My husband stayed out all night and didn't tell me: Advice?

Would anyone else be annoyed, angry or upset if their husband went out at 7pm for a game of snooker with a friend and said they would be home straight after at 9:30pm but then didn’t come home until 8am the following morning? After having their phone switched off all night. He see’s no problem in it at all. I’m over exaggerating apparently. He just went out to the casino and then a nightclub afterwards with a few more friends.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband stayed out all night and didn't tell me: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

Sounds like he shut that phone off cause he was cheating. He probably met someone at the nightclub and had a one night stand. I’m guessing y’all follow each others locations which is why he shut his phone off cause he didn’t want you to know where he went. Don’t be asking his friends either cause they’ll lie and cover for him.


I’d be done with him 100. He thinks it’s okay?? I would never trust someone who can’t even call n let you know they are okay or won’t be home. Idc if I’m too hard,I’d pretty much be done with him


Nope. Even if he wasn’t doing anything shady, that’s incredibly inconsiderate. I’d be up sick to my stomach wondering if he was in a car accident or if something else awful happened. Communication and trust is everything. If he cannot keep that line of communication open, he kinda shat on his own credibility and his worthiness of trust. There’s just no need to make you worry like that especially if he wasn’t doing anything wrong.


If he was doing what he says he was doing he would have no reason to turn his phone off. Typically when people are actually doing something innocent like that, they’ll have no problem telling you.


Personally I’d be livid. He could have at least called to let you know so you wouldn’t worry. I’d be more upset over him not calling than him staying out all night with friends. It’s just inconsiderate to not at least call if you’re going to be out late or not come home.


I feel like if there was nothing that you should be mad over then he shouldn’t have a problem telling you. But turning off the phone implies he hundred percent did not want you to know where he was. This is not OK. And if you turned around and do the same thing to him he would flip his lid. Maybe you need to give it a try so he gets a dose of his own medicine.


<3 <3 <3 If he acts single, treat him accordingly. That would 100% be grounds for divorce. Chances are he won’t even care. More than likely he’s cheating. And if by the off chance he was at a night club and casino, the disrespect would be too much for me. I Iove hard but I also quit hard. Not a chance in this world would I ever put up with a man that nonchalant about something so scary. That’s scary not being able to find your spouse when they told you they’d be home.


Went to a nightclub and didn’t get home until 8am. Not a chance I’d buy that. You know your husband better than anyone. Is this out of character? Mine wouldn’t dream of doing that to me. If he wanted to go to a club he would just tell me and vice versa. No respect for you whatsoever and it could be innocent but instinct says cheated


Did he turn his phone off or did it die? I’d def look through his phone. Has he given you any other reason to doubt him? Although, I’m sure someone had a phone he could have called or texted to let you know what he was doing.


My dearly departed stayed out all night and came home after I had gone to bed the next night. This was before cell phones. He climbed into bed he said I love you. I remained quiet. The next evening after work I went to my best friend’s house and put my car in her garage. Had time off my job stayed 2 days and 2 nights. Upon my return home he asked where I had been. I replied I didn’t ask you. All you said to me was I love you. He said but you were gone 2 days. I said because I love you twice as much. We spent 22 years together before his passing. Never happened again! What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


Um yeah and I’d check his google locations too bc I’m willing to bet he went home with someone


I’d be livid. It’s one thing if he told you he’d be out all night, but to let you just worry all night?! Not okay!


Yes… that is an issue. Im cool with men goin out…but if plans change… or he leaves from where he said hed be I need to know. Not for trust but for safety… its respectful to inform you. Sounds like hes trying to make YOU feel guilty for something hes done. If i were you…id tell em im going for groceries n dont return… until 8am next day. Stay at families n let em worry.


That’s a huge issue. If the time changes and he wants to stay out longer, just send a message with updates. Really simple.


I wouldn’t be annoyed, angry or upset. He would be looking for a place to live and I would be single. Trust and communication are key. No reason to leave anyone lost like that. Phones are easy to get to. Pure respect.


Clubs close by 2-3 am. He came home 8 am? He was backwards because casino is open all night but he’s saying casino then club… where were you till 8am? It doesn’t make sense. He could have called you & said I’m goin to the casino if it was innocent. Saying your over reacting right there is a sign he did something


Not a big deal would be maybe an hour later coming home. Staying out all night without giving you an update and turning off his phone is a big deal and very suspicious of him.


Simple mature communication could have prevented all of these feelings. Hes a grown man in a committed relationship, he knows better and did not care how it would make you feel.


Id be mad as hell and why does his phone need to be off , only someone who’s cheating comes home the next day I’m sorry but i don’t condone such behavior from a married man a marriage is 50 50 not 20 80 :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


The fact he can’t take responsibility for his actions and is spinning it on you is a huge red flag. I literally can not think of any reason why he couldn’t have communicated with you


That’s a cheater tendency … always go with your gut


No night club is open till 8am….


Doesn’t sound good. :triangular_flag_on_post: if he want up to no good he would have communicated, not turned his phone off ect.


I would be losing my shit. he is definitely out of line and in the wrong.

Would he let you do that too? Yes that’s very disrespectful in a marriage to do that.


Not okay, if he doesn’t see anything wrong then I would be worried, now if you did that. Would be freak out? Or be okay with it? I would really sit down and talk about it.


I would lose my shit

Yes I would be upset .

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Oh Look It’s a Bunch of Red Flags Sewn into the Shape of a Person

Hell. No.


He’d be coming home with his bags on the sidewalk


Do it to him and see how he reacts, that should tell you everything you need to know!


Legit that’s a hard no - game changer for me.


Why turn off your phone :unamused:


%100 not ok… And he knows it, but is turning the tables on you to make you look insecure and crazy.


Yea you’ve every right to be pissed

Sounds like it’s time for you to go out with some friends to the casino and club too with your phone off.

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Hell no he was with someone or he wouldn’t of turned his phone off and stayed out all night


So I know two wrongs dont make a right but……

Do the same to him. And see how he feels. Like go out with friend, rent a room, and then just relax all night with your phone off. Let your best friend know where your at for in case if an emergency, but thats it.


He should have taken his toothbrush :roll_eyes: Them locks would be getting changed


As long as when I do it he doesn’t have a problem either

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Not a good sign. Check his phone for texts from another woman and if none then you should be ok. I live by the quote"Theres only 2 people I trust, one isme the others not you"

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Nope denial on his part and sneaking.

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Someone who turns off their phone when staying out all night does it because they don’t wanna deal with someone particular or have them knowing their whereabouts while theyre gone.
Speaking from personal experience he’s cheating


Sounds like next weekend is yours sis :sunglasses:


That’s a huge red flag. I’m petty enough that I would do it right back to him and then I’d be getting a divorce.


Yeah don’t let him pull that crap! Your not crazy or anything else. Calling bullshit. He had a phone and turned it off? Plans changed and he didn’t bother to call at 9:30? Then he drags home and fights with you? WTH, no kick his tail

Nope! If he aas at the casino and a club why the need to turn off his phone. :triangular_flag_on_post:

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Oh his life would be miserable right now if he was married to me :woman_shrugging:

My ex did this all the time. Karma is a bitch!

Total lack of respect for you. I am all about them having a good time. But please just let me know the plan so I don’t get pissed off from worry. Unbelievable he thinks this is ok!


C’mon we are in 2022. You can track people live. My daughter is always tracking me live.

Make plans with your friends and do the same next weekend.


Yeah I would be pissed, not ok at all!

Fuck that shit!! He was up to no good! End of story.

That’s not okay. When my husband goes out he always informs me when he gets to a places and when he leaves it, sometimes he stays at a friend’s because I tell him if you’re too drunk to drive stay at your friends house. If his phone dies he always borrows his friends phone to text or call me.

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And if you accept this welcome to the rest of your life


Look at his phone if he argues with you to even look at his locations or messages he’s a lying cheater, sorry mama for going through this


I would NOT be okay with this. Even I’ve stayed out til the next morning, crashed at a girlfriends house because we were both too drunk to drive lol. But I, even drunk, was able to call my husband and let him know what was going on. There is no excuse for the lack of communication


Um Bye . The no phone thing is very sketchy and immature


Give him taste of own medicine :woman_shrugging:t3: See how he feels about it but I’m a petty person sometimes :joy::joy:

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You only switch your ph 0ff if your doing something you shouldnt be

He lying. He’s also gaslighting you into being the one in the wrong for asking. More proof.

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Lol.husband!!! What husband???If you aren’t dead and it is 1 am you better be in my bed…Or I’m not married anymore…He knows it’s a problem…He just wants you to let it go and if you do…There will be many more nights just like that…Your reaction needs to be very stern… I’d throw him out!!! Let him and yourself know …He can’t treat you that way!!!


Very disrespectful & a huge :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

My ex husband did this quite a few times. He would fall asleep at his friend’s house without a text or phone call. I’d wake up in a panic. It’s inconsiderate and disrespectful. I’d end up having to call his friend to make sure he was okay because his phone would be dead. You are not overreacting one bit.


He shut it off so u couldn’t locate him or see where he was

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Not okay I’d kick him out that smells funny

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Book yaself a hotel room and say ya going to get bread. Shut off ya phone and show up the next day and be shocked he is mad. Then say well you did it !


Jerk move, he could at least call to say he was going out with friends and then call or text again if he was too drunk or whatever to make it home that evening so that you’re not worried and at least know nothing bad happened to him. If I didn’t hear back I’d think he got into an accident.

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If he wasn’t doing anything wrong he would have no prob telling u what happened.

Last time this happened to me I had enough I went ape shit and had a breakdown

His clothes would be packed, and outside waiting for him…


No husband would do that

I meannn I would be a little upset. Maybe not so much because he was out all night but he could have atleast let you know. I would have been up all night worried sick about my husband that’s the big thing.

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I’m currently not married but my fiance doesn’t do that type of crap now so he better not start ltr or things will become very unhealthy for him

The hiding it is what’s a problem.
Plans change, people wanna hang out longer, the fun didn’t end. Whatever. It happens. Go ahead, have fun.
But hiding it, cutting contact with hours of no updates, and all that is what would irk me.

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If my hubby stayed put all night no call no technology show then he epuldng be welcomed back home again ever. No excuse for not communicating to you for not going home. If phone died well borrow a friend’s. Doing that shows that he has zero respect for you and probably up to no good. Cheating? Drugs? Nope I would not put up with that. He’d be lucky if I didn’t throat punch his a$$.

Do the same thing. Shouldn’t be a problem.

Doesn’t sound good at all… phone off? Why?

Nope nope nope .turning phone off,not letting u know anything? nope!!

I would be livid :woman_shrugging:

Pissed off! Why did he have to turn his phone off?
If it “died” I’m sure some friend had a charger on him. No no no something don’t seem right

Ha, likely story. Lived that once or twice

I would give my husband blind trust unless he previously done something to question my trust.

Been there done that.cheating not good for your soul as much as you try to believe he hasn’t.huge red flag

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This would break vows for me. We don’t do this kind of stuff in our home…setting boundaries in the beginning is important but most importantly before marriage. Each relationship and person has thier own rules. But what you allow… continues. And if he feels okay doing this I’d say your boundaries have either been crossed before or never set…I think this type of behavior is unacceptable no matter the excuse…anyone that causes me stress or anxiety or gives doubt doesn’t deserve to be called a husband imo. That’s not what marriage is about. I’d 100% assume cheating. But at the very least if it isn’t it’s incredibly shady…and toxic…and causing unneded anxiety and doubts within your marriage…he’s not your boyfriend…he’s your husband. Mine knows I’d never accept this stuff…because it doesnt matter the excuse he’d give…he may as well be cheating in my eyes. I made mine promise to never do these things type of things to me. That’s not how I view love or marriage so therfore its a rule, boundary and vow. Its pure stress, doubt and anxiety when you can find someone who doesnt cause that. Its never worth the risk of not having proof of NOT cheating and to me this is something that he has 0 proof of…if you don’t like it make it known…:lips: It doesn’t matter what other women will say. It’s not controlling. It’s your life and you have a right to know what the person sleeping next to you every night and that you’ve vowed your life to is doing. For multiple reasons honestly. Get a man who’s idea of fun isn’t being out with friends for long stretches of time. Mine doesn’t even go out and his idea of fun is playing cod of with me, watching movies together or playing some other game while I’m in the bathtub lol :crazy_face: You deserve better :kissing_heart:


Hell no!!! Up to no good!

Pull the same stunt, and I’m sure he’d see a problem with it.

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I would be done. Inexcusable, irresponsible and absolute disregard and disrespect for you!

Oh hell NO!!! :flushed: Not ok at all!

I would be upset. I have the expectation of communication and respect from my partner. That is a hard nonnegotiable boundary, the crappy part of those boundaries is you have to communicate them which is hard to do sometimes!

:triangular_flag_on_post: that’s all I’ll say.

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Sorry sweetheart he was with someone else, I went thew that for years with my X , now I see how stupid I was to believe all his lies, if you don’t do something now you will be living a life of heartache, and lies

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Yeah doubt he did that…

Nopeeeeeeee absolutely not ok!

Clubs don’t close at 8 am lol

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I’d be absolutely fuming, not the fact he even came home at 8 it wouild be that 1 he’d lied to me and 2 he couldn’t even have the decency to pick up the phone and just let you know he’d be stayong out and if he said my phone died I’m sure he would have a friend he could get to ring you quickly id flip

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How would he feel if you did the same ? Good question.

I would be mad for sure but sometimes acting like a teen for a night can be fun. If it becomes a frequent pattern then it would become cause for some serious talks. I would calmly tell him it’s not acceptable to turn of the phone and not tell you he was going to stay.