My husband never gets me gifts: Advice?

My husband never gets me anything for holidays or birthdays. Am I selfish to feel upset about it? I never tell him how it makes me feel, but on the inside, it kind of depresses me. It’s not like we do not have the money. He shops for Christmas for his parents, but he never gets me anything. Thoughts?


Perhaps you should start by telling him how you feel about it. He cant do anything about it if he doesn’t know it upsets you. Communication is key in relationships.


Talk to him before Christmas. Tell him you’re often hurt or disappointed. Also don’t just build things up. Talk. You’re married. :heart:

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Tell him. If he still doesn’t get you anything, there are larger problems.

Maybe how he was raised?

I’d start telling him “ I want this for Christmas”

Start by asking him why and telling him how you feel. If it doesn’t change then stop buying him things for special occasions.


You should tell him… communication is the key to a successful marriage. God first of course :hugs:


Do you get him stuff?

Do you get him gifts?

My husband always makes me think were to broke then surprises me with something crazy good. The only thing you can do OP s communicate though

Theres got to be more to the story than just “he doesn’t get you anything…” that’s strange.


Love is not gifts :woman_shrugging:t4: I don’t get my husband anything and he doesn’t get me anything. I don’t feel as if I am missing out


My husband hardly ever gets me anything either

if he doesn’t know it bothers you then… how would he… know?

I buy what I want and say this is for Christmas or my Birthday ,Ect .from you :rofl::joy::tipping_hand_woman:t2:

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WELL go out and buy yourself a few nice things wrap them up and put them from him then so oh thank you just what I wanted if that doesn’t wake him up nothing will and make sure you buy really really nice things


You shouldn’t have to even ask, but I would ask him Why do you ever buy me anything?

Tell him you would like to exchange gifts for christmas.

Buy your own stuff that way you get exactly what you want.


Men can’t read minds. You have to communicate with him.


Just buy yourself things. You know exactly what you want. Sounds like #firstworldproblems


have you tried to talk to him about it?

Not ever buy for me?

Start by acting like an adult and express your feelings… I get it , you shouldn’t have to tell him to buy you a gift especially since it takes away from the point of gifts but he’s not a mind reader lol


It’s no big deal. I hate getting gifts , I rather give to others than receive

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My husband usually gets me something funny like Little Debbie Christmas tree cakes because they are my favorite. I told him the other night not to worry about getting me anything because I already bought what I wanted. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

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Ask him why and tell him he would like a gift.

Buy yourself something and put it from him.


I buy my own crap. I just stuffed my own stocking.


Do you get him gifts. That should be a clue for him to get you something


Mine doesn’t buy me anything. He says he doesn’t because i buy what i want for myself. But he will surprise me on occasion but i usually i tell him not to get me anything

I tell my hubby what I want and he buys them

Do you buy him things? Me and my husband don’t usually buy each other presents (christmas/bdays) We go out to eat and do things together though. But it was communicated and decided together to be that way. We do let our kids pick out things for each other though like on mother’s/fathers day ect.

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Definitely tell him. I’d feel like shit if hubby bought for his mum but nothing for me, not cause its about receiving but just the thought would be nice. No point saying nothing if it makes you feel like shit.

Go and tell him what U want then if he doesn’t get the hint and get them I agree there are bigger issues


You haven’t trained him right


Definitely talk to him about it. If you have never said anything, he probably doesn’t know that it is an issue for you.

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You do sound selfish only if you don’t get him anything. Some people just don’t think it’s necessary for the relationship but if it’s necessary for yours TELL HIM.


My hubs doesn’t buy me gifts for my bday or any other holiday either. Then again i don’t buy him anything either lol we just always buy our kids stuff and not worry about anyone else.


You should never have to remind him at least get you something for Christmas that’s something that should just come natural


Go get what you want


Tell him it’s important to you. I would be hurt as well

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Mine was like that so in January I wrote a “wish list” and gave it to him for the year. Birthday, Christmas, Mother’s Day. If during this time I happened to buy something that was on the list I’d tell him to scratch it off. He got the hint.


Dont feel bad… I buy my husband gifts and I dont get jack diddly squat! He knows it upsets me but he dont care!


I buy my own crap and stuff my own stocking. Adulting!


Dont buy him anything. Use the money for something you want. Mark it from Santa.

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Just talk to him. Tell him you’d like to get gifts for holidays. Give him lists.

We usually spend money on our kids before we buy for ourselves. We would rather see our children explode in happiness before us.

He can’t read your mind girl. Tell him how you feel.


Have you told him?
If you never said anything you can’t be mad bc he doesn’t know.

My dad stopped buying gifts for my mom after their first Christmas. He was young and clueless but he tried. He bought her a dress and she absolutely hated it and let him know she hated it. He told her from then on out he’d give her money and she could pick out what she wanted. She never did without or had to ask for a dime, she was very well taken care of. They were together 50 years.

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My hubby doesn’t buy me gifts either I buy it myself

Wow! How unusual! Does he not “think” that you may like a present…

I feel you girl… men are slow. You have to be straight up… I was all emotional and in my feelings and went off about how he don’t do shit for me and blah blah blah but it really hurt him I seen it in his face. Just be direct and tell him you want him to make you feel special because that’s what it comes down too.

I never get anything either… and neither does he. We usually just buy for the kids, cause that’s what it’s about. However, if we ever need or absolutely want something, we help ourselves.

He doesn’t know you’re upset if you don’t tell him. He’s not a mind reader.


I would talk to him. Even though it’s something simple I can see how it would make you feel bad. My husband always gets me something even when I ask him not too. I know he appreciates me and I don’t need a gift to see that. Our situations are opposite but I finally sat down with him this year and told him how much I appreciate everything he does and that he’s always thinking of me but I really didn’t want anything this year. I asked him if we could instead take that money and sponsor a family for Christmas instead. He agreed it was a great idea.

I guess what I’m trying to say is communication is everything. Without it we have no idea how our spouses are feeling. Maybe just sit him down and ask why you guys don’t ever exchange gifts with each other? A simple conversation might change the way the rest of your marriage goes. :heart: good luck!

Just buy it yourself.

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What does he do for you the rest of the year? My husband and i nix holiday and b-day gifts because we tend to just gift through the year when we see something the other would like. If he’s giving you things thru the year, yeah maybe a little selfish. If not, i can see how it might hurt not doing it on holidays

My thpught for my fiance is he doesnt know i want something UNLESS i tell him i do, and what i want. So just say you want something for christmas and or birthday and see what he says or does. I dont think he is obligated to get me anything at all, but if i ask i hope i get it!

Ummm, you have every right to be upset, if you’ve talked to him amd explained you want gifts.

Is not about the gifts is about remembering and celebrating your love one if my husband doesn’t even remember any event related to me it makes me sad to many people take spouses for granted

Talk to him. Many times women think men are mind readers… they aren’t. Tell him exactly what you have said here.

Do you get him something? Quit doing it. Buy yourself something.

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What do you expect? You never tell him how you feel. They’re not mind readers!

He’s a lowlife piece of shit

use his money and get your own gift.

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Get something for yourself!


We usually buy stuff for the house, not each other. This year I got him stuff and stuff for the house.

In the same boat here. His mom always buys the gifts for him and wraps them. If its birthday or anniversary I’ll be lucky to get a card. Most often if I do get something its last min and just left on the table in the Walmart bag.

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Ask him why not… I’d be curious what his thinking is about it…


I have said this before and I am saying it again…communication is key!


Has he always been this way? Even before you were married?

I used to pick out my own stuff my ex was always busy working

I think you should tell him it’s upsetting. My partner was like this and it took me saying it’s not about the gift its more about the thought. And, there’s only several special days a year that are cause for celebration, it doesn’t take much to go out and get a card with some flowers or something like that.
Everyone deserves to feel loved and appreciated. In saying this, if you don’t express how you feel then how is he to know.


Well if you don’t tell him how will he know? Men aren’t mind readers. Let him know. If he still doesn’t then I’d be let down

My thought is the squeaky wheel gets the oil. If you don’t speak up about it, mayb he figures ur ok with it. Speak up girl, Let him knw how you feel

I get the “tell him” thing, but honestly, how does a grown adult with a wife, not understand that it’s upsetting that he buys everyone but her a gift? It doesn’t take a mind reader…


If u buy him something, Stop! He will feel what it feels like then.

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Just talk to him about how you feel.

I have to be very specific with mine. I am sure his parents drop hints about gifts and you should to

I’m sure it’s more about how you’re not a thought in his mind and that hurts you it’s not about the gifts like some people are saying. If he really is that bloody dense perhaps coming right out and telling him how it makes you feel would be the best option

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Go shopping for yourself…wrap them from him maybe he’ll get the hint.


Throw away the whole husband :woman_shrugging:t2:


Ask if you are doing christmas gifts for eachother this year. If he says yes, get him one. If he says no, dont get him anything, it may just be that he is not thinking (a common trait among husbands)

Tell him. Say it plainly. Don’t bs about it. Say hey I was wondering why you never get me any gifts during holidays?

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I think you need to tell him. If it is important to you it should be important to him.

I would be so mad, I would tell him about it.

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My feelings would be very hurt. My husband didn’t get me anything for my birthday this year. I always get him something, for Fathers Day too. He said that as we get older that birthdays are not a big deal anymore. Yet he did ask me to throw him a party for his birthday, which came after mine. :woman_facepalming:t3: By the end of the day I was in tears. It’s not about the money or the gift, it is about the thought. I would tell your husband how disappointed or hurt that you are. He needs to know.


If you buy him stuff then don’t so he knows how it feels to feel forgotten or not cared for


I feel like getting a gift is common sense especially if you never had the conversation about it… I would just assume I should get you something… ridiculous…and have a talk with him…

A closed mouth don’t get fed…TELL him instead of keeping it to yourself. Tell him what you want and where to get it. Stop buying him gifts until he gets you one. My oldest daughter father only ever bought me two gifts in the 9 years we were together and it was only because I bought him a gift first but he always bought his kids gifts…even Valentine’s Day. Some men really are dumb af when it comes to relationships

Well, I figured out your problem
Start there. You arent even giving him a chance!


Maybe he thinks you don’t want anything bc you’ve never said anything. Tell him how it makes you feel

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Should have let your feelings be known from the first occasion he missed a gift.
You never mentioned if you buy him gifts.

Go out shopping and buy what you always wanted wrap it and say from me to me and don’t buy him anything


Tell him honey. When you feel more comfortable venting to stranger instead of your man then there is a deeper issue here. Talk!! :100::+1:t3:

Make a list of things youd like and have a sit down talk and give him your list !

If you know he loves you gifts and money is not everything love is.


My husband usually ask me if we are getting each other something. Usually for Christmas it’s no or something small, especially after we had kids.

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