My husband stayed out all night and didn't tell me: Advice?

Umm seriously? He wants to stay out with friends fine, the key is communication. The fact that he went out and didnt tell u his plans, plus turned his phone off is super inconsiderate :unamused: Anyone would be upset. If the tables were turned would he question where you were all night?

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For me it’s not even about what he’s doing it’s about the phone being off.

He had no consideration for you and how you would feel being worried about him

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What is good for him, is good for you!!! Switch the situation up, and see his reaction and that would be your answer!!! Just my opinion

Oh no that’s a BIG problem my man did that he better just stay where ever he snuck off to cuz I’m not letting him stay with me. That’s a huge red flag if he has nothing to hide why couldn’t he have just communicated with you? Unless he’s doing something he knows he shouldn’t.

I would be livid. How would he feel if you did that. Sometimes the best lessons learned are when it is done to them. So you need to do the same and see how he likes it.

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Regardless of what he was or wasn’t doing, it’s disrespectful AF … def not ok

Would definitely not be okay that is extremely disrespectful. And nightclub usually means strip club. Which isn’t always a problem but if he’s spending money on other women without your knowledge then it becomes a problem. Check the bank records.

I always make my S/O understand if the shoe were on the other foot how would you react ? If you’re talking to the opposite sex about something & it’s something you can’t be fully open with me about then you need to think about the actions you’re taking. And if that doesn’t bother you the slightest bit then we need to be reevaluating our relationship.

first why would he shut his phone off if he was not doing something he was not suppposed ot have been doing! Follow your herat.

I’d definitely have a problem. I’m trusting of my husband but to have him do that to me, best believe he would get an earful from me. And he would be getting the cold shoulder and sleeping on the couch. That’s not something that’s acceptable to me

Besides a night club is usually over about 1 am

Like I told my guy – just once he did that – while coming back after I tracked him down cause I know where he was I told him – "this is my first and last time the next time you don’t come at a decent time you can live with whoever you with — I’m not putting up with anyone that acts like a kid

Do the same next weekend and see IF it Really isn’t an issue :woman_shrugging:t2:

Horrible behavior, even on just the safety side it’s awful!

I think its very disrespectful of him and why is the phone turned of

Yupp he’s cheating. I’ve gone thru this with an ex.

Hes gaslighting you to make you seem crazy… run

Mine did this once. To the day i have no idea what he was doing…

If it wasn’t discussed before hand, and then also to turn the phone off. He needs to be thrown in the trash like he is.

He is gaslighting you.
The fact he turned his phone off and was gone all night, when clubs close at 2, and didn’t even tell you, screams multiple red flags! :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: if roles were reversed, would he be upset? Yes. Just know he was being shady and sadly he probably cheated. I’m sorry girl. You deserve better queen! :crown:


Very disrespectful, he told you one thing and did another. He did not care about your feelings, and he turned his phone off all night that’s a big red flag to me. He wants to act single he can be single. I’ve been married 14 years if my husband ever did that which I know he wouldn’t ever, I would not put up with that crap. It’s all about respect!!!

Change the locks while he’s gone. He shouldn’t have any problem with that!

That’s so incredibly disrespectful. I would be so pissed!!! Personally a night out once in awhile is fine but should be coming home, if they aren’t then contact/communication is the absolute bare minimum they could do. My ex used to pull this crap and surprise he was cheating the entire time!

I’d be fuming especially turning of the phone there be murder…. I’m all about playing fair what’s good for the goose is good for the gander… only for I stay out for two days :rofl:

Yep shut the phone off really probably cheating I’m sorry to say that.when he came in you should of said drop your pants and did a sniff

That’s pretty inconsiderate and disrespectful in my opinion. This is a single guy behavior

Are they boyfriends ?

Idc if mine stays out all night, but if I don’t receive a phone call, then we’re gonna have a problem.

Hell nah he cheating why turn off his phone !!??

I would have a serious problem with it and not necessarily about where he went but about what if I needed to contact him for an emergency or something. If he wasn’t hiding anything then why was he hiding anything that you couldn’t know about before he disappeared!!

Damn right I’d be pissed! That some major :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Thats not your husband.

My ex used to pull that shit on me ALL the time! I told him that it was inconsiderate to not even let me know he was okay bc I worried he was dead in a ditch somewhere. His response was, “stop trying to mother me.” It turns out he was a frequent flyer of other females and I didn’t find out until several years later.

Sounds like a whole lot of lies and gas lighting to me. I’m sorry you’re going through that :frowning:

He was getting some n not from u

And den what?! Because it definitely didn’t end there. That may cause the demise of my relationship if my husband ever even thought about doing this shit.

I would be beyond mad. Sounds like cheating to me

100% unacceptable!!!

Yeah… nightclubs close at 2am. He went to the casino, THEN the club? He has 6 hours not accounted for….

Definitely a huge red flag

I’d be done. Period.

You don’t turn your phone off and you at the very least text and say I’ll be home in the morning, we’re going to such and such place. It’s the considerate and appropriate thing to do …. Unless you’re up to some shady shit.

If he thinks it’s not a big deal or an issue I suggest you do the same. And don’t forget to switch your phone off!! Then see how much of an issue it is!

It’s rude and disrespectful. How would he have felt if you had done that?

I just came on here to find and laugh at the ONE comment defending his actions. Lmao you don’t just forget to tell your significant other where you are for 12 hours :roll_eyes::joy: FOH with all that. If it was her man’s she’d be furious too.

That is not ok? I would be freaking out and worried sick if my husband did something like that. Guessing he was doing something he didn’t wNt you to know about.

Well maybe if his entire shadiness didn’t happen you wouldn’t be upset. I think all women could agree that this would be upsetting. Show him these responses. :laughing:

Yowzas… I’d be suspect

If it’s not one thing it’s another!!! Put up or shut up.

Ummm hmmm sure he did!!! You know what’s we are going to say

Baby girl, he was out screwing someone else. I wouldn’t be annoyed, angry, or upset. I would be single. It’s obvious that his side piece is more important than his wife. So let them have each other. :woman_shrugging:t4:

What nightclub is open until 8 am? Story isn’t adding up. All signs point to an affair.

Uhm no. Just no. One he should have at least told you. Two, what business does a married man have staying out all night in a night club without his phone on? Nope.

My husband was an OTR trucker. So I would go out with my friends and sometimes our 10 pm last call turned into a 4 am last call, but either I or my friend would let my husband know. Nine out of ten times my friends husband was also there so it wasnt like we were doing anything wrong.

My husband wasn’t even home waiting on me and he knew where I was and when I was getting back.

If my husband ever just stayed out all night with his phone off, I’d lose my mind. He’d hear about it that’s for sure.

I am a firm believer that if you wouldn’t want it done yo you, don’t do it to your spouse. My husband is well aware of this. I am pretty laid back but I expect respect, and a simple phone call is enough to show that in such a situation.

You aren’t overreacting.

Give him the chance to prove his story like they would in court, all he needs is security footage from the casino showing he was there, corroboration from the “friends”, and something from the cell phone provider that verifies its whereabouts, then its just about those pesky trust and disrespect issues, he’s toast

This might be unwelcome, but as a guy if I go out without having a set time I’ll be home, I snap a photo of me and the guys wherever we are. I make sure she knows. I regularly check in and let her know how the night is going, and keep my phone on. I let her know when I’m on my way home, and when I get there even though she is sleeping. I don’t have to do these things, but why wouldn’t you want to help the anxiety of someone you say you love and care about?

He didn’t call you and (conveniently)turned off his phone, trust your gut feelings,always.

My ex husband did stuff like this. Even when I was pregnant. If I did that he’d have lost his mind. Best thing I ever did was leave him!

Sounds super suspicious. If he were mine he could stay gone

Do the same to him and see if he likes it

He’s hiding something

Do it back to him…

Let him feel the worry, and the confusion. . The panic… the unsureness .
Turn off your phone.

Just stay with a mate or something- I’m not saying be shady!
He’s been shady …
Definitely red flags. .

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He got some ass cheeks last night you should be mad.

Why the need to shut off the phone sounds more like cheating to me, they always get defensive and say your over exaggerating when cheating designed to make you feel guilty so you don’t ask questions when he does it again.

He wants to act single…he’d be single. Turning his phone off means he’s hiding something imo
If he’d changed his plans he should have called to save you worrying.

What would he do if you did that to him? It’s important to communicate and be accountable in your word.

I would be mad that he didn’t call & say he would be home in the morning because I would have been worried about him.

Yes I would very annoyed , angered and everything else

Only time I’ve known a man to do that is if they were cheating

If he turned his phone off that’s definitely suspicious

That will PISS me off

Livid doesn’t begin to describe my emotions if this was my husband he would be lucky if the locks were the same when he got home

Pack his most cherished possessions up into suitcase place on the front lawn with a huge sign saying Farewell cheater! Good BYE.

You want a hero not a zero. Kick his ass to the curb.

He absolutely knows there is a problem with it. His response is just to manipulate you and make you feel like something is wrong with you.

I’m not saying to do this but what would his response be if you did the exact same thing?

Not saying it’s ok in any way but would he be down with it no questions asked if the tables were turned? I.Doubt.It🤬

I would do the same thing back to him and see how he likes it. Lesson learnt!

it is the “few more” friends that would concern me… do what you want, you are an adult, but to not call when you said 930pm… he is your hubby not BF, he should have had enough respect to let you know his plans…sorry but this has cheating vibes all over it… imagine this scene, reversed, would he tolerate such behavior…

Yes he is not happy at home
He likes the convenience
But he is getting tired of the routine.

He should have a date night with you

Do exactly the same to him and wait for his response. Its disrespect at the end of the day and sounds to me like he’s cheating 100%

Yes, I would be annoyed and angry if he stayed out all night without a heads up. He should have called if plans changed. Too stay out all night without a call or text was rude and inconsiderate. Me, my first thought would have been of him in a car accident or some such other horrible thing. I suggest a conversation about being considerate and kind enough to let you know when he will be out late.

If he felt he had one to many to drive home I’d be ok with him staying at his friends house, providing he phoned home first. Then l could choose to pick him up or call a cab , or he stays till morning.
Him not phoning is the wrong signal.

That is NOT okay & 100% totally disrespectful! What is a marriage if you can’t even call your spouse & let them know you are ok! So many things could have happened & it’s terrible that he left you lost & wondering ALL NIGHT LONG with his phone shut off! Marriage is about give & take, understanding and forgiveness and we all make mistakes so I’m not going to say, Leave him or kick him out… however, if you have children, is this the type of example you want to set for your daughter to think is acceptable from her husband one day, or for your son to think is acceptable to do to his future wife!?? Probably NOT & it’s not okay for you to just accept either! I think you have every right to be upset, it’s one thing that he lied about when he would be home & stayed out all night in itself, but to shut his phone off & not communicate with you at all throughout that time is something else completely! You deserve much better! Remember that & hold your head up! Stand up for yourself, you obviously have a caring heart and we’re worried about him, but it’s totally ok to just be plain mad & demand an explanation/apology if you choose to move forward! Take care girl! Hugs! I’m so sorry you had to experience this!

Clean out the bank account and leave!!!

No idea what’s snooker but I bet there was a pole involved

No your very right to be pissed off

Your husband disrespected you by not checking in and by being upset that you’re upset.
He obviously doesn’t care about your feelings. Up to you whether you want to live like that or not

Go do the same to him and watch him turn the page what is good for the goose is good for the gander

Sorry I wouldn’t tolerate that. Why was his phone off? What would happen if there was an emergency? Your not over reacting. Put the shoe on the other foot

Sounds fishy , why would he keep his phone off and refuse to let you know where he was if what he was doing was indeed innocent behavior

Nah that’s disrespectful, I don’t ho out without my wife, it’s that simple for me, had I been in the situation where my phone dies I’d figure out a way to contact her so she does not worry, I couldn’t imagine not talking to my wife for that long

I’d ask that next time he changes plans he let me know.

If this was me I wouldn’t be happy one bit!!

This entire situation stinks to high hell and I’d be pissed. The phone being off makes it stink even more and is not okay. For him to be saying you’re over reacting about it shows his lack of respect for you and almost like he’s projecting.

Hell no, he was cheating no married couple stays out all night and turns their phone off. Night club without his wife. Great husband

Its about respect. Yes id be mad. He could use his friend phone to call you.

I would be angry especially if he didn’t tell you he was changing his outing. Acknowledgement so you knew he was safe would have been better and to let you know that he would be home later. Ask him how he would have felt if it was the other way around and why turn phone off that to me is suspicious. How do he not know that an emergency could have happened at home. That to me is suspicious and selfish

Massive red flag with the gaslighting.

Had that happen and turned out they cheated. Good luck and that wasn’t cool of him at all.

He turned his phone off. :no_mouth:
Means he not only didn’t want to be interrupted he didnt want to be located either.

There really is no point in you asking the boys either, they’ll probably look at you like your crazy and lie to your face anyway. :pensive:
At this point I’m not even sure if it would be worth asking your partner either.

Clubs close around 2-4 so he had quite some time on his hands afterwards also.

I’d leave babe, there is a curtain level of respect that doesn’t even have to be spoken.
This is one of those moments