My husband shares a child with his ex and she holds the child against him: Advice?

My husband’s ex and he share a child, and she didn’t tell him she was pregnant until he publically announced he was dating me… Anyway, time goes by. The baby is here, and I actually had gotten pregnant too. I was five months with our son when the baby was born. I have always been neutral even when the girl spoke about my deceased mother and said she wanted my child to die and how she would cut him out of my stomach and throw us in a ditch… Long story short, she has been very bitter and doesn’t allow my husband to have any type of relationship with his daughter; he barely knows anything about her honestly. And this young lady, I use that term loosely, uses that little girl as a pawn and I’m so sick of it… I’ve still always encouraged him to try and be there, he didn’t want to get court-involved, everything was okay for a while until she said she was going to “hang my nigger baby from a tree and I would come outside to him hanging with a blue face,” and I finally snapped and went to beat her ass and ever since then we stepped back drastically bc it was always drama every time she texted him even when they were cordial she was talking shit about myself and our son… Now she has been lying and posting on her social media (she has me blocked) lying saying she’s been sleeping with him and just a bunch of drama! She also tried to make up a story in September of 2019, stating she crept off and slept with him and was pregnant, which was a bald-faced lie being we obviously live together how would that happen. The moral of this story is I think my husband should sign his rights over. Obviously, this will have to be paraphrased bc it is long. It is so much more to the story. Still, I’m just so over the drama over this baby that he doesn’t know and she isn’t allowing him or his family to know, and I’m tired of my children being talked about (I’m now seven months pregnant with our daughter) and court isn’t an option she won’t take him, we honestly don’t want to take her it’s just the drama she wants… am I wrong for wanting him to completely sign his rights over? My family and friends don’t think I’m wrong. I’ve been nice enough. Also, I may add I’ve tried several times to be cordial even after the comments about my mother and child. I’ve come out of my pocket multiple times to help provide milk and Pampers she purposely didn’t breastfeed to make us buy Similac and then said the baby was allergic to Similac and bought the expensive ass Enfamil everything is a meal ticket w her she does everything purposely to feel like she’s taking away from our household and children


I would just go to court and get visits set up with child drop off pick up with natural party there and keep communication only about child


I don’t think taking away his rights as a father is the correct thing to do and does he even want to do that. Signing over your rights is giving up your own blood your own family can he live with that? I think him bringing her to court is what he should do


Paternity test for sure. Then court. Have a neutral party drop off and pick up. Limited communication with mom.


Take her to court, establish paternity, set up visitation and a no contact order. Have someone else do exchanges with the child. He shouldn’t sign his child over. There is a way through this through the courts and you need to stop engaging with her completely. Support your husband and keep record of the havoc she is causing and a judge will put a stop to it very quickly or she will go to jail.


Why the f would you want him to sign his rights over? His ex is crazy, not him. What his ass needs to do is go to court and get this all put on paper. If she’s threatening you then you need to get the cops involved ASAP. If he doesn’t go to court then deal with it. If you won’t get Law enforcement involved for the death threats then deal with it. You’re feeding into her drama every time you respond.


My personal opinion, I think it is absolutely absurd to sign rights over to a child because of the other parent and just as absurd for a spouse to encourage that! Take that bitch to court and be done with it. That child is your husband’s child! Your children’s sibling! Who cares what she is saying?! That has everything to do with her and her issues. That behavior should be motivation for you and your husband to go for custody or visitation because the mother sounds unstable.


document all her nastyness and take her crazy ass to court also get an order of protection,shes threatening you


Go to court the only way to handle this is to get a lawyer and make sure you have evething in writing and a motion for parenting time. Sorry your going threw this I don’t understand why people have to be like this

Imagine thinking that just because you live together someone can’t cheat :rofl:


If she isn’t allowing him or his family to see the baby, more than likely he isn’t even on the birth certificate. Rise above the drama, you both need to block her from all social media and on your phones. If there is no visitation, there should be no contact. If he wants visitation rights, he needs to go through the court and determine paternity first. I don’t think he can just sign his rights over, there has to be another man willing to accept responsibility!

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I was “co parenting” for 2 years with my step kids momma she does the same shit and now that me and my husband have a daughter she holds his kids against him One of them is not even his anyways they have Nothing court ordered other than child support. Well he does not make much i have to stay home with my daughter because we dont get goverment assistance so cant afford to pay 600 a month for her to go to daycare its just cheaper and easier for me to stay home so he has gotten behind so because of that and because he wont have a relationship with her when its been ok all these years that she contacted me to get the kids not him. Anyways we have stepped back completely we dont ask to see them we dont call it hurts him but its not worth the drama i would never ask him to sign his rights away regaurdless of how you feel thats his daughter and one day she will come looking for her daddy i would just drop it yall dont contact her


Court is an option. He can get a lawyer and go to court and fight for his rights. Worst case he pays child support and gets visitation. Best case he gets full custody if you guys can prove ger unfit at all… I think it is very wrong for him to sign his rights away. I mean its not that babys fault. Would you want him to sign off rights to your baby?? No you wouldnt… And its not okay to ask him to pick you over his child to begin with… And that is exactly what you are asking him to do… To choose you over his daughter. See if he left you she would probably let him see his child. Shes a crazy bitch for sure, but as a mother i just dont understand how you could ask that of him

Family court is there for a reason. Given these details it doesn’t sound life a safe or sane environment for this child and maybe he would get full custody. Establish paternity, it might not be his child but if it is they both deserve a relationship with each other.

As for the issues between you and her, take screenshots, go to the police and get an order of protection.


You need to help his daughter go for custody that’s not fair on that kid her mother needs help and by the sounds of it will probably have a better chance in life without her


Go to court. She is alienating him from the child which is a form of child abuse. Keep all documentation text messages and anything else you can to show how crazy she is. Gain custody and make her pay child support.


So because she made some very ridiculous comments, he should sign his rights away? You need help :thinking:


I would have her ass charged for death threats against you and your baby, file for a restraining order. Second, your husband should get over whatever fear he has and take her to court and file for 50/50. His daughter should not have to suffer not seeing her father because the mother is a sociopathic lunatic.


Hold UP a minute, she didn’t announce she was pregnant UNTIL he went public with y’alls relationship??? And you THINK there’s NO WAY he would still be sleeping with her? If She was PREGNANT AND YOU WERE DATING HIM…HELLO…He had BOTH of you pregnant at the same time…


So instead of getting a legal custody agreement, that can include limited communication and 3rd party baby passers, you want him to give up the rights to his own child? You want to keep the schoolyard nonsense instead of pushing your man to be a responsible father? I dont think i could share a bed with a man that just throws his baby away like that.


He needs to get a lawyer and go to court for HIS child. He cannot use the excuse “I didnt want to deal with your mom so I didnt bother trying to be in your life.” NOT the child’s fault. Get a lawyer. Go to court. And have someone be a middle man.


My dad gave up his rights to me as a child because of the woman he was with not wanting to deal with his ex. It was horrible, thats honestly a disgusting thing to do a child and if you pressure him to you’re a shitty person. You aren’t more important than a child. That child is his child for life, but your relationship probably won’t be. And honestly, you sound far from perfect yourself. Accusing her of not being able to breastfeed on purpose and accusing her of faking the baby needing lactose free formula? Lots of people can’t breastfeed for various reasons and many baby’s can’t drink regular formula. What that baby drinks is not about you, you’re just some woman his dad happens to be with right now. Relax and stop trying to control everything. And yes he can take her to court, you sound ridiculous saying he can’t. He can get 50/50 custody or visitation rights and arrange it so someone else transfers the child between them. Your solution just shows what a selfish controlling person you are.


Tell him to nan up and take care of the problem. Let him know you don’t give a fuck.

I’d be screenshoting and documenting everything. A court seeing what she says about not only your baby, but all the drama. She will be found as an unfit mother, and your man will have full custody. I highly suggest talking to a lawyer, and set up court hearings. Karmas a bitch, and that psycho is about to meet her.

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Just think how bitter she would be if instead of giving up his rights he took her to court for full custody.


If he didnt sign the birth certificate then he has no rights until he goes to court and proves paternity so as of right now he doesn’t have to give her anything at all nor does he have to have contact with her at all make her take him to court for DNA & Child Support .but she more than likely will not do if she doesn’t want him to have a relationship with the child because she knows he would get visitation and she would loose all control but as it stands he has no rights to sign away right now unless he signed the birth certificate. And if he did sign then yes he can sign the rights away even if there is no one else wanting to accept responsibility …


I think that’s all pretty sad, crazy women using their own children as pawns to try to manipulate the guy to get back with her. Having someone’s baby doesn’t guarantee that you’ll have person for life, people need to realize their worth. Get professional help and heal themselves so they can be a better version of themselves and find someone that will give them the love they really want.

Cindy Marie ever deal with anything like this before or any advice you can offer if you havent already seen this post :joy:

So then that baby grows up without the “normal” parent and not knowing their siblings? All for what? No, he needs to hunker down and get custody of that baby. Signing his rights over, over a crazy baby mama… no ma’am!


As a parent signing your rights over is never an option…that should just fuel his fire to get his daughter… just take her to court

Go to court. That’s illegal. Dont leave this baby with what is obviously a crazy parent. Do what’s right for that little girl, not what will make you feel better about the drama. This woman has threatened to kill your child more than once and that alone is enough to take to court.

No man worth his salt will the sign the rights over to his child no matter how hard the ex is… He would get himself into court to secure time with his child that she can’t mess with and if she did, she would be in contempt of court… Sounds like the OP is wanting just her own children around and not fussed about the step child which is super sad - take on a man, you take on his children


She threatened you and your child’s life. He needs to file charges against her and get his child from her legally. If you have proof of her saying those things a judge would put her into emergency care of her father and you. All you two have to do is go into your local police or sheriffs office and request a report and to file a dvp and criminal charges against her and have the proof of her threats and if a magistrate is in they can serve her the same day and get the child


That’s your baby girl to now. Do what is best for her if you have to buy all formula & diapers might as well have custody of her.
Go to family court.


Only a dead beat would be willing to push your husband to sign over rights to an innocent child. You knew baby mom was crazy and you got pregnant back to back. The father needs to go to court ASAP.


Have HIM go to family court and not give up on his daughter. That little girl needs her daddy to step up and essentially SAVE her!!! Clearly the mother is mentally ill. Go to family court , confirm paternity, pay child support and set up visitation. That little girl deserves her daddy and will resent him and you if you don’t step up and figure shit out in the best interest of the child


I don’t think it is as easy as simply signing away ones parental rights.


Why won’t he take this woman to court to get any type of custodial rights to his child? Visitation? Is it because he doesn’t want to pay child support? This whole scenario is confusing.


Honestly I feel ur pain & can understand why u feel that way & I don’t blame u but ultimately that is his decision to make not yours. And u should definitely play your role and let him deal with his baby mama. Stop involving yourself in something that don’t concern u . U should be focused on you and that baby in your belly . That’s his drama not yours . And at the end of the day that’s his child he had with her so he gotta find a way to deal with her or make them decisions . Just stay out of it . Or it will only get worst. Trust me I know. I’ve been there & I don’t involve myself anymore and I let his drama be his drama with her . Not gonna stress myself out for nobody . Especially if I’m pregnant . That’s exactly what she wants to do is stress u out and get to u don’t let her .


Umm giving up rights still requires going to court. And they’re not going to let him just give up on a kid because he doesnt get along with the mother.

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No don’t do that he needs to get her

Go to court. With evidence of stuff she’s said. He’ll get custody and honestly she’ll probably get some jail time cause of the threats but thats what she deserves.


Wow. Just WOW. That is his child just as much as yours are. He should take her to court and honestly should’ve a long time ago, it actually could’ve helped avoid some of the drama if he had gotten a parenting plan in place


First of all, he shouldn’t sign his rights away, secondly if she threatened you and your child, then press charges on her! And just because he signs his rights away is no sign he’ll get off on child support! My ex tried that and still had to pay! Don’t allow an innocent child to grow up not knowing her father and siblings! Your man needs to tighten his boot straps and start fighting for his child!


Wow. You know, I felt bad for you in the first half and then you said he needs to sign over his rights and ya lost me :woman_facepalming:t4: No matter what SHE does to YOU, that BABY deserves a father. Period. He needs to buck up and take her to court. And that’s the end of it.


Yeah you’re completely wrong for wanting him to sign rights over. You can either take him with his “baggage” although a child should never be seen as baggage…or leave him altogether. You want to make it easier on yourselves…take her to court so that SHE has a court order to abide by…no more bullshit, just what the order says. I’m sorry but I also cant fuckin stand when ppl claim “the mom wont let him see his baby” like no…if he wanted to see Nd have rights to that baby bad enough he would go to the courthouse and implement his rights to that child. It’s pretty black and white…the child is biologically his , then he legally has rights, regardless of what the mom wants And why in Gods name if this woman is so evil, would you want him to leave his child with her full time?


You both need to grow tf up.


Yes you are wrong in wanting that because of the mother wow.
Why hasnt he been to court if its that bad.
Like it or not he has s child with her she is going to be around for the rest of your life … your kids have s sibling


Instead of signing over his rights, I would just block her and wait to see if the daughter looks for him when she’s older or vise versa, he look for her when she’s older and better understanding of it all.


Why not take her to court for visitation that she cannot deny or refuse??? His child should mean something to him…dont make the child go fatherless just bc the mother wants it that way


Document everything she is saying. Keep every text, email, phone call etc on both yours and his phone and print it off. If she’s blocked you on Facebook, get someone else who can see her page to print off anything that’s threatening you or stating that she’s been sleeping with your partner. Make sure all has dates and times on it.
Then get her nasty ass down to court and get custody of that child asap

So you knew his ex was crazy and was pregnant with his child
And yet you got pregnant right off the bat​:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:
So now 2 babies are in a mess of a life :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


Tbh he should take her to court for custody. Id save all messages and any slander or threats and bring them with u straight to police. I think its extremely unfair to ask him to sign his rights away


What the actual fuck!? Rather than handle things like adults and go to court, because it’s too hard and causing you a problem, he should sign his rights over!? What the hell is wrong with you!? Heaven hopes he’s never advised to do the same about your child. Jesus wept, you and his ex sound as bad as each other.


TAKE HER TO COURT what are y’all afraid of? Like I don’t get it. That baby needs a daddy and a healthy childhood. Save everything she even says show a judge how gross she truly is and get that baby out of there. If he truly wanted the baby he would try. All 3 of you need to grow up and your man needs to grow some balls and take care of BOTH his kids not just one. Can’t pick and choose and these kids didn’t ask to be born. Do what’s right for the baby boy what you want just bc your angry at her. I mean you knew he had a baby and a crazy ex who’s obviously Jealous! And you got pregnant now your dealing with bs. Kinda immature if you ask me. TAKE HER TO COURT BC SHE WONT HAVE A CHOICE IF YALL FILE! Simple idc what your “friends” say if they were real they would be telling you to do the RIGHT THING not sign rights over bc that poor baby don’t need to grow up with out a daddy. Sounds like y’all are lazy and won’t try hard enough to seek legal opinions you know he has rights then USE THEM


It’s his kid. You’re wrong.


Sign his rights over, only gets worse!

Wait… you don’t want to get the courts involved to get visitation and shared custody… but you want the courts involved so your husband or boyfriend or whatever can sign his rights away?! Im almost certain your not a good influence either! Your already employing it may not be his child… but yet NEITHER of the adults involved has done a thing about it. Your all totally immature and irresponsible. “She purposely didn’t breastfeed” thats HER choice! …lord have mercy!!! I can see your not a nice person either :woman_facepalming:t5::woozy_face:


If his name is on the birth certificate, and he’s providing this for this child he can take her to court and go for custody. As far as the formula goes you should know changes in formula are not all about cost but what the child can or not tolerate. Maybe she can’t breastfeed but that is none of your business. Sounds to me like when you and your husband finally got together, he was double dipping into the “honey pot”!!


You both sound very immature honestly it’s not any of your business he is the only one that can get his rights to his child and go to court if he wants to what kind of woman/mother tries to convince her boyfriend to give up rights to his child also why would you get pregnant right away with a man fresh out of a break up with a baby on the way you guys have created a disaster for these 2 children you all need to grow tf up and get your priorities straight you are already failing miserably at parenting


I felt bad for you till you said he should sign his rights over.
First of all, wake up. If she says the baby was conceived while he was with you, pick up a computer, do some math and calculate the date of conception based on the child’s birthday. Chances are she is not lying. You are just trying really hard not to believe her. I’m sure you aren’t attached at the hip to your husband at all times. Its possible.

Second of all, I think you are also just blindly attacking her. If you had that attitude to me, I wouldn’t let my kid near you either. Saying she purposefully didn’t breastfeed…that is stupid. No one knows what babies are allergic to, so I doubt she lied.
This woman was pregnant before you got pregnant. Why did you get pregnant anyway? that is not the way to hold down a man. At least not a good one.
You guys should have resolved this responsibly. You both have children to worry about. Focus on them instead of focusing on some d*** on a stick who is obviously too dumb to make good life choices.
He doesn’t have to sign his rights off because YOU want him to. He can go to court if he wants or just let it be if HE wants.
I would suggest trying to ignore this woman, and not involve yourself in the drama. I know she is racist and disgusting but try it and see if it improves things.


Its terrible you want him to sign his rights over because you can’t take the drama. That poor kid. And honestly what if he did cheat on you with her? He did hook up with her before, if she’s saying they did then maybe they did, you living together wouldn’t stop him from cheating. This whole thing is ridiculous. Stop being lazy and go to court and take care of that child.


Take her to court. So he can fight for half custody. And the threats and stuff the police should have been involved.

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You are 1000% wrong. I don’t care who his baby mama is, how awful she is, what she does to all of you… That child they share is half his and deserves to have a father, deserves to know her family and is an innocent bistandard in all of this. You HAVE TO take her to court. Document all the shit she is doing and use it against here.


This sounds pathetic. Honestly if a man ever was to tell me he wants to give rights away because shes making it too hard when you can be grown ass adults and go to court for custody I WOULD LEAVE. I dont give a shit how many kids you have with him, wake up and realize she is his daughter too. Even worse your children are going to find out they have a half sister down the road that you guys hid. This little girl is going to suffer from all the parents stupidity.


What makes your child more important than hers? I wouldn’t like you either if you were sleeping with my man when I was pregnant. I’m sure you played your part in the drama too and there’s 2 sides to every story. Also she can pick whatever formula she wants for her child. What makes her crazy the fact that he’s obviously playing both of you??? No one ever blames the asshole in the middle just the “crazy ex”.


He should go through courts for rights if he wants to be in her life, which if yall are dealing with this he obviously does. Keep all messages and print them out. Let me he judge handle her

Sounds like a mess. I’d start with a paternity test. Sounds like she gets pregnant and just claims a father. If she refuses to do a paternity test, there’s your answer.

That poor little girl. It’s awful when innocent kids are caught in the middle of adult drama :cry: if your husband wanted to spend time with his daughter he could, he has rights, he just gas to go to court and enforce them. I find it sad that he would rather sign over his rights and give up on her because mom is difficult. You guys have an opportunity to provide a little love and security for that child.
You can keep record of the mother’s threats and go to the police and press charges.
I understand what it’s like to co parent with a difficult ex. Mine was abusive and I’m forced to deal with him but I would NEVER even consider giving up my kids to make it all go away. My kids are my life and they’re worth the fight.

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Also, it’s kinda messed up to complain about buying expensive formula and saying everything is a “meal ticket” to her when your husband is very likely not paying child support. He’s getting off easy by only buying formula ocassionally.

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Grow up. Don’t walk, run, if you are so miserable.

This was posted in another group anonymously and OP commented on it. She stated that court is not an option because he “has a case that prevents custody”

LMAO first of all, just cuz you live together doesn’t mean he can’t cheat, he’s obviously cheated before since you somehow ended up with him and pregnant so close to her, whether he cheated on you, her, or both of you could be up for debate but still 🤷. Second, she is not YOUR baby mama, she’s his. You do not have to communicate with her. You don’t have to have a relationship with her. You can block her from everything, you can get a restraining order. He’s the one who should be dealing with it. He should be the one communicating with her, going to court, and being the one to provide for his child. If you can’t handle him having another child with a woman he was with BEFORE you, you’re better off leaving.

Sounds like you know what needs to be done, not his name not his , have a real family.:two_hearts::blush::sunflower::turtle::sunflower:

Why havent you pressed charges for her threatening you while pregnant? You DO realize in some states that alone IS A FELONY, press charges against her and while youre at it get him to go to court and take that child, her threatening you period while pregnant is enough to put her in jail and take the child. I get its hard so all these people bashing you truly dont understand- but dont give up, dont give her ANYMORE money, dont help her out and take that bitch to fucking court ASAP

Did he cheat with you? She’s angry as hell! Two girls pregnant at the same time. He sounds like an amazing stand-up guy. Let’s hope he doesn’t find someone else and she encourages him to sign over your kid…

Your family and friends have just a fucked up a mindset as you do. HE SHOULD NOT SIGN HIS RIGHTS AWAY TO HIS CHILD. His child needs a dad whether that child came from you or a woman he was with previously. THAT CHILD IS JUST AS IMPORTANT as yours. Absolute ludicrous. Go to court and get him custody. Are you kidding? She likes the drama? Cool cut it off, go through the courts not through each other. And don’t even get me started on the formula and breastfeeding comment. Because unless she specifically told you she chose not to breast feed you have NO RIGHT to judge how she feeds her child, and even then you don’t. Breastfeeding is hard. And it’s common for babies to not be able to have the milk based formula. I honestly can’t even believe half this story. Like are you even innocent in all this? TAKE HER TO COURT AND HAVE THEM MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR HIM TO SEE HIS CHILD! How can you be a mother and not see that as the right choice. How can you be a mother and want him to sign his rights away over drama you have with his ex. SMDH

Yep. You’re wrong. I’d leave my husband if he tried to make me leave my children for ANY reason. You need to get the courts involved. You need to file police reports for the threats against your child. You know nothing about her child’s allergies. Grow up!

You do know its not just as easy as “signing his rights over” right? As a mother yourself why would you even entertain that idea?

So you were his side chick while he was with his ex at the time. You need to grow up. You were just the side chick until he left his wife then you became his wife. She crazy. Have you asked yourself “Why is she so crazy?” Maybe cause of you. You were the one who he was dating while she was pregnant. You had him to support you through your pregnancy. But quit be selfish. Have you thought who was there to support her through her pregnancy. Was he there to support her while she pregnant with his baby.

I wonder if your the jealous side chic he got pregnant while in a relationship with the “crazy” baby’s mother. Hmmmm.

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As a child I was in the middle of this kind of crap. I’m grateful my Dad stepped away knowing the fighting and drama was so hard on young kids. I didn’t know hum till much later in life. As crazy as mom was she was only crazy mad when it came to him. Sometimes the peace is better in the long run if Mom just can’t get over it.


That’s his child! Sign away his rights! Would u sign ur rights away? Be supportive and go about it the correct way by his side!! The truth will all come out n he will b able to have a relationship with his child. Go to court! It’s worth it. Be patient.


Best to take her to court now because she will eventually take him to court and he will be made to pay child support and he will already have arrears so it’s best to start the process now before he gets any further behind , stop buying her stuff because as of now it’s just a gift . Do the right thing and go to court , the kid deserves to know who their dad is


Just because YOU’RE over the drama does NOT mean he should have to sign HIS rights over to his child! She may be difficult to deal with, but suggesting he sign his rights over, I’m sorry hunny but then that is YOU trying to keep him from his child. Not her.


He needs to step up and be a father to the child he has with her. It’s not fair for a child to feel like she isn’t enough for her Father to fight for. Sack up, get a lawyer and be a parent!!


He needs to take her to court for visitation and sign himself up for child support. Not sign his rights away. The problem is the mother, not the child. Jeez. He need to be a man and get his child. He needs to enforce boundaries. If he signs his rights over that doesn’t mean he’s not financially still responsible for his kid… The child would have to be adopted by the mother’s husband of at least one year. So if he chooses to be a shitty dad he will still pay money to help support that baby. Is she crazy? Sure… But he’s ridiculous too. A mature man does not get two women pregnant at the same time. A mature man does not sign his rights away because the mother is difficult. A mature woman does not ask a man to do that to a different child thinking he won’t some day be able to just walk away from the child they have together. You are wrong. He is wrong. She is wrong.


I would have already filed harassment charges and a restraining order for the comments she’s made about my child. Then court would be the only option. What you need to understand is just because someone signs away their rights doesn’t always mean they are released from financial obligation through the court.


Save the messages she sends. Go to court & get a DNA test then fight for custody. Ask that she can only contact through the wizard app it goes through the courts & they can read everything exchanged & he won’t have to deal with her personally. His daughter has just as much rights to her dad as your son does. Don’t take it out on his daughter because the child’s mom is nuts.


You want him to sign his rights away? Wow sounds like ALL of you in the situation need to grow up and he needs to step the hell up and do whatever it takes to be involved in his childs life even if that means court. It is not your place to tell him to give up on his child. That baby is innocent, just because you dont want to deal with it doesnt mean he need to be a dead beat.


Why is this even a conversation get the courts involved and get evidence of her behavior and sue her for custody. What other advice you need duh

You are very wrong. With your mindset it sounds like you are part of the problem talking about how she is taking away from your household by having him provide formula for HIS child. It sounds like court isn’t an option because your man doesn’t want to have to pay child support for his other child. He needs to man up and take her to court and get his rights and visitations set in writing and raise that child. In the middle of all this drama is an innocent little girl who deserves to have her father in her life. Your child is no more important than she is. You can’t ask him to sign away his child just so you don’t have to deal with “baby mama drama.”


If HCBM is married to someone that might be the right thing to do but until then - I would simply keep a diary and have him pay his child support

So the thing is you need court to stop the mess. Go to court and tell them everything. Keep notes. Get proof. Go to court. The dad has a right to know his child. If he wants to he should be given a fair opportunity. I get that it sucks. I have been there but he has to try and you need to allow him to try. If he doesn’t then he could end up blaming you later. Marriages are a series of ups and downs. Don’t let this be the reason for a major future obstacle.

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No you should never sign his rights away just because a mother’s baby is a drama queen. as the threats and everything she is doing I don’t understand why the attorney hasn’t been involved yet so he can get custody of his child. Why would you want to leave a child with this crazy b****. all she’s going to do is retaliating the child is going to suffer. You need to get full custody of that child and y’all need to get an attorney quick.


Can’t avoid drama…it’s already there…don’t sign away rights…do it the right way & use the courts to his advantage…going through the same situation myself & court is the only relief when it concerns UNCIVILIZED humans…hope it gets better for y’all🙏

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Honestly I feel as if you need to use all these texts and threats against her and get full custody of this child. It sounds as if she isn’t fit as a mother if she is threatening the lives of others


All 3 of y’all are ridiculous, immature and I feel so sorry for both of those children. So you were sleeping with her man, she got pregnant and then you got pregnant and now 2 babies have terrible parents! So he was cheating with you but you don’t think he will cheat on you? Give me a break. HELL NO you should never have full custody of her baby because in the post alone you show the lack of love and concern for his child! None of you were ready for kids because y’all couldn’t even handle a mature relationship. Now that both kids are here, you all need to grow up and stop being selfish, terrible people!


This child is innocent, helpless and defenseless. How could a “father” walk away from his child, especially if the mother is as crazy as this all makes her sound. I am departing from this page as it should be renamed My husband is NOT a blessing.


Or you can mind your business and let the child’s dad deal with the child. Yeah…sometimes just minding your business works well.