My husband refuses to touch me unless I shower...advice?

I would definitely ask him about the sudden change. Maybe you could have a smell and he’s never to say something. Women can have BV or PH in balances that cause odor. I know I’m self conscious about oral sex without washing down yonder never was before but as I got older I’m like no sir without showering However, my husband could care less. It’s more of a personal conversation to have together.

Just shower. This should not even be a thing. Just do it. Don’t create an issue where there isn’t one.

Sooooo where’s the issue?


Um…does he shower ma’am? If not throw it back at him lol

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You should take a shower before bed


Because he got used to a shower before he came home from his Ho .

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Do you take a shower every day? If not you should


I would refuse to touch my husband if he didn’t shower before bed. It’s gross to me. Wash the day off and get in bed clean.

You don’t have to wash your hair every night, just take a quick 5 minute shower & wash your body off! :heart:
Other then that I would ask your husband why he wants you to do that. Nobody knows his reasoning besides him


Just shower every night. It may be something about your hygiene he hasn’t been able to talk to you about.

I’m opposite I won’t let him touch me unless I shower :joy: maybe you stink :woman_shrugging::sweat_smile: just being honest


Make a practice of taking a shower TOGETHER for some intimacy before bed. Then, you keep the sheets clean too! :wink::rofl:


You should shower before since you’ve had a full day

Maybe you have an odor/scent that is off putting after a day of activities… when we get older, it happens. Stress for instance, makes us have a different/stronger odor than other types of perspiration.
Nothing wrong with wanting a fresh partner to make love too.


Then when u do shower say no I’m to clean good night :sleeping:


Your body odor can change due to diet and health issues. If he thinks it’s changed, for whatever reason, and you’re not like eating onions and asparagus with every meal then maybe see a doctor for some bloodwork.


I’m personally not putting any part of my body near my smelly ass husband who sweats all days lower region :sweat_smile: I’ve been married to him long enough to know what happens in the bathroom, it needs washed PERIOD. So, it’s only right that I am also squeaky clean.

Sounds like maybe you been stankin lately…:woman_shrugging:t2::woozy_face::nerd_face: just put your hair up and take a quick 5 min shower before bed! I’m the same way, I won’t touch him unless he’s showered :soap: so I do the same for him out of respect! It literally takes 5 minutes. Maybe he went “down there” recently and you weren’t fresh…he don’t want that happening again :joy::sweat_smile::see_no_evil:


I wouldn’t think of going near her if I didn’t shower first. When we were younger it wasn’t as much of a big deal. Young and dumb I guess. lol

What’s weird is that u don’t think u should shower before having seggs :flushed: that alone should answer ur question :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: what other reason could it be besides u smell foul :grimacing:

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Do you shave down there? If he keeps knocking ya back I’ll clear a spot for you to sit.


Perhaps your husband smells from work sweat other women feeling guilty wants you to wash
Perhaps your husband should be honest with yo7

Tell him to shower as well.

Maybe he just likes nice clean coochie? :thinking: I mean I don’t want unclean fun time so I guess I understand him does he atleast shower before as well or just expects you to shower

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Agree with the above. Ask him, but also have you changed anything? Diet, meds, workout regime? All this things can throw your PH and body odor off.


You Pee and poop all day so I don’t think it’s crazy to ask to clean up before sex. I always shower after work and before bed. I wouldn’t ask my wife to do something I wouldn’t do as well

We always shower before doing bedroom stuff even if ya think ya don’t smell I just think a days worth of activities then trying to get intimate with ya partner after ew not for me but each to their own, only he can answer your question tho

He cheating…this happened w my ex husband?


Put some deodorant on for a change?

Why wouldn’t you want to shower before being touched


Maybe ask him ? Does it bother you if he doesn’t? Does he shower if he also makes you before? Sounds like you should speak with him to see why the sudden changes.

Hopefully he showers too. But that is so nasty if you don’t shower before getting in a clean bed. I guess it’s not clean. Also. Possibly. If over the last 5 years you’ve put some weight on. You could stink. Just being honest. Females think they can go work out and not wash and or condition/ rinse out their sweaty stinky hair. That’s disgusting. Maybe you just stink.

Woman the man just want to make sure there’s not to much seasoning in his dinner :rofl:

He needs to talk to you and explain his request.

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My advice is to shower :woman_shrugging:t2:


Y’all are too comfortable on the internet :joy:


understandable… body chemistry changes in both sexes & you’re active during the day… both of y’all could use a good cleaning beginnings play time… freshen up a bit isn’t bad :woman_shrugging:t2:

Why not just ask him and tell him to do the same.


Wash that booty and get dirty again.

sounds like something wasn’t pleasant and he may not know how to say it nicely.


Are you on any new medication that may change your scent?


The issue is you not showering

Turn the tables, shower or no head :joy::rofl: He will get the picture.


Women-offering support an advise
Men-well shower, dam it🚿

Who wants to smell someone that hasn’t showered since maybe that morning?! Gross. Does she put her face near his :chicken: after working all day?! I bet not

Thats weird… anyways just take a shower dear because thats what he likes… dont take that negatively… atleast he tells u that instead of ‘looking for somebody else who takes a shower before bedtime’


Eh I mean, would you kiss someone who doesn’t brush their teeth?


Maybe you have bv going on and he isn’t sure how to bring it up?

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Does anyone ever read these and wonder what the end of the story is?? Hahaha like did she ask him? And if so what did he say?


He needs help men are so messed up they don’t have to be clean and want what they want but they have such demands on women???

:woman_facepalming: really? He thinks you stink and he’s trying to be polite… I’m sorry maybe that’s to blunt but some of the questions asked makes me wonder if common sense is still a thing.


I don’t like touching mine unless he showers first.I do not want to introduce anything that can cause a UTI…I would just ask him why.Only he can answer this for you.

Why would you want to lay in bed dirty :woozy_face:


Honestly, most people don’t realize how they smell after 10 to 12 hours after they get up. With the popularity of deodorants that don’t have an antiperspirant component, a lot of folks smell pretty ripe by evening.

That’s really odd. I have no idea


Maybe you started to smell, recently.
Ask him.

Maybe shower before you ask him to touch you

Why would you allow your husband to ask you to shower? Or have him not touch you unless you do. As a human being bathing twice a days necessary. At least if you cant bathe early in the day you should do so before bedtime. Wow i understand why he wont touch you. Its dayold sweat come on lady cleanliness Speaks volumes. Your husband shouldn’t take a fish market trip before bedtime.


A shower before bed is a must y’all. Wash yer ass if you want someone to touch it.
The end.

Do yourself both a favour and just shower before bed its respectful to the other person to not smell like a troll.

You may have odors that you are not aware of and this is his nice way of telling you :woman_shrugging:t2:


Maybe it’s just a certain smell he founds n don’t like…

He’s trying to tell you in a polite way that you smell lol it’s totally normal to shower before.

Maybe your body has changed and perhaps hygiene is different? Not sure the reason but you should always shower before bed anyway. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Ya chit probably smells like Buccola lmfao :crazy_face:

Maybe you have had an instance were you may have had an odour and it’s put him off?


Why would you not ask your husband? He is the only one who is going to have the answer


Maybe he has sensory issues. I myself cant take any unusual Dora Teodoro

Maybe he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings and tell that have a scent but it’s just advice and to whom it may concern my opinion my advice to you is buy dove and I guarantee you won’t have anymore told to go take a shower moments good luck hope that helps the issue a female I was with for 10 plus years unless she used dove she would have oh well will say scent until I interduce her to do then she had a absolutely no scent

I used to dislike having sex after a shower because it felt like, “Great, now I will all dirty again”

You guys are being mean in the comments smh. Y’all acting like you wouldn’t feel insecure if after 5 years married all of a sudden your husband is telling you to shower before being intimate. I know your asses would be crying & whining about it. She has every right to know why. But yes girl you need to ask your husband that. No one here is gonna know why. But I’d switch it on him too. If he ever tries initiating intimacy I’d be like oooh ya gotta shower first though

Idk ask him but like sweety junk is gross


He telling you nicely you stink


I don’t see the problem? If you’ve been out and about all day you need to wash the day off. Nobody wants to eat sweaty musty coochie. We’re all adults and we need soap and water on us daily. People swear up and down they’re perpetually fresh,but that’s not necessarily true


Why ask people on FB? I am think your husband could answer this question


Ask him why Maybe u have a smell u dont realize

Girl. Wh*ore bath it! Pits & pussy, and booty :rofl: you don’t gotta wash your hair. Just freshen up

My ex changed jobs. He started working with cattle that had died. I could smell that stuff in his skin. He didn’t want to take a shower every day, but I couldn’t even sleep in the same room with him.


I’m always clean every night before bed. I always shower before we go to bed regulardless If we do anything or not.


maybe the :cat2::smile_cat: smells off? idk but it happens

It’s normal. I shower before bed usually and expect my husband to do the same before things go further. Nothing to be ashamed about. I just prefer cleanliness. Especially after working all day.


Why wouldn’t you take a shower before getting it on with him??? That’s just :nauseated_face:

Sudden changes like this very rarely have anything to do with you for real. He’s hoping you’ll refuse to he doesn’t have to cheat on his mistress.

ETA: I don’t care if you don’t cheat…if you think your man doesn’t cheat…or if you think I cheat. Live in whatever reality makes you happy


So two things come to mind for me:

Either you have some odor OR potentially some sort of mental health illness - idk if that could be a sign of OCD

You don’t have to shower every single day to maintain good hygiene, I mean unless you have a dirty job or work in an unclean environment but if you have an office job and come home stinking then maybe you should talk to your Dr because that sounds like a problem. Telling someone they are gross for not showering every day :roll_eyes: yet some of you be stinking for now reason.

So take a shower; it’s not that hard



This was so personal, I feel like we need to subscribe to OnlyFans :face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye:


Just take bath stop being a baby about it :woman_facepalming:. Seems like you have a hygiene issue and he don’t want to hurt your feelings that you smell js​:woman_facepalming:


Insensitive question, but how is your wiping game?

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Probs cause you’re stinky

Tbh hes right why would u want him to touch u without a shower that is gross to me aswel.

Have you been funky lately? Perhaps you need to visit your gynecologist.

My question is he showering everyday bc he could be using this as a excuse to cover up cheating by making u both shower so it don’t look like it’s just him showering everyday .I would straight up be asking him some shit

I’m confused a lil. The people saying just take a shower, what if she already showered and didn’t go anywhere? Why does she need to shower again for him to “touch her” at night. :woozy_face: I’d be damned if my man told me he won’t have sex w me if I don’t shower right before like what? Where’s the fun in that? Like I wanna have sex so go take a shower n then come to bed? Wtf that’s a mood killer n weird. Any person I been w wants me no matter if I even showered at all that day!

I think the issue here is that this is all of a sudden. If he was like this from day one it would be different. You’re wondering why the sudden change. Unfortunately only he can answer that.


I think you must have a smell if he’s refusing to touch you without you showering . In my opinion it’s unsanitary to have sex after sweating all day and using the bathroom there’s lots of germs down there that definitely have a smell

Maybe your :cat: stinks?? Lol not trying to be an asshole but maybe you don’t smell it because you’re nose blind to it? PH is off balance, Yeast Infection, hormones making it smell different.

Yeah I know you’re awesome keep your head up lady message me or send me a friend request

Good lord people are AH’s. Other things can cause your natural scent to change. Hormones for instance…… our hormones change several times throughout a woman’s life…. I’m 41 now… I bathe twice a day no matter what… and I have bottles of deodorant in my home & truck for everybody in my house lol. I’ve got a super sensitive sense of smell…. Always have as long as I can remember… and I can smell changes in hormones on ppl. Hell I can even tell a person is diabetic by the way they smell…… if a person has cancer & they are losing the battle I can smell it. Little boy prepubescent sweaty penny smell makes me sick. I have two sons! :woman_facepalming:t2::rofl: we are all about some smell good in this house. Maybe your hubs olfactory senses are heightening or maybe he is like me… and maybe something is changing in your body.
Due to what my hubs does for a living, he always smells like metal shavings… even after showering, but not as strong. I think it gets in his pores too…. Get some bedding spray. I spray our bed with lavender & gardenia essential oils every night. It helps me to drown out every other smell lol.

I’ve been with my husband 11 years and I WOOOONT let him touch me unless I shower first.:see_no_evil::rofl::rofl: Stay at home momma and I swear im so gross from everything kid related by the end of the day. He gets so annoyed and just wants me right away… buuut I wont without a shower!:grimacing: