My husband never gets me gifts: Advice?

Me and my husband have only exchanged gifts maybe 3 times in the 10 years we have been together doesn’t bother me any never has

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If you never tell him then how is he supposed to know?

ask him if he wants to know what you want for christmas. it works for me

For his parents but not you? You shouldn’t have to tell him, but do so anyway. Yea, were all adults so no need to go all out and get lots but a gift for you should be a given. My hubby does through out the year here and there, picking up flower’s just because, and on Christmas ill get a few things(fav perfumes, purse, phone etc) but after our kids of course. And i already got his. So yes you should get something but tell him… Speak up.

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Buy yourself what you want.

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Talk to him. He is not a mind reader. As an aside, today is my 11th anniversary and I am on my phone watching TV and hubby is playing video games. We didn’t buy each other anything. I worked last night and he made me breakfast in bed at about 10 am. We have been just hanging around the house all day and that is fine with me. But we have also talked about our expectations.

My husband buys me so many gifts that I feel guilty. I only get him one or two items.

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Men don’t read minds. Never have never will. Normally they see it for face value. Unless he is on the feminism side, he isn’t going to get emotional about it. Tell him it bothers you and ask him to get you things that remind him of you or he thinks you like. It’s called communication

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How about you go to him and let him know. And do you get him anything? If not then quit crying about it and thats probably why. But if he still doesn’t get you anything if you do get him something QUIT getting for him!!

Buy yourself something, wrap it, put it under the tree and label it from him. Maybe he’ll get the hint :joy:


How about instead of buying each other something. Put the money towards a activity you both like to do?

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Look at the bright side. You don’t have to get him a damn thing either

Wow reading some of these comments… You should never have to train anyone… if you think training another human being to your likes and wants is how a relationship works. I really feel sorry for you all… you love someone for who they are not for what you think they should be.


Buy yourself them , tell him what he’s bought you , wrap them up :kissing_heart:

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Everyone has a different love language. Maybe both of you take the love language test and have a discussion about it :blush: Learn More About Yourself

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Then he does not really love you cheap ass

Mine has never bought me a gift either. But on my birthday and Christmas I get a card with 5, $100 Bill’s. Amount never varies either.
I’m cool with that, lol.
He just doesnt shop, period. Doesnt internet shop either and we have Amazon Prime!
He has too much money and he’s LAZY. Shopping requires effort and thought. None of those are his strong points.
If you have enough money, just buy yourself something. He’ll eventually get it. If not, oh well.

Go out and buy yourself a nice gift wrap it and put it under the tree. Then Christmas morning when it is found. Just make a BIG fuss over it and tell him it’s just what you wanted


Don’t buy for him and buy for you. Or buy for both of you. He’s not going to do it, especially if you don’t tell him, so just do for you. You’ll never get a bad gift that way :wink:

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If you have the money buy it yourself. Problem solved.
Haven’t you seen the holiday car commercials? They treated themselves. :rofl:

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Yes it’s about the kids

Im 42… i havent received a gift since i was 10… its selfish wanting something… hell i havent celebrated a birthday since i was twelve… presents are for vanity purposes…


If you never tell him, how the hell is he supposed toknow???

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Ask him now “what’d u get me for Christmas?” In a cute way. Then pout if he says nothing

Men don’t even read directions, do you really think they read minds?:eyes:

He may not realize that u actually want one, especially if u r a very frugal type or haven’t hinted at wanting anything.

That will make me really mad. You need to tell him asap

Just tell him. He can’t know something bothers you unless you say something. Just tell him next year you want to start exchanging gifts.

My ex was the same way. I always got him something. It gets old quick but i never gave up on his gifts. Eventually it was all about kids. No gifts for parents. Same with my current.

If your man has any love for you
He will teat you like a queen

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Try talking to him …people our other half cannot read minds

Tell him how it makes you feel. If he still doesn’t buy you anything, buy it yourself :person_shrugging:

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Well maybe he doesn’t know you’re upset about it. I mean how could he if you’ve never told him? A lot of problems like this can be solved by communication. If you express your feelings and he doesn’t care then I would understand you being upset.


Closed mouths dont get fed.


Communicate to him that it upsets you when he doesn’t get you something. Also do you get him anything? My husband buys me gifts. And I tell him to find a book he doesn’t own. It’s mutual.

He should know without being told!!


What the heck? Thats kinda shitty. Do you sughest things that you want? Or does he just blatantly ignore what you want or suggest? We do need a bit of help and hint sometimes lol

My partner never gets me anything either…so this year I didnt get him anything. You shouldn’t have to tell him to get you a gift…its common sense. And it is painful…it makes you feel undervalued. I wouldn’t even care what it is…but it would be nice to know he took the time to think about me…what I may like or need. Mine doesnt partake in christmas shopping for the kids either which sucks. It would be nice to have someone to share that magic and excitment with. It’s not about the gift…its about the thought and effort that went into picking something youd think the other person would like. And after a while you start to think of that person truly loves you wouldn’t it become natural for them to just want to get you something. I am always looking up and buying for mine and still nothing…never. Hell talk about something being a gift for me but there is no follow through to make that a reality. It’s easy for anyone to say just talk about it but it’s a hard topic to talk about without sounding like a winey brat. Lol. Its christmas…everyone is giving gift…duh!!! I’m sorry your hurting…I know the pain. Buy something nice for yourself and focus on that. And after christmas say something if you think he will honestly change.

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He should not have to be told! Honestly, it’s just disrespectful and just not nice! Sorry

Stop getting him things :woman_shrugging:


I feel like this shouldn’t have to be a discussion, but maybe some men really are this clueless? If nothing else, stop buying him gifts and spend the money on something you want.


You should say something

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I would say something to him because maybe he doesn’t realize. I’ve been with my bf for 8 1/2 years. He honestly never thought about it unless I said something because he didn’t grow up seeing it. His parents didn’t buy each other things either he says. This past year, he and our 7yo bought me a bday present without me saying anything…but honestly I think it was cuz she pushed for it more than him doing it on his own.

I hear people saying tell him or men cant read minds but , I feel I dont wantvto have to tell someone to get me a gift , I want someone to want to get me a gift or make a special plan to do something nice . It’s like flowers if you get them just because it’s so nice but if you have to prompt or guilt him then you might as well of bought them for yourself . I want someone to do it because they care enough to want to on thier own . That’s my take .


You answered your own problem, you dont tell him… how is he meant to know? Tell him you want presents :woman_shrugging:


Buying a present doesn’t mean as much as a card. My fiance always picks out the most beautiful cards. He spends a lot of time reading different ones til he has the right one. Sometimes a simple hug or I love you means more.

Idk :neutral_face: maybe he just assumes you do not want anything ?
Do you get him gifts ?

All these people saying communicate… she shouldnt have to ask… i think its disgusting that he buys for others, but not for the 1 person who is supposed to mean the most. Hes taking her for granted big time…


Did you always get each other gifts? Me and my hubby did the first year together…but we have two kids…so…we just buy for them. We agreed on that.

If getting a present means so much to you then talk to him about it. We don’t know what others want or feel unless they speak up.

My husband sucks at Christmas shopping. I always buy my own, which ensures that I get what I want.


Hes either dumb or thoughtless . I wouldnt buy him anything spend the money on yourself…

Maybe he doesn’t know what to get you my husband was clue less until I expressed that I wanted a kitchen aid and few other not even around the holidays and he got them for me

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My husband was like that the first few years. I finally just directly told him I want gifts on these holidays. Or I’ll be very specific about what gift on what holiday. Even have to tell him when i feel underappreciated and i would like flowers. Men tend to take things at face value so tell him exactly what your expectations are and if it is in reason he will most likely do it. (This applies to the whole marriage)

Go buy what you want :gift: When he complains that you’re spending too much money say “Fine! You shop for me then!” :heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign:

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I’d tell him how you feel.

Some spouses just don’t do that. But normally there’s a conversation “I don’t think we should do gifts” instead of just being like “mm. Nah.”

You definitely have more “patience” than me I sure the heck wouldn’t keep quiet and someone wouldn’t get breakfast or something I’d tell him to get it from his parents

Some peoples love language is giving, others is touch, etc. He may buy gifts for his parents because he knows its expected, but he shows his love in his own “love language”. If you dont want to bluntly say “give me gifts” then maybe when he mentions going out to shop, or around holiday time be like “oh I really like this, maybe someone will get it for me for x holiday”. And drop a few hints. If he still doesnt take the hint, then tell him your feelings, and ask if he can accommodate you. You shouldnt HAVE to say some things, but you do if you want to improve that part of your life. My husband and I dont buy each other gifts per say, we usually just ask what we want and then we buy it ourselves so that no one is unhappy.

You should really talk to him about it.

Samantha Baglio-Parks I agree with you wholeheartedy, my husband never buys me anything either &.it does hurt deep down.

Ig I’m weird. I dont expect gifts from anyone. But like, if you dont hint at anything like “hey hun I like this” or “this would be nice for…” the. How exactly would he know you want him to get you something without straight up just telling him? Do you get him things? I dont think material things are that serious.

Make a list and give it to him or buy what you want, wrap it and put it under the tree. Problem solved.

Do you get gifts for him? If so, why?

My husband is kinda horrible and gift giving. Know what I do? I buy whatever I want and tell him it’s my birthday/Christmas present. You can’t go through life depending on other people to make you happy.


Maybe talk to him about it.

I’d start putting gift bows on utilities and groceries

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That’s just sad. :cry: My husband asks me what I want because I really already have everything I want.

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Something wrong with this period!


If he remembered to buy things for others but not you ,thats A mega dealbreaker!

you should tell him!

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All the time God is good

We don’t really do gifts for Each other. We buy something for the other from our toddlers, but never from Each other. We don’t care about presents, just having our family together and our kids having a great time. I get mad if he doesn’t say happy birthday, but that’s all I want.

How would be know it’s important to you if you never say anything? That makes zero sense. Ladies, please stop assuming that they should just know. Use your big girl words and communicate


Not nice person! Buy something expensive and thank him.

My boyfriend and I get one thing for each other and it’s normally very in expensive. Rest is spent on kids/family

Get him something. Maybe he’ll realize it’s a chance for him to give something too.

Absolutely not! Make him a list for how many years he has skipped and give it to him and tell him get to shopping!

My so and I get something for each other whenever we think about each other. THAT is when it is special and what matters most not holidays. Sounds self absorbed and not communicating makes it a horrible relationship🤷‍♀️

Tell him. Then if he still doesn’t then buy one for yourself and wrap it. Open it in front of him.


I have been through some tough financial problems, where buying gifts for each other for ocassions. But if you have the finances to buy each other a gift, you should. That is a jesture of your love for one another. If no surprises in a relationship are not apparent, it gets pretty lack’s. Especially, birthday, and Valentine’s day. Even a little trinket of remembrance will do.

It makes ya feel you’re not worth the effort. Not a great feeling. I get it.

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Same here. My baby daddy never buys me shit. Last Christmas I bought him a PS4, a new remote for the PS4, and COD game too… but I never got anything… this year i got him a few items and stocking stuffers so he bought me a tiny candle…

I didn’t get anything from my bf for birthday or Christmas but it really hasn’t bothered me, the time we spent together is more important. Taking my 2 1/2 yr old somewhere was definitely more meaningful. And enough for me.

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Let him know? How is he supposed to know if your not honest with him about it. My husband and i don’t give each other gifts but we agreed to that years ago.

How is he supposed to know if you don’t tell him? Men aren’t mind readers. If he’s never done it and you’ve never said anything how is it gonna change? It’s not. You need to tell him, nicely, that it bothers you. Send him a list of shit you’d like, let him know there’s 2 days left and he better get a move on it.

Some people feel loved through gifts nothing wrong with that

Mine will get mad before any holiday just not to buy me anything. Don’t bother me


Hes a guy. No offence but unless u tell them what u want they wont get u it. He cant read ur mind dear :person_facepalming:

Communication love!

Do you buy him anything?

Assume total ignorance. Give him the catalog with item(s) circled, web links, a list of items with details & stores where they can be bought. I had to tell my guy 1. I wanted presents, 2. They had to be in a gift box or bag and 3. Yes, ribbon is required.

He hates celebrations that require extra work & would rather ignore his birthday, so I had to tell him that was fine, but I WANTED PRESENTS! He stepped up to the plate, but still hated going out for our anniversary.

After divorce, I saw my BF was clueless, so just told him flat out what I wanted & where to get it. Maybe he feels like he does things for you all year, but he only thanks his parents at Christmas. Ask him why he does what he does & tell him what you want to happen IN DETAIL.

Speaking up for yourself is a necessary life skill. Just do it.

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Do you get him stuff? If you do then stop and show em how it feels

TELL HIM. Some men are oblivious. Some are just plain stupid and this is nothing stupid, but it’s rude and nasty! You’re his wife. You deserve to he shown appreciation. If he refuses to Show You some, stop doing things for him. And stop buying him gifts


People in general aren’t mind readers. He’s grown, sit and talk with him.

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My partner is the same, but when he remembers he goes pretty big!

I dont think u should have to sit and talk bout it

Unless hes never celebrated xmas or birthdays

My love had bad memories on those holidays
So hes just now getting the hang of it to celebrate it
Anyway I still get gifts tho
Only if it’s a rough time $ we dont do gifts

It’s common sense

I think when he feels needed
He will buy it
For some reason he may think u can just buy ur own gift

Love language

I get jewelry catalogues and clothes catalogues circle what I like then leave them in the toilet lol :laughing: if he can’t get the clue from that then you must tell them that it hurts

If this has been happening since you first got together and nothing has changed, then I agree. He wouldn’t know it was an issue if it’s never been brought up…:purple_heart: I ask my so for something and he’ll buy it for me, but doesn’t usually just buy me gifts…

Do u get him stuff for birthdays and holidays.?

dont get him anything not even food if hes hungry man I’d kick his a to the curb no questions asked

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My man doesnt usually buy me things for special occasions. When we first for together he would buy me things occasionally. Not for certain special days, but if he did he couldnt wait for those days anyway to give them to me. Lol. And it’s always things I have told him I needed/wanted. For my first or second mothers day he bought me a new coffee maker because I told him the one we had was getting crapped out. He gave it to me about a month or so early. Try discussing with him what you want or tell him it hurts that he doesnt get you anything. I dont mind that he doesnt get me things because I’d rather we spend our money on our 3 kids. I dont usually buy him things myself but me and our kids make him keepsakes or cards.