So first off, I’d ignore everyone harping on you for rocking your child to sleep. All children are different. Plus the days of rocking your child to sleep will be over before you know it… maybe make your husband aware of that…time is precious, children grow so fast. I understand he’s tired and he’s worked all day, but rocking your child to sleep is not hard…and it’s a bonding moment. My husband works his ass off. Manual hard labor…with a back injury…I’m a stay at home Mom… My daughter is 5… You best believe if she needed soothing he would rock our 5 year old to sleep…if I needed a break, he’d understand. Everyone needs a break. Being a stay at home parent is a full time job…you don’t get a lunch break, coffee break…shit, I rarely get a bathroom break. My man understands that, and I’m so grateful.
Who cares if she rocks her 18 month old to sleep still?! My son is 2.5 and I co sleep. It’s what I want, what he wants and it works for us. I don’t care what anyone’s opinion is about it cuz I havent asked.
And that’s not what she’s asking here. She didn’t ask for all the opinions about how she should or shouldn’t put her child to sleep. She asked if she’s in the wrong for wanting her husband to rock their child sleep after hes worked all day. Stay on track folks!
No ones going to continue asking for opinions and reaching out for help if they’re going to get ridiculed over everything
Maybe tell him it’s good bonding time for him and baby.
I mean you both have hard damanding jobs. Why don’t you ask him to help you sleep train the baby. If you don’t sleep train now you will be rocking a kindergartner. If I’m being honest if I had to wake up early the next morning and work long hours I may not wanna rock my kid or do anything
We rocked our son to sleep until he was dang near 2 years old, and is now four sleeping just fine by himself with no “bad habits” y’all need to quit being to judgey
While we all love our babies and want them to stay babies forever, 18 months is way too old to be rocking to sleep. Your husband can help with bedtime without rocking your child to sleep.
If he doesn’t want to rock bc of the time it takes at that time bc he wants his sleep then he can pick something else to do to help you out earlier in the night so you can have a bit of a break too. Just my thoughts, communication and negotiation.
Walk up to him and give him the baby. Walk away and tell him I gotta lie down awhile. He has a job outside of the home. You have a job inside the home. The baby is both of yours. You raise him together.
I would suggest sleep training your son so he does not require rocking to sleep. My son has been sleeping on his own since about 7 months. No rocking. We just lay him down when drowsy and he falls asleep on his own. There are plenty of methods you can try see what works best. I now pipe liners work very hard, my dad did this for a long time and he would be absolutely drained when he would come home. I’m not saying you don’t work hard either but rocking shouldn’t be necessary this far along.
Maybe it’s time to start anew bedtime routine that you both are comfortable with and little one can also learn to start self soothing.
I’m amazed at all the comments saying you shouldn’t be rocking your 18 month old to sleep… Like, what?! lol. It’s absurd to me that so many people are against this…
As to what you should do about your husband not wanting to do it… Stop asking him. You aren’t wrong for wanting him to do it. You aren’t wrong for wanting him to do it so you can have some time to yourself. Unfortunately he doesn’t feel that it’s something he needs to do. So therefor, it sounds easier for you to just handle that yourself. Enjoy those extra sweet snuggles mama. One day they won’t be so little anymore and they will tell you not to be there during bedtime. You’ve got this.
Honestly you don’t need to rock him to sleep at 18mths baby should definitely be able to fall asleep on it’s on. Just work on sleep training momma
Why does he not just lie down with him
Stop asking and just hand him the baby. He’s not doing you a favor he’s taking care of his son
Maybe time to find a new way to get your kiddo to sleep not because rocking is bad, but you need something that works for dad too. I still sit with my 5&7 yr old, but the time consuming rocking etc stopped when they were younger.
I agree. I mowed the yards, babysat, etc. Was so greatful to raise my children, keep housework up,etc. After they grew up i worked and was thankful i had made his life better.
Parenting and Marriage is a 50/50 game. I would stop cleaning and cooking and then give him a bill for what you would have to pay multiple people to do what you do for free! You need/deserve a break! He gets a break all day from his kid and you. The least he can do is Rock your kid to sleep a couple times a week. My husband and I took turns every other night we would switch. We have 3 now and that isn’t an option but when we just had 1 that’s what we did. So we both got a break every other night. You can love your kids and still need a break. It’s called self care and everyone should be able to take some time during the week just for themselves.
I just can’t believe how often this type of thing is an issue. Being a “stay-at-home-mom” does not mean that you are the only one who should be doing the parenting round-the-clock. Being a stay-at-home-mom means that you and your partner have decided it makes more sense for you to be the day care provider than a stranger. You’re both doing full-time work during work hours. The parenting is split 50/50 when you’re both home, during non-work hours. Period.
I feel so badly for the women who guilt themselves into doing all the parenting 24/7 because they “don’t have to work.” If you were at work, you’d have to pay for childcare. Split the parenting after hours like you would with any other work arrangement. Once again, a story has made me thankful that I found a decent man who doesn’t have to be begged to do the things he should be doing. Best wishes to you and hope it works out.
I never rocked my kids to sleep maybe my first more but I couldn’t always with my second cause I had 2 kids to deal with. each parent will parent differently how you do it as a mom will be differently for the dad, just gotta come to terms that he will parent differently than you and thats ok
Ur a stay at home mom and he works all day. Your job is the house and kid. If u work too you should both do it but you dont. Try being a single mom and you would understand how annoying this post is.
I would understand you wanting help but rocking them to bed means they always have to be rocked to bed and they don’t learn to self soothe and you have to sit there and rock them for who knows how long til they sleep if that’s what you want to do that’s fine and I’m all for having your husband help but you’re making it harder on him
Err you’re the stay at home parent, not the Mother AND Father. He cannot just shirk any amount of parenting responsibilities just because he works. He does what every person has to do
With your husband’s job I get why he feels like that. My husband works a hard job and works 7 days a week for WEEKS at a time. You want a break? Put the baby to sleep and then go take your break. My break is when my daughter takes a bath and when she’s asleep. I think it’s hilarious how women think men have it so easy because they go to work and don’t have to take care of kids all day
When he wants some loving tell him it takes to long and u want ur sleep.
Just a suggestion for the mum , maybe it’s time to teach your little one he can fall asleep without rocking . It will take a couple of nights so expect some tears , my son and daughter in law have just gone through this . Their daughter just did not know how to fall asleep without being rocked, a couple of nights (with lots of love and reassurance )she now has it sorted and they are all very happy . When she wakes at night all they have to do is reassure her and she is straight back to sleep . Most nights though she sleeps right through . Luckily they work as a team with all the parenting . I know this does not touch on the who should do what but hopefully it’s of some help .
It sounds like your husband works hard. Give baby a bath in morning if he needs it. You clean house and clean up after dinner but your a stay at home mom. Leave your hard working husband alone. Let the man rest
Ask dad to put him to sleep his way not yours maybe that would help LO not expecting to be rocked to sleep. Like maybe bath then reading a short story then Just to bed. I also didn’t rock any of mine to sleep at this age unless sick etc but moms and dads do things differently. He could also have daddy play time while you take a bath and relax.
At 18 months I would try a new routine. I’m having my 6th on Friday and know even young it will be hard as we have other kids. My husband does construction and works long hours. He is excited to help as the youngest right now is 4. I long to snuggle with my kids but know when you have more than 1 you have to split things so getting him adjusted Incase you have more is easier the younger they are
Honestly to me at 18 months the child should be able to sleep without being rocked. If it takes up so much time find a different way to get him to sleep.
He made the baby to so he should do his part to idc if he works just my opinion tho
agree with sleep training i by my own method sleep trained my baby and of course taking his cues. i don’t rock my 7 month old too sleep. i put him in his crib and he goes to sleep
I think his issue (and this is just me saying my experience with men at this point) is that he needs to be rocked to sleep in the first place. Maybe it’s time to think about transitioning to a different bedtime routine that rocking an 18 month old to sleep isn’t part of the routine?
Have you thought about getting him a big boy bed ? Buy a full size bed that way you or your husband can lay down with him until he falls asleep . You can buy safety guards for the sides so they don’t roll off . My daughters bed had some you buy separately to go with hers that matched her bed . We never used them though because my husband worked 3rd shift so she slept with me … Rock that baby as long as you want , don’t pay attention to the rude comments !
I rocked every one of my 4 babies. It didn’t spoil them and we bonded in a wonderful bond. If the daddy doesn’t want to rock your little one, then it’s up to you.
Your feelings are valid. If they are hurting and he doesn’t care than he’s a jerk
3 kids in and I’ve never rocked them to sleep. I’m with your husband - it takes too much time and if I worked all day long the last thing I’d want to do is spend who knows how long rocking a toddler to sleep. Personally I’d start trying a new bedtime routine where your child can go down without rocking.
Rocking to sleep at 18 months seems a little excessive tbh however we all parent differently and I am not judging. My kids loved to be rocked and I loved doing it but at 18 months it’s maybe time for a different routine at bedtime
ur husband is tired. dont expect that from him. especially at night.
Why not just say put the baby to bed… how he chooses to do it is his deal he doesn’t have to rock him. His parenting strategy might be different than yours.
Compromise is key
Try asking for an hour then switch.
When baby starts talking, teach him to ask for daddy.
They need that bonding time too.
I personally wouldn’t have gotten my son used to being rocked to sleep. His feelings are as valid as yours.
My routine is to get my son a bath, milk and a small foot rub while he’s having his milk then I put him in his crib and he will fall asleep by himself. He’s 18 months and it’s always been this way. I never rocked him to sleep because breaking that habit is super hard. Try something soothing, you can lay him down and sit in the room until he falls asleep, eventually you won’t need to be in the room anymore and he will just do it… best of luck
At 18 months, i dont think theres a necessity of rocking him to sleep anymore.
Sounds like your husband is being a douche. I can relate
I mean… he is 18mo. He should probably start learning to sleep without being rocked. That’s just imho.
Either accept that you will be doing twice as much or just leave and do it all. He is one of those.
Your child is almost 2 momma. Hes not 3 months
Change the routine and make it easier for everyone.
I am in the same boat as you. We are taking care of my grandson. I do everything for him. Some days I ask myself, why am I even married. I know it’s bad but a 3 year old is challenging.
Isn’t there another way you could try putting him to sleep? Maybe that’s not as much work… I would always handle the younger kids at bedtime, and hubby the older ones. Because the babies want to be held, the older kids would just fall in bed. What we do is have the kids lie down with us, as early as a year, sometimes earlier, and we rub their feet or play with their hair, and tell them, okay it’s dark out, that means we need to go to sleep, so close your eyes. And not even 10 minutes sometimes, they’re K.O. we then just move them to their cot, or bed. Which most times I do, because hubby is also K.O but it works for us, and with hubby being tired after a long day, and me aswell, it’s also a great way to unwind and relax. If you do something like that though, don’t expect it to work on the first day, it takes some time to get the kids into it, especially after being rocked to sleep, or held to fall asleep.
Her: asks for advice about getting husband to help with something around the house
Half the people here: judge her for rocking her kid to sleep
This is why moms feel constantly ashamed and guilty about whether they are raising their kids right. You don’t know her or the child or any thing else going on.
I get that your husband is working hard and you seem to be doing your part at home. I don’t think it’s asking too much for him to help with a bedtime routine once or twice a week to give you a break/bond with his kid. Stay strong girl!
I don’t rock my son to sleep, but I understand. My husband & I both work full time. He is an HVAC tech, so working in 160 degree attics, I can’t even imagine… He is an amazing father, but it’d be nice if he would bathe our son every once in a while. He refuses to, so I always have to, which is usually every night. I’m to the point where I just don’t ask him to anymore, cuz it’ll just end in an argument.
You’re making a rod for your own back to rock him to sleep at 18 months still. He’s working full time, let him chill and you take chill time by just putting the baby down without rocking.
Do all the night stuff your doing now during the day and you and baby go in the living room with hubby in the evening and play or watch tv together. When my husband gets home he goes in the bedroom to watch h tv and recoup from work for about 20 minutes so he has some time to himself then we are together as a family.
I’m with your hubby on this one. When he was a few months old I would have maybe agreed with you but he’s almost 2. I know every parenting style is different & would never tell another mom what to do but in my opinion it does take too long at that age my kids were never rocked to sleep. It was bath & bed. Other than the typical kid stuff lol my kids are amazing (17 yrs old & almost 11) we all have a great relationship & they don’t remember if I rocked them or not lol. Try changing your night up & just putting bed no rocking (ask hubby to lay him down while you can shower) then you can both relax for a bit! Good luck!!
I usually dont comment on these posts but I can’t help but feel like I have to. The amount of comments saying 18 months is too old to beck rocked I ridiculous! Its the mothers choice and our babies are only little once and I loved rocking my son to sleep, but sometimes I needed a break and I struggled with exhaustion.
You’re not asking he put him to bed everyday, but you need a break on the odd occasion and that’s fine. I’d talk to him in a calm manner and email your feelings. Having children is exhausting and if you’re both at home you can share some of the load. It doesn’t last forever and gets easier at there older
After seeing my mom rocking my baby brother to sleep at 4 yrs old I told my self, nope, not doing it. And I found out I’m not really a rocker. I hate rocking. You can try to find a new routine to put baby down. I don’t think you’re going to convince him to rock the baby asleep by us internet warrior moms. Least it wouldn’t convince my husband. Or just rock your baby to sleep like you always have. There’s no right or wrong on this one and you’re husband is just as right as you are. Hopefully you can get a little break here and there soon. Good luck mama.
I would stop rocking the child to sleep and look at other ways to help your child relax for bedtime, then you and your husband could relax together.
I dont wanna sound like a meany but i will give my opinion. The man works his butt off daily and brings home money. Not saying a stay home moms job isnt hard because i know it is. But you created what happens in your home with your child. Your down time is when the child takes a nap. The man is the one that needs a break. You might change a few routines to make your life easier. I didnt have your situation. I was a working mother that got up at 4am fed my baby then got them to the babysitter went to work for an 8 hour shift went and got my child from babysitter went home fed, played, bathed and put to bed by 10 1030pm. 5 days a week. I keep hearing young people having babies these days complaining about everything. These people wouldnt have survived years ago raising kids. Sorry. I have to go with the bread winning hard working dad
I get being a stay at home mom is hard, but sounds like he bust his butt all day at work and I’m assuming for more than 8 hours so he is exhausted too. If he comes home and ignores his kid then yeah that would be frustrating, but it sounds like he is an attentive father when he isn’t working or sleeping. It’s not a big deal he won’t rock the kid to sleep especially if he is ready to go to bed himself, im assuming with the age of your child that it takes awhile to get him asleep. Ask him to do something else at a different time to get your me time and relaxation in. Find a different bedtime routine so neither one of you are having to take the time to do it when the both of you are ready to relax. If you can afford it hire someone to take the kiddo 2x a week for a couple hours and spend that time on you, not shopping for the house, running errands or whatever else, spend it how you want to. Maybe you want to read a book, go catch up with with a friend, go for a little hike somewhere or just relax by some water. Make time for eachother, get a sitter one night a week and have them put the kiddo to bed, the date doesn’t even have to cost much. Compromise.
An 18 month old shouldn’t have to be rocked to sleep every night. Maybe when he’s not feeling well, but not every night.
Try changing his routine to reading to him before bed.
I work on asking him for something else like maybe he can clean up dinner and water the plants while you rock the baby to sleep.
I personally don’t rock my children since I have twins but look for other ways he can help.
I did this with 3 children back to back girl. He worked his bum off all day . Get baby to sleep early relax a few hours before bed make time for u
My husband is a farmer so I get the long hours but I just not bring it up and just continue to do it. Maybe try and make a schedule so you get more during the day. I have 5 kiddos and that is what really helped me.
It’s very possible he’s afraid he will fall asleep while rocking your son. Maybe ask him if that may be an issue
Maybe you can work with him a little more and make bed time easier and ween him off the rocking part so your husband can easily lay him down and then go to bed himself.
Maybe ur husband delivery is kinda of rough but he might be trying to say you cannot cater to this rocking thing I had 5 boys n if u need tht lil break maybe u need to shorten ur time by not keep indulging the baby he will fall asleep without the rocking it may be a lil discomfort at first for the baby n maybe even you but in a couple of days it will be a thing of the past don’t start catering or u will live to regret it
yes the hell he should just cuz he brings home money doesn’t mean he isn’t responsible to do anything else…if that is what comforts the baby he should be willing to do it as your job as a stay at home mom is important too and then if it’s getting to be to much for both of you it’s time to try a new night time technique but yes at least once or
twice a week he should do it as well without complaints!
Find something your hubby would like doing mine would prefer to clean the supper stuff up while I bathed the kids.
We work as team.
I wouldn’t say you’re complaining to much and I don’t want to seem rude, but your job is a stay at home mom, your husbands job is out of the home. So I agree that you should be the one doing the cooking and the cleaning etc while he’s working, but I think evenings should be split between the two of you. Being a full time mom, especially to an active toddler, is exhausting. This is the part that I don’t want to come off as rude. Stop rocking your 18 month old to sleep. I feel like at that age, you should be able to put to bed, tuck in, maybe read a book or sing a song, then hit the lights. For the evenings, if you’re bathing, dad should be picking up toys or putting dishes away or whatever. Or vice versa. As for bed time, like I said, put baby to bed without the rocking. Then you and dad have some time to relax together and unwind.
Our bedtime routine here is everyone gathers in Daddy’s and my room around 8pm after baths, I help them brush their hair and stuff and all 4 of ours, ages 16 to 4 all sit on our bed with us and we read them a bedtime story then we all say night night prayers together and everyone hugs everyone then straight to bed. Good luck
Helping your child to learn other ways to self sooth and put themselves to sleep is so valuable and helpful to your child. It will help your child to be confident and have a good sense of independence. Try to explore self sooth options.
My father was and is a farmer and my father bottle fed, changed and put to sleep my brother and I, my brother and I were 11 months apart so would of been doing us both for a while too not just one of us.
Uhhhh. You are asking for something so small… I’d ask him “if you don’t want to rock him to bed, can you figure out a routine you would like to do to put him to bed then?” If he’s saying no to it all, then I would start saying no to cooking, picking up constantly, etc. doesn’t sound like he does much after work, so asking for one thing every so often should not be an issue.
My husband helps me on one of his nights off usually. We all have to remember that we our more than ‘just a mom’ or 'just a working man’s. My husband and I our a team and we pull together.
18 months old child can sleep by himself in Uganda.
As per my husband - he should be rocking the kid to sleep.
Its quality bonding time and thats all your asking him to do, he can’t believe he’s even arguing with you about it.
I currently work from home and he works days too but the minute he gets home he’s running with our girls and helping out everywhere and then spends 15- 45 min singing our girls down every night. He loves that bonding time and looks forward to it (I’ve suggested adjusting or putting a time limit )
Personally, your routine is what works for your kid, and they are only small once, so if rocking works, keep doing it. Thats not the issue here nor should the focus been on that or how to change something else to fit your husbands “requirments” . He should be willing once in a while.
Just do it. You dont want a cranky dad feeling like he has to do it. The baby can sense it. Of course your tired ,YOU work hard all day too. In fact. A SAHM job is even harder than his and we never get time off. Just do it for the baby
That was my hubby’s favorite thing with our kids. So proud of him
I would find another way he can support you… and he’s 18 months old… it’s ok to stop rocking him to sleep now… at that age, for me, it only happened when they were sick.
Asking him to bathe the baby is not unreasonable but I agree with him on the rocking him to sleep thing. I have a 3 1/2 year old and my parents watch him M-F. Well his Pop Pop holds him and pats him on his back Everyday at nap time to put him to sleep. He’s been doing this since he was an infant and now my son is used to it. Needless to say he expects his dad and I to do the same thing but we don’t. So bedtime is a bit difficult.
The thing is, is being a stay at home mom is a full time job. Just because he works doesn’t mean he gets to skip out on parenting. If you were both working would he be doing everything you do? No, men like to parent when they want to and expect us mothers to do everything all the time. You aren’t nagging him or being unreasonable for wanting a break. If he won’t help with him at night make him do his own laundry or make his own supper. He will get the idea.
My husband and I both work and all I ever ask from mine is that he does dishes every now and then, or he just does it when I don’t ask. I used to be a stay at home mom and did it all. Laundry, cleaning, taking care of 4 kids, cooking, running errands etc. That is your kid as much as he is your husband’s and being a stay at home mom is challenging, but that’s all a part of the job. Your paid in love, not money. And the job never ends. Your job only has minor breaks, how you use those breaks depends on you. As soon as your little one is asleep, whether it be for a nap or bed time, take time for yourself. No mom will ever have everything perfect, we’re all human. Even if you still have a messy house, but see an opportunity to take time for yourself, take it! Your husband is doing what he can to provide for his family and that should be enough. I understand if he doesn’t seem appreciative, but that also works both ways. If you worked all day in various types of weather, or around shitty people only to come home and be told that you also need to do house work, when all you want to do is relax, wouldn’t it bother you and make you feel like you’re not being appreciated? I don’t know your whole story, but my husband and I made it work, and still do now that we’re both working. Kids are definitely not easy. Please don’t think I’m judging you, I promise you im not. I just want you to know that its possible to make it all work if you have the mentality for it. I’ve even stayed up past 4 am with my littlest, simply because she didn’t want to go to sleep. My husband was sound asleep while I stayed up with her, and I didn’t resent him for it, still don’t. He was obviously tired and needed the sleep. You just need to look at it from his perspective maybe. Hope this helps you some.
My husband also works all day. He doesn’t like bedtime duties, but we talked about it and he reads the kids 3books then I rock them to sleep while he dose the dishes then we both go to bed.
He’s 18 months old. It’s time he start learning to self soothe and to put himself to sleep.
Maybe Dad could sit on the rocker, read a story, tell him a story, or just talk him about what they each did that day. Let Dad set a time limit. When the time is up, Dad puts baby to bed, tucks him in, and says goodnight.
Mom DOES NOT GO IN THE ROOM. She gives him his good nights before story time.
Mom gets a break.
Dad gets a little one on one time with son without having to rock.
Son learns to go to sleep alone, gets time with Dad, learns so much.
I wouldn’t be rocking him. Just put the baby to bed, rocking shouldn’t be needed. Don’t start a habit you need to break or need to fight with the baby or someone over it just to get hint of sleep
Falling asleep is a learned behavior.
Let his father put him to sleep his own way, even if it is the 2 of them falling asleep on the couch watching tv together. Pick and choose your battles.
It’s about time the baby falls asleep on their own. I put on rain sounds on the tv and that helps my 18m old.
Rather than having him rock him to bed, maybe ask him to develop a new bedtime routine? Like sit and read a book with the toddler- it would probably have to go in stages like toddler sits in rocking chair with dad while he reads then slowly transition to toddler laying in their bed while dad sits in rocking chair reading.
Mine works 12-18 hours a day 6 days a week and some days even 7 days a week so I could definitely understand him being tired and not wanting to but maybe he could do something else to incorporate time with him that already needs to be done or he wants to do that won’t make him stay up later. Maybe let him bathe him and get him ready for bed and read him a book since it’s already in the schedule.
Dont look for things you dislike about your husband, do you love and appreciate him? Do you want to be out doing his job? Does he complain about what you do or dont do at home? Try to see the good things about him if you love him . Maybe your dissatisfied with being a stay at home mom? Check yourself out.
On nights he has to work in the morning… Thats kinda messed up to ask… Hey honey i know youre beat and ready for bed and have to get up early to bust your butt all day again can you spend 2 hours putting our kid to sleep…
Now when he doesnt have to work yes he should help put him to sleep
Children need to be held by their fathers too. Compromise and have him read a short bedtime story instead while he cuddles your toddler. That’s much better than being rocked to sleep as it instills a lifetime of reading.
They grow up fast enjoy every minute
Omgawd he is a pipeliner. I was aswell he maybe has a 7 hour turnaround . Girl he is way more tired n drained then you. Poor man
Try asking him to do it one night a week maybe a little earlier than your 18 month old would typically go to sleep so it’s not too late for him to do it
18 months old is too old to be rocked to sleep. You’re developing bad habits.
Ya I think you’re complaining too much. You both have your jobs. I’m sure that last hour of bricklaying or whatever extremely hard and hot manual labor your husband does, drains him just as much as you are drained at the end of the day
I’ve got 3 kids 2 dogs 8 chickens and I mow our 2+ acre yard when my husband cant get to it. I have no local support system to help out if I need it. I keep the house clean, change diapers cook all meals including the large one my husband takes to work. And I keep everyone alive and happy. I am drained but it’s my job. Just like I would be drained at the end of an 8 hr shift.
I’m happy when my husband pitches in. But I dont require it. He has a 3 hour commute and a 12 hr shift in sometimes 120 degree heat. He is drained at the end of his shift also.
I do ask that he play with the kids on his days off and I appreciate when he helps out and when i get my mommy alone time.
But my point is, this is adulthood. We are all drained.
My husband loves being able to rock our son to sleep. It’s a great time for bonding during the busy work week. Regardless who works or stays home, spending quality time is important.