You’re very patient. I wouldnt have dealt with that for even a week. .if hes not contributing then off he goes.
Throw the whole man away
Yup we have 4 kids I just had our 4th. An my bf hasnt had a job in months I worked till I was 36 weeks got induced at 37weeks. An I worked 4 days a week. Ive ALWAYS been the 1 with a job!
Leave! It will never get any better until you do!
Tell him to go live with mommy
weird… we’re all for women staying home with the kids but men can’t?
Not saying it’s ok with what this dude is doing and how he’s approaching things but still. It’s pretty much the same shit with sahm. Only difference is he’s a man. So because of this, it’s frowned upon?
As far as sex… I’m sorry but wtf does his dumb ass ex have to do with anything??? Does he not have sex with you because he’s still in love with her orrrr???
And what “hurts” him to work??? Is he helping you with the kids by staying home so you won’t worry about childcare?? Or what’s the deal??
You gave little to no information here and the information you did give is pretty much shit.
What in the entire shit did I just read?
You’d be better off alone. 1000%. It’s going to give you health issues to continue to take care of a grown ass man. I fractured a disk in my back at age 13, have been in constant pain ever since and have worked 2 or 3 jobs at once, pain isn’t an excuse if you can still physically find a way to do other things like hang out with his buddies his butt can definitely work.
Give him back to his mom
Girl U should of been left! Why is you on here asking questions? Let that boy be somebody else’s problem!!
You should throw the man in a trash bag
Leave him. He wants a mom not a wife. You have children to raise not a grown adult.
that is not a man. tell him to grow up and get a job or kick him to the curb
How do you even tolerate this guy? You want your kids to have him as a role model? Leave him fast, He hasn’t contributed for seven years. You’ll be relieved once this chapter of your life is over
Oh I’d send him back to his parents house. Pack his crap up and go.
Can he start a side hustle at home? Mine refuses to get a job but hustles his ass off at home with whatever he can do.
Excuses and laziness
Whats wrong with u ? Leave that scumbag
Is this even a question? Toodaloo
One less to support you wont need the 6 day work week then your kids can see you more
Depends on how you take this situation. I’m a working mom, but love it. Hubby stays home with the kids and does the house duties. It’s teamwork at its finest. He works when he can to always contribute when we need it, so I guess your hubby should step up a tad when needed.
you need to throw that man away. he’s broken. lol
He may have feelings for someone else
Sounds like you’ve already wasted 7 years of your life. Give this boy back to his mama. You already doing what you need to do to support you and your kids. Might as well do it without the extra weight of him dragging you down. You and your kids deserve better
Dont leave when times get rough. That’s why they never last, people dont wannt to try to fix the damage
He’s probably cheating on you!
Oh Lord I’m sorry girl. He is not deserving of you. Remember your worth
I truly and honestly stop reading with “refuses to get a job”. You know what needs to be done. You holding to something no one in this comment section can make you let go of.
Leave. You and your kids deserve better.
Omg what are you waiting for. Say by by
Find a new husband lol
Run like the wind!
Can you say goodbye. I been there done that you can do better on you own
Working hurts me too but I still do. Put on his big boy pants and get a job! The problem is from what I’m the reading, you’ve allowed it. Be straight with him tell ya him how you feel, tell him what you want from him and if he can’t comply, consequences will happen. You should not be the one carrying the family. Is he a good dad, does he take care of them? All questions that need to be looked at
“It hurts him to work”. Unless he’s disabled than it doesn’t hurt him to work and he’s lazy AF.
I’d give the ultimatum. He either gets a job, or he gets out. Which one does he want?
Get rid of the leech
no sex an no job… theres got to be cheaper childcare then that
Straight out lazy and you have allowed it .
He knows you go pull all the stops to get the family where they need to be .
Maybe tell hurts you to work and act like you dnt give two shits either…then he might pull his hand out his arse and help support the family like he should .
Or leave his sorry ass where you find it .
What I want to know was if he was like this before you married then why did you marry …if not what changed .
I do my hair toss
Check my nails
Baby how you feelin’?.. seriously you’ve wasted enough of your time.
Get out now forget him and move on
Tell him if it hurts then to try to get disability. About 2 weeks of that nightmare he will find a job.
He’s got to go! Simple
Out with the old. In with the new
Sorry, you need to kick this guy out. Sounds like the more you give, the more he takes. Do you know if there is anything physically wrong with him? If he really cares about you and wants to keep you, he will be willing to change and not watch you kill yourself working…
Your all over the damn place
Get a job or get to stepping at my house!
Leave him…He’s lazy and just taking you for a ride
Leave his freeloading ass
Unless his a stay at home dad, cleaning, cooking and looking after his kids, he needs a job. Plenty he could do with low impacted on his body…
Give him an option, work or leave. You dnt deserve another child to look after when he could be contributing.
These types are why women need a pre-nup too.
Refuses to work?
How tf is this even a question…
Kick rocks hommie!
Just toss the entire man away…
Kick that fool out! He doesn’t deserve you, without him you will do so much better, one less mouth to feed!
Why does it hurt him?
He sound like a mess. Girl you are already doing it by yourself why should he be there !!
Leave! You got an extra child not a husband.
Leave him your already doing it on your own, staying is doing nothing for you and not teaching your kids good.
He’s got himself a sugar mama
Wait… what? It hurts him to work? What does that mean?
Girl take your kids and go. He is lazy!
Without reading it all, sorry, that’s just not cool, fair, plain shitty to not be a man and provide for his family.
Sounds like you’d be better off without him .sorry but a “man” who doesn’t even try to support his kids isn’t worth it!!
So he’s stay at home dad? Are kids in school? Does he at least “take care of the house”? If it hurts him to work, have him file for disability… if he won’t… I’m sure there’s some job out there that’s not physically too much, even part time at a gas station or retail or something.
Damn, he’s lazy. You can do better alone Girl…
This has to be a joke right? You’re joking right?? I’m embarrassed reading this
My husband was the same, guess what he is now? EX HUSBAND!!
Your joking right …
Pffft bye boy. I’d be out.
He refuses to work because it hurts? I have ms, levoscoliosis and get nerve blocks. Am a veterinarian and on my feet all damn day. He could get treatment or suck it up and get a sissy job. Sounds like a lazy pos living off you and what about you? If he can’t work because it hurts then he shouldn’t be having buddy time, also sounds like a man baby. And can’t be intimate with you because of his ex? The fak? What does she have to do with YOU. This man doesn’t live you, he wants what you do for him while he acts like a big kid. Move on before he sucks what little life you have left.
Why is your sex life based on his ex? You’re the mother of his children and he cant get over past issues. That’s a red flag. Also, him complaining he doesnt see you then spends his time on other people is also a red flag. Girl run
Sounds like you’ve found my ex-husband.
Emphasis on “Ex.”
Unless he’s pulling his weight around the house and being the good little house-husband that he should be, then kick his lazy ass out, file for divorce, and find you a new model - this one’s obviously defective.
So… you’re a single mother🤔
Y’all only have sex once or twice a month bc of his ex? Is he too tired from having sex with her?
You support you him and children dump him you will be so much better off financially and emotionally
If you’re doing everything already why is he even there? He’s worthless.
Ummmm… sorry not sorry. I was in a bad car accident during my pregnancy where I was medically ordered to take a year out of work otherwise it could mean death if my liver got cut again. Even then, I’m now about to go back to work doing cna/medical work… does he have legit reasons to be hurting… if so, get on disability. I have legit reasons and still can’t stand the idea of not working considering I don’t wanna be disabled at 27 but I have to be careful with my work now due to my accident and all my injuries.
Leave his ass.
Is this a serious question?
AND with improper punctuation?
The he should be trying to get unemployment or disability… if he isn’t trying to help the family he needs to go.
Get a divorce attorney
Get rid of him. What do you need him for ?
“why” is he there ??? why "would he leave, he has you supporting him,
This dude isn’t even worth the time it took to post this:person_facepalming:
Dddddroppp his lazy ass that is the stupidest excuse in tge book he needs to get a life
Put your kinds in the picture. Would you like to know they were having a relationship like this ? What would you advise them to do ?
I think you already know what to do.
Women are super heros. Not dumb!
And deserve to be loved and respected.
You haven’t got a husband , you got a bitch, a true man provides for his own n others, tell him to find his nuts n rejoin the male fraternity
No… pack his shit and put it on the door!! What are you holding onto?? There is nothing there-send his sorry ass packing… like the blues song says- I can do bad all by myself; I don’t need no help to starve to death. I wish I lived near you, I would help pack his shit, sage your house and watch the kids for a few hours…#AuntieDuties.
What’s your first clue ???
That’s not a husband. That’s a teenager
Why is he still there then? I mean you’re doing everything yourself! Sorry I would’ve booted him out long ago.
DIVORCE & don’t look back -you are selling yourself short. Read some of Steve Harveys’ advice…
sounds like it’s time to move on and have an honest conversation with your kids
He’s a freeloading pos time to send the pos packing hunny Hes most likely screwing around on you girl and you’ll be catching something real soon if you haven’t already …
He’s not working. He’s not getting you laid. He have no contribution to your family.
Girl… throw his lazy ass out and get yourself a pet or something!
Wait…you only have sex once or twice a month and its “because of an ex from 7 years ago”??? What does that even mean?? What does an ex from almost a decade ago have to do with you or your guy’s current sex life? That is just…weird. Honestly the refusal to get a job should have been a dealbreaker right there. This isnt a relationship, it’s a SHITuationship
What does his ex have to do with your relationship!
Kick his ass to the curb .
Sounds like you will do just fine without him since he isn’t contributing to the household. Tell him to man up or get out.
Stop settling for less than you deserve. We only get one life ladies, stop allowing men to mistreat you. Get the happiness we all deserve
What kind of pain is he talking about? Is he disabled? It sounds complicated, have you tried therapy? If not… ALLLL the red flags are there.
And honestly your kids are going to model the behavior you are showing them. If this is what you are tolerating, expect your kids to grow up and think that they’re supposed to put up with the same bullshit. I see this a lot with people; thinking that if they tell their kids they have “worth and to find somebody that loves them unconditionally” but they’re not SHOWING them that behavior then the kids are not going to do what you say, they’re going to do what you are doing.
Punctuate and then dump his lazy arse!