My husband stayed out all night and didn't tell me: Advice?

I’d be absolutely fuming! Tbh he would need to be proving to me where he was, including who he was with. I’d be checking his phone. iPhones track where you’ve been recently.

I’m by no means this type of person, but that wouldn’t fly with me!

I’d have sat there worrying if he was dead in a ditch somewhere. And if he wasn’t, he would end up wishing he was! Once I found out he was ok, the door would be locked!

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Nope, you are not over exaggerating!!! I would be furious!

I’d organise a girls night and do the same back cos I’m petty AF! You’re allowed to be annoyed

Night clubs are not open until 8 in the morning,girl…I would not allow him to disrespect you like that. He must think you are real stupid.

Nope ! He was doing something he had no business to. If those friends encouraged him, they aren’t friends. Time to get a lawyer in your court to call the shots. Any loving decent husband would have called to update you. Who knows, was he really with his friends or just used that lie. I f he gets pissed off because you are investigating get over him.

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Just do the same back.
It’s no point in ever trying to get a guy to understand they see exactly what’s wrong and pretend it’s no big deal but god forbid you ever do the same :woman_facepalming:t3: Go out and have fun. Life is too short to stress about someone that ain’t worth it.

That’s a big no no I’d be fuming

I don’t care if it sounds petty but you do exactly what he did. Typically when they see no issue with their actions it’s already time to give them a taste of their own medicine.


He was disrespectful and is gaslighting you. Even if he didn’t do anything wrong…the fact is, you have every right to be all of the above. He should have called and he damn sure shouldn’t have turned his phone off…red flag

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:triangular_flag_on_post: time to bounce girl.

Girl he was up to something. He turned that phone off so you couldn’t see his location

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Oh. He razzled so you dazzle. If it ain’t no problem. Jk don’t take advice from me. But i mean…………

Say ok then you go out and do same see how he feel then if it was ok or not

Maybe you should start going out and not coming home. Would that be a problem? If he thinks this is okay and your feelings don’t matter it’s time to leave

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That’s crossing boundaries that, in a marriage, shouldn’t be crossed. If he wants to do single things then he needs to be single. Period.

You do the same and see if he’s upset. If he isn’t, chances are his nite wasn’t harmless and just the beginning


Personally I would be

One u lied said u would be home after game
Two u had your phone of
Three came home at 8 am
So what else is he lying about after saying he would be home after game ?

He could of simply called but nope

Makes u wonder what he is hiding and who he was really with

Communication, and trust are two main things and a marriage and he broke both

This is personally something I could not tolerate in a relationship or want to be a part of. I’m sorry you’re going through this.

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The fact the phones were off doesn’t sit right with me.

Yeah I wouldn’t be having that

Wouldn’t be by husband anymore :woman_shrugging:t3:


Open slather get your dancing shoes on freedom for you say your going out back soon casually and don’t come home phone off walk in casually in morn done :+1:

Go out and not tell him or call. Turn your phone off and the next morning tell him the same thing he told you.

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My husband did something similar. Went out at 7. Told me he was on his way home at 930 and disnt come home until 3am. I called and messaged and he disnt respond AT ALL! When he came home, I asked where he was… all he could say was he had a “time” I cried my feelings out to him in worry and he shrugged, said whatever and he told me he was sick of my insecurities!


Nope i left my ex the first time he did that to me i had called the law etc and come to find out he was banging his best bud. Then had the audacity to scream at me bc he got pulled over bc obviously i had the law looking for him.

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He can do what he wants he’s no cheating on you so what’s the problem

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Sounds like your man is is gas lighting you, stay out all night with zero communication and see if he is nonchalant about it.

Even if he didn’t do anything shady, it is still completely unacceptable.

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I would go off that’s wrong. I don’t think he should b staying out all night. But he could have atleast called you.

I would be furious! That’s so incredibly rude!

Lack of communication is a problem.

That is divorce material right there. No grown adult in a loving committed relationship does this.

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Nope, no excuse for that.

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get your girl friends and do the same see what he thinks

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Do it to him and tell him it’s no problem!

Don’t let him gaslight you like that, it’s wrong and he knows it.

I’d say, do the same, if he sees no problem with it

Lol. No way on hell I’d be ok with any of that
But especially the turning the phone off and not coming home. Not acceptable. For any reason.


I mean, a night out with friends is cool, but bars/clubs close at 2:30, soooo where was he for the following 5 1/2 hours?? No, you’re not over exaggerating and that’s ridiculous. Especially with his phone shut off, anything could of happened.


do it to him see how he likes it

That’s a big nope… I’d do the same thing to him :woman_shrugging:t2:

then maybe you should go out with some friends & do the same thing & see just what he has to say about it, I don’t think because someone stayed out all night with their friends mean something is going on…but then again it also could mean that

Good thing he has his own life too but it would’ve been right to inform you about it and at least try to have his phone on. Maybe he was afraid of your reaction and just needed his time with his friends?

Yea no not acceptable id be home worrying.
Its respectful to tell your partner what is going on

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Having his phone off, and not communicating with you at all? More than likely there was another female involved somewhere. I bet it happens again too.


Yeah nothing good happens after midnight that’s when people are sleeping around after 2am you know he’s cheating :woman_facepalming:t3::persevere:

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Yeah…Those casinos do it everytime. They suck people in and Bam! Your marriage, bank account everything starts going down the toilet. Especially for the weak ones.

Baseline that’s a failure to communicate with your spouse. You can’t just vanish.

I’d be pissed!! If his plans changed and they were planning on staying out later he should have called or texted to let you know. I’d be up all night worried something bad happened to him! There should of been no reason for him to have let you worry like that! And if he turned his phone off that’s a big no, but if it died then I’d understand but he could of tried to get ahold of you another way also. Idk from someone who’s been cheated on many times this just all sounds sketch and he’s making excuses for what he did

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I would be livid! Oh and have a girls night out turn your phone off and come back in the morning and let him see how it feels

This is beyond disrespectful! He is not single anymore… He doesn’t have to ask u if he can do things, but he does have to communicate with his spouse about the things he is doing. It is called respect for one another


Turned OFF his phone?? Um. Divorce lol

Sounds like he was playing more than snooker. Whatever the hell that is.


We’ve got to be smarter than this.

You go and do the same… go out, tell him you’ll be back at 9 etc… turn off your phone, and don’t come back until the last minute possible the next day. (Stay at hotel etc) see how he likes it.
They’re hypocrites. I’m all for doing the same exact thing to them and see how they “over exaggerate”

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I would go bananas! It’s a courtesy to let people who are waiting for you to let them know what’s going on!

I’d turn the tables and see how he feels worrying all night

Casinos are like that people loose track of time bit he should have at least called.

If you did the same thing I think he would be upset. Like who does that?? And to not tell you and turn off his phone, that’s shady.

No that’s complete disrespect of your partner to disappear all night long and not even bother to talk to them and communicate

Let’s turn the tables, switch roles, and you do it. And watch how quickly it becomes a problem with him. Do it and that’s your moment to tell him if he acts right you’ll act right if he doesn’t, Should’ve listened :woman_shrugging:t4: I’d purposely not charge my phone before going out because he obviously didn’t make it a priority.

His bags would be on the porch.


Time for you to do the same

LMFAO… My ex did that, they finally found him at noon in his car with a stripper, asleep, in the strip club parking lot

Oh his stuff would be burning in a garbage can outside with a note saying try coming in the house is trapped if you make it in without harm cool if not your mom already knows and cops as well you won’t be missed

No respect for spouses is so common now :woman_facepalming:I would not tolerate it

Not acceptable behavior for anyone in a relationship. Inconsiderate and deceptive.

My ex did this to me. Went out with one of his buddies. Said he’d be home around 1 when the bar closed. I called him at 2am and his phone was off. I called his friends phone…same thing turned off. They didn’t show up until 8-9am the next morning and he said his phone died so he went to his friends house to charge it (5mins from our place) and ended up falling asleep. Found out about a week later he was at a strip club most of the night and then went to a girl’s house and used his buddy as an excuse.

Gurl bye!! You have every right to feel that way! If he wasn’t doing anything wrong, then why turn your phone off🤔! Sounds like you got a liar in your hands

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up

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:grimacing: hes a cheater and probably been doing it. Hes testing how much you’ll allow.

That shit doesn’t fly around me. I need communication. I need to know when plans change. I need to know that after 9:30 when he isn’t home my husband is breathing and safe. Sorry he married someone that gives a shit about him? Has he heard about the state of the world currently?! It’s even more unsafe than ever. People getting killed just going to the mall. No, he’s definitely the asshole here not you. I’d be so damn mad. That’s like one of my top 5 no nos.

I have one rule- I don’t care what you do, just be respectful enough to tell me. If I’m expecting you home and wake up and you aren’t, I’m calling the cops.

My husband would be sleeping in the guest house alone naked because he would have no clothes

This does not mean he’s cheating. Yes he should have told you. Buy he probably didn’t think much of it. Which I have done myself.


You mean ex-husband?

And he couldn’t call and let you know? What a jerk! I’d be totally upset!!

I would be livid! Not ok. Especially, with the phone being off.

What if the Tables were turned , and you did this?? He would flip out.

For the simple fact that I would be awake worrying about him and if something happened to him or someone in his friend group. But I have no reason to suspect my spouse of cheating or to think he’d step out on me like that either. So I’d say it depends on the individuals and their relationship.

You do the same thing.
See how he reacts to that.
Give him a taste of his own medicine.

Id do the same to him see how he likes it but I’m petty like that ain’t no way a clubs open till 8 am

If someone found this okay then they are stupid af. This is so not okay. He probably did something shady that’s why he turned his phone off.

Oh hell no, he gots to go.

Hell to the no this is not ok :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

I’d be livid. That’s completely unacceptable.

Divorce he turned off his Phone,ya I bet he took some female to a hotel for the night or a friend’s house. He has NO RESPECT for u or your FEELINGS leave his ass

Umm hell no he was with someone

If he doesn’t care to give you a call to say I’ll be out a little later than he has no respect for you whatsoever.

Bars and clubs close by 2:30 am? Right…even if you get something to eat after if something is open, he would at least be home by 3:30 am. So what was he doing until 8am? Obviously he’s an ass and you need to leave that situation… thats very disrespectful.
Even if his phone died I’m sure he could of charged it or asked his friend to use his to tell you where he was. What a ass hat

Sooooo I’d tell him next weekend Iam going out with some friends to relax, dress up and just go visit a friend or my family all night then come home at 8:00 am next morning act all Casual and then say when he asked where you were doing the same thing you did last weekend why what’s the problem I was just with friends

See if he is just as understanding when you do the same

Oh hell no! He’s gaslighting you and cheating. Why else would he turn his phone off?

He would of woke up a single man and that’s on periodt Pooh

Nah he wasn’t with no friends… definitely cheating

Switched off phone :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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Girl, he cheated. Don’t sleep with him again without a rubber and have him go to the health dept and get tested for STDs. Protect your health.

I’d be wondering where he was all night.

No. I don’t marry people I don’t trust.

Definitely gaslighting. He was up to something shady.

I wouldn’t be mad. There have been time I’ve gone to my girlfriends house and end up not comming home till the next day. When my husband goes to hang out with friends I normally don’t text him or call. There has been tons of times he said he’d be gone for a couple hours and then is out till early morning. It’s not a big deal to us.