My husband stayed out all night and didn't tell me: Advice?

I’d do the same dam thing

You can hope it was gambling.

I wouldn’t have slept probably would have been driving around like a crazy looking for him don’t make me look like a fool that’s 10000% not ok lies lies lies :scissors::face_vomiting::poop::wastebasket:

I’m writing a book on lie’s and excuses… only using my ex husband excuses… the book is several inches thick. :grinning:

Let’s see if he likes it if you were to do it to him apparently what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

More like he was in someone else’s bed

He was probably just on a bender with him mates and didn’t want you to kill his pill buzz :rofl:

Haha oh man if my husband did that… he’d be a divorced man so quick. :woman_shrugging:t3: I’m sorry that happened to you, that’s super fucked up.

Should have called you and told you. It’s just common courtesy not to have people who are worried about you.

Straight out lied to your face

Oh hell no, I would never accept this EVER

If he turns his phone off or “sorry i didn’t see it” then peace out he knows your home and doesn’t seem to care about your feelings

I would never tolerate that.

If he did that one time I would never view the relationship the same again.

Talk about not caring at all about your feelings.

I’d be so annoyed, he’d be sleeping outside. Maybe some items of his too. This actually did happen a few times, but I later learned he was an addict. Years of turmoil, treatments, jail time. He eventually got clean, just in time to be an awesome father before he died. We didn’t have cell phones in those days or computers, so I learned the hard way. I would have had a tracker on his car and phone lol

If he doesn’t think it’s a big deal then do the same. if he gets upset then said it’s no big deal when he did it

Um , his clothes would be on the lawn.

Just tell him next time you’re going to the strip club in your not coming home till late 8 am And he has to babysit

My ex did that all the time. Don’t waste anymore time even wondering. Head on out and get your life back. He’ll do it again and again if you let him. I wouldn’t even bother trying to find out.

That’s not how marriage works, what’s he hiding?

Do the same thing to him, and then leave

Lmao! Did he at least bring you breakfast… I’m sorry coffee… something?.. throw him away.

If he said he would be home at 9:30 then you didn’t hear from him until he came home in the morning?? Total disrespect MARRIAGE OVER!!

Divorce. That behavior is for single people. Sounds like he wants to be single. Grant him his wish unless you want to put up with this bull.

How would he feel if u did that…actually maybe u should…i would then lets see the jumping up and down then

Probably cheating, you only turn your phone off if youre doing something you shouldn’t be.

Go do the same to him and let him see how it feels and turn your phone off. Don’t come home til noon the next day and act like all is fine.:woman_shrugging: I would do it.

No no no! If my husband were to go out. I would ask he keep his phone on the whole time. If he turned it off then spent the whole night out I would think he were dead in a ditch somewhere! He has to respect for you.

Same post on another page. Only husband went to dinner then casino, no nightclub. I wonder if these are even real

His battery may have been flat,

I call BS- why was your phone off!

Red flag alert if perfectly innocent why turn his phone off? Probably got something to hide sorry :pleading_face:

Just file for a divorce and see what his reaction will be then🙂 I would never tolerate that kind of behavior from a man.

It may have been completely innocent but if there’s no respect enough for a phone call or text, and there’s no trust either what do you have?
Have a serious talk or get rid of him.

Annoyed hell he would be out the darn door period

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: he’s lying! And probably cheating!

Unless he was dead or in the hospital, he has no excuse.

Probably went to the strip club

I’d be upset that they didn’t let me know where they were going and that they wouldn’t be home, not because them going somewhere else wasn’t ok but I’d be worried if they just didn’t come home for that long.

Nope nope nope you either tell me where you were and who can verify or hit the door!

He was probably so drunk and having a awesome time without U nagging him…that he didn’t want to come home at all…be gratefull he came home