sounds like you’re a single mom already you may as well get the paperwork started. heal and someone willing to support you too will come in time.
I am telling you to find a place you can afford all by yourself and leave him
Stop taking care of him… and especially if he wasn’t paying his share of the bills, he would be out on his ear
Sounds like he is still a child. Kick him out and move on with your children. My ex husband was a big child I had to take care of. I packed up and left because I did not own the house we lived in. I moved on and became a happy person and my children didn’t suffer.
Girl who is judging, I’d say kick his lazy unproductive ass out your already doing it on your own, out there is someone who will care about and love you. Best of luck. He just wants a home base with no ties.
This is not real it just a story and a badly written one…
I think if ur asking us this question you know the answer. You’re just double guessing?? Ur kids will not be guessing they see all when you don’t see it ur self . You need to love your self and stop putting others first . Then you gain the respect you and your children need and deserve. Once you move on with the positive you will live , love and laugh x promise. I wish you well with your future and kids x
If you are supporting your kids and yourself then why do you need him??? Do you love him enough to put up with his actions? Does he pay the rent, electric or water bill??? Is he supportive??? Maybe you should pack his bags and tell him to get lost. There are places that can help you with rent and utilities, child care and food. So why do you need someone who is more of a burden than a helper??? You have options. Good luck.
If this all for real , lighten the load by one husband.
Children need a father! He is vacant and needs to get out! Get a lawyer!
Also if he was out the courts would make him give you money or go to jail.
Move to you family. Or change the locks file for divorce you are already alone.
At least divorce and file child support you get something.
Divorce his ass. You don’t need him. You do everything yourself anyways. Divorce him and make him pay child support. You’ll be much happier without him!
So why stay with him. Insist he at least meets you half way with expenses and ask him to take on the responsibility for childcare , at least three days a week that leaves him three days to socialise and one day for you as a couple and I think that’s letting him off lightly!
Pray that God will guide n provide and continue to push through, your education will come in handy and stress relief will come - in similar situation -
If you have too do it all you might as well do it by yourself. Maybe you will find someone who can appreciate a good woman like yourself. Much luv!
LEAVE his lazy ass. You can do so much better. What are you waiting for? You already have the answer so why are you telling us and wanting advise. Grow some man balls and teach your kids how to be good helpful adults. I raised 4 boys and they help their wives with everything. That’s a good man. So my advise is get out.
I would kick the bum to the curb. It may be hard to be on your own raising your children on your own, working, and taking classes online. File for divorce and for child support. You don’t need a bum like him to survive. You’ve done a good job surviving and raising your children on your own so you don’t need him.
Pack his bags and set them out the door. You can get state aid if the BUM is gone. You & the KIDS ESPECIALLY, deserve better.
There’s plenty of GOOD FISH in the sea. Time to throw the one you have back and hook a better one.
He is not a man. If he can lay down and help make them then he needs to man up and help care for them. You are better off doing this by yourself since you already do. Why raise a grown child when you have little ones as well. This is not setting a good example for them. Get out as fast as you can or kick him out since you pay everything already
My hearts breaks for you! I’ve been there done that!!! I left mine back in 2007 and this was great comfort for me at the time and still is. I believe this song (from my favorite band) helped give me the courage to leave and it’s my own person anthem. Give this a listen…lyrics included in video
Maybe you should drop that class for now- and husband- I use to date a guy that ate more than me and my children- And brought nothing to the table- so I got rid of him. Why stretch yourself so thin? I can tell you need further education- maybe a job from home instead - would take the load off and you can still do classes.
Well, being an independent woman…WHY ARE YOU STILL THERE?? Pack up the kids and leave or kick the creep out. You are just a hotel room to him.
In your heart you already know what’s up and what to do… All it takes is Faith and a “made-up” mind! Do it for your kids if you won’t do it for yourself.
Why are you still with him? He’s dead weight, get rid of it!
You both need counseling if you want to save your marriage if not throw him out he’s not good for nothing anyways sounds like ur doing it all.
You would be way better off alone. Iv raised my children alone as a single independent woman. I never feel alone and I never have to put up with a disrespectful human being like that. You will feel empowered take back your power.
Your already a single parent, if you not happy divorce him at least then he will be forced to pay child support, and you won’t have the stress of dealing with his crap. You will be alot happier.
Get rid of him you will do better on your own. I been married 53 years to the same man and I’m not quick to say throw in the towel but you will do better by yourself
Say goodbye and get on with your life. There’s help out there. He’s not worth your time
Do not stick it out. Your mental health will suffer and your children as well… I stuck through and still wish I did something 30 years ago
Time to move on & think about you & finding someone else that will love you & the kids. Stop being his mom
Thats not a husband. See if he will do couples therapy if not pack up and leave
So why don’t you dump him, all you are doing now is allowing him to sponge off of you and your children
That’s not a husband that’s having a third child that has access to plenty of money that he doesn’t share with the rest of his family! Dump him
You can’t teach a dog new tricks. I personally would not put up with his crap. What good is counseling if he’s not going to change. Kick his butt to the curve. Stop enabling him!
Why is he still there. If you are doing it on your own what exactly do you need him for especially when he doesn’t give you any type of support emotional nor financial
Get out of the relationship it’s not worth it and you can do better God bless you
Find him a forever home. Just don’t let him sit comfortably doing this to you and your children. They will learn from this. Prayers you already got this, all on your own. Good luck.
I only see a very hard and successful women in this story. It really needs to be said though that this man is taking you for granted! Maybe he needs to get out into the real world and see what it’s like to support himself with a place of stay and look after himself. Sounds like he requires the women in his life to look after him and his responsibilities. He is causing you too much stress and making life harder!
Look into the legal side as well. If you leave you could end up homeless. Give him the flick & tell him to leave.
My dear raise your children do your school and then live your life you’re not the only woman that has that has had to do this it will be over soon and God will take you through all of that amen
You deserve better. His behavior is questionable. You need to lose some useless weight(husband). He is not there for you, let him depend on himself.
Honey you need to kick into the curb can see aint worth having he needs to go home to mama
I’m so sorry! Your husband should be helping you with everything! It’s team work for the win! Doing it all yourself will only age your body😥
He’s nothing but deadweight. Time for him to go, you can definitely make it on your own with your babies.
Think about & sort your finances and an escape plan & then work backwards
Leave nowwww he is cheating n probably had another family n how can u live somewhere that u don’t even buy food !
Why are you. Still there. You don’t need him to survived you are providing everything without any contribution
If you’re doing it all why do.u need him?
You know what you need to do. You are asking for support and you got it. Dump the guy. He isn’t worth the aggravation.
Get the f…ck out of there u can do better alone he dosent deserve you
Create a plan to separate safely. At least you will know what to do when things escalate.
Divorce men him pay child support
Put a broom up your butt and you can sweep the floors as well. Get rid of him.
It’s time to get rid of him your doing all by yourself anyway good luck
Walk away and get help!
Take the trash out. You will be better off
Run don’t walk to the nearest divorce lawyer!!!
Get out. It only gets worse.
That’s not a marriage.
Consult a divorce lawyer
Kick him out of your life. That’s it. You are better off alone.
Get a divorce and custody of the kids. Depending on what state you are in you will get 50percent of everything. You don’t need him, you are proving that by doing it all now by yourself. He is a dead beat dad. Send him packing but do it the right way, file for divorce and maybe a restraining order. Good luck . Be strong!!!
You can do bad by yourself and honestly unr doing it by yourself
Get a Divorce. You will be better off.
Dump him! File for divorce! You are better off without him!
See a marriage counselor if I don’t work get rid of the lazy bum
Drop him like a hot rock someone is out there that will want to be part of your life and love your kids like their own and you and your kids deserve way better
Then why do you need him if he is so bad? Kick him out.
Let him go on his own.
Kick his lazy ass out and file for child support. All you have living with you is a higher you depends on you to support him. He’s useless
Read your post like somebody else wrote it.
Leave him . He does not care .Your just his meal ticket.
Drunk?? Pack him up….out the door!!!
It’s time to KICK HIM TO THE CURB. YOU already know that you can do it all on your own, so do it…say good bye…you don’t need the aggravation. Do it for your self and your kids…
Kick him to the curb
Kick his ass out!!!
I’m just wondering…how old is this couple?