My husband shares a child with his ex and she holds the child against him: Advice?

Go to court damnit! To get custody rights and a restraining order and so on and so forth.

Why don’t you want the court involved? That’s your solution. As from r him signing away his rights that’s not your decision. Sounds like if he’d learn to use birth control this could be avoided. It’s his responsibility let him take it.

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Sounds to me like this girl is not competent and needs defax involved , things just don’t add up , js … Btw yes your being selfish , you should be thinking about that child’s best interest and know she ONE DAY WILL NEED HER FATHER JUST LIKE YOUR DAUGHTER WILL , how dare you …
Good luck

No u do not have the right!!! My God you’re selfish… I could go on n on here but I think I’d b wasting my time n breath


Sounds like he’s got a good case against her, he should’ve done been to court to establish his right! GET A LAWYER!

Definitely go to court immediately so at least that child has one decent person in their life if she is who you say she is.
Court will not be “drama she wants” and will be a slap in the face with reality.
Of course he will have to pay child support and etc and courts will hold each of these adults accountable to their end of the deal.


He don’t need to sign over his rights you should have never even suggested that and he. should just take her to court she’s obviously an unfit mother and he shouldn’t leave his child to be raised by her just because you guys can’t handle some drama and beat the bitch ass again after you drop that baby for saying that stuff about your baby

He should have done gone to court while including a TPO from her and having a mediator for visitation transfers. He obviously likes the drama if he hasn’t done it by now. It will not look good in court that he has waited for all this to go down before getting a legal custody agreement placed. I wouldn’t take a position either way, because down the road he potentially will resent you for having pushed for him signing his rights over especially when the child comes knocking one day wanting to know why he gave up on them.

She might be drama but he’s the dummy that knocked her up. You’re the dummy messing with him after her. To give up his rights would be a dead beat to one of his children. SHE might not let him be in the child’s life but that’s on HER and that child will figure it out. HE NEEDS TO GO TO COURT AND GET RIGHTS/CUSTODY ESTABLISHED.


Wrong go to court that kid kneeds her dad and he won’t have to deal with her

People place children for adoption for lesser reasons. Im not gonna shame you for you wanting him to sign his rights over if he wants to as well that is on him. Is he on the birth certificate if hes not then just block her on everything change your numbers and drop her stupid ass, how do y’all know it’s his kid? Save alllllll of the threats and especially the calling of the sibling to this child of hers the n word… When that child finds your husband one day you can whip that shit out and that momster will be exposed for the cunt she is

There was one comment on this post that I read it was hella long but I agree with it 100%

This girl (babymomma) dont give a flying fuck about you, or your opinion . To her its irrelevant you dont matter. The conversations to be had should be between her and the father of her child you’re sitting there going back and forth with her just stirring the pit more. And by the way youre replying to most of the women on this post I can only imagine the snarky comments you give her and you probably make her feel like shit too.

I wanna guess you’re the one who rubs in her face that he left her to start a family with you. That he takes such good care of YOUR kids. And I assume that because you seem more self centered than you’re claiming this girl to be.



Yeah your wrong … no parent should ever give up rights to their child. He should put his big boy pants on and take her to court for visitation for his child. Your all adults it’s time you act like it. Ignore her .

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Dont advise him to give up his rights its not the baby’s fault the mom is a bitch. I get that he doesn’t want to go to court but that’s what hes gonna need to do. That’s the only thing that will help.

You are deadass wrong and sound like you need to grow up and stop making yourself seem like you are better than she is. If she was wanting him to sign his rights over, you’d be mad at her for that too. Now stop and grow up and let your man handle this mess because its HIS not yours and none of this “we”, you dont owe her baby shit but he does, he made it and it’s his job to care for it just like he would yours. Why wouldnt he get the court involved ? That’s the legal way, not the drama way…the way you are acting is the drama mess. What she said is absolutely horrible and repulsive but stopping to childish ways is not the way to go.


Take her to court and get full custody of that child. What kind of life do you think that poor child is going to have with her as a “mother”

Take. Her. To. Court.

Y’all haven’t even tried if you haven’t been that route. :woman_shrugging:t2:
And yes, you’re wrong with you wanting him to give up rights to his child.

ETA, I also not only think it’s wrong but extremely selfish as him giving up rights would make YOUR life easier and less stressful. The child deserves to have both parents as long as they’re capable and do what’s best for them.


You have no say in what he should do with HIS child. If he wants to be in his other kids life then you should support him in fighting for custody. Use her threats against her in court. She might be found unfit. Paternity test first. Even though you have his kids too, you have no legal say. I think telling him to sign over his rights because if you not wanting “drama” is disgusting and selfish. This has nothing to do with you. That baby still matters


Why wouldn’t you want to take her? Obviously the way she acts is going to reflect on the kid - you should get their kid in your families care because that’s the best thing to do. Obviously the “mother” is manipulative and abusive.

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Bro that woman does not deserve to be a mother… If she can say something that horrible about your child what is she doing to her own? :’( a baby does not deserve to live a life like that.

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No he should fight for his child not sign the child over stupid to say that also get everything and keep it take it to court all the crap she puts on social media get screen shots any contact she has record everything take it to court that’s his child it’s so easy for you to say sign rights over its not your kid and it shows…shit he should leave you too your a sad excuse for a wife…


You sound bitter. Not everyone is successful with breastfeeding and some babies cant handle certain formulas. Your not being fair to that baby. She never asked for this. She deserves to know her dad and have him in her life. Take her to court for this baby. Ya the mom is a nut case but dont tell her dad to sign his rights away cause of the mom. Smfh


I would have whipped that ass when she said those horrible things about your innocent child courts be damned :angry:

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It’s called a DNA test and parenting plan if needed after the DNA test.

Ion think its your place to tell him, to sign over rights. Yall can take all her insults threatening messages to the courts , get DCF involved if necessary and get that baby away from her . She doesnt sound emotionally stable enough to take care of that baby. And you sound just like my babydaddy wife when she came to me out of the blue and confronted me about my kids father not being able to see them which at the time she wasn’t a wife. She was a girlfriend and she telling me what I need to do. Which was disrespectful asf . And when I blew up at her she threatened to have him sign over his rights to my kids. Which isn’t her place. And ion think it’s your place to consider that option.

Sounds like you need to leave the whole situation! Screw that bs!

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You sound ridiculous. Why sign his rights over insteadbof actually enforcing them? If he pays child support he has a right to see his child. If she acts a fool with the visits, he can get monitored pick up/drop offs to ensure he gets his visits.

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You’re wrong. Leave her alone. Let HIM deal with the court. You’re a non player-have no say and no rights. That’s HIS choice:


Okay… So… Lots of moving parts here. So you just basically want everyone to tell you it’s okay for this dude to abandon his kid with his ex and you’re not a bad person for wanting to do that. But people aren’t saying that and instead of just reading all this, you’ve decided to actively engage with everyone (which defeats the purpose of the anonymous post) and berate everyone who disagrees with you. Am I keeping up so far? Crucial bit of information that’s been left out here: your “baby daddy” is in jail. Which he still has rights as a parent, even in jail, they do still exist, so he could pursue the issue - as everyone has suggested. But it seems maybe you’re not actually interested in that, getting more information about that or some free legal aid you could get to assist you in this matter. You do seem really ratchet, though, and I suspect BD is as well so maybe this lady is better off keeping her kid away from you guys. I’d honestly be suing him for sole custody if I was her but from your description, she also sounds like just a total winner so really, the state needs to be involved. This whole. Thing. Is just a total train wreck, dumpster fire and you’re the gasoline fueling it.


Let him go to court, get a maintenance order and parenting plan. The two of you should avoid eachother, if she is harassing you then get a protection order. Its wrong to expect him to give up his parental rights to his child.

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ERM… First of all - How the hell do y’all even know if it actually HIS baby?
You said she waited until he publicly announced that you two were together to say that she was pregnant…
So my question is - how long between their breakup and you two getting together/having sex?

Oh, another thing - y’all shouldn’t buy shit for her, especially if you don’t know 100% that it’s actually his baby… But also because she should be able to support her own damn self, AND her baby - seeing as she is ‘keeping or using the baby against him’.
I mean, seriously. 🤷

All I know is, you’re stooping to this woman’s level.
She’s doing it because she gets a rise out of you.
You probably say some pretty obscene things to her or about her too and either don’t want to admit it, or don’t realise you do. Hell, I KNOW I WOULD! Don’t use what she says to/about you, as an excuse for what you retaliate with!

Either way, the relationship between those two + however it ended + how you came into the picture = probably alot messier than what’s being described.

No one would be THAT bitter as to threaten another baby’s life, especially one who is having/having a baby themselves, if things had ended amicably.

IMO - You AND her, have problems and are just as toxic as one another. I feel sorry for the bloke!

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The “husband” sounds like a real winner


How would you feel in this position? Your prego, bf goes off & gets another one prego, now youre raging with ppd & cant even rely on bbd & now bbd want to sign over his rights bc new gf asks… think about her too & ask him to help her. Yall could all get along, YAL HAVE SIBLINGS IN YOUR HANDS!!!


You sound like a POS


Well.,you need to check with a lawyer because in most states child support is a separate issue than visitation, Basically, he doesn’t have to do anything with the child, but he’s financially responsible for his child. The only way he can give up his paternal rights is if someone else is willing to step into his role (ex; she remarried and he wants to adopt the child). Not sure I understand WHY this guy didn’t get a paternity test and court specified visitation or shared custody. Quite simply, despite her actions, this isn’t your battle. He needs to be either all in or all out, but again, all out doesn’t absolve him of his financial responsibility. Personally, he owes his boy more than just child support. It’s not that boys fault his mom is crazy and his dad is gutless. He needs to verify paternity, and if it’s his child it’s time to fight FOR that child.


A DNA test would solve a lot of this problem


What did he do to his ex :joy::joy::joy: you all sound unhinged


If he were to sign his rights away; he will end up going to court anyway. Since they were never married, they’ll demand a paternity test. That will answer if it’s his in the first place. That needs to be established before anything else can get resolved. Either way, court will not be avoided.

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You’re just as bad as his ex; you all need help and desperately need some mental evaluations for the current children in all of your guys care.

My husband gets denied visits; what do I do as a mother and wife? I fight with him, I fight for him and my SD. You’re just a jealous wench. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Have him sign away his rights for the poor kid to grow up with that crazy bitch? He needs to get the kid away from her… not let the kid suffer. All the crazy things she has said to you, and you would be just fine with that? What the hell has she done or possibly one day will do to that poor child… You know what. DO. Do go to court. ALL of you and they will know what to do because you are all nuts. They won’t put up with the drama and the fighting and the threats and shit because the adults can’t get along. It’s not about you guys. Think about the child and especially the poor baby that is about to be brought into the mix as well. It’s about what is best for them so ya’ll need to pull your heads out your asses. You’re welcome, because you just need to hear it straight up. Sugar coating a situation where a child could get harmed ain’t coming from me. Use your dann head.


I definitely wouldn’t have him sign his rights. His ex sounds like a nightmare. But unfortunately this will have to be a legal situation. 1 take her to court, 2 have her do a paternity test cause whose to say your husband is actually the dad. 3 fight for full custody but you have to prove everything she says and does, if he is the dad (paternity test or he signed the birth cert) then what she’s doing is contempt and can possibly face jail time. So again this has to all be done legally there’s no ifs ands or butts about it. Even if he wants nothing to do with the child at all signing his rights also has to be done by court and in most states (no idea where you live) the mother has to have someone willing to adopt the child in order for the father to sign his rights. If this wasn’t the case every deadbeat would just sign their right away.

You all sound like fools. He put all of you in this situation and you chose to allow it and stay. Now deal with it. Choose your partners better. I know there’s more of a backstory to this. Next time, get a single man.


I don’t understand how your children can be so close together … He was most likely still with her, at least still sleeping with her when you 2 met.


Fight her for full custody! If she is saying such disgusting detailed things who knows what she might do to that poor baby girl since she cant have your husband


Sophia Payne Jirari this post angers me :face_with_monocle:

Stop having babies with this man, sheesh! Pretty soon you’ll be in the same situation as the “ex”!


If he’s willing to give up his own flesh and blood because he can’t handle “drama”, than he doesn’t deserve that child anyways. Grow up.


This child needs help. If the mother can treat you and your kids like this, and continually use her own child against your spouse than god knows what else she does. She sounds like a very miserable person and I highly suggest you take her to court so your spouse can help his daughter.

You need to get on Jerry Springer.


It’s not that babies fault. Your just signing over his baby to make ur life easier not cool


Take her to court??? Yall scared of child support obviously


I wish this wasn’t anonymous, because I wanna see what kinda crazy you are :thinking:

Just because the adults are all nuts, doesn’t make it the baby’s fault. The baby deserves to have access to each of her parents. It’s about the baby…not you…not your husband…not the ex


OMG those poor babies. You all need to grow up! NO he should not sign his rights away. He needs to go to court and get temporary custody and have a judge put things in order so these CHILDREN are safe and cared for. Purpously doesnt breast feed so YOU can buy formula? Are you kidding me? I’m sure shes a nightmare for you. You all have babies with the same man and hes probably sleeping with you both. My advise is to stay out of it and let this man be a father to his children, and therapy for you all. SAD.


:roll_eyes: everybody in this story is childish. Everybody. “My husband’s bm keeps the kids from him.” Well go to mf court then! Get visitation! Get custody! Stop freaking complaining! Be careful. Karma does not play. Next thing you know you’ll find yourself in the same situation.


He need to go to court and get rights. Why inthe world would he sign over his rights and leave his daughter with someone that’s that crazy!?!


Take it to court easy peasy

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File for custody make the bitch mad

Why do the children ALWAYS HAVE TO SUFFER because of dumbass adults? If you love this guy you will encourage him to take her to court so he can be a part of HIS baby’s life. The child is what’s important. Not her, not him, and not you. The child is what’s important and she deserves to have both parents in her life. She didn’t ask to be born into this nonsense. Make it right for her!


Go to court and get a paternity test. But don’t give up rights, it’s not the baby’s fault. The father has rights and if he can get full custody so she has to pay child support.


So we are walking away from innocent babies because mom is crazy? Sounds like you got pregnant way too quickly and now you want him to walk away from his child because yours is his " real child". A court order would clear most of this up. But instead of getting the court involved and having this situation guided by a court order, let’s just sign his rights over. That’s easier for you, right? She PURPOSELY didnt breast feed and made up a whole formula allergy too? Fyi there is no requirement for any woman to breast feed. Tell your husband to keep it in his pants if he doesn’t want to take care of children. This whole story infuriates me. Her reaction to you and to your child and your reaction to her an her child. It’s all disgusting. I feel bad for all the children involved in this hot mess.


Just cuz the mom is crazy why in the world would he not fight for his child?! Sign is rights over cuz shes nuts!? Get that poor child away from her thats what i be doing!! Take her to court pretty simple! If he cared about his kid at all he would of done this long time ago

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First of all you need to be recording and or documenting everything that she says and does. Screen shot, print it ect., He needs to hire a lawyer and get visitation, and she should be able to get wic for the formula and that would help with that too. He should be helping with the things the baby needs, he needs to document it all. You can file a warrant on her for threatening you and your baby, he would most likely be granted custody. Especially if DHR, CPS gets involved.

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Stay out of it. Let them figure it out.

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You seriously want him to give up his rights to his child? You are wrong for even entertaining a thought such as that. Why would you be okay with this man abandoning his child if it’s not the child’s fault that the mother is crazy? Don’t take how you feel about the mother out on her child. You’re not right. Nothing about that is right. He needs to go to court and get court orders to spend time with his daughter. She’s just as much his responsibility as she is hers. If he doesn’t “know” her so well, some of it is his fault too. He should be more proactive in getting to know her better. You speak as if the child is a stranger in your world and she isn’t. She is your husbands child. Would you be okay with another woman coming along telling him to sign his rights to your son and daughter away? Tread very lightly when you are talking about situations like this. The baby does not deserve to be punished for the moms actions.

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I personally don’t believe that would be the right thing to do. Take get to court and be over with it. No one wants to go that route. Sometimes it’s just necessary. That is what court is about.

I peeked on the page of the lady who asked this question (i searched comments and found who the question orginally belonged to) and now I know the reason they wont get the court involved.

Her “hubby” is incarcerated. No wonder why they wont get the courts involved.

So now I am totally questioning this whole situation because it now sounds like he was cheating on his wife/baby momma with the poster. And theyre trying to make her look like a loose cannon.

The comment about her feeding her baby formula really rubs me the wrong way. Some women cant breastfeed due to medical reasons or mental reasons. How she fed her baby is not your business. And absolutely your “hubby” should have helped pay for formula. He laid in bed with her, he can pay for the baby they made.

It’s kinda really gross what a mess y’all brought two (soon to be three) babies into. Sounds like yall need to grow up. If you cant bring it to court cause hes already in problem with the law, thats his problem.

Dont you dare tell him to sign over his rights.


First of all, you are not a part of their custody drama. You need to remove yourself from conversations with her. He needs to get a paternity test. Then you 2 need to decide together what kind of part you can be in this child’s life.
Signing over his rights in my opinion is shitty. Why not try and get her out of the situation? If it’s too much for you guys, why would it be ok to just walk away from her? How do you think she will be treated?

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signing your rights over is NOT an easy task because the court wants BOTH parent’s to financially support the child, and honestly thats a dick move anyways, he chose to be with her and have a kid now he needs to deal with the situation he helped create, and the only thing HE can do is take it to court and get visitation rights along with paying support but only HE can do that, he could always just pay support and have no contact with her which is an option especially since he would be willing to just sign his rights over ALOT of dad’s do that which is sad because kids need both parent’s, gl to him

I can’t even read all that because it is unnecessary drama. Take her to court. The end.

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I feel sorry for all of these kids. Sounds like all three of you are douchebags :nauseated_face: grow up. And by the way from the sounds of it the real problem is your partner.


No women could keep the child away from the father… if he really wanted to see that child and be part of that child life he will fight tooth and nail go to court do what he has to do. The whole she won’t let me yada yada is an excuse. And for you to ask to give up rights is so wrong on so many levels. That’s giving up on a child that had no fault, that child deserves to be fought for and and it isn’t your place you are just the fathers partner nothing more.

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Girl pls…grow the fuck up and have some compassion for ppl other than yourself. His baby momma is a bitch bc he knocked u up right after her. I’d be a bitch too. Your still young dumb and naive and your fb really reflects that.

It’s not ur concern what she feeds her baby. Bottom line she’s the mother and she knows what’s best for her child.

Btw y’all the daddy in question is incarcerated…that’s why they can’t take it to court! Such trash. Feel sorry for those babies that didn’t ask to be caught in the middle of that shit.


My baby daddy will say horrible stuff about me to his wife all the time and said he hadn’t seen the kids in years… but he would sneak out to meet me up for mc Donald on occasion. Then all of the sudden his wife and my ex mother in law was upset of me and started threatening me. At the end we went to court and now me and my kids have a restraining order for 10 years for my baby daddy, his wife, and his mom. All could of been avoid if my baby daddy was truthful and say that he didn’t want his wife nor his mom to have contact with my kids
All I can say is y’all need communication

Why do y’all want to hurt this child? It’s not her fault whatsoever and you want to make it worse. In the end it all affects that child and I bet no one is thinking about the child only their own ignorant self. Think how is that going to affect the child. Have y’all thought of the child or just your own self?

Unless there has been a DNA test done to prove that the baby is his, I wouldn’t give her a damn thing!!


As the father he should have had the custody/paternity sorted as soon as that baby was born. What a cop out, poor kids being brought up in circuses like this blows my mind.

Wanting him to sign over his rights is completely not the option. If you really wanted him to have a relationship with his daughter then taking her to court would be what he should be doing, so that he does get to see her. Telling him to just sign over his rights because you don’t want the drama is not fair to him nor to that little girl who deserves her dad in her life.


U guys just need to go to court

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This entire post just sounds selfish and childish! You don’t want to get the court involved but you want him to give up the rights to his child! Smh the nerve of some people! This sounds more about you than anyone else! Be a grown woman ignore the baby mom and let the court decide. Your just trying to take the easy way out to make yourself comfortable. That child is innocent in all of this drama!

If anything I would be encouraging him to fight even harder for FULL custody of his child if the mom is that horrible. Just from the minimal context provided here it kinda sounds like you have some resentment towards his daughter which is why you are leaning in this direction when posed with drama of his ex. I really really hope you can help him do the right thing and do what ever is best for his daughter.

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She is a sicko take her to court and get her a restraining order