What’s making you stay? And have you talked to him about this? I’d have a serious discussion and see what’s best for yourself and the kids.
LEAVE NOW he’s a narcissist and won’t change girl
You can do bad by yourself hun.
Then divorce him and get child support. Hell what’s it gonna hurt. Problem solved
No judgement boo. But you know the answer to this. I guess you want confirmation on what you should do because you’re doubting your gut feeling. Don’t doubt it. Leave his worthless behind. You already know you can do this on your own. Because you are.
He doesn’t want to be there but it’s free so why not! 🤷♀ At this point you don’t have a husband you have a roommate… You have to be fed up enough to leave the situation. Right now you’re hurt and depressed about it!
If you’re doing it all by yourself anyway… do it single so you can at least enjoy your down time… who needs a man if the man ain’t shit…
I was going through the exact same situation my husband wasn’t doing anything then when prepared food with assistance he chucked it all over the floor spaghetti bolognese not a good mix so just over a week ago told him to get out as had enough of his controlling ways its your decision but maybe worth having a break or separation x
If I’d were you in your shoes would tell him good bye sounds like he doesn’t want to be there with you and kids
If he sees you struggling and is not helping, he’s not am asset. A man should make it easier. You’re already doing it in your own, leave him.
Its time to pick you and your kids up and move on you will then find peace love and happiness within yourself while you doing everything now you won’t mind doing it when you leave him
Trust me…I’ve been married 5 times…he’s never gonna change…being alone sucks sometimes, but obviously you don’t need him or ANY man! Get out of this one sided marriage, concentrate on you and your babies and stop being miserable…Be happy! It took me 5 marriages to find the right one…don’t be like me. I lost my hubby 7 years ago and although I still miss him like crazy and am lonley without him, I’m good with being by myself. I am at peace and finally loving life again. Good luck luv…hope it all works out for you
Then he needs to live by himself, that simple!!
It’ll be easier if he’s out of the picture🤷. Sounds like your already a single mom toting around a full grown baby. Dump him and move on girl. You’ll be happier
Honey your in this alone and that is not fair. It seems he had checked out of the marriage and family. The fact that he can just run off for hours and come home drink shows a ratchet level of disrespect. I would suggest therapy and if he’s not keen on the idea, then I’d bring up separation/divorce. The concern weds to happen. He needs to be confronted with an ultimatum. He either wants to change or he doesn’t. He either wants to be in this marriage or he doesn’t. You are literally carro g everything in your shoulder already so just know that you’re able and your stronger than you give yourself credit for. Let that empower you. I give you so many props for your courage to seek help and for providing for yourself children. Let your children be your strength, because I promise you, they will see it, they will for their own opinions. You will be where they learn strength.
So wtf is he there for? And if he’s got a job why is he not paying 50% of everything. If you’re already doing it on your own you don’t need him around. Its not going to be any harder than it already is if he’s gone, probably easier because you won’t have the stress of taking care of a grown ass man. Tell him to either step up, or get the hell out and file for child support girl.
Srry too say these but it’s time for divorce you know what too do hang in there momma your doing awesome
Take care of you and your kids!! He can decide if he will pitch in or not but don’t carry his load too!!
Time to move on. It is apparent you live different lives. If he doesn’t contribute anything, then you need to move on.
Leave, divorce and file for child support. Hopefully he can be a better dad to them once he HAS to step up!
If your already doing everything physically single then u might as well do it emotionally/mentally single!
Sounds like he just wants to be alone. I’d give him what he wants. If he’s not helping you know you can do it alone…peace out buddy
Easy answer- why are you even questioning this- don’t waste another minute/ hour / day on him. File for a divorce and make him pay dearly since he says he works so much.
Personal experience you’re doing it all on your own already leave him.
I went through the same thing hun, I ended up leaving him, just be prepared to not have him in the kids life. I think my x has seen his son maybe 20 times in 20 years… Not saying it will happen but it’s a possibility. Good luck.
If you’re already doing it all without him, maybe it’s time to move on. Seems like he’s just adding extra stress and heartache at this point. Hope the best for you
All these comments about divorce I totally agree with. I mean if your living a single mom life might as well be one. Also I hate to say this but that man is cheating. I lived with a cheater for years and he’s cheating.
I know you are tired. My kids are grown now….I was in a relationship for 14 1/2 years. Living your life. So, I understand. Him leaving me was actually a blessing in disguise. To be honest my greatest regret was living that life and teaching my kids that it was okay with the life we were living. You already do it on your own. Leave him. When my ex tried to come back 2 months later. I said no. I am living my best life now.
This is of course sad for you but GIRL…your kids deserve to see how people (couples) treat each other and this is not it! You are already doing it alone. Stop doing for him and when questioned say step up or step off!
Already doing it on your own. He is a mooch that doesn’t deserve you and you don’t need another kid to raise. Divorce him.
Well it sounds like you divorce his nasty ass, who’s 100% cheating, and rock this shit out yourself like your doing already. You don’t NEED a man.
He will only do what you allow, and continue if you don’t stop it. Life is precious don’t waste your time feeling depressed and heartbroken for things u can’t control. He either wants to fix it …not just say it I mean really showing you or he will keep on and that’s your answer when you’ve had enough, waited enough
Maybe he’s going through some problems himself… sit down 1 on 1 and talk to him…
No judgement AT ALL! I’ve been there! He sounds AWFUL. Give him an ultimatum, get some act right or get the fuck out. With me, it never got better, so I left. And it’s the best thing I’ve ever done!
Time to have a conversation. You either work as a team to have a better quality of life or you go Solo. Put the ball in his court. In the meantime don’t overload yourself. Talk to a counselor they might have resources to help your situation.
Leave honey obvisly you know you can already do it yourself. You will be happier. With one less mouth to feed and worry about
Kick him out and get child support. Your already doing it all your self anyway
Divorce him and stop doing things for him. He can wash his own crap and cook his own food.
Read what you wrote, what advise would you give if this was a friend? Toss is ass your already a single working mom you don’t need man child.
Definitely leave him.
By the sounds of it you juggle all that yet your just adding extra on your shoulder with him being around no effence but I think you should literally bin him if he don’t wanna step up cause u are doing it by your self now and I believe your completely able to with out a man adding to your stress as it is easier,
You got this
There’s a simple question. You’re basically being a mom to two kids by yourself, why are you raising him? Leave, take your kids and just simply leave.
Leave if it gonna do it on your own be on your own quit supporting him
Leave them dead weight
He’s trash… I can do bad all by myself… I don’t have time to take care of a grown child… if this isn’t a partnership why is he there… I don’t need someone taking up space in my home…
You don’t need a man…sounds like your doing it all on your OWN…get rid of the deadbeat he’s just more weight on your shoulders than what you’ve already got you’re a strong woman you’ve got this
I would do for him what he does for you. Take care of the kids and yourself. He is a narcissistic jerk. The only way to deal with one of them is to ignore them. They will twist and blame you for everything. I won’t tell you to leave him that’s up to you. But I will tell you don’t play his games. And if he is a cheater he will accuse you of it all the time. Every man you talk to even ones he knows. This is all speaking from experience. When I stopped playing his game and letting him isolate me he moved on. Which I am much happier now.
Buy buy hubby he’s just another thing you have to take care off your doing it by yourself now for what just sounds like your already lonely why not try it by yourself and maybe you’ll be happy
Most women have a hard time leaving a relationship because they can’t support their selves and children. You very much got this on your own! You won’t have that stress on what he is doing all the time and he will eventually realize it is his loss and you’ve moved on. Walk away, child support, be happy and don’t look back!!!
its a pandemic… its been around for centuries
Your already doing everything on your own. If he doesn’t help you and support you with the kids and what you need at home then he is just in the damn way. Leave his sorry but.
I was in a similar predicament. You don’t need him. No amount of talking and conversation is going to change anything. He sees your struggles and simply does not care. Let him go and do it on your own, you’ve already been doing that. Good luck
Throw him in the !!!
Since you are taking care of the entire house hold you can afford to leave your parents helps. I know it’s not easy but honestly you don’t need to take care of him!! Leaveeee
I really hate to say walk away. I would love to tell you to have a conversation with him. A real conversation. Tell him what you expect and if he doesn’t help you then tell him If need be you will stop doing for him all together. Stop making his plate. Stop cooking for him. Stop washing his clothes. Stop taking care of him. You will stop forcing a relationship with his children and he can end up an old man all alone with no one to see about him. These are the best years of our lives before we are old and can’t enjoy the full quality of life anymore. We have got to stop being unhappy but we also have to stop throwing away people like broken items. I wish you the best of luck in fixing your relationship. I really hope and pray he can step up and be the man he can be for y’all so your family may remain in tact and happy. If not though love and you have done all you can do in your heart of heart you know that and he has shown no improvement then these ladies are correct and you should leave and be happy !!! Because you deserve to be happy just like the rest of us.
Judge you? Of course not! You seem like an amazing mom. Your husband on the other hand, won’t change unless he wants to. I was in a situation similar to yours. It was hard, but I left him.
Leave him in your dust sistah. Like yesterday. Bye boy bye .
Divorce. There is no other way
Leave or make him leave
You could do Bad all by yourself is all ima say.
My question is does he work all night and day. Like I’m just asking cause I’m in the same boat but I completely understand for my hubby. I work have 3 kids that I have to take care of and I go to evening classes. My kids r all teenagers and can help more so they do chores to keep the house up and can get to and from school on their own. They can also stay home alone cause they r older. My hubby works his ass off though. He will sometimes work from 4:30 am to 3a the next day straight and then have to be back at work at 7 am. He works in oilfield so he is gone a lot. When and if he can come home I don’t expect him to do anything for me r the kids cause we can do it ourselves. He kills himself for us and he deserves some relaxing time. He does pay all the bills and gives us everything we need and want plus sum. Now I do get a lil irritate when he doesn’t pick up after himself. Sometimes it’s too much.
Leave I know you’re thinking you can’t make it. You’re already doing everything yourself continue with one less aggravation he’s no husband or daddy he’s trash. Get rid of him you’ll be happier I’m sorry to you and the kids. My husband still helps me my kids are grown and he’s been disabled since 2010
Girl, leave him! You obviously have this handled alone, so why are you keep long him around?
Im not judging you but Sweetie you are doing everything by yourself now you know what to do. Get up say “THAT’S IT IM DONE” And tell him either things are going to be done right or he needs to leave or you leave with your babies if you have a place to go. But No Sweetie you can’t be going through this any more plus you have 2 kids to think about. You are better alone then having someone who doesn’t care and won’t help. God Bless You and Good Luck!
Been there done that. Won’t get better…RUN
Leave , you’re already a single parent might as well be happy
You deserve better…leaving would probably be best for YOIR sanity and health. Also, sticking together “for the kids” is not always best.
I agree w/other comments…your doing byself as is w/help of your family, you don’t need him around.
Pack up his possessions and send them around to his Mother, then change the locks to the house.
He’s a mummy’s boy!
Before you just up and leave, have you tried to talk to him to see if maybe he has things going on? I’m not justifying it I’m just saying sometimes men don’t know how to express things and they isolate themselves, if you’ve already tried that in general you gotta put you and the kiddos first and do what’s best❤️
Why are you still with him. Please don’t say you love him, beachside loving someone who wipes their boots on you is just codependency.
Why would he stop doing as he pleases when you will allow it to happen.
Make a plan. Either kick him out or take the kids and leave.
This isn’t a you can work on it situation.
He doesn’t care about you.
Kick him out!! He obviously got something else going on when someone don’t care or loses too much time Out of their day and don’t want to offer explanations to their significant other it’s over move on
My Ex was like this & talking isn’t going to help.
I would leave!
Like a lot of other people said you’re doing it all anyway on you’re own so just leave him & collect Child Support at least you would be getting money out of him then.
I left & Im so much happier without all that extra stress!
Men like that won’t change their ways!
Honestly you sound like ur doing the single mother thing so u mine as well be single. There is a man out there that will worship the ground you walk on. Don’t settle.
Sounds like you’re raising 3 kids. That’s not a marriage, you’re a single mother with a squatter living in your home.
Well obviously if he’s coming home drunk, he’s not working. I don’t want to state the obvious, but could he possibly have someone on the side? If he’s supposedly working that much, what is he doing with all the money? I would say it’s time to sit down and have a real talk…. If he doesn’t want to adjust his behavior or talk then it’s time for either you and the kids or him to go. Often times us women set ourselves up for bad situations because we let the behavior happen and then it becomes normal. When we do this, it’s harder to stop it, but for you and your kids sake, it has to stop one way or the other.
You need to leave him I had a similar situation but see a lawyer be smart about it cause he’s a narcissist
Here to tell you what you already know and repeat what everyone else in these comments is telling you… Run!
Pack up his stuff and tell him to leave. Or U leave. If your doing EVERYTHING on ur own as you claim, then you don’t need him for anything. Get yourself in a better place. Bc once depression hit shard you will not be in the right mind to take care of urs kids, of work, of the home, of school or even yourself.
Sounds like you’re already single you just need to make it official
Time to find a man to build and help you my boyfriend does the same but he pays bills at least but most of the time it is women who do everything with no men support
Since you’re already doing everything on your own, throw that pos away so it’s one less thing you have to do and worry about. Plus with divorce you’ll finally get child support
Dump that asshole!! You got this girl!!!
I know exactly how you feel that was me several years ago. I would suggest you kick him out and divorce him, you are doing it all by yourself anyways. He is no help at all he’s actually adding stress and frustration and so many other things.Trust me the peace of mind that you will have after not having him there is priceless. You are a very strong, independent, hard working mom you got this .
Sounds like he’s a leech. It takes two and you sound like you are a Rockstar. Get rid of the dead weight there are plenty of better men out there. Don’t settle. Nothing worth it is easy so take a chance and might just end up happier than you’ve ever been!
U deserve much better , leave him, he can’t even take care of himself. You don’t need him, your doing all by yourself now. Kick his but out
Darling, why you still with him? It’s like if you’re by yourself anyways.
Do you really want him for a role model for your kids???
He has something else he’s paying for. Check into that
Everyone thinks it’s so easy just to leave when you have babies. The most advice I can say is plan a day that the kids are baby sat and think to yourself. Ask him to be home so you two can have your alone time to talk. Write down everything that you want to discuss and mention that how your needs aren’t being met. Don’t attack him and don’t wait till a day your just fed up. Approach level headed. And talk to him about what’s going on. How he responds to you and what he says to you is all the answers you need. Chances are you’ve been doing so long he’s use to not doing a thing. Or possibly he’s going threw some depression himself of not feeling needed. Remember we all are fighting battles no one knows. Men have very different ways of dealing with there own issues. And it can leave us feeling hurt alone and unwanted. If he argues blames you fights your feelings you got your answer hun.
And Maybe you two need some distance? He needs to see what you do in a day and realize without you what he’s doing isn’t possible.
He isn’t able to go out all night, he isn’t able to do those me things without you!!!
Ended it is so easy, but sometimes we need to remove ourselves from the situation to reset ourselves and get our ground again. You obviously still love him and want hope for you two.
Or you would have left by now.
Men are very much doers not talkers. So hard for us women cause we want to talk we want to discuss our feelings with the people that we love. But he needs to been shown. I hope I helped a bit. I sure hope the best hun. You sound like a great momma keep your chin up.
File for divorce and find someone that will care and love and support you and your kids. You deserve the very best!!!
Leave him. Don’t worry & stress about being a single parent either because honey you already are one, it sounds like. You and you kids deserve better!
Try going to couples counseling. If he refuses you should strongly consider leaving. He is not going to change.
Take a hike and don’t look back
Honestly, you need to leave him. He’s not helping or supportive. Thank God your family helps with the care of the kids. You’ll better better off emotionally @ physically. Being exhausted and having no help from him isn’t being in a healthy relationship. Just look around you already do it alone without his support and help. You need to leave move on for you & your kids. You deserve to be happy and not taken for granted. Your kids need to be loved and cared for by both parents. However many of us have had to raise our children as a single parent. Prayers
Well I would quit my job and let him pay for everything! But maybe secretly go on flma if you have a great job. But Keep your schooling so when he leaves you got your goals covered. And it sounds like your already divorced in this marriage so let him decide to pay all the Bill’s and you get to stay home with the kids or he can move out and pay child support instead. JS
If you already had a talk to him about how you feel and he doesn’t change, It’s time to dip! You and your babies deserve peace and stability!
Sounds like you don’t need him & staying together is only going to make you mentally exhausted. You know what you have to do. The answer is in front of you.
If you already providing for your self like if you alone you might as well be alone
Approaching the talk method is not even worthy for him! When you said he didn’t provide or watch his own kids you had me saying leave his sorry ass! That’s it!!!