My husband refuses to rock our son to sleep: Advice?

My boyfriend did that and if he didn’t want to help with the child he created i made him do all the nighttime chores until he decided to wanted to help put our child to sleep. He didn’t realize I had to do so much and he started taking the baby while I did the nighttime chores sometimes he does both but you have to communicate and give an ultimatum

He is a pipeliner who works a hard labor job all day and you want him to stay up late and rock him to sleep? Your gonna have to teach your son to go to bed without being rocked to sleep. Check on him every 5-10 mins and reassure him hes okay but if you have to let him cry a little bit so be it, that’s how they learn. You can comfort him and let him know everythings okay and you are close by so he doesn’t get too worked up but that’s how its done.


I’d maybe start thinking about trying to teach him to self settle, rather then rocking him to sleep, my boy self settled from early on, and the odd time his dad helped, he would cuddle/rock him to sleep, then he would want that from me, and honestly it was frustrating and a long process, that could be avoided, as he’d wake up once he was put down, dad putting him to bed took 2 hours, mine 2 min, ,I do understand wanting to be there and comfort your child, and it will be up to you to change that, I promise your child will be fine.


Think of another way for them to bond.

If hubs doesn’t want to rock your little one to sleep maybe find another thing he could do to give you a break. Also, it’s good when kids can self-soothe themselves to sleep. Maybe bath, pajamas, brush teeth & story time. Or may one might a week you eat out/get carry out/delivery so you get a break. Or maybe he could cook & do dishes one night.

Stop sex make that baby time i bet he changes his mind real quick lol


At 18 months, bubs should be going to sleep on his own. My son self-soothed from 6 months old.
In regards to Dad putting bubs to bed, if he doesn’t then you have to. I know I sound harsh but think how us single mothers do it day in, day out, night in, night out. I say this from experience. I’ve raised my son alone since birth, be grateful that you have a partner that is willing to sometimes help with bubs when he can

It is hard but maybe he can do the meal clean up and help bathe son instead.

He’s out in the heat all day I would just rock him to sleep yourself honestly

At 18mo your baby should be learning to self soothe. I know how hard it is to give that up (believe me I do). Maybe slowly cut it down & BOTH you & dad will get a break :heart:

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I don’t have a issue with anyone rocking a child to sleep. I personally never did especially at that age. I’d feed them their bottle and hold them for a bit and lay them in their crib. My husband wouldn’t stay up to rock any if ours to sleep if I asked him. I agree with others, maybe he can help do something else, or entertain the baby for a bit after work so you can relax (shower/bath) for a bit?

One your son is old enough to learn to go to sleep and self soothe without being rocked to sleep.
Two your husband is a pipeliner which is a hard labor job my goodness let him sleep he needs it.
Be grateful you have a man who loves his child and loves you and lets you be a stay at home mom because there’s plenty of women who would love that life trust me.
If u truly want your kid rocked to sleep then do it yourself honestly


At a year an a half shouldn’t have to rock a kid to sleep place said child in his or her bed an let them fall asleep on they own if not let them cry till they fall asleep its called sleep training


An 18 month old should be able to be put to bed and go to sleep without rocking.


Damn all y’all on here really hate rocking your kid huh​:joy::sob: I understand trying another routine but some of these comments have me blew.

For those who are saying he should self soothe… LOL did she ask for your opinions on how she puts her kid to bed?? She’s asking about who’s responsibility it is… so here comes the uncommon opinion clearly… He should be sharing the responsibility. Yes he’s working, but you’re also working at home with the baby and doing all the upkeep. He should be helping. Maybe I just got a good hubby after all lol as he is also a pipe fitter but still pitches in with bedtime routines and rocking our babies if I needed a break. Good luck mom!!


I do the same thing mama. It is what it is. Just try to cherish it!!

They’re only little for so long. Just rock your son to sleep while you can. You’ll miss it in the future. It’s a blessing, not a burden.


They are not little for very long…rock your baby, mama.


Hun hubby is tired after a full day’s work. I would suggest he shower or bath baby to help out. I know its not letting you sleep. As for baby going to sleep he will need to help at some point and better on his terms than emergency terms. My hubby can’t get out 2 year old down to nap or bedtime without the screaming anf wringing
Why because he doesn’t do it. I have had work functions keep me from bed time and a hospital visit. I worried while away because this would stress baby out more than needed. That’s my experience but yes.def helpful to share the responsibilities.

If dad doesn’t want to rock him then have dad give him a bath get him ready for bed and put him down. If you need him rocked then do it after dad has gone to bed


He sounds like a pos.


I nursed mine untill 2yrs old,dad was a welder and i done it all by myself.Results- major emergency back surgery when he was 2 & a half years old. I pray he sees the strain on your health but most likely he won’t untill forced…

Does he find time, has the energy and stay up for intimacy? If the answer is yes the he can do the same to PARENT a little. Just ridiculous that some people believe it is ok to men to don’t parent with the excuse that they are tired. SAHM’s are tired ALL THE TIME and never have a break and do it ALL.


Omg all you women are AWFUL!!! DONT make excuses for this lazy excuse of a father!! You work 24/7 taking care of your baby. He can sit down for 40 minute and rock his kid. What a sorry excuse. Absolutely pathetic. I wAnT mY SlEeP. Yeah I’m sure mom wants a solid nights sleep too, mr. selfish. How absolutely inconsiderate of him. And all you women just telling HER to do it and excusing him is absolutely disgusting!! YOU teach him how to treat you!! DONT put up with it!!!


Enjoy the cuddles! Your baby will eventually want independence. If you’re okay with answers his current needs, just keep on doing it. His father is missing out :disappointed: Maybe ask your husband to play with him instead of being on the couch so that you can take a break during that time. Don’t feel pressure for sleep training, it’s not for everyone. Follow your instincts.


I agree with you Amanda Caraway

Why does your child need rocking to sleep…feed the child …bath the child …put child in bed with bottle if he has one …kiss goodnight make sure he’s warm and let him be…he should be able to go to sleep without rocking…


At 18 months you shouldn’t have to rock your child. Also don’t let him have a late nap. Makes him stay up later


Sounds like you need to go visit your mom and leave the baby with him for a weekend so he can see what all you do.


How tf do you spoil a baby with love and comfort? Some people really throw the “spoil” word around too often!
Babies need comfort especially at night!

This post makes me so sad because a mother just wants help with her HUSBAND and everyone is judging her for comforting her child to sleep! Makes people like me, who loves to cuddle to sleep, stress about asking for support because women can be so judgy and horrid!

As for your husband, I think maybe make a deal that he does it on his days off and every other day he does the bath? You BOTH work hard and deserve breaks!


He’s a jerk for not WANTING that special time w His Baby,Shame on him! , Will He sacrifice a little and at least do it every other night?!? You are doing Plenty!!

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Honestly I think if the man works and he gets home from a busy day he just wants to relax and then sleep for his next day at work, he cnt be tired at work because hes been up with a baby at night but it’s ok for you to be tired as you can have a nap with baby at nap time, if it’s a weekend and he doesnt work then maybe say to him he can have the friday and saturday night for having the baby maybe, I wouldnt expect my partner to get up at night for our baby when they have work the next day seems a little harsh tbh cuz they cnt take a nap at work


You’re working all day too.

Sounds like you have spoiled the baby. Put him in bed. He will only cry a few :crescent_moon:nights. You can enjoy some time with your husband.


All these comments are horrible. Telling her not 2 rock her baby. I rocked all my kids till they were like 3! They are only little once.


So he gets to work 8 hours a day/ 5 days a week ( not everyone but my point there is a clock in and clock out-and you have to work 24/7.
Parenting responsibilities do not stop… for either gender. This is disrespectful and degrading and it will wear on you until you hate him. You have every right as a mother and wife to ask for his participation in raising his child.


It’s up to you how you raise your child. I use to put my child to bed with a bottle which doesn’t make me a bad parent. I had a routine. My child got plenty of hugs threw out the day but when it came to bed time it’s time to sleep. A kiss and big hug and tucked in of a Night. This also gave me time to do my nightly chores… I also didn’t let my children sleep in my bed unless they were sick. A parent and child needs to be well rested I don’t believe co sleeping allows this.The father should allow time for bonding with his child after work. Even if it was for 1/2 an hour… I don’t think there is anything wrong with what your asking…

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Why can’t he put the baby down for the night his way? You want him to help you so let him do it his way. Your son will get use to his way and your way.


I lay down with my knees up and him sitting on me & rock him with my knees. Its much more comfortable & i can relax aswell.

You’re baby won’t want you to rock him or her very long. Just enjoy it while you can. :heart:


He is missing out…plain and simple! He won’t get this chance again with his child…but I would just stop asking…and do what I know is needed of me. That’s dad’s time to bond and it’s sad he would rather just not. Like seriously :roll_eyes: u can even spend time bonding with yr child being lazy on the couch…but sounds like not even then :pensive: would he do it. Good luck hope u can find a resolution


I think it all depends on what time babe needs to be rocked to bed and how early/long of shifts your husband is working. As a spouse of a shift worker and a shift worker myself before becoming a stay at home mom I realize that sleep is essential to safely work long days esp if the work site necessitates safe behavior. If you need a break ask family, hire a babysitter for a couple hours or ask him to cover weekends. He has no excuse on the nights he isn’t working the next day. I might not be the popular opinion but if he’s working all day I’d rather my husband be well rested and come home safely.


She never said her husband doesn’t help, she never complained he doesn’t pitch in . She stated that he will not rock the child to sleep at bedtime. She never once said he isn’t willing to bathe the child or do any of the other chores. If she wants and insists that the baby must be rocked to sleep her way , then she needs to do it and stop feeling sorry for herself that he chooses not to. That doesn’t make him a bad parent.


this has got me curious …is it the normal thing to do in America bc in Australia I have never heard of rocking a child to sleep…unless they are sick but not a nightly thing??


There will come a time, and a lot sooner than one thinks, that the son will not need anyone to rock him to sleep. Stop being petty, rock your son to sleep and do it happily… ask dad to water the plants.

W0W…… So much negativity from so many experts😃. As a grandparent and my children are all pushing middle age, and knowing what the (psyc)experts think (I read a lot) I personally did rock my children to sleep at nite… My opinion was/ is, they are only little once and life gets harder every year… everyone has their opinion of sleep routines and that is great! Many men love to share in cares of their little ones and then we have those who still feel that child care is a “woman’s” job and do very little in the hands on department of helping to raise their babies… Don’t be to hard on the moms who ask for advice… be kind and gentle… would you want someone to respond in kind to a question of yours in the same manner as you gave your advice! This momma isn’t wrong she just needs some “uplifting”… come on ladies … we can do better for one another!


Seriously… this shouldn’t even be a post :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: … it’s childish… all the way around

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My advice is… Don’t let this get between you and him. Let him have his sleep. He will see you going out of your way if he IS a good dad and will help out at bed time

Baby doesn’t need to be rocked to sleep, but dad needs to bond even it’s for a little while. Change it to child needs it. Nap when your child does. And boost your energy and attitude. Also some men are more carrying when the child is older. Talk

They are only a baby once , so enjoy the bonding time , sing to ur baby softly an cuddle him or her wrap up in there baby blanket its a special time ,
before u know it
ur baby will grow up very quick an u will miss those days⚘💕


Buy a baby swing and pick your battles


He might be afraid of falling asleep with the baby lol. Seriously though. Most men can’t pull it like moms do and they’ll fall asleep as soon as they sit down after working most of the day. All should help once in a while, I know that very well bc I row the boat alone most of the time :laughing::crazy_face: but if he can’t do it he just can’t do it. At this point for me, if dad did the nighttime stuff , it just wouldn’t roll like it usually does and the kids would be like ummm wat the eff is this :laughing::tipping_hand_woman: I was always taught if u want something done right just do it yourself :rofl: it’s way easier than wasting the time or arguing.


Best days of your life!! Get all the snuggles you can!!


My husband works pipeline too. If nothing else I would say Saturday nights as long as he isn’t working Sunday he gets to rock his son to sleep or sundays he gets to get up with him and you get a day to sleep in. Or every other sunday. You get a break too.

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being a stay at home mom isn’t easy. many people see it as “you get to be at home all day. it’s easy. so why are you tired?” rarely do they think about what you do. you keep the child safe, clean, fed, happy & content. you clean up after said child and anyone else. you do house work. you have to cook for yourself and child. you have to keep everything in order. top to bottom. my husband works third and still gets up at 10 a.m to help me with our baby although i don’t ask. our baby is almost 14 months. and my husband doesn’t want to miss a thing. don’t let it get between you, but simply talk to him about your feelings. you do EVERYTHING except bring in the money. you don’t have to do any extra. you don’t have to clean. you just have to take care of the baby. maybe see if he’d rather do housework when he gets home and you rest after baby goes to sleep!

Genuinely confused as to what he DOES do as far as parenting when he gets home. From this it sounds like you’re doing everything and still giving him props for being a great dad. I’m just not seeing what he does to help care for the baby.

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Your going to have to let him cry himself to sleep for a while until he eventually goes to sleep on his own for a couple weeks. Eventually it will work but it will be frustrating and hard to do but if you want to get some rest you have too. I did this with my daughter and it wasn’t easy whatsoever but it eventually worked!!!


shouldnt be rocking a kid that old to sleep! kids need to learn to self sooth.


Stfu and enjoy it. I worked with that shit for awhile being a single mom. Just leave him alone

I was a stay at home mom with two children. My husband NEVER changed a diaper, fed a baby, rocked a baby nor bathed a baby! I did it ALL! If it doesn’t come from his heart to bond with his children then leave it alone, drop the subject and move on! Our sons are grown men now. They love their father. Everyone is different with different ideas on child rearing.

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18 months is a little to old to be rocked to sleep😐 you have to put him down in his bed and say goodnight every night until he gets the cue that goodnight means going to sleep…
Also I’m a stay at home mom and my husband works very hard too, he is a good father and the least I can do is to let him sleep early since he is the one that probably needs a good sleep to do his job duties, not saying that what you do isn’t a job… I know it is tiring but like I said 18 month old child shouldn’t be rocked to sleep anymore…


Maybe ask him to rock baby once a week. That’s a hard arse job so it definitely would make him tired. And when u work a tough job u just want every bit of sleep u can get. I mean I understand your side too ,y’all just need to find a balance so that everyone feels happy rested and not so wore down

I also agree with others here. I know it’s your special the me bonding time with baby but maybe u can cut down to once a week or something from rocking baby. The baby does need to learn to self soothe. That way u can just put him down and have your alone time without spending thirty minutes to hours rocking him. And use that time to bond with hubby


Start training your son to fall asleep on his own. Daddy can snuggle with him on his days off. You deserve rest and a break just as much as you SO does, though, so it’s time, and developmentally appropriate for your son to learn how to lay down and go to sleep without someone rocking him. They may be little only once, but that’s no excuse to push yourself too hard. It’s okay to be tired and need a break. Overall, though, find what works best for you and ignore the advice that doesn’t. There’s no shame in that.


He’s 18 months old, teach him to go to sleep without being rocked and you won’t need to argue over it.
Maybe that time can be used to snuggle your hubby.


18 months? That baby is 1 and a half. Baby needs to be put down for bed and that’s, that. Bed time is bed time. You need to put your needs first and rest when the baby goes down. Rocking a child that old doesn’t seem necessary. You do all you can all day long. Give yourself a break👏


I believe marriage is an equal thing and communication is important. You have a right to be upset even at a out of house job you get a break for a hour and being a mommy is a full time time job. Talk to him and find a solution if he does not want to rock him to sleep then he can do bath duty or clean up from dinner or maybe even cook dinner also some nights. I hope you can both find a solution to a problem that does exist.

I don’t understand why everyone is saying her son is to old to be rocked… if your child wants to be held and rocks so be it if it makes him happy.

But mama try this
Put him into bed and lay beside him. This is what I do with my son. He has his bottle and he tries to get comfy and passes out. He tosses and turns a lot. But try that out so you get a little time too❤️ my son is 19 months so fee free to message me anytime!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband refuses to rock our son to sleep: Advice?

So apparently ur son doesn’t sleep all night ! Lay him down while he is awake and sit with him till he falls asleep and u will be surprised how much longer he will sleep !


A different perspective… Maybe he would fall asleep too. Holding or rocking a child is one of the best ways to fall asleep. If he needs time to unwind and destress in the evening perhaps that’s why he didn’t do it. However, mom you do need some time to yourself too. If he doesn’t have to work the next day I see no problems asking him to help a little.


I didn’t always rock my kids. I did it on the nights I wanted to because I just wanted to hold them. The rest of the time I layed them down and patted their butt or layed them on my chest because I didn’t want to fall asleep and possibly drop them. I’ve always been a single mom that worked full time so by the end of the day I was exhausted. Even the year I was out of work when I had my youngest was hard because I had a five year old and a toddler. Rocking is only one way to put babies to sleep…there are plenty of other ways he can do it

I would personally take a week or so and try to see if you can train the rocking out and get your son to bed without it. That will leave you a little extra time to spend with your husband before bed. Some alone time may be good for that marriage and everyone wins!


Stop keeping score, in other words if he’s letting you know that rocking baby to sleep is too much for him then honor that. If it’s too much for you too then break the habit so you’ll both be free of that extra strain. Also being a stay at home mom myself to 2 kiddos, one being special needs and 32 weeks pregnant I understand it gets exhausting but it’s so different than a manual labor job working outside in the heat, rain and snow. He needs sleep for his safety and awareness when he’s working. Be easy on each other, neither of you have super powers; allow yourselves to be human and most of all learn to honor each other’s limits without anger :blush:


It shouldn’t be an issue to do on the nights he has off the next day. Us stay at home moms need a break too


I wouldn’t push it with him, that’s his loss. Hold your baby while you can the time is so fleeting.


IMO stop rocking him to sleep period , let dad do it his way if baby falls asleep who cares YOU didn’t have to do it. I stayed home with my daughter , plus brought her to work with me and did all the other household things, so if daddy gave me a break by putting her yo bed his way I jumped on it. She eventually got it and all was good .


Maybe try something different to get away from the rocking. When my son was that young a nice warm bath and then into bed he would go. I would read him a story or two and by then he was very sleepy and relaxed. I would leave him to fall asleep on his own. Some nights if he wasn’t tired enough I would turn on some very soothing baby music and that did the trick. It takes time for them to break the habit so do it when you feel ready.


There’s no need to still rock him to sleep
If u wanna break
Break that habit

I didn’t go without sleep and my daughter is now 18 years old and independent but still loves to snuggle

She was broken of rocking before she was a year
Well before a year

Us mommas have too much to do and need boundaries too

Never did figure out how to break the non alone time in the bathroom tho lollllll

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I’m so sorry :cry: my advice is that prayer changes things try it Jesus won’t fail you God Bless you

You need a break after working all day just like he does.


Some of us had husbands who didn’t come home. Don’t dwell on this. He could be worse


Perfect time to get the kiddo used to not being rocked to sleep! :wink:


This is going to be an unpopular opinion. Trigger warning. Please stop reading if you’re going to attack my opinion :grinning:. I’ll start out by saying I was a stay At home mom my kids’ entire childhood… You’ll drive yourself crazy expecting, demanding, asking or wondering WHY he won’t/doesn’t want to do the things you “need” done. Being a stay at home mom is hard. Being a dad that supports his family is hard. He has a lot of responsibility that you do not have and vice versa.
To me, looking in from the outside, it seems that maybe if that particular chore is the issue and If you don’t want to do it either, then maybe it’s time for you two to work together and teach the baby to fall asleep on their own.


I was a stay at home mom for 9 years, it is very emotionally draining, my ex worked his own hours in an office. We split kid duties a lot.
My husband now is a machine operator who due to the high rate of unemployment, has been working hell hours. I work fulltime in a vet hospital, as well. My kids are older, but we do have 4 needy dogs, a big house, yard, a side business and everyday chores. When he comes home from work, he usually has 1 to 2 hours to wind down before bed.
I would put the baby on a set schedule. Get baby up at the same time, limit naps and put baby down each day at the same time.
When I was a SAHM with a newborn and 2 year old I never forced them on their father when he came in the door. He needed his time to unwind and get in the mindset, from work to home.

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I dont care how physically demanding your job is. Family and home is more important. If he comes home and doesn’t do jack squat all evening while you do, honey something needs to change. Your relationship will suffer, and more importantly your mental health will suffer.


Am 18 month old should not be rocked to sleep. Start putting him in bed ,do not puck him up , let him fuzz if necessary and go in every 15 minutes or so the first few nights. DO NOT PICK HIM UP. go in pat his back a couple times and assure him you are still there. Then leave room and do again. He will fuzz himself to sleep, ma take awhile the first week or so. You may find he sleeps much better because he has warn himself out.

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Buy a rocker. Try to keep him up more in the day time. Sometimes cry therapy is good. Babies need to self sooth at some point. Rocking them everynight isnt good.

Dear you are such great wife, sometimes hubby is stress n tired at work, just think that way. We talk when right time like when on his off day. You can try to adjust your kid sleeping, train your kid sleep alone.

I would definitely start letting him self soothe and break that cycle…but until that happens your husband should 100% help with that you both work full time he clocks out you and don’t get too

I’m in the same boat. I’m a stay at home mom as well but to a 20 month old and a 3 year old AND pregnant with our 3rd I’m so wore out at the end of the day my spouse went from working 8 hours to 10 hours a day and now on Saturdays as well when he used to be off He’s a welder I do get to be lucky and stay home I’d admit it is hard. I’d rather be working to help him support us but with 2 kids and 1 on the way and being a very high risk pregnancy it’s easier to stay home , he’ll come in some days and be dog tired and just eat and go to sleep and I get that he works out in the blazing heat all day but some times he will come home and help with the kids putting them to bed. We just shut their door and tell them to go to bed and leave them in there. Some times they will cry some times they will go right to sleep. When the 20 month old cries we just tell him over and over to go to sleep until he does . He has a very hard time sleeping at night so I’m up like 3 times a night with him and it’s tiring for sure but I’ve gotten him Dr.teals bath wash and it’s helped out a little for him to sleep through the night

I don’t think you’re asking too much. All to often men think their sleep is more important than yours just because your stay home.


This is just my opinion, you dont have to agree buuut 18 months old is too old to be rocked to sleep. Dont shoot me down, I get it my son would only sleep if I lay next to him until he was about 3. I know the struggles but rocking an 18 month old would be very tiring. Maybe try putting him in bed and letting him put himself to sleep. Itll be hard at first but after a few nights of the same routine it will get easier. THEN you and your husband will both get time to relax. If your baby starts to go to sleep on his own then it shouldn’t be a problem for dad to put him to bed say every second night?


You are not alone. My husband is in construction too. Their work is hard. I understand the being tired. So I would prioritize my mans sleep first. But boy when the weekend comes :smiling_imp::smiling_imp: he has both kids and im gone! All day! Shopping, working, do what I want. If he can’t be a dad during the week he will be weekend dad. It comes down to a persons character. How they nurture people. If he dont care about your feelings and its always a pissing contest between you two, I would give up asking him. It will make you resent him during this precious time and it will be taken out on your baby. Not intentionally and in little ways. Whether its ignoring a cry or missing a hunger que, a wet nappy que. With my husband I voiced my issues, but now as my children become more independent and I dont need my husband’s help as much. I learned those struggles are temporary. Time passes and you realize, yes i needed help but did i get it?? Y/N? Not worth fighting over. Its obvious what kind of man my husband can be, selfish. Also I make him do things I don’t want to do. Like clean the cars, plunge the toilets, majority of the dishes :laughing: all the heavy lifting (even if I can do it)

So rest your head momma take care of your baby exactly how you want and make dad make up for it later.

In the end it will be his loss for not embracing these small moments .

Pick your battles wisely.
He will help out later, when he gets older.

You’re NOT supposed to rock your kids to sleep. Sing a song, rock til the end of the song, put in bed.

It’s not about making him do extra work or him taking on some extra jobs of yours. It’s about him being part of the family and being part of the team and being part of the memories that are being made. It’s unfortunate that he doesn’t want to do a simple task that would greatly help you out and also allow him to bond with his baby. I don’t think you’re asking too much. But I would stop asking. Just do it on your own I suppose… You may want to think of just one thing that you really really hate doing or really just do not like doing that you do for your husband here and there or on a regular basis because you know it helps them out. Maybe stop doing that :wink::grin::crazy_face::sweat_smile:…or mention to him that things go both ways and bring up the example. But after that if he straight up refuses then just drop it. Hopefully bitterness does not grow.

Pipeliners have a very physically demanding job. Especially in the summer. I have worked with them for months. I was not doing the work myself. I was there as safety personnel. Everyday after work it took everything I had to get in my car get home and get my kids picked up and fed, cleaned and put to bed. I cannot imagine how tired and spent those men were everyday. Weekends sure. Holidays he’s not exhausted absolutely. I know where you are but I know where he is too. This phase will be gone before you know it. Hang in there and know your man is doing things you would never consider undertaking all day long.