What would you lady’s do if your SO keeps threating you that he’s not going to drive you to work? We both agreed on I getting this job and him bringing me to and from work, I just started not even a month ago, it’s part-time I work 5 hours in the mornings before he goes to work because that is all I can do with working around his 2nd shift schedule and with us moving am hour away over a year ago & us not being around anyone we know to watch our daughter And I am due with our 2nd daughter in February. After work, I come home and do my house duties and take care of our child. I’ve been a Stay at home mom for over two year’s; I haven’t had a job or my license or my own car in the last two years either. I’ve asked him multiple times if he could help me financially to get my license again, and he has agreed to help me but never does. Now that I have a job, I hope to get my license & own car again, but I only have four months until our baby is born. We live in a super tiny town with nothing here but two gas stations. So I can’t go anywhere but to work & back. Before I got my job, I went nowhere. He takes the car to work & I don’t have my license. I feel stuck here. I get sad, I get depressed, some days it’s horrible seeing the same white bare walls. What keeps me from entirely falling apart is My daughter; she brightens up my darker days. We live 20 minutes away from the big city in driving time from where we are both our jobs, so walking there is not an option. I am very proud to have my own job again, even if it is part-time, and he knows this. I just feel like he doesn’t want to help me or is threating me that he ain’t gonna bring me to work because he doesn’t want to see me succeed in anything in life. I’ve always been very independent women & I’ve debating leaving him because he’s never been supportive of anything I’ve done or tried to do, even though he said he is. He’s not. (there is a lot more to our relationship than I’m telling) but this is my current situation.
Get your own car and drive yourself. This guy sounds like my girls Dad. I was a sahm with him too. Until bills got backed up. Then I was a lazy POS that needed to get a job and help my family. Then when I make friends, bills caught up and start enjoying a little freedom I became a selfish bitch that needed to be at home with her family. Did that for 10 years and then his next lady did same thing for 13.
Ditch him. He’s purposely doing this so he can control you and hold you essentially captive.
I know its easier said than done, but LEAVE.
Search “work at home jobs that provide equipment” it weeds out the scams. There are customer service and data entry. You can do that in those hours before your chores.
Time to move on with your daughter
Get ur license and see how he reacts. If he is home with little then u should be able to drive ur self. If not, leave
You need to work yourself into a position to move on with your children. Life is too short to spend it with someone who doesn’t support you. Best wishes.
No one walks on you unless you allow them
You need to go to a crisis shelter they will help you to eventually get u into housing n house you till they do.If u can hold on till u can at least get your license that should only cost u insurance n restoration check with your local dept .Of motor vehicle or a notary questions are free also if you leave set up before a free lawyer through a legal aid to get full custody so he can’t take ur babies n God forsake if u are mentally or physically abused go no is. To crisis he wants u to live by his rules n don’t trust u so he holds u hostage. SOME PLACEZ MAY BE able to get u home where u lived before with family for a small bus fee n then u can work on license
You need to leave honey.
Any man who makes it hard when you’re trying to better yourself, isn’t worth it.
Plus it’s easier to leave while the baby is still inside you
It’s a red flag to me. Seems like he enjoys keeping you secluded and fully dependent on him. This will most likely only get worse as time goes on and he will eventually make you feel like you are neglecting the kids him your family by having your own. I know you said you live in a small town but living 20 min from a city you may have the option for uber or Lyft or cabs so you dont have to rely on him. You could also try a work from home option so you can still earn your own money and not need a ride. I recommend you stack up your money and leave. Not only for yourself but for your daughters sake. Kids see us in these type of relationships and think that this is normal and what they should aspire to in their own relationships. There’s places that can help you leave as well and will help you get on your feet. You DESERVE more!!!
Also, what “chores” does he do… he is also home during the day
Sounds like a narcissist to me. Look into Uber or finding other ways to get back n forth to work. Seems to me like he likes having that control over you.
Get a license. Become independent. You can do it!
Leave and rebuild your life without his bullshit
It’s scary but trust me you’ll be grateful if you leave. You gotta think about not only yourself but your little girl and the baby on the way as well. Ask yourself is this the kind if relationship you want to see your children in one day or have them believing that’s what love is? If you answer no then change your situation call family or friends explain what’s happening and see if someone is willing to help. Dont give up hun yiu can do it. I was a single mother to 3 was raising then 4 year old son and infant daughter while pregnant with my other daughter and I did it by myself ( my sister let me live with her during this time ) but you dont need him. Do what you know in your heart and gut is rite hun
Um this is financial abuse. He’s purposely keeping you down and using money. He’s abusing you.
He’s clearly not supportive. The way you’re living shows he’s trying to isolate you. These are Red Flags. Idk how long you have been married & i will never tell anyone to leave a marriage. But what i will say
He’s trying to control everything you do. There’s no way you should be a stay at home mom isolated with no car.
Call a cab to get to work save yo ur $ get a car b4 that baby is born & get a plan as to how you will change your circumstances.
Don’t let ANYONE have that much control over you.
Clear case of emotional abuse and control. Move on before you’re even further stuck.
I’d try and find someone at my job to help get me to and from work. Post an ad on craigslist or look up taxi services. Call the local job and family services to see if ride programs are available. I feel as if you ditch him you will end up just landing another guy who you will become reliant on. Trying to troubleshoot the situation and proving to yourself that you are capable and able to get yourself to and from work will allow you to become less dependent on him or any other guy. I don’t know enough information about both parties to assume anything. I do know that regardless if you are married or single you are responsible for your own happiness. Get a bike and bike yourself to work if need to.
You need to drop his Ass. He’s controlling You!!! A REAL MAN wouldn’t treat his woman that way period!!! Get on your feet somehow and show him that you don’t need him!!!
Leave him, you’re meant to support one another. He’s controlling you!! DON’T LET HIM!! Take care of yourself and your daughter, you’re no good to your kids if you’re depressed…all the best xxx
Time to leave… been there before and it’s not going to change it’s only going to get worse. Especially after the baby is born. Ask a family member to come get you when he leaves for work
He’s trapping you hun …i know it’s hard cause you have no money but i would try to get out …best of luck hold your head high your a queen
You gotta get on your own feet after the baby is born and leave him. He is toxic and seems like he likes having you in that situation.
Buy your own car. Aint no way I’d give a man that kinda control over me. If he cant respect you, he can go.
Get your drivers license ASAP, no matter if you have to continue to kiss his bum to get it. You’re stronger than you think you are. You are a woman, a mother and a wife. You already possess what you need to succeed. You will know when the time is right to make a change in your life. Small town or not, try to find work in town if you must or try to work at home. (Maybe babysitting other children) and put the $$ aside. Then you’ll get to know locals and make friends. You can do this. Women can withstand more than you think. Leaving your husband or staying with him is not simple. Stay where the situation best suits your needs for now. Good luck.
What a horrible way to have to live. Leaving is easier said then done with a baby and one on the way. Don’t you have any family even if they aren’t close by to help you out, help you to at least be able to leave?
He’s abusive… being controlling is another form of abuse. Threatening is also abusive. Make a plan and get out. If you need help, there are places to call. You can PM if you’d like.
Is there public transportation? Can you walk or ride a bike to work while getting a license yourself? Is there a coworker that you can carpool with ?
Pretty messed up he wont drive you when you’re doing all the house work and trying to help with bills. .maybe he’s afraid that if you get your own money you can leave easier probably knows he’s a piece of sh*t… I’d make other arrangements. . I’m also a stay at mom with no license amd my man makes sure I get out and have some fun from time to time
Carpool, bicycle, taxi, bus, all that good jazz. There are many options.
It’s a means of control…as long as he controls your transportation and money he has you where he wants you…LEAVE! My ex was like that and I stayed 13 years and wasted way more of my life with him than I should have.
Hes abusing you…you need to find a way to leave. Call a domestic abuse hotline to see what help you can get. As soon as that second child is born it’s going to get worse and it will be even harder to get out as you will be more isolated. Pregnant women and those with children tend to get more community help to get on their feet.
He is making you his prisoner… See about staying with family while you get on your feet. Please don’t stay
Borrow or get help to get your license now. Work on that… if you still feel like leaving him because of how he is…leave before your baby is born…because otherwise…you will stick around longer than you should because of the new baby. But also …when you bring this up to him…does he communicate well or just turn into a gaslighting narcissistic asshole ?
you wrking now take a lil every time you get pay n try n fix up you licens
You need to get away from him when you can, start saving money. He is a control freak and sounds horrible. Please make better choices in men you pick. I would not have had a second baby from this selfish prick. Please run and don’t look back when you can. A real man will put everything on the back burner to help his woman succeed in anything. Especially something like getting a license and a car. Smh
He is controlling you and wants you to be dependant on him. Get out before he plants another
Get out!!! He’s trying to control you
I’d save from my job , get my license and fuck him off. If he doesn’t support you now , it’ll only get worse.
Ok try to talk with co workers see if anyone can help you get to and from work offer to chip in for gas. A license shouldn’t cost much other than like 25 bucks so get a cab go and get it yourself. Next car, how’s your credit? Realistically speaking with you having a baby in 4 months getting a car loan would be too much of a risk. Maybe rent a car try Turo. Now every state has a form of low cost or free childcare depending, so head down to your local department of family and children services, they will help you, also the labor department they can help find a better job, with daycare secured it’ll be easier for you to get to a better place.
I agree with everyone on here, and I have been there. Hes trying to control you, it will only get worse! Get out now!
He sounds very controlling and dominating which isn’t a healthy relationship. It’s only going to get worse and I’m not sure how long you’ve been together. He’s holding things over your head. Relationship are suppose to be about support and compromise. Not ownership.
He has purposely cut you off from the outside world so that you can only depend on him and in his mind you can’t leave. With a baby on the way he really thinks you can’t leave. I hope your paychecks are going into your own account. Get your license. Get a car. Get away from him.
Isolation is the first step in abuse
its a control thing. leave him.
Uber. Lyft. Drive urself. Red Flags are waiving at u in the wind.
He sounds controlling and like he’s trying to disable you so you have nothing to depend on, but him. Well what happens if he decides to leave you one day? You will have nothing to fall back on. I say leave him now and don’t tell him you are either. One day when he’s at work just call someone to get you and go. Incase he trys to hurt you. Do not keep getting pregnant from him either. That’ll only tie you down more.You need to walk away already. Your husband of all people is supposed to help you and never make you feel like you’re stranded and stuck.
Momma please listen and leave. I know, I’ve been there and it took years and I almost didnt make it out. For the sake of your babies and yourself
sounds like he’s a  narcissist look it up he’s controlling you that’s not a healthy relationship 
You are still independent. You got hired once and you can so it again. Is finding a job closer to home an option?
It sounds like he is trying to isolate and control you, very unhealthy and potentially very dangerous.
Get out NOW!! Domestic abuse STARTS with controlling you then goes to verbal abuse then physical. Leave before it gets worse!
Controlling leads to physical abuse!! Get out now for you and your children sake. My prayers are with you!!
Get with your mom, yout sister, your brother, call your bestfriend, but find a place to go and GTFO BEFORE that 2nd baby is born!!! Its only going to get worse.
He really doesn’t want you to work and is trying to threaten you with anything to get you to quit…
I call that low key controlling until you can’t resist it anymore
If you have nothing with him in your life you will not be leaving anything behind by leaving him. Run, not walk for yours and your children’s future.
Leave find a shelter that helps women because even if he isn’t hitting you this is still emotional abuse and he is controlling you. Do you want your daughter to grow up thinking that’s how a man should treat her? You said you used to be a very independent woman take your independence back and never let a man take anything from you again! Best of luck
Start taking online courses for a degree that pays well while you are home with baby. Then get a job and divorce him. Your life with him is going to me miserable.
Time to get a license hun. Sorry but you’re an adult and if my sister can do it at 27 so can you. If you have your own license and car then he can’t control. You’re not being independent if you NEED someone to bring you places . Uber… lyft…get your license .
You’re being isolated and forced to be completely dependent on him. Been there, done that. Get out while you can. Call some family and shag ass with the kids while he’s at work.
I lived in that situation for 18 yrs…he got into drugs real bad and then abandoned us…I was a stay at home mom so I had no work history, no money of my own, was in bad health do to a tumor that was not cancerous (thank youLord!) but had left damage and not being able to go to a doctor most of marriage, and absolutely no confidence that I could make it on my own…my kids are grown but won’t talk to me cause they think I’m lazy and blame me for not taking care of myself and bringing their father down(mostly as per their father’s words)…now I’m in the same situation with another man so my advice comes from a place of looking back and seeing what I’m doing wrong…after leaving my husband I found my way to a battered women’s shelter…I learned in just how many ways I was abused, they helped me legally, helped me to find an apartment, counselling, and offered a whole bunch of programs that would help me…I didn’t take full advantage of it and am back where I started…my advise is get out and get help now( maybe start with local churches and find a battered women’s shelter) a good time to leave never comes and it never gets better and while you think your going through this for your kids(giving up everything to keep their home together) it’s not what is better for them…they need to see that Mom can do what needs to be done to take care of us and that what dad is doing is not ok…or they’re left with a life that didn’t teach them any better, that Mom never needed to be treated any better, and that it’s ok that they never get treated any better or can make on their own one day…it’s real hard but I now know how to recognize the situation I’m in and am working on my way out…most important of all is talk to someone anyone who will listen…it’s not important if they care or not, it important that you keep listening to yourself and what your saying…my silence and not acknowledging what was happening is what kept me there so long…even writing to you now is helping me to keep thinking on how to get out…just start researching and get a plan together…your not alone…you will be able to do what you need to take care of yourself and your kids…you will make it!!!
You’ve answered your own questions! Now do something about it! Go to a women’s shelter immediately! Don’t wait another day, hour or minute! Take your child and run!!!
Prime example of getting your OWN and not depending on other people!!
Run as fast as you can.
I say work on one thing at a time! You can do this without him helping you! If you have to get a uber keep that job you have months before your 2nd child! Take your paycheck get your license take a uber to get a drivers test keep that job save money buy yourself a car maybe after you have a baby look for something like becoming a daycare provider build yourself up save money for a down payment for a car chin up you can do this one step at a time!
Sounds like your husband controls you. Sounds abusive and extremely narcissistic. Leave him and run as fast as you can!
How much longer are you going to let this man control everything you do? He has succeeded in isolating you and make you dependent on him for everything. Run…don’t walk.
Get out of that controlling relationship!! It only gets worse. Call your parents and go HOME. It’s the best decision you will every make for you and your kids!!
I’ve been in the same.boat your in and it tough.boy can u go and stay with.family close to work until your baby is.born?? Your hubby.is being very controlling not.fair u.have to.tell.him you want to.be a independant.women if he doesn’t.understand that.you have decisions to make you feel isolated but your.not.you.just.have to.get a backbone.stand.up.for yourself
It’s nothing but control…leave him. You can do bad on your own.
Leave him. He’s isolating you so he can control you.
I would say what’s a Sam McKinley Hunter said. He doesn’t really want you to work. He’ll do anything he can to make it look like he is helping you when actually everything he’s doing is not helping you. You are stuck between a rock and a hard place and he is in control. He wants you isolated. Control is abusive. Get out of that relationship for you and your children’s benefit. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I had three children and was married 16 years before I finally got up off my ass and got out from under a controlling husband who was a Lutheran pastor. I was scared to death to do it and everyone thought he was perfect oh, but I did it. I had to do it for my own sake and my children’s sake. It’s not easy. I wish you success, happiness, and a life full of joy with your children. You deserve it
Don’t depend on him if he is using it against you. Is there any form of public transport you could get into the city? Even if it costs you then so be it. It’s better than him holding the cards.
Also sit down with him and have a discussion about how you both may be feeling. If things don’t improve then call it a day.
He’s controlling you, run, run fast.
You know the answer already. You dont need us to answer it for you. If you really feel this way, you’ll do what needs to be done to better yours and your children’s future
Run like Forest Gump did dont look back
I’m sorry you are having another baby with this controlling person.
Ring the council, tell them your relationship has broken down and you have a child and expecting a baby.They will probably put you in a mother and baby hostel to begin with, but at least you would be near people and your life will get better.He sounds as though he wants to control you and that is not a good basis for a relationdhip.You can do this, good luck.
He sounds like a bully and an ass. Take some of the money that YOU earned and call a friend to take you to get your license. After that get a full time job and tell him to shape up or ship out!! If he he willing to treat his wife and mother of his children like this then just think how he is going to treat his kids! He’s no prince for sure! I woke drop his ass in a heartbeat if he doesn’t change his tune. Been there and done this and it wasn’t easy but I did it and you can too
I divorced my children’s father for very much the same reasons. It sounds like isolation and abuse. I tried to have a job that worked around his schedule. Had no license or access to our money. I even found a job that I could walk to. He neglected and abused my two children with him.
I’m sorry you are going through all that. It does not sound healthy. If he refuses to help you do those things then he is in fact abusing you and isolating you.
You are in an abusive relationship. He is using your license, car, finances to control you. Please see an abuse counselor to get help on getting away from this man.
He’s a narcissist. He wants to brain wash you and get you into a situation where you can’t do anything without him. If you stick with him he will start humiliating you, making you feel insecure and insignificant, He will mentally abuse you and if he can get away with it he will physically abuse you. You are strong enough to do things on your own let him alone.
Sounds like it time for a divorce
Dump that zero you can do bad by yourself. You are the foundation for your children. You are mother father sister brother to your children.
Sounds like you need to leave now before youre 20 years into this relationship with 3 more kids and still no car, no life, no future. Ive seen it happen! You have a child and one on the way you need to worry about. He’ll find someone else to control. Your kids arent replaceable, but you are.
He dont love u that’s sad. But I understand ur trying to make it work for the che but that’s worse I’d divorce him so u can get assistance with child care and take the bus to work never rely on a man
Get it done with or without him, make it happen. Don’t give up because you will be back in square one & it will be even harder to start over with a newborn.
I don’t understand why you need his help to get your license? Just go get it.
Be afraid. He is a control freak and wants to keep you distanced from everyone and everything. That’s not healthy for you or your babies. You need to put your foot down. Do you have family that you can go to?
Sounds very controlling.
That’s not a husband. That’s a controlling and manipulative asshole.
Well what he is doing is still abusive even though he doesn’t get physical, he is being extra controlling sooo… I would recommend you make a plan to leave him now…listen to me, do not stay for your kids (it’s the opposite, leave for them) if he is a good dad then he can continue to be just without you there to control, you can work out a visitation schedule once you leave. I promise men like this will only continue to be more controlling. Please get a plan A,B,C together and only let a close friend or someone you really trust that you are planning on leaving. I hear you feel stuck…you are not I promise you, you said you are working now? Can you put aside enough for a couple bus tickets, or cab ride to get back to where your support system is…I wish you the best and please be careful❤
Get it done with or without him, pretend he doesn’t exist and you have to take care of those babies yourself, what would you do? Then start there. It will be hard, but once you see you dont need him, and can do this on your own who knows you may end up alot better off.