Don’t you dare encourage him to sign his rights over! That is not your job nor your place…
See, you just pissed me off. I don’t even know what else to say.
Study parental alienation syndrome and narcissistic personality disorder and read up on how to cope with these type of people and how to emotionally stay above their abuse and pettiness. You are not going to be able to change this woman so you need to learn how to change your approach and tolerance to her. Really dive into the psychology of this and learn how to empower yourself and roll with what’s thrown your way, she has proven that she will take things to next level dark, depraved and cruel to hurt you and drag you down, don’t let an insane woman pull you around, it will drive you crazy and emotionally and mentally tear you apart. There are support groups on Facebook both for dealing with narcissist and parental alienation where you can vent, get advice and share knowledge and experiences. Good luck with all this, you are going to need it.
He and he alone is the only one to decide to walk away or to fight. No matter HIS decision that is what you support. Now with the threats against you and your children, make police reports, file charges. Get everything on record just in case the crazy girl does something. And if he chooses to fight those records with help him.
Do not make him sign his rights away, and def don’t push him to do that. He has to make that decision on his own, and no child deserves to be left fatherless because of drama between adults…that child didn’t do anything. I feel for you i do, but you knew what you were getting yourself into. I mean she was pregnant first , and that says a lot , and then coincidentally you end up pregnant right after her. I could be wrong but that sounds like you were in competition with her as well as she was with you. Like you say it takes from your household , but sry to say that that child is his and he has a responsibility to make sure that his child with her is well taken care of also. I mean you had to know that it would be expensive on his behalf raising two babies who are technically the same age
. How is it fair for him to sign away rights to that child and stay in your childrens life just because it’s expensive , taking from your household. Maybe everyone needs to come up with better solutions when it comes to budgeting. Maybe he should pay her child support , and she doesn’t need to be the one to go to court , he can. Why not fight for custody ,why not fight for 50/50, visitation at least, why not make him go and put hisself on child support through the courts , let me guess, it will take from your household…thats a bs excuse. Sry if this is harsh, but that child is his child too and none of this is fair too her. Also if a woman knows that things are too tough on the husband , they at least know how to make an effort to help lighten the load. Get the courts involved and again not involved for him too terminate his rights. Imagine how that child will feel about once she is old enough to know that daddy signed away his rights because his new wife and her family said it was the right thing to do. Kind of bias in my opinion and selfish. Maybe ask yourself why he can’t sign away his rights to your children so he can support her child a lot more and it won’t take from your household…see now??
He can’t sign his rights over unless there is another man willing to take the rights. A court will not leave a child fatherless. I’ve had several judges tell me that.
Yes, you are wrong with a lot of what you mentioned. Your husband should be providing for a child he created… & it’s not up to you which brand of formula she chooses for her daughter or whether she breast feeds!! Even if you feel it’s taking from your household & your children… That is his child too. Regardless of whether you’re married to him, he is just as responsible for his first child. If he cared so much about lack of relationship with her, he’d take the mother to court.
But at the end of the day, it really has nothing to do with you.
Signing over his rights does NOT stop any child support. Also, judges will not terminate a parents rights over drama. God dam I hate crazy bitches…heres what you do, document the fuck outta everything and slam that bitch in court. Get full custody, be absolutely ruthless. Going to hang your baby?!
OH bitch…game ON.
He shouldn’t ever give up his Wright’s and shame on you for even suggesteing so
If she can say such vile things about your child(ren) what can she say/be like towards that poor child when shes having a “bad day” etc. I’d make sure he fights to see his baby, save everything from the malicious messages to recording the phone calls. You will have so much on her and court will say its parent alienation and be on your partners side. But I would consider doing a DNA to make sure that the child is his x
Would you give up rights to one of your children if roles were reversed? Really not wanting courts involved is feeding into the drama. I don’t know what state your in but here you can’t just sign away your rights you are legally responsible period. The only way that can happen here is if the courts terminate the parents rights which usually involve criminal charges and abuse. After all that you still are obligated to pay child support to custodial parent or the state Any parent who can give up a child is a coward sorry that is what your asking him to do when there are multiple legal options
Is any of what she said in writing? The threats or anything else?
Have him file for emergency custody. Get that baby away from her, if she can talk that way about a child who knows what she does to her own
It up to him and her, you stay out of it, your causing drama as well by getting involved. Your man is irresponsible and needs to put a god damn rubber on it.
Putting yourself before that child is no good… married or not he layed with her that is his child period he needs to man up take her to court and get his visits and you need to back off… your having a girl that lil girl will never replace his other lil girl… you knew he had another baby on the way when yall got married now you need to get up support him and help him do better not get rid of the child… the courts will set the mother straight it’s not right to take care of it yourself… as for her shes prob pissed she was pregnant alone left alone and for another women you cant go by his word of course he isn’t going to tell you everything… now I’m not saying shes not wrong for wishing death on your child at all I’ve definitely been in that situation but who’s more important that other child or getting at her?? I believe you are definitely wrong in so many ways
Go to court. Literally the only way it will stop
You know signing over his rights he’d have to take her to court… And Court’s won’t allow him to sign over his rights unless she is ok with it and can support the child without any assistance, he has an obligation to the child and the courts won’t just let him off that hook. Either way you have to go to court, so why not go and fight for the child.
He needs to get court involved. To hell with not wanting them involved. Yes it can be expensive but that is his child. That baby deserves to know both her parents. And if he hasn’t taken it to court yet then he hasn’t done everything possible to have a relationship with his child. He needs to make every effort he can. Just because one parent is being a bitch does not mean that you get to walk away. Parenting is HARD and co-parenting is 100000000 times harder. But you don’t give 1000% to your children especially just to even be in their life then you are a shitty parent. What about a relationship with the siblings? There is so much more to it then you not wanting to deal with the mother. If she is being this bad now then how is that child being raised. Looks like it might be time to get custody and have the mother get some court ordered therapy.
This is why you should probably NOT get pregnant with someone you’ve been with for a few months maybe?
He needs to go to court and get a parental plan. It’s not fair that her petty ass attitude is making him not want to fight for his child. Save all messages with her saying the nasty things she says and take her to court. You can press charges for her threatening you and your baby’s life. Do not let her get to you. My husband has a petty baby mama and we have 82% custody of his daughter so just hang in there.
And tbh , there’s many things that you can do to avoid this drama , like let him deal with her , not because she talks shit all the time means that you have to answer to her , and no it wouldn’t be him allowing her to disrespect you. Sometimes you have to be the adult and step back. I’ve been in your shoes , but it was dealt with differently , my so ex use to do the same bs , before I even had my daughter , and then after I got the same type of threats , but guess what, her children loves me , her son was 2 at the time and she would do the same thing , wouldn’t want me around , it was the opposite though , he started to feel like staying away fr his child , but I became the bigger person and kept my distance , he would pick him up alone , I stayed out of sight , even though she would still talk shit , I just had to ignore her , and no matter what she still kept the drama going, even went as to far as stalking us, having her friends call me all hrs of the night , would call me unknown just to listen so I would answer and set the phone down just so she could and wouldn’t be ringing my phone over 100 times a day , and she would listen for hrs…I hope you get what I’m saying to…just stop it including yourself in their drama, in their co parenting for their child.
Crazy … All these woman on here seem like they are defending this loopy chick … " Dont you dare tell him to sign rights over " But hey sit there take it dry let her threaten your kids and it will all be good .
I get the little girl needs a dad , but who’s to say HE’S infact the father lol … there’s a reason courts not involved. If she was SURE who the dad was … it would have went already , think Bout it .
Kid or not ! Someone started saying that about my kids , Hell yes I get where you’re coming from .
The court would clear this right up, shut her down, and give him his rights. That’s up to him. Some men talk a lot, but do nothing about taking care of their kids🤷♀️
Also, she’s probably telling the truth about sleeping with him. Don’t be naive.
If you take her to court for shared custody, he will get proper visitation with his child and she can’t do a damn thing about it. If she continues to threaten you or your child, get a restraining order and/or file for emergency custody of his child. Keep all texts, a record of everything she says and does (with dates and witnesses signatures, if possible) in a composition notebook with no pages tore out (my lawyer told me this). Download an app on your phones that records phone calls and be careful what y’all say to her, let her act out as usual. DO NOT TELL HER YOU ARE DOING ANY OF THIS! File police reports when she threatens you/y’all. You don’t have to press charges, but having a paper trail will work in your favor if you ever do decide to press charges or take her to court.
Lot of bitches in here talking out of there asses. Anyways first get a DNA test done. Take. That. Pyscho. To. Court. Do it. Tell your husband that it will not stop. Then if you have everything she said and all the drama she is causing submit those.
What kind of mother thinks a father should sign his rights over? No he needs to go put himself on child support and get visitation rights. Just because she’s a POS doesn’t mean that child shouldn’t have a father in her life. Shame on you
He needs to take her to court. As far as those threats against you & your child, get proof (screenshots or recordings, etc) and call the cops/file a police report. You could get a HRO or an OFP against her.
What would possess you to say that she purposely refused to breastfeed just so you two would have to buy formula? And if she wanted her baby to have ‘expensive ass enfamil’, why would that matter? You have no right to tell your husband to terminate his rights. This is not your fight.
take it to court or it will never be settle cut all this drama. noone wants court but it needs to be done. otherwise itz never solved. if you have not done mediation try that first. stop all this drama. if you want action go through courts. p.s remember all your actions wont go well in court do everything by the book. start documenting everything!
He needs to take her to court for visitation and everytime she dont show up call the cops.
He is a parent… she obviously cant support the baby alone…so he cant terminate right. Go to court…get a custody agreement… that baby is still VERY little when you’re a new mom let me know how much you want “strangers” over… better fed then dead… dont shame a mom for use of formula… i nursed both of mine but it’s not always that easy…
Most people are to intimidated to comment from their real page but I’m not. Thank everybody for their opinion whether I agree or not but like I said this is just a rough draft of what goes on. We have been to court and had charges pressed along with a protective order for all 3 of us… She still texted and called both of us… In our state you can sign rights over and no child support of any kind can be filed for, my husband is very responsible when it comes to our children him and I have made multiple efforts to keep the peace when we aren’t the ones causing the problems… alot of you feel like I’m over stepping or competing or y’all are trying to say one matters more bc she was born first… No I feel the kids should ALL be but on the highest pedestal regardless if they came out of me or not… our children were planned and if he wants to have 15 kids w me that has nothing to do with anything… I have more than enough SAY when it comes to what we do as a team because his kids are my kids whether I like the mother or not. And he brought singing his rights over to my attention twice the first time I told him no and the second time he had tears in his eyes bc he reached his breaking point and he feels like this is what it’s come too
Yes! That baby may not even be his! DNA first then take her to court! Keep messages and everything to try for full custody of that girl if it’s his! That is not okay and you need to nip it in the butt NOW! I’m worried for her child I truly am! I wish you the best of luck
You want him to give up rights to his kid??? Wow…
Wow!!! I guess we just give up on our kids when the other parent are as childish as we are huh? ( and by “we” I mean whoever the original author of this post is). It really sickens me you even asked this question. Kids deserve to be loved and they need to know they’re wanted. Ughhhh…
Honestly? Sign off on her. She will make your lives hell otherwise.
Why wouldn’t he take her to court? That’s stupid. He’s allowing himself to not have a relationship with his kid. And you are encouraging him to abandon his child. This is a fucked up situation all around but y’all should have gone to court from day one.
So many questions. Is it even his child??? Never sign rights away! Fight!!! The mother sounds very vindictive now that he’s not with her.
I dont owe y’all an explanation but it’s so much more to the story than y’all know I would literally have to write a damn book this shit is still going on to this day. I’m fully involved because she involved me 110% she told him until me and her had a face to face conversation with a mutual respect for each other that he couldn’t see her. So what do I do? Swallow my pride and talk to her and she STILL DIDNT LET HIM SEE HER… Court or not this shit is never gonna stop and not to bring race into it but my husband is an African American man and his ex is White… In our community we all know how shit like this plays out in court… At the end of the day I feel like once he said it that I’m not wrong for agreeing nor feeling the same way and yes if I had another child by another man and I was acting like this bitch I wouldn’t be surprised if he snapped one day! I’ll be going on for days with y’all tryna beat it in y’all heads how serious the shit is… And just for the record his first child with her died in her custody… I gave him his first son so yes I love the bond him and my son have and I wish he could have that with their child but she won’t let him I still encourage court… she said she’s not gonna show up… She wanted him to sign his rights over as well… Idk what else to tell y’all to make y’all get where I’m coming from
I think he should fight for his child and see his child. Take her to court. He needs to pay child support to that child. He could still be sleeping with her…
No wonder she doesn’t like you. Anyone who would encourage a parent to sign over their rights because the other parent is being different is beyond ridiculous. Sorry to hear that her child is an inconvenience for your “family” but when you found out that he was having a child with someone else… that would have been the perfect opportunity to end the relationship… but you chose to stay.
Sorry but you get no sympathy from me.
Trying to get him to sign over his rights is wrong unless he’s said that he wants to. You can’t make him give up his child just to make your life easier, even though she’s said some horribly awful things about your family. And instead of doing that I’d 100% take this to court and fight for custody. She sounds crazy af and unfit.
Go to court and get full custody dont sign rights over that little girl doesnt need to be around a shit mom … you as the step parent should want to raise her right
There is no state in America where either parent can just sign over their rights with out someone else willing to take on that roll, IE adopt the child. He will still be responsible for the child. Also it’s not the child’s fault it’s mom is a crazy bitch. Keep proof of what she is doing, saying wrote everything down with dates times, Take screen shots of messages etc. Then take her to court
Well this is a lot to swallow. First off, you’re being selfish for thinking he should just sign off his rights. I get not wanting to deal with more drama but that is also his child. Second, if you have proof of the threats she made, charges can be pressed on her and frankly she seems mentally unstable to be saying things like that.
TELL HIM TO GO TO FUCKING COURT. Screenshot EVERYTHING, don’t start shit with her, let her dig herself a deeper hole
What you obviously don’t know is that a court doesn’t just let you sign away your rights as a parent, you also have responsibilities. A couple of angry women isn’t grounds to dismiss a child that you helped bring into this world. Most immature ish I’ve seen all day.
Have you gone to the police over the threats? That’s some serious shit. I think its wrong to just drop his rights just because she is crazy and he has other kids with you. I think you should get a DNA test then take her ass to court and also get restraining orders against her (yes its just a piece of paper but its a piece of paper that has your back if something happens). Try for full custody but if she happens to keep some rights then have someone else do drop offs and pick ups so you guys don’t have to actually interact with her
I’m sorry but girl your bitter too. Your just as dramatic as she is and I personally feel sorry for both your children. Not that I’m saying your a bad mom I’m not but these children are siblings you two women are acting like dramatic little girls.
first of all how she acts should never dictate how you act if she wants to be petty let her … Who is she to you that you care so much what she says ? Girl she can’t fight with herself if you catch my drift.
For you to EVER attempt to take it out on a child makes you just as bad. That child isn’t responsible for her mother’s actions and you two are still acting like children too I personally think you all need to grow up. Why do your children deserve that man as a father anymore than her child who might I add was there before yours.
He needs to grow the fuck up too and handle his business. A man who is being a father that he should be wouldn’t have a woman out there acting a fool for no reason she’s likely hurt because her child is suffering and I can fully she she’s not the only one at fault. is she crazy ? Maybe!! but that has NOTHING to do with him being a father .
Why doesn’t he want to grow up and go to court ?? that’s what he should be doing ? What he doesn’t want to pay child support ? Go to court get his rights and be a fucking father to ALL OF HIS CHILDREN shame on you for trying to take this child’s dad from them. You all need to grow the fuck up!!
Honestly, the more I think about this, the more I wonder about you two. What kind of man doesn’t take care of his kid, and what kind of woman tells him to give up his rights??? I’d be fucking pissed too if I were her. And he’s still doing it to her??? Doubt she even said any of that to you. If I’m wrong, go to court, get custody, get a protection order, etc. People who aren’t taking care of a kid love to talk shit on a parent who is.
Sign away his kid?? No ma’am.
Sounds like you need to just worry about your own child and ditch your husband. Lol. You shouldn’t get involved because that’s between him and her. Period. You should just be supportive no matter what since you wanna stay with a cheater. Sounds like yall may be bitter to each other. Its ultimately his decision.
He can file for joint custody🤷
Go to court. If your “man” can’t buy the expensive formula then quit having kids with everyone. You sound absolutely horrible.
U cant just sign your right over it doesn work that way…so.e one has to be willing to adopt the kid and even if u can sign them over she can still take him for support. Id say suck it up and take the dumb bitch to court. if he wants to sign his rights pver then cool. But dont be surprised whem she tries to take him for cs later and they make him pay lol also. U can save everything she has said and done and take it to court but
Honestly thatd be a waste of time caus eu both dont care about the kid since yall wanna sign rights away. And idt it would matter anyqays cause itd look bad on not only kkm but u to cause u ‘beat her ass’ and it wasn even for self defense purposes…u could have just put ur big girl panties on and ignored her. Id tell ur husband or w.E he is to u to either block her number or get a new number and never have contsct again with her. And block on all social media. Shell get the hint eventually and give up
Yes you are being completely selfish with wanting him to sign his rights away and completely out of line IMO. It’s not the child’s fault and if her mom is as bad as you described than it would greatly benefit her to have some stability in her father and step mother.
Signing his rights over is the last thing he needs to do. If in fact it’s his child he needs to step up and take her to court and get his visitation rights and pay her child support. She sounds very toxic, so you want to stay away from her if you can. Good luck.
Not your battle … the parents must sort thru this. It’s their child
He’d still have to pay support. Might as well take her to court if you have all this documented
He cant go to court because he is jail ! Based on your public profile anyway. You are ignorant, selfish and everything that a mother should never teach her child to be. Encouraging a father to sign over his rights to a child he helped create is one of the most selfish acts I could ever think of. I think we are getting only one side of the story here. I know you want to be validated for feeling the way you do but I’d love to hear what his ex has to say about things you’ve done.
Lol lol please let me know if you need to be slapped! Take her to Court! Your all freaken ass adults. Courts are there for a reason like that!!! Come on get smart. Your the maker of your own problems… COURTS!!!
Helped my exhusband get custody of both his kids from two with vindictive mom syndrome. Took years. Lawyers / Judge/CPS thought we were just making stuff up to get custody… blah blah. Finally fired lawyers and did ourself (even won an appellate case and had stuff reversed). 1) buy a journal. 2) document every phone call, face to face, visit, condition of child. Take pictures and save phone call logs (pictures). Make it oart of your routine. At beginning of journal identify who is creating the journal and why… describe whats going on and you are journalling to see how often and to identify any trends. Attach all evidence to each journal page or reference a secondary envelope (one for each date). 3) Use a child support worksheet to figure out what child support should be (indiana has one you can download and use also have indiana parenting time guidelines for visitation schedules based on age - start with what your state has, default to another available one if not one in your state). Pay that amount to mother every week and ask for those vists - document outcomes in journal / pay by bank bill pay. If she denies a visit say ok and end conversation. Repeat at next expected time. 4) Go to child support office and open a case and request paternity, child support order and visitation according to state guidelines. 5) keep documenting. 6) adjust child support based on court determined amount. 7) if she continues her behavior, take log book and files to attorney (free consultation) and ask for a guardian ad litem or CASA be appointed to your child for suspicion of vindictive mother syndrome and psych eval for post partum depression. Your priority is to help child and mother. OR you can call CPS and tell them you think the mother is suffering post partum depression and harming the child mentally with vindictive mother syndrome. Be prepared to prove it. Cps will probably assume you are being petty for custody. Sadly a default suspicion. Took us years to prove the mom’s were harming the children. We finally won involving a guardian ad litem because the kids could talk to them with no one else around. They are an advocate for the child not mom or dad! If we had known we would have started there! I even became a CASA to help advocate for kids in foster care after all that!
It’s her decision to breastfeed or not.
Also you shouldn’t even be involved in ANY conversation let them parent their child together and you parent yours with him. You don’t personally need to deal with you your just feeding into the drama.
To the women who are trying to justify her suggesting he sign his rights over is ok your fucking retarded. This is exactly why y’all need to be on birth control if you can’t act like an adult with another women who has a child with the man you decide to fuck after she has and already has a child with move from him.
This is so childish. I have 2 kids 2 dad’s my Babydad has 4 kids with 4 women. my daughter was #2 I was the one actually with him for 10 years (these kids never came while I was with him) I litterally have these children sleep at my house etc I speak with all there mom’s and keep the siblings close even tho they ain’t even close in age. He cheated and left with his 3rd child’s mom and I have her daughter regularly and she’s 5 my daughter is 15. I haven’t been with my daughter father in 6 years . that’s what grown women do we raise our children together if need be.
My husband has another child and the bitch is crazy I personally don’t deal with her she does the same shit. acts foolish for no reason other than she wants him and talks mad she about me … you know what i do ? Let him handle his business and I mind my own I discuss with him and him only she can’t be a grown up that’s her prob. I want her daughter involved so we went to court delt with it. LIKE grownups and I don’t fight with the bitch. I’m to busy living my life raising my children I would NEVER SUPPORT MY MAN SIGNING HIS RIGHTS OVER if smack him upside his head if he tried and yeah he mentioned it I didn’t support it . It’s not the child’s fault she need a her daddy
Considering you beat her up, I would think the courts wouldn’t side with you and him. You showed that you are triggered to the point of violence. Words vs. violence are two different things. Plus she blocked you so it looks like you are searching out the drama and having people report back to you about her, looks bad. Also that you would suggest he give up his child is actually fully alienating himself, so that’s not smart. You can’t say you want the child in his life or just give it up . By her asking for formula and such, especially specific kinds due to reactions in the baby shows that she’s trying to do better and caring for her child, while also allowing her child’s dad to help out with his baby, even when she is not getting along.
I don’t know, just some stuff to keep in mind, things could turn on you really fast.
You are in fact being selfish you have every right to remove yourself and your children from the situation but you have no right to ask him to give up on his child.
You’re being completely selfish. It’s not about you, the mom or the dad. It’s about the child. I would encourage my man taking her to court so he can have his daughter too. If the parents are able bodied , safe to be around meaning not a drunk or a druggie or abusers then they both deserve to have their daughter equal time. There’s no rhyme or reason not to. You also need to take a look in the mirror. Grow up. FACTS don’t care about your feelings.
Court isn’t an option? Um… she doesn’t appear that’s a huge ordeal. Get a better lawyer. He deserves to be a part of his child’s life. As his partner, fight along side him. That child needs support from both of you.
All of the adults are hurting that baby! The mother for not letting the dad see his baby and you for thinking you have an say in him signing over rights to his child! I have a daughter with another man. He messages my now fiance about our daughter. They get along and we all act like adults every one of you need to put your feelings aside for that baby! I am so blessed my daughter does not have to grow up being a pawn to anyone. SMDH!!!
Similar situation here. Just do it, go to court and get visitation. If you don’t you guys are stuck kissing her butt or not being involved. It might be a chunk of money but then you’re free for 18 years.
You have every right to be over her drama, you can go to court and get a restraining order. Honestly she doesn’t sound fit to even be a mother. Your husband needs to either go to court to get shared custody or you need to move along. I don’t like my husbands BM at all but I wouldn’t ask him to abandon his son that’s fucked up.
I’m sorry but that was just too much to read:\
Are use even sure the child is his? Have you met the child? Does the child even exist? Get a court ordered DNA test then taje it from there. I understans how your feeling and rightfully so but he can’t just sign his rights over, the child deserves better than that.
Go to court and be done with it all. Take custody of that baby and shes acting like a child. It dont sound like shes ready to grow up and be responsible for anyone else but her self and she also sounds like a gold digger for just wanting his money. But keep everything in the text messages and write down everytime he tries to make an effort to see the baby so she cant say he’s not. Dont listen to anyone else and keep your head up and do what you think is best.
Never MAKE your man do these things.
Make the court decide.
The child comes first.
If he won’t let the court decide, I would be terribly disappointed in him if I were you.
One sided story if she can’t tell her side I won’t give any advice
You need to take her to court. Also, she needs to get herself to the wic office to get her formula, sounds like she demand it if i were him or not give her a dime. There are resources to help both her and him.
Document everything. Watch your child. Forget her drama and don’t answer her texts, etc.
Just document and show that to judge when husband is ready.
Don’t be trash with her.
Learn a better way.
Document document document
Yes you are wrong he needs to step up and take her to court
Dramaaaaa. Honestly u made the decision to STAY with him after knowing he had a kid on the way. So… even if shes hard to deal with, thats ur husbands problem. U both share a baby daddy. It sux. But u are adding fuel to the fire. And you hv no say on him signing over his rights… like wow.
Ur husband needs to take responsibility on hving 2 women preg at the same time. And how dare u say "she purposely didnt breastfeed so yall would hv to buy similac??? How old are u?
U sound very immature. Actually all yall do.
Theres no advise anyone can give you but let courts settle it. Too much DrAmA!!!
Sounds to me that your “boy” needs to learn how to wrap it up for one. Second, he needs to be taking care of ALL of his responsibilities. Third, this is nothing but childish drama. I feel sorry for all the kids involved because they are the ones who will be effected by this and screwed up in the end. Tell you boy to man up, go to court, pay his child support, keep it in his pants and take care of his kids! You, wife or not, have to let them keep it between them. Stooping to her level of craziness makes you no better than her. Good luck. Vi will be praying for all these poor babies.
Stop the MADNESS.
Stop participating in the hate.
Your husband isn’t mature
Off topic, anyone else have a headache now?
Well like everyone else saying go to court get a DNA and then handle it you should never tell a man to sign his rights over that’s not your part however he must be going to crazy too because he is the middle and stop getting information on her Facebook she’s doing that start problems if you act like it bothers you then she dam well is doing her job … Get yourself together girl its important that you have your head on your shoulders and do not take you hate out on that other baby its innocent and that’s your babys half sibling…
Y’all childish for not wanting to get court involved all three of y’all need to grow up and put the child first don’t even mention giving up rights y’all could very well get full custody if you actually have evidence of everything she’s doing and what she’s saying start getting screenshots and take her to court they can and will fix it dad’s have just much rights has mom’s
Parents should be co parenting if there are step parents involved or domestic partners!!! Grow up and take care of those babies
Not your relationship to sever. If the father wants to do that then that is his own choice. Don’t you dare try to make or force that decision on him. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with all the drama, but in no way does that give you the right to cut that innocent baby out of his life. If he does not want to terminate his rights then he has no choice but to go to court and YOU better support him and be kind to that sweet baby since she clearly has a explosive and drama driven mother.
All three of yall belong together. Nigger baby, similac formula, pregnant months into relationship, you chose to marry into this mess, now you want him to sign over his rights…yall belong together. Dysfunction all around.
Take it to court. She can’t legally keep him away from his child without a very good reason
Make sure the baby is his. He needs to take the mother of his child to court. You should never expect him to sign over his rights. That’s his child, you should never suggest that. If he comes to that conclusion on his own that’s one thing.
And you’re complaining about spending your own money on this baby… leave that to the actual parents. Your boyfriend and the child’s mom need to figure that out.
My brother in law and a cousin of mine both placed themselves on child support to be able to see their children. Now in my brother in law’s case, his ex kept his son away the moment she found out my sister had their baby. They went to court, she lied about him never having been in his life and because his lawyer was a court- appointed attorney, he pretty much tor screwed in regards to the amount he had to pay (he was ordered to pay back pay) BUT he did get access to his son.
I don’t think you should make the decision nor encourage him to give up his rights for this child. At the end of the day, the child is his and you or him might regret it one day. Don’t let that be on your conscience. Regardless of said child’s bio mom, he or she is half sibling to your children. Remember that.
Many dads don’t bother to go the court route because they highly believe the courts will side with mom. That is not always the case. My Fiance has primary custody of his son due to being financially responsible for him since day one, regardless of him and his ex being together.
I’m saying this to say, Dads have a chance now. I’d suggest you save all receipts of any purchases you’ve made for his child and also document everything. Meaning any conversation you have with his ex…record those. Save the texts.
Well jmo but there’s a difference between being difficult and being a danger. I feel with the facts you have told about how she said she would harm you and your children is in fact criminal. I’d put her ass in jail. There’s definitely a difference in being jealous of a current spouse and threatening bodily harm. She’d have the police called to her the next time she threatened me and mine
Stop participating in the drama & take her to court you have no place to ask him to not be involved with HIS child… Smh these kids are the only priority & y’all dysfunctional selves are worried about each other 🤦🏽🤦🏽
Why make a post and complain on your own wall about all the responses ? I don’t get it… If you " said what you said" then be done with it bit don’t go on about how ignorant we all are. We didn’t post hunnie
Ok, so I’ve been on both sides of this situation. I’m a bonus mom & have children from another marriage. Here’s what I learned as a mom/bonus mom… RESPECT is the key, OPENESS is another key, & AGREEMENT to have a common goal (raising the children in a happy,supportive,loving home(s)). My husband’s ex was a doozie, she makes urs look like rainbow & roses! Ok. We had our issues. I’m not saying we’re besties or anything of the sort… What I am saying is that between the 3 of us we CO-PARENT. it takes time & understanding & acting like adults to get this to work but if you all are reaching for the same goal, then get it done!
Ok Simone. I just read that he couldn’t file for custody/visitation? Is it because of being in jail or because of a specific type of charge? When is he getting out? So these things aren’t currently happening? How long has he been in?
He needs a vasectomy. And he has to go to court and deal with it. U just ignore her. His semen. His mess. She’s upset he got another woman impregnated at the same time as its meant to be special for her. Maybe she thought it’d be special between them and theyd work it out? Just ignore her, it’s his decision
He needs to take her to court and having visitation rights. Don’t ever make him sign his rights over as he will regret it!
I’m sorry but no! What he needs to do is step up and go to court for his parental rights. Show these texts to a judge and request full or shared custody but the shred custody be supersized exchange based from her texts so she can’t have contact with you guys. Not abandon his child because your feelings are hurt and your tired of her drama, that’s his child and he isn’t really doing much to be proactive in this child’s life.
That’s really sad for the child. Most kids really want to know both their mother and father. He needs to grow some balls go to court and get access with a full visitation agreement, and if he doesn’t want to be around her to collect the child from a safe place for both.To sign rights away is just giving up and that’s not fair on the child. Use all the bullshit, and get a restraining order or again sue for defamation. It will give a big kick up the backside. That poor child to be in the middle of all this when she needs just as much love and support that yours do.
Actually like this video and record her dumb biopolar ass an every visitation he is scheduled file through court if something was set up that she isnt following order…another thing is just focus on you kids an yr man let him deal w her… And keep gaurd that maybe he has snuck off if shesblackmailing him to bed you never no guys are slick! Sorry your going through this you are a kind lady an I’d even go to police station call her from there so they see crazy things an threats she made keep tract she keeps acting like that an keep reporting her she’ll eventually go jail it’s possible yr man won’t drag her to court because of secret affair I jus hope for you it’s not true cuz that would even be more stress,lies, etc your not in the wrong just not right choice to ask him sign off his rights…he needs to fight an fight for visitation it boils down to him making the step to do what he feels an support him… fuck her she grown an needs rely on herself not you!
Bring her out ! Let’s hear both sides . It wouldn’t be the first time a baby daddy cheated on his wife with his baby mama and lied about it🤷
You’re completely in the wrong for wanting him to give his rights up. How would you like it if someone asked you to do that to your child. Be adults, go to court and fight.