My husband only cares about himself and I'm having a hard time

Time to kick him to the curb.

Give him an ultimatum of either help around the house or get out.

What are you waiting for. Call 1-800-LAW-YERS. Get a D-I-V-O-R-C-E and he will have to pay child support and take care of himself. He is of no use to you or your kids. Get rid of him ASAP.

Leave him y wast your life on him

Kick his sorry ass out the door.

Been there done that with abuse on top of it. Send him packing. He won’t change.

Kick him out… now!!!

Kick him to the curb now.You are already going everything and it sounds like supporting yourself and the kids anyway.
With child support, you can afford help with the kids.

Time to file for divorce

Dump the bastard,
Make sure you get child support from him !

Deadbeat…kick to curve.

I was that same deadbeat guy some 20 plus years ago! It took my Wife packing g her things and heading to the door to make me realize my mistakes! If you are doing it all with him then you can do it all without him! If he really loves you then he will change! Pray about it and do what God compels you to do! Best of luck to you!


Kick him to the curb. If your doing it all it wont matter cuz you know you can. Hes taking terrible advantage of you and your letting him by taking up his slack. Dont waste anymore of your life on him.

He’s a narcissist, get educated on their behaviors and make decisions appropriately

Dump him find someone better.

Dump the waster if hewas near me he would get a whack of a baseball bat kick him 2 the kerb quickly :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

I would have to assume that two kids later, you and your husband have been through counseling, or he has refused to go, so why are you still with him? You’re supporting yourself and your kids single handedly, and attempting to better yourself through further training, so what is the benefit in supporting an alcoholic, self centered, uncaring person?


If you leave him then you will have one less child to look after.


Girl leave I went through that and it doesn’t get any better you can do bad by yourself and you have already been taking care of everything anyhow


Throw his sorry ass to the curb and start a new life for you and your kids without him. He is a total loser.

Leave because it won’t get any better

Give him a kick in the arse

Kick him to the curb

Kick his butt out the door woman!

Kick the piece of shit out

Get rid of the freeloader

Kick him to the curb

Start saving money as you can and make an exit plan.

Attorney. Stop being unhappy

Leave him hon, you deserve better :heart::heart:

Praying :pray::pray::shamrock::rose::eagle::seedling::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:

The answer is staring you back in the face all the answers to all your questions is that everything is done by you you and only you it’s evident that you don’t need this man and it’s evident that he wasn’t raised right by his mother because a real man takes care of his family I have to give it to my husband because his family comes first no matter what it’s obviously that there is no respect and basically no love because if he was to love you then he would be happy to come home to you he would be happy to share things with you he would be happy to make that house a home you’ve already showed that you can make it on your own and basically you’re doing it on your own and don’t teach your children that it’s okay for a man to treat a woman that way teach them that when they grow up that they will treat their spouse with love dignity and respect let that man go because he is just holding you down and you have a lot to offer

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What would you tell your best friend to do? Do that.

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Simple answer get rid

Get shut selfish git

If he is not supporting you emotionally and financially I personally would have him leave, or you and the kids leave. They often promise to change and do for a short while then back to the same. Then if you do love him after you separate, and he really loves you he will change and prove it. Don’t listen to words of change, actions for an EXTENDED time. I have been where you are. I am 67 now. So from experience you are allowing this by putting up with it. Prayers for you

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Pack up the kids, speak to a lawyer and leave. He is lazy.

Prayers for a swift exit. Kick his ass out!

Get rid of the useless :poop: :bangbang:

Why are you still with him? Throw him out

My mom had me write a pro and con each day for 30 days… had way more bad days than good, pretty black and white, so I got the divorce.

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His ass now.

Dump the a…hole…you n kids are 1st…

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Get rid of that rubbish before he destroy your whole life they never come right you are much better of by yourself and you will achieve much more in life that not good for your health and your children growning up in that environment please dont think twice get out before youre old from waiting for him and hoping he will change they never do


my husband does not work and I’m the only one working, now he wants me to pay the bills because of some argument, oh and he likes to argue I very much dislike arguing, found out we are in some serious debt. I’m so screwed thst I want to kill myself, I seriously don’t want to live anymore I hate my life


You can do two things. 1- leave and do fir yourself and your kids and he be one less to worry about. You’ll be a-lot happier! 2- Don’t tell him nothing - leave a note ( instructions if need on what to do for the kids) that gone for few days, leaving him with the kids . I done the second one, and he sure changed his ways afterward, because he realized all i do as well he knew he has a good life with me!!! My niece did the first one and a lot similar to what you’re going through. She ended up being so happy and successful and he beg to come back and she said nope and moved in with her life . Good luck!!


I have been down a similar trail. My 1st suggestion is to calming explain how you see your home life and how you feel it’s not working. Children learn from the environment they grow up in. Do you want your babies to learn it’s ok to be treated like you are or that’s it’s ok to treat another in the same way? Be strong and think of your mental health and your children’s. Everyone deserves to be happy and know what a healthy relationship is!


Hope you find the facts that you need in order to do what you need to do. There is a reason why he keeps you busy and frazzled. It’s hard to be strong enough to save yourself and the kids when you’re physically and emotionally exhausted. Research narcissistic personality disorder and that may be all the proof you need. Solid proof is difficult to find. It very likely that people that could help don’t because you’ve already been under a smear campaign and believed to be the bad guy. In the last sentence you are showing multiple symptoms of narcissistic abuse.


Put his shit outside change the locks tell him you’re done he needs to find another place to go you don’t have time to raise another child. Another person will treat you with love and admire you strength. I’ve been through it twice with men like him they don’t change they get worse. It’ll probably hurt at first but once you realize your freedom it’ll be worth it and you’ll be stronger for it.


Your doing it by yourself already. To tell you to make him leave is easy for me to say, but ask yourself this what does he bring to the table and write it down.make a list Then write what you do… I was in a similar situation for 15 years never changed. Smh. I made him leave it was hard at first. But due to haven to take care of the kids or the house or even pay the bills. It was the thought that he was gone and I felt alone. But I picked myself up and you can to because darn it. Your worth it.


At some point you have to have an honest conversation with yourself and ask yourself why do you allow this treatment.

By staying you are giving him permission.

By your own words he offers nothing to the relationship so in reality you can manage this on your own and at least have a chance later to find the partner you deserve and that will honor you and your children.


I think you know what to do but your looking for confirmation. I for one think you need to leave the relationship. Break free of someone who obviously doesn’t want you or the life you have built together. Stop being his doormat. If he truly loves you and your family,when he sees that you are serious he will make the necessary changes. If he doesn’t than that is proof positive that he wants nothing to do with you. This will open you up to one day being able to find someone who will be a full partner to you. You and your children deserve this.


Get out, my dear. From someone who went through the exact same thing, you’ll be happier and hopefully you have a support system to help with the things you need and you’ll get it done! I believe in you! Some people only take from us and never give back.


Sound like you got this girl, get rid of the baggage, he’s just eating your food, using your water, electricity, and making messes for you to clean up. Your doing it on your own already, get rid of him. If your kids are his, get your child support, maybe that the only way you can get his help.


If you don’t want to be criticized don’t post your problems on Facebook!

Leave. You can do this on your own. It sounds like you have been all along.


Girl, you def know the answer. Dump him! You def can take care of your kids. You don’t need no man. The more you prolong it, the harder your life will get.


You answered your own question. Do it . Know need for him.

Prays are for you. Find a church ,good pastor to teach you, and start a new life. If he will learn with you. Wonderful, if not get out of this useless situation. This is between you and God. Not you and anyone else

Hi I am certified relationship coach, you can DM in case you need a blueprint of your dream relationship & how to be power couples

Sounds like u need a friend

Same situation with me 30 years ago. I then left my husband, took my child, divorced and have been fine ever since

Leave…or kick him out. You’re doing it alone already so…Do not take your self worth for granted. You deserve more.

Not judging but if he’s that worthless, kick him out. He’s obvi jus there as a place to crash,a roof over his head. Sorry sis,u deserve better!!

Tell him to get out or leave with the kids. He’ll never change and only drag you and the kids down with him

Sweetie…you’re doing it by yourself already​:woman_shrugging:t5: tell him deuces!!:v:t5:….Let him take care of himself completely!! Fa real…GST OUT!!

Zet hem op straat en denk aan je zelf en je kinderen .
Jij werkt en betaald alles hij geeft niks dus hij krijgt ook niks geen eten en drinken laat hem maar voor zich zelf zorgen

Just leave, unless you like being abused

Divorce n child support

Now that you do everything yourself,what do you need for?

What is he doing to help your life or your kids life…
NOTHING…you have to set an example you don’t want your kids to think this is ok behavior!!! Its time to be strong and leave!!!

Less stress without him… I am happily single with my kids… it will be hard to adjust at first but all will fall in place. Don’t try and please people if they are not helping in return.
It takes a good team to make it work.

Get rid of the lazy fucker. You don’t need the stress of his lazy ass being around, and your kids don’t need a dead beat dad hanging around.

Throw that man away! You are already doing it on your own. It would probably be a big stress relief to let him go. Doesn’t seem like he cares about anyone but himself. Stay strong mama

Not judging but leave him

Get rid of him and fast I wasted to many years if my life on an addict that swore he’d change and never did, at least he isn’t abusive, time for a divorce.

Sounds like you don’t need him as much as you think.

Time to leave his ass , you and the kids deserve better

It’s time to end this marriage. File for divorce and get spousal and child support

Well sounds like you can receive more by court appointed child support. Serve him with divorce papers and show him the door!


Sweetie life’s to short to live miserably you’ve already stated you do everything yourself so by the sounds of it your not really losing much and neither are the kids maybe he will be a better father once you are separated and at least then you can finally be happy

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I did this for 5 years it’s just not worth it get rid of the idiot and then when your single mam you realise it don’t even feel any different :blush:


You’ve already proven that you can make it w/o him… the kids are your priority, not him!!
He shld be playing a role as well. What I dnt understand is why are you taking care of a grown, able-bodied man!?
He clearly isn’t be a responsible husband/parent. You can do bad all by yourself w/o his presence.

-Best Wishes :two_hearts:


He sounds very selfish and you need to get him in check and the only way to do that is to not do anything for him

Why are you with him?

doesnt sound much like a husband smfh he needs to get his shit together … im so sorry youre going through this & i hope things get easier & happier for you & your babies

Bless her, she doesn’t have a husband she has a 3rd child. A man boy!!

Love yourself and leave

Get this worthless man out of your life period. He us s user: a narcissist and completely useless.

I think you have your answer.

This behaviour seems to happen alot with married Men. I wouldn’t stand for it personally…I raised my Son alone because of the exact scenario that you explained. Nothing but selfish Evil Men. Life becomes so much more rewarding when the scammers are out of your life. Think about this ? What are your children learning from this type of family life. Don’t listen to anyone regarding what you should do. The only thing for sure…Is when you are sick & tired of the irresponsible behaviour from your So-called husband…then & only then will you make up your mind to deal with life on your terms…Good luck :v:

You’re already doing everything yourself, so why keep him around??

Put him on the road!! If you have to do it all by yourself, then you don’t need the aggravation of his sorry ass around to have to look at!

Time for him to move out, He is selfish, lazy and ungrateful. A terrible example for the children! Everyone is telling you the same! Please listen to all of us. Don’t waste your life any longer!

So you have a roommate who doesn’t clean their room, essentially. I have never understood the concept of “my husband doesn’t provide for us” when the husband works. So where does his money go? It is hard for me to grasp as my husband and I have had a joint account since we were 16.
My advice, either leave or just stop doing anything for him.
If you leave it won’t be any different than what is happening now, except he’ll likely be court ordered to support you, which may work out more in your favor.
If you stay just stop cleaning and cooking for him. Take care of your kids and don’t worry about him. Personally I’d just leave him but I’m also a firm believer in both parents/partners being present and active.
I am a mom of four and in law school. My husband is a truck driver and is hardly home and he still takes care of the things I need. If he has to call and pay someone to do it in his absence, doesn’t matter, he’ll make sure it is done somehow. When he is home, I’m pretty much off the clock. He does most of everything aside from household stuff because well he knows I hate his cleaning :sweat_smile:
Point is, if your husband isn’t active and present he shouldn’t be your husband. Period.


I would leave him, it’s one less kid for you to take care of. You’re already doing the rest


Considering you’re doing everything by yourself anyway what’s really the loss of losing him other than you love him he doesn’t bring any significance into your life he just makes it more hard


When my ex did this I decided that of I was going to do it all alone, I may as well do it all alone.


Move on. If he isn’t doing It now he never will. Go make urself n ur babies happy