My husband planned a date night and included our kids: Thoughts?

Maybe because I am old (75) but I can’t swallow wanting to be with out the children , the most precious thing in the world.One entire night with out the children ? I would never do that , unless they will be family.


How can you expect him to go overnight away from his 6week old baby? How can you do that? My husband tells me to let his mom watch our daughter so I can “get a break” and that’s what she says to me as well, but if you’re a sahm what else is there for you to do? Your older 2should be in school anyways so you only have the newborn most of the time. I would love for my husband to plan a date night/family night idgaf what you call it as long as I get out of the house. I never want my daughter away from me and she’s 2. My me time is shower time and when her and my husband go to bed. I don’t get how mom’s want to be away from their kids for hours and hours or overnight.


Just be open with him. Do either of you have family close enough to keep them overnight?

Also, being a sahm and wanting or needing time away from your children doesn’t make you a terrible person. You’re human. As mothers, we love our children, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t allowed sometime to ourselves. It’s also very healthy for any marriage to have that time alone, in my opinion. Don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed for it. You’re doing good momma!


At least He’s trying :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Why cant you find a sitter? Why is that his job when you have also tasked him with planning the date?

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100% relate. I literally have my youngest with me 24/7 even at work. I totally understand the need for ALONE time and ADULT time.

Speak up mama. You deserve to get sloppy drunk and cry.

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Call your girlfriend’s and go out.

I understand the going out without the kids, but why does alcohol have to be involved?

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You guys could probably work together to plan out a date night. You should be the one to find a babysitter.

Sounds like you need a girls night, not a date night. Maybe one night, ask hubby to watch the kiddos, get an Uber and go out with the girls. :purple_heart:

Make arrangements for the kids yourself! Then get dressed all sexy and show up alone. How can he argue with that? You told him you wanted a date night and for it to be without the kids- at least he understood half of what you said :joy::joy:

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There’s nothing wrong with needing some you time and a night off. We all need to recharge the batteries once in a while. You just need to tell him that. There’s no shame in it. It makes you a good mother for being able to say that you need a night off, that’s how people end up going under.

… sounds like you should have waited several more years before starting a family.