibility and keeps them out of trouble. We had chores to do when we were young and mowing and cleaning the yard was one of them.
They are learning to contribute to the family, a great life skill. , Life’s not always about what you feel like doing but what needs to be done.
Nothing wrong with children helping out around the house. It teaches them responsibility and independence. My children have been doing chores from the age of 6 years old and doing their on laundry at the age of 8, they are now 17, 15, and 13. They are responsible and know that they have to work for what they want. They don’t have that entitlement mentality.
As a young girl my brother and sisters and I were out mowing, delivering newspapers, shoveling snow, and raking leaves for not only us but neighbors. We used our money to buy new school clothes to take off some of the burden off our parents raising us 8 children.
At 4 my youngest was helping me weed our garden. Shes not tall enough to mow but still helps in other ways.
The bad thing about this is she has to ask people what the answer is. Yea teach them how to work at any age . Called life skills. That’s what’s missing in society today. No work ethic.
I think it’s great. Doesn’t hurt them a bit as long as it’s not so hot outside. I say good for him
As long as they are taught safety operations - they will be fine. A little exercise doesn’t hurt vs sitting in front of electronics.
Your husband is doing the right thing! He is teaching your children a very valuable lesson, that unfortunately, many kids of this generation haven’t been taught. It’s a team effort and if you want to be part of our family, you must be part of the team.
My kids did their own laundry at about age 10, my daughter learned to safely use a riding lawnmower at about the same age, and they had to clean their own rooms. Their father can supervise and teach if he is unable to physically do the outside chores.
At those ages, it is good to teach them that they can help out around the house.
Your kids are old enough to do those type of jobs It’s called responsibility It’s a tough world out there You need to get them a little taste of it and build from there
Not too young. At preteen/teenage I was making a killing shoveling snow and mowing lawns. Teach your kids responsibility now so that they’re not paying for it later.
Let them earn their keep! I mowed and weed wacked when I was younger than that! There’s nothing wrong with kids helping out and learning about hard work. STOP! Kids needs to learn that everything ain’t free and if you want something you have to work for it! Quit being their friend and instill a working attitude! The world will be better off!
I don’t think a child is ever too young to begin working in any form around the house. It build character and teaches kids something the school system won’t. A work ethic, which is something out world lacks because parents don’t make their kids work. I commend him. Great parenting
Nothing wrong with that. Teaches kids responsibility and compassion for the less able person. You have 2 good kids
Yes,mind did.And help take out trash,dust,vacuum.They are boys.Dont want them to do nothing and learn nothing.
Every child should do chores on a daily basis. It teaches them cooperation and working together is necessary to survive in the real world.
teach your kids to work, not to young show them how to do it they should cut your grass and grand parents grass…
I agree with dad. Kids need to be taught and hold them responsible for chores.
Let it be…its good for them
.o.had chores since i was small…too.many days have no work ethics.
My sister and I chopped wood 7 and 8 years old.Picked mega berries for my gramma to preserve.Wash clothes with a wash board.I think the more life skills they learn for adulthood is good.
Chores are good for them. My kids had things they did. Weeding, trash. Vacuuming. I am ocd on mowing so rarely had them do alone but they had turns at it
By the time I was 11 I was doing laundry, feeding livestock (started feeding calves at 8 years old), was cooking by the time I was 12, so doing yard work at 9 & 13 isn’t out of the question. By the time I was 13 I was hauling hay and picking cotton as well as the other chores.
How else are kids supposed to learn responsibility if they don’t learn at home? That’s not much for kids that age! My kids earned money from mowing yards when they were young! Kids today are being crippled by parents not letting them learn how to be independent then complaining because they don’t want to leave home!
I did that work when I was 9. My son didn’t because we lived in Apt then a Condo.
Given small jobs we’ll help them grow up and understand hard work.
When my husband died my kids had to step up and help their mother they are 30, 31, and 40 now they lived Through it. They were 9, 10 and 19 The 19-year-old had his own place by then but he still came by to help
If they have a cell phone and i-pad that is great! Of course they can do things such as that to help out
I mowed the lawn and cleaned sh*t from the chicken pen when I was 11
No that’s perfect…all kids should be made work…that’s what’s wrong with this world
this is the best thing that can happento them my question is why do they have phones at 9 and 13. this lady has her priorities way screwed up
Kids need to learn to share responsibility. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.
The 13 year old no worries but depending on the size of the 9yr old i might be a bit concerned some are really tiny and if thats the case id be a bit concerened
I took care of our yard when I was 10! Every week
That’s great if more parents would make there kids get out and do yard work there wouldn’t be as much crime.
They sure did!! As I was also taught!! Can’t expect other people to do your work for you when you have kids that can. Life lessons learned!! They may fuss about it but they will respect you later for teaching them for being responsible.
Nothing wrong with that my kids do this they cry they nearly die lol cause it’s not a phone
This is great! Very good for kiddos’ development to have responsibilities.
There is nothing wrong with kids mowing and weed whipping it is good for them to learn that stuff as long as they’re supervised
I was plowing with a A john deere tractor when i was 10
He is doing the right thing to teach them their is more to life than phones & tablets and they should help out.
If more kids today were made to help out at home we may have more responsible adults in the future.
Wear safety glasses when using the weed eater.
Its good for the kids to learn responsibility, they will grow up as better people.
Well I am 82 and I mowed my parents yard not because they made me but I wanted to.
I helped my husband mow .
What is wrong with helping their dad with chores?
They are ok. He should stay out with them & make sure they are ok.
What a question, how else are you going to teach them that they have to work for what they have, you don’t appreciate what is given and not worked for in some way!
Or they can sit on the couch and do nothing. My grandfather used to make me now 2 acres and give me $1 , was great working with him
Every Saturday morning my husband had our two oldest out in the yard doing yard maintenance and every time they moaned and groaned to no avail. No, your kids are not too young but the 9 year old should be pulling weeds or picking up debris not a mechanical object. Given proper instruction the 13 year old should be able to mow! Edging no! Not familiar with electric weed eater.
I used to mow my families yard when I was about 8 or 10. It won’t hurt them; might even instill some pride !
It won’t hurt your children to know how to work. I was mowing other peoples lawns to get my spending money. When I was twelve. We always helped planting and taking care of our garden. It won’t ruin a boy to know how to sew a button on, or his way around the kitchen.
My kids all 3 grew up doing yard work an they have grown up to be wonderful people
I did more than that when I was that age.
I think I was 10 when I was expected to mow the lawns and dig the garden. It was character forming…
Your husband is correct. They need to be taught at an early age that nothing comes free. They will thank him later.
I was mowing an acre at 8 we only had a push mower not a gas mower
Yes, it’s perfectly fine. He obviously should teach them how to use them properly and safely. And be present when they’re doing it.
Kids should absolutely help out!
I mowed lawns and shoveled snow my entire childhood,
Make them work. They grow up knowing that the only way is to work.
Was mowing when I was 10 or 11.
Do you want them self sufficient or always expecting you to bail them out? Why pay someone when your kids are old enough & able to do it?