He showed no respect to you. He is a bully and you shot dump him fast!
You absolutely have the right to be upset! I agree with everyone here that is saying it will only get worse. Get out before you get used to it.
Tell him fuk off and roll out! My man ain’t disrespecting me ever especially in public and humiliating me. And idk about any of y’all but it takes a village, so if I bbq you can bring some baked beans mf. Prepare shit! When we gather my people all
Insist on bringing something and I NEVER complain cause they can all cook good to!
He didn’t like that you offered him up to do something he obviously didn’t want to do. It doesn’t justify how he reacted though
The dude got temper!! Over a pineapple???
Don’t throw stones in a Glass House
If he swears at you he will scream at you … if he screams at you he will hit you … and if he will hit you he will kill you …
I actually live with a spouse just like this. He’s a narcissist and manipulative and can’t stand when I get attention EVEN IF it’s to get him positive attention because it wasn’t his idea. Anything to flip the script to make him feel like he’s the one in control.
I don’t have advice but sometimes it gets a little easier knowing you aren’t alone in the world.
I didn’t know this about him until over a year into our marriage because he love bombed me and acted like a great guy until he had me trapped. I can empathize with you. I am sorry that you’re experiencing this behavior too. It is not your fault.
Ask him why he gives himself permission to speak to his wife that way? Then I would tell him I don’t want you calling me out like that in front of friends. You should not be embarrassed, he should be talking to his own wife like that.
He says he is sorry now, but you let him get away with it, you should have stopped it right then and there, embarrass him, like he did you. He will do it again , then it will become a natural thing every time he gets pissed at you.
Let’s hope it doesn’t get worse. At this point it happened let it go, till it either happens again or not. Marriage is about limitless grace and forgiveness to a certain extent.
Tell him straighten up or your done! Dont put up with emotional abuse! Never should do anything like that with friends around or in public. Or family. He will only get worst.
Mental health check needed…this is how abused become abusers etc …not normal ? Behaviour to you unexpected? No more intimacy as usual…verbal abuse in front of loved ones etc…control…narcissism …something is going sideways…
Lol if that’s all you’ve got to complain about then NO, it’s not that serious. He probably said shit or something dumb like that. It’s not like he called you a “foul” name. He swore out loud…how about you don’t volunteer him to do stuff.
Be done with that. Start making a plan to leave, once someone shows they don’t respect you like that. Don’t expect them to change. Up and out, get a good support group together to help with the transition and be safe…
Take it at face value and believe him. If he does it again call him out and tell him hes not getting snoo snoo until he changes that bad habit. Trust me it works. I KNOW first hand
Wasted 17 years of my life in an abusive marriage! It started off like this then got way worse. I left finally, been married 32 yrs to the most wonderful man ever! Talk to him, think long and hard about where you see this going!
Yea… no… he sucks
My ex husband did this to me when we were together. You could be the empath that feels energies. He could be a narcissist that feeds off your energy. This is just based on my experience. I am in no way judging or telling you what person you both are. I often felt lost and uncomfortable when he would do this to me at Friends and even Family gatherings. Let him know it hurts your feelings. Stand up for yourself. Or be like me and stop going to gatherings. Good luck. I feel you and been where you are.
Tell him how u feel. If he dont correct himself. Dont go to friends together anymore. He might get the ideal. Find ur own friend. Have a good life. See how he likes that.my husband encourages me to go have fun with my friends. I do the same for him.we have friends together and we enjoy.love, trust and mutual understanding.if he does that behavior. Tell him hes making a ass out of himself.its making him look bad. No one should get treated like that.
Is there a certain friend that’s always around when he acts like that? Who’s he trying to impress when he does this?
My story: Yrs ago, I was with a guy who would always talk down on me around a certain mutual friend. I couldn’t do nothing right… Come to find out they were sleeping together…
Ypur husband a narcissist…run he will only cause emotional damage
I would slap him upside his face is what I would do. No one deserves to be treated that way
Tell him to give you enough respect not to speak to you in that way in front of people, instead wait until you’re alone. Tell him to treat you the way he wants to be treated.
I would have called him out right there in front of everybody and stood up for myself. Then the talk at home
Narcissist. Get out now.
Sometimes I wish I could post comments anonymously but then I remember it’s supposed to be supportive and everyone has different opinions… I don’t think how he handled it is okay at all. But to me it sounds like a reaction from anxiety, especially since you mention it happens in front of friends. There’s tons of things I know I can do but I am not offering it up at a gathering because of social anxiety. Just my thoughts on the info I had. Love to you
What a lazy jerk. I would not take him anywhere til be learns how to behave
Put a stop to it now… Its emotional and vernal abuse.
Slap him in his mouth next time.
Respect and Love yourself: DO NOT tolerate that ish!!!
Sounds to me this isn’t the first time he’s disrespected you… If i were you i would have a serious sit down with him. Explain to him if it happens again there will be consequences… Oh and no more accepting apologies from him. Stand your ground with dignity and respect… Most important learn how to love and respect yourself.
Baby I’ve been married 18 thats straight up b.s you allow him to get away with it now it will get worse with time if you dont nip it in the butt right now. Start out with a warning conversation and make it very clear thats not going to accepted by you anymore. If it continues you deff need to consider getting out of the relationship before the behavior gets worse. Your setting a tone right now and if you continue to allow this he will continue to do and then it will escalate. Be thankful or at least I hope to hell you don’t have children because that’s an even worse situation
sounds like an asshole
If it doesn’t stop now, it will only get worse. Do whatever you feel you need to do but do it.
I’ve put up with to much in my life. I would run and not look back. It just will get worse, and you can’t get those years back. My situation started out with the putting down then pushing then escalated to almost death. Give your situation to the Lord. God bless you
My husband would never but if he did I’d slap his face right then and there & leave ALONE
He has no excuse for his harsh inappropriate words. What a douchbag. .
I don’t like to be put on the spot either but it wasn’t necessary to speak to u that way. I would of dogged his ass out.
I’d curse him out right back!!!
Leave him… this will only escalate. Please stay safe
Put a stop to it RIGHT NOW!!! If you don’t, it will escalate!!!
Lump him upside his head with a cast iron pan… Seriously though don’t accept that apology. It is far from sincere. He was 100% out of line and had I been in your place I would have clapped back right then and there about cussing at me and being not only disrespectful to me but also to our friends by his shitty behavior… Then I would have grabbed my things and left his ass there.
I agree with others- do not accept that treatment. We teach people how to treat us by what behaviors we accept. I would say that was borderline abusive and feels like he trying to chase off that friend so he can get away with that crap and no one will be in your corner
Im sorry but that is not acceptable to be spoken to in that way. If you let him get away with it he will do it again and it will get worse. You deserve better then that.
What would I do? I would have responded with “well I just figured if you cut the pineapple it would be a lot easier on you when I shove it up your ass for speaking to me like that, but if you prefer to not cut it first then that’s fine with me” Then I would go home and throw his shit in the yard and change the damn locks. But that’s just me. Life is too short to live with a prick.
First off if he’s doing this only when you’re out, he’s trying to make himself look like a big man, when in reality he’s not. Silently your friends are watching him and probably thinking he does worse at home ( i would think it). Explain to him what an ass he’s making himself look, maybe he might rethink his stupidity. Put a stop ASAP, because if it hasn’t started as yet he will sooner bring the same behaviour wherever he feels he can.
Tell him (infront of the friends) to stop acting like a little bitch or you’ll wrap the pineapple over his head. Im sure he’ll be reluctant to open his trap again like that
That sounds like a whole to-do about something so minor. Why would that be such a big deal to him? I’m confused… and also feel he was projecting some other things onto you. It sounds like a toxic relationship to me.
Just speak up for yourself more often. When he talks to you this way put him in his place. Threaten to leave he can either treat you better or watch someone else treat you the way you should be treated
Why would you even ask that question? Girl, you’re his wife not slave. You have every damn right to get mad at him. If you just let it go , he will do it again and again.
Better have discussion about that or leave him for your own sake
I have been in same position a long time ago it doesn’t stop . This is total disrespect for you and respect and love are one thing . I hope it doesn’t escalate to a push or a slap .
Prepare to leave should the need arrive.
Looks a lot DV to me. Like he’s working on breaking you down, so he can eventually have full control.
If he won’t go to counseling, both couples, and his own, then you need to decide if this is something you’re willing to live with. Because you will have to if you don’t leave when you should.
I would seriously think about leaving him, it will happen again and again. My mother is with a man that snaps at her when they are alone and in front of other people, he embarrasses her all the time, he makes her cry all the time. It’s almost like she’s used to it, they have been together since 1991. I don’t speak to her anymore because I tried to beat his ass for disrespecting her but she won’t leave him and she’s mad at me for saying something.
Your married to a narcissist RUN
That’s just the beginning
I would tell him in no uncertain terms that I would not put up with him swearing and being disrespectful in front of other people. Especially friends. It sounds like to me that he’s just trying to show off by being a smart ass. To make himself look big. That is not acceptable and I would tell him so or it’s going to happen over and over again.
It depends on the context. If it was sarcastic I would ignore it or quietly say I don’t appreciate that . I swear a lot because I enjoy it and I know when someone is being rude or agro with me. I’m also aware not everyone is the same.
Everyone is different. I’d tell him you don’t like it and nor do you find it funny.
I’d say he’s only going to get worse
Call him out on his shit and let him know that it will not be tolerated again!
Never let a man win let him think he has but you are a woman of God and he will direct your path and your husband will be eating out of your hand do what you know I can’t tell you you have to learn how to do it yourself
Swearing at you is never ok, least of all in front of others!
What a total lack of respect for you. Since he does this only when out in public I’d say he completly lacks self esteem. I’d give him a warning before you both out next time. If he proceeds to disrespect you, I’d call him out on it, and at some point if it continues show him the door. Believe me there is a man out there who will treat you with the respect you deserve.
He sounds like an abusive, gaslighting, jerk.
I recommend checking out some books on boundaries and being consistent about implementing your boundaries. I would absolutely have a boundary around how my significant other communicates with me when frustrated or upset.
As some others mentioned, this could definitely be a red flag of worsening behavior to come. I would totally recommend checking out Dr. Ramani’s videos on youtube about various personality disorders so you can be better aware of other red flags to watch out for.
Finally, going to someone’s home as a guest, but having an expectation to be completely served by them is mind blowing to me. This definitely seems like a red flag, at the very least, about how he views himself in relation to others.
Your an ass to not confront him and put it on here
I didn’t realise we were still living in the 50s, my partner and I swear at each other probably twice a sentence lol, we know we love each other so we’re not constantly looking for examples of disrespect?
If you’re asking for advice online; leave him. Seriously. At 1.5 years & you’re bitching about foul language? Everyone is quick to jump that he’s narcissist. (Many don’t actually know the definition or have experience it)
My husband & I speak to one another with respect. And at times cuss but it’s playful, not disrespectful.
Why did you marry him??
He needs help, or ask him why he does it , this should be done at home,
He felt embarrassed so he felt the need to turn it around on you. Not OK, but nobody is perfect. If he apologized and won’t do it again, then move past it. If it’s a continuous thing then he doesn’t respect you and/or you do not know him as well as you think or wish he would be a different way and should then evaluate your continuation with the relationship.
If my partner did that, an apology wouldn’t cut it.
Are you his slave? His mother? What?
Hell no. You have every right to feel offended. What do you do now? You tell him how you feel and that it won’t happen ever again. Simple.
Women accept so much shit, and it’s not on.
So he’s blaming the cause for his response?
In life, no matter what happens hun, we’re responsible in how we respond to it and how we carry it. If he fails to comprehend that, you may stay stuck in this cycle. He sounds like a narcissist if this is case and if this pattern is repeating.
Follow your gut here lovely, you posting feels like something’s red flagged to you, you have every right to question this. You don’t deserve being treated this way. Good luck xx
If he behaves like that towards you, he is fundamentally uncaring of your feelings, rude, disrespectful and abusive. He will only get worse. I’ve been there. Leaving and never looking back is the only solution.
This would be a major red flag for me, and would change my perception of him as a person, and my feelings towards him.
He’s also blamed you, and your friends for his behaviour. So the apology is insincere. Is he doing, or not doing other things that you don’t like?
Don’t let him get into a habit of doing that he doesn’t respect you anymore it’s gonna get worse. Depending on your age group men truly don’t understand what there signing up for when they commit to a relationship he’s probably coming to a realization and you are only a 1 year in call his BS if it happens again.
Bipolar or meth attitude seems
This is a little weird to me. Why would you not say something immediately? There is a time and place for things. If he was right to call you out, you should be embarrassed. However if he was wrong you need to immediately “check him”. No man should ever call you out of your name or disrespect you especially in front of others, unless you are wrong.
I would flush him. It’s only going to get worse.
Don’t beat around the bush, don’t take any shit & if he does it again SHOW HIM WHAT IT FEELS LIKE !! CUSS AT HIM & BELITTLE HIM & EMBARRASS HIM !!!
If he behaves like this in the “ Honeymoon “ period of marriage he will get worse not better
Saying sorry doesn’t cut it.
You need to stand up for yourself now and stamp this behaviour out now .
Me personally I’d make it clear he’s not to speak to me like that again and this behaviour better change. Ur his wife babe so he should respect u as his wife. How dare he speak to u like that especially around other people. It doesn’t mKe him look manly it makes him look like a disrespectful little boy. Hope ur ok. Xxxxx
Hit him on the face with the pineapple the next time he does that
I would let him know at the friends house to never talk to me that way again but be careful some men who start with verbal abuse will start hitting. But do no tolerate it at all !
Don’t worry , it’s not you who will be criticise but him , they will be sorry for you , it’s him that looks small like a cockroaches, your husband is an idiot , he behaves like an asshole , he thinks it’s cool, in my eyes he is an ignorant
What you allow, is what will continue.
I’m sorry but you’re husband’s behaviour is childish and absolutely ridiculous. And his excuse was pathetic.
He disrespected you, once a man knows he can disrespect you they’ll continue to do it.
It’s a form of DV for men to verbally abuse, humiliate or make you feel embarrassed in public, these acts erode your self-esteem.
I would have a serious conversation and tell him you won’t allow him to disrespect you, next time call him out in front of your friends because if you don’t call him out or give him a consequence he will keep doing it.
I would say to him in front of everyone, “ Don’t speak to me like that darling, everyone will think you’re a tool”.
Run far and run fast. He’s no good
Continue open discussion with what bothers you and how his behavior makes you feel. I consider a year and half still a very fresh relationship (I’m in a 17+ one myself), communication is going to your saving grace if he’s capable of reciprocation. He felt put on the spot and probably reacted for his own ego’s sake, these are things you two can talk about and hopefully resolve. If he can’t admit fault, or continues despite you openly asking him to work on it, then it is his own short coming and it’ll be up to you what you continue to put up with. Best of luck and I’m sorry that situation got stressful when it didn’t need to.
Kind of sounds like a red flag of sorts…
he should never disrespect you in front of others. well, never in general either. it’ll probably get worse
Nothing to break up over but he seems toxic and rude. Do not ignore the red flags. Dont let it get worse
should of slap the shit out of him
Personally the moment he spoke to me like that, I’d have gotten up and said my goodbyes to friends and left.
Utterly disrespectful way to treat you.
Going forward I’d be telling him what your expectations are of him, if he made a mistake, ok so be it. However if that behaviour continues and escalates then I’d be re-evaluating the relationship.
Sounds like the start of something worse to come. Since you are noticing this is an issue bring it up to him. Let him know that it’s unacceptable behavior and you will not tolerate being belittled by him. He needs to change the behavior ASAP or leave him. This is the type of thing that can progress which you shouldn’t allow. You deserve better
Bottom line is he shouldn’t treat you like shit. If he can’t talk to you like a partner then leave him. You deserve better.
Why is he being rude over a pineapple? Especially in front of friends that’s just weird
I would ask him why he finds it necessary to cuss at you and belittle you like that. Theres a little thing called being respectful.
I would have laughed at him and told him “never mind, he can’t do shit” and walked away.