My husband only cares about himself and I'm having a hard time

Divorce him. Why raise another child. Your basically a single parent already


Kick him to the curb


It looks like it’s time to think about you and your kids only!!! Get out you will be fine on your own with your kids… your doing it now so you don’t need him!!! Don’t waste anymore of your life with him take all your time for you and your kids at this point that’s all that matters!!! Best of luck keep your head up you’ll be fine!!!

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No judgment at all but the fact that you have to write this you already know what to do.


If your doing it all on your own already, drop him and that is one less person to care for.


Just leave I mean you are doing it on ur own basically his useless anyways.


Divorce his worthless ass👀

Kick his arse to the curb!!! You have 3 kids to take care of on top of everything else you are doing. He dosen’t support you or the kids, you probably wait hand and foot on him,won’t keep a job, won’t take the kids cuz he’d rather let you deal with them. He helped make them He can take care of them, so you can work, grocery shop, clean, do your schooling ect. You are doing it by yourself might as well go all the way. I say leave and go your own way. Don’t be stupid and stay, get out while you can. You and the kids deserve better!!!

Communication is key. I would talk to him & if he doesn’t change then you know what the next steps are. Being a single mom isn’t easy but you already are one u just don’t realize it.
Also think about your kids what example is he providing to your children. You don’t want your kids growing up thinking the way things are right now is the right way.


Make him leave …he is a selfish narcissistic ass … file for divorce…Have him move out

You’ve probably answered your own question! What DOES he do? ?? If you can’t come up with at least 3 good answers then GET RID! !! You’ve already admitted you do it all yourself. …he gets drunk. …has no time for the kids. .doesn’t help round the house etc. …you’ll have less laundry and one less mouth to feed! !! And most important you won’t lie awake wondering where/who he’s with and what he’s spending his money on he should be giving you! !!! And when he has to pay you maintenance. …

Sounds like a roommate not a husband!

Sounds like he needs to go. Girlie if ur doing it by yourself now make him leave and continue doing it by yourself and u will lose the stress of him not helping

Time to pack ya bags girl… It ain’t rocket science to figure that out

You HAVE to take care of him? Sounds like you got this all by yourself and he’s pretty much useless. Have you thought about not doing stuff or disappear a couple days and threaten to leave when he trips out? You have the control in this one, you just don’t know it

I’d leave him, divorce him. File for custody and ask for child support and alimony! Kick him to the curb and mean it!


Mama obviously you don’t need him your doing everything on your own and then some loose the deadweight and what’s dragging you down let those kiddos see what a happy healthy badass mamma looks like your already giving them the badass part!!!:heart: stay strong you’ll get through this keep your head held high

If you choose to leave PLAN IN SILENCE, create an eradication plan (he leaves the house, not YOU), daycare, work schedule, budget. Speak w/a a lawyer, gather all of the financials (bank statements, paychecks, etc.), become a snoop - you’ll be surprised/sad with what you find - stay focused. Once you know what you’re working with, then and only then have him served. At that point, DO NOT BE SWAYED by the lies and promises. Go forward, and live your best life - finish your studies and become the person you are destined to be.

Leave him. From experience, he’s showing you who he is. Believe him. He will not improve. You can’t love him through this. He won’t ‘wake up one day and realize what he’s got’. He is totally comfortable with disappointing you. He is totally comfortable with hanging you out to dry. He will never see you, your pain, or your sacrifices. Cut your losses. You’ve been doing it alone this whole time anyway. Good luck.

Kick him out. Fuck him.

Time for a New Husband!:clown_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Get rid of That DEAD weight…


leave him. get a divorce. if you’re that unhappy don’t think twice about it. if he was going to change then he would.


You’re already an independent woman, you don’t need him.


You sound like a single parent. Sounds like you need a vacation and maybe a new husband

Leave him you going to do bad do it by yourself. Is not going to be any different you already having to do it by yourself with no financial support from him.

Leave… I mean your doing it on your own anyways, what would be the difference.


And you’re with him why? If he’s not doing anything with you then you won’t miss Him when he is gone

Ok he didn’t all of a sudden become this man he’s always been this way and because you allowed it he did. Take back your power and your crown. If you have to do it alone then do it without him and let the courts make him take care of his kids. Trust me he’ll be like why, it time for you.

What the heck … get rid of him… you can struggle alone…

Tbh leave. You’re already doing it all by yourself.

And your still with him why? No judgement i went thru the same thing but had to realize. ThaT i was doing it all myself anyways so why put up with someone who does not want to be a partner lots happier now

So basically you’re saying you’re making it on your own…and still taking care of him?? Oh no, I suggest you find your worth and leave if nothing is going to change. I can tell you that he’s NOT working day and night… he’s just not going home to you…something is up


You’re on your own anyway so u can do it without him.

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You are already a single parent get rid of him. You’ve been doing this on your own, you got this.


If you’re already doing everything by yourself then wtf do you need him for? And if my husband came home drunk and said he was at “work” he can get the f*ck out.

If ur going to do it by urself regardless then ditch his ass u been doing it so far let him fend for himself

Throw that one out! It’s broken

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Better to be a single mom than be in an unhappy marriage.


I think you need to check yourself. You are one smart and strong women yet you let yourself get dragged down by a selfish guy. You don’t need him in your life and do not excuse him because of your kids. They obviously aren’t one of his priorities. He needs to go.

You shouldn’t have to leave
Tell him to pack his bags and leave
If he looks confused tell him to read your letter or email explaining how much of a self entitled privileged fuka he is.
If he doesnt leave tell him if he doesnt you will call the police.
If he doesn’t repect your decision and starts to be a prick, take a protection order out.

You’re doing it all anyway…you don’t need him! It won’t change unless you make it change!!

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Something fishy there
Be gone with him !

This is an easy one. He’s not doing anything for you. You don’t need him. He’s making you unhappy so kick him out.

No let him go good look what’s the point in being with him let him go stay in his parents and good bye

Why are some men like this?? Its ridiculous and beyond selfish. I definitely understand ya situation, I’m in one and it infuriates me. We are supposed to be a team, 5050. But nope, it’s all us and they get to live the life basically. :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes: Its like dealing with another child frfr.

Girl you’re already doing this yourself …kick him out! All he does is live there … Like a kid at home. Uh uh. You already got kids u don’t need him as a third

He wouldn’t be my husband no more, like i tell mine i didn’t sleep with myself to make these kids. He don’t wanna help he shouldn’t have made any kids

And how many of these people have taken their own advice before giving it

Get rid of fuckboy husband. You’re already alone just with added “slap in the face” of having him there taking up space

That’s not a husband

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Run away while you can find someone decent who appreciates you do it soon

Seems like you already know what you need to do…what’s the point of doing all this extra stuff to improve your life & family situation just for your kids to see you exhausted & unhappy?

You don’t need him he is worthless, you got this. Tell him he is no longer wanted in your home. Which you are already paying for and doing well as a single wife! Tell him to find another sucker to live with your done taking care of him!!

U mase well get rid of him hun and have one less worry. Since he’s doing jack shit ur not going to be at a loss if that makes sense dnt mean that harsh… u an kids deserve something/someone better hun and if ur feeling like this the kids will be able to feel it and isn’t fair on them either xxx us women are strong enough to be single parents cos ur already half way there hun doing everything urself anyway :heart:

Take it from me, LEAVE! I wasted 12 years trying to keep my family together with a man that was similar to yours. I look back and feel so stupid for staying so long but since I’ve left him my life has been so great! I actually am with someone new and we have a baby together, just bought a house and he is amazing with my kids. Don’t settle for that shit, pack up and find something amazing because trust me it IS out there. Good luck to you!

Um u tell him he either starts sharing the responsibility 50/50 or leave cause what ur doing is just taking care of a man baby

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You are a single mom, divorce him and get child support. You will have some days of your own time when kids go to visit him.

Start doing just for you and the kids. Cook? Just for you and the kids. If he asks about himself, tell him if he’s going to be so self-centered then he can take care of himself as well. Wash? Just do your clothes and the kids. Say the same thing if he asks.

Did you not know who you was marrying? There is a reason for the courting/dating process, it’s like a trial run to see if you’re compatible… Now if you skipped the entire testing phase and just jumped into the bed and marriage because of a short term hormonal issue and lack of observation then it’s all on you… Whining about your choices doesn’t change anything, only action does…

Baby girl, you already know what to do.
Been there my self.
It’s going to be hard @ the beginning, but it will be worth the sacrifice.
Your kids will appreciate it soon enough, my did.
God bless you.

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Are you sure he is at work for that long … I’d be putting on my detective hat sweetie and checking out that story … then apply for maintenance and kicking his butt out … you don’t deserve that … one day you’ll find what real love is … I was once in your shoes :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

I know it easier said then done. I will pray to give you courage and find peace

Sounds like you’re a single parent…no point in keeping the extra baggage.

Dump that weight. He has shown you that you don’t need him. When a men does that, show him the door. I did it because he showed me I didn’t need him anymore.

Tell him to GET OUT!!!

Leave him and collect that child support honey


Sit down and talk to him and give him an alternative to let him no what you said to all of us’ let him not har how you feel and you are getting pushed away quick… nothing changes …Leave. If your are already supporting yourself then u no you can do it by yourself you already are… why be miserable with someone you don’t eve see and doesn’t even help when you could cut that negative out your life and just focus on your self health and your children

Not to be rude but he’s either lazy or cheating or both. I wouldn’t stay with him. You don’t need to be taking care of a man child.

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You and your children deserve. Start over! Be free!

If you are doing it all without help, you can do all without him! Nah sis…thats not a husband. Thats a drunk with secrets and probably side hoes. Divorce time. You have 3 kids…him included. Ditch the pacifier sponge bob.


Help yourself, if you are doing it all now kick his ass out and get a room mate who will pay half the bills.

That’s a straight up asshole!! Get rid of him

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Seems like you are already doing it all on your own. You might as well get a divorce.

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Honestly, you answered all your questions. You already know the answer but mentally seeking someone to tell you to keep trying. I’m not that person, I’m here to validate that you already know your answer and you are strong enough to move forward. Look for resources to help you out and find your tribe. Do better for yourself and the kids and lose the dead weight.

So u support a man that don’t support or help u…hmmm

You already doing it all on your own so why are you with him?


Sheesh are we dating the same person :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3::weary:


Sounds like you are taking care of him and your kids. Why? It should be him helping.

Leave him right now. No discussion.


I will counsel you on how to leave him


Lady time to call it quits

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I’m not judging you or your family but if your depressed and not happy maybe you guys should Separate for a short period of time may you guys can find yourselves agin and I’m truly sorry you going through this I did and it’s very emotional but you can’t take care of your baby or self unless your Physically And mentally healthy it’s for the best

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Time to go… he’s not helping anyway so what makes you think you can’t live without him?


Sounds like you have three kids…No adult needs to be carried. Get rid of him. You’ll have a massive weight lifted. And since you’re already doing everything you know you can. Emotionally you’re better off with him gone from your home. He will either sink or swim but he definitely needs a wake up call. Best of luck much love to you! :raised_hands:

Leave, you’re doing it on your own already.


You’re already a single parent by the sounds of it. Surviving without his help or money. Tell him how you feel. Suggest counselling. If he doesn’t listen then Move him out. Maybe he’ll realise what he is doing to you and change.

Kick him out , I understand loving someone but you gotta love yourself and your babies more!

I’ve been in your shoes. I wish I could tell you what to do, but is a personal thing. I will say I lost 20+ years of MY life while he was having a gay old time.


Already doing it all on your own, time to get him out of your life. You don’t need him around! You’ve already proved that in your post. What’s he there for a free ride.

You are putting in a lot of effort into a man you will never get anything back from.
Respect yourself & get out. He never will.

Honestly,do you really need him? You and the kids would probably have more without him. The law would make him contribute finely!
And you deserve better than that. Good luck girl

Throw the whole man away! You are already doing it all alone so why is he even there? Let him go. You will be happier eventually.


What is he there for if your doing it alone. Make him hear you or make him leave life is to short for all that

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I want to know whats the purpose of having him there your better of with a floor mat


He serves no purpose in your life. You’re already doing it at all on your own, trust me I’ve been in your shoes and life was way better to me after I shoved my ex to the curb. Don’t stay because of custom or for your kids! Trust me they won’t miss him. I promise you life without someone who is just dragging you down and not appreciating you and everything you bring to the table will be much better. If you’re worried of being alone, don’t be because the right man will come along, someone who really truly appreciates you and all you put out.

Common sense says you are alone so be alone with the kids. Get rid of the weight of the “husband” and you will feel better


Take your kids and move on he obviously isn’t a man

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband only cares about himself and I'm having a hard time

Sounds like he needs to quit drinking …