My husband sweared at me at our friends house over a pineapple: Do I have a right to be upset?

u think your husband doesn’t know he can do it that is why he didn’t own up? stop looking for work for your husband


Get a divorce!! It will only get worse!


It seems like he listened and apologied. I wouldn’t be concerned unless he keeps doing it now you’ve raised the issue.
People slip so be consistent in making sure you’re respected

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Wait until he does it again and then break something over his head


I would say," honey why don’t you just kiss my ass "

He acted that way over a pineapple? Yeah… its gonna get worse.


Whose story is this??? It’s in 3 other groups

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Leave…it will get to happening behind closed doors too. This is just a glimpse.

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Belittling you in front of others is not acceptable he would not appreciate it if you did the same to him. It needs to be talked about

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I wouldn’t put up with it. He is showing you he has no respect for you with the way he treats you in public. I can only imagine how he is when you’re alone. He is wrong and his treatment of you is not ok.


Your husband sounds like a douche

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Sounds like he is prepping you for worse to come. That’s a big red flag.


Well if he disrespects you now believe me, he won’t stop.
It will get worse.


Sounds like you embarrassed him as well by offering him up to do a chore without asking him first. From what you described he didn’t appreciate it and men don’t have the best way of communicating their needs, like women do. I would wait and see if he actually makes an effort to stop doing after saying he would.

This would have been me before I cussed him right back. I don’t handle disrespect well. Everyone would have heard my mouth going off at him and divorce papers the next day.

I’d of asked who he thinks he’s talking to… don’t let him speak to you like that and especially not in public… seems he prob thinks he looks the big man disrespecting you in front of people. The more he gets away with doing it in front of people the more he’ll do it. Stand up for yourself and put him in his place


It’s just the beginning… Unfortunately. Accept the apology and see if the behavior continues, it could’ve been a bad night, or just the beginning.


Not to offend you but your husband sounds like an asshole. You don’t need to come on here and ask what you already know …time to leave.


I would have just googled how to cut a pineapple, grabbed a knife and did it myself. Men are helpless babies who can’t fend for themselves.:joy: #facts


Swear back at him, simple.

Leave…run don’t walk!

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U say he’s “gotten in the habit” which leads me to believe this is not the first time he’s lashed out like that at you. Just as importantly has he promised not to again before and then he still does it?


No way you should tolerate that! It sounds like it will get worse. He should never disrespect you and belittle you for any damn reason and if you allow it…. :broken_heart:

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What a douche . If he’d talked to you like that now imagine how its gonna be the longer you stay.


What you allow to happen will continue to happen


It’s a red flag. If nothing else it should open your eyes. He will treat you in the manner you allow. Teach him how you want to be treated and settle for nothing less.


Lmao…think u know the answer yourself to that question…kik his arse out

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Does it happen in front of the same friends? If so, is one female?


Speak to him the way he speaks to you. Beat him at his own game. Never let a man have the upper hand in any situation!!

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He bipolar, double personalities

And you just LET him embarrass you? Girl I would have cussed him all to pieces right in front of this friend. Disrespect shouldn’t be tolerated.


Probably not post about it on Facebook . Does sounds like he was being an ass though

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Throw the whole man away


he will do it again and again and of course thing you know its going to get physical.thats a BIG HUGE RED FLAG :wink:


This is what you shoulda did

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It’s a guy think for sure, any time guys are around their friends they want too act like jack asses too show off because guys think it’s cool too disrespect you in front of their friends obviously it’s not but most guys are immature brats


I’d tell that mf where he could go right in front of your friends. He will do what you allow. Get a back bone


Mine yells at me infront of his whole family i swear he will go off and start telling me to go back to my moms house kicking me out and shit all my in laws hate me now because they take his side for everything so i feel you girl they don’t even talk to me anymore family parties they just say hi and bye

u shouldn’t let your husband swear at u. never! u don’t deserve that! besides, there’s nothing wrong cutting a pineapple for your friends as they don’t know how to do it. your husband is a lazy asshole as well!


That’s how abuse works
Bad to you
Then apologise
If he won’t get help
You best move on

And don’t think things will get better in time and waste the 10 years I did…


Really that’s your only marital issue swear back lady

First off the you know comment is deflecting blame to you it’s narcissist behavior


Small peepee energy. If he can do that in public and you keep putting up with it…you are giving him the green light for worse.


Could it be insecurities ? Maybe he’s insecure about his role as a man. Sound like someone using agression to assert dominance in the relationship


Get counseling. Let him know it’s time to go home if he does it again. Get in your car and go home. He can be ignorant and learn he is in need of a pay back.

hell no I’d never let a man speak down to me like that ever and that was not only disrespectful to you but to the friend that was hosting! We would’ve been done right then.

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Give him the good ol fashioned silent treatment and make his ass suffer

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I’d be very cautious. For most stuff like that doesn’t happen at first it takes a bit otherwise you wouldn’t be married. Next time you need to get him alone and let him know sweating at you or speaking to you like that isn’t going to work. You’ll know what’s going on if he keeps doing it after that. It only gets worse and I promise if he keeps doing it and you stay you’ll regret it. It’s not easy but for you it’s worth it


Ask yourself why your putting up with someone like this? He could have just done it or just said I’ll do it a bit later, not neccessary at all to treat you like shit over something so small :sparkling_heart:


One swift kick to his testiculars, and he won’t run his mouth again. Fair warning, he can say he’s sorry 72839 times, but he’s still gonna act the fool.

To go along Nirvana comment the talk need to be about giving you the respect that you deserve around friends and that the language, demeanor, and attitude was uncalled for. He could have simply said “ I know how but not that good at it and will pass”. Also, being involved in preparing/cutting of appetizers that will be consumed not only be your party but others as well is a sign of food friendship. Whether the friends should have had it prepared or not a real friend helps when it’s needed. Stand up for yourself and tell him that to not speak to you around others in that manner. It’s embarrassing and rude.


1.5 year marriage and he’s doing that during the Honeymoon stage??? Don’t give him any children and get a divorce. Worse is yet to come.


Tbh it sounds like emotional abuse. I’d leave him but that’s me… be very careful if you decide to stay and watch for further signs of abusive behavior…


Swear him back.its not the 1st time right??? Make him feel as small as his making u then give him time to think about his action. If this doesn’t change then its ur decision sister

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If he does it more than one time, all the ""sorry’s in the world mean nothing–he will repeat this and repeat it . I can see one time as a slipup but he would not do it more than once if I were in your shoes. It will only get worse as time goes on.


Mine does this at home but he’s a dick so idk

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Id be single. If he flips out over this crazy incident with a damn fruit what else will be flip out about. And his hosting comment makes him sound entitled and quistions contributing around him .


Once it starts happening in front of others, it’ll get worse. Been there, done that.


I was put on the spot and asked to bbq for a house full of people which I didn’t even live at. I was pissed but I didn’t cause a scene. Remember Amie E Silcio

Maybe a psych evaluation for social disorder

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First a pineapple then a orange somebody go get hurt :unamused:

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You put him on the spot. He was obviously upset as well. You got upset by his reaction to being upset. (That’s what you need to talk about. How he reacts is noy okay. He can pull you aside next time.) But… HE apologized. Now it’s your turn! TALK TO YOUR HUSBAND. NOT COMPLETE STRANGERS.


Take that as a warning. Sounds petty but it can lead to something greater or worse. Stand up for yourself, do the be a pushover

Grow a spine… know your worth…sorry if that was harsh …it woulda been nice to hear it before I needed to go boarder line nuts…:blue_heart::purple_heart::+1:


You are being nice. First thing I would do is call my momma… so she knows to get my bail money ready! Nope. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. His attitude towards just helping said friend cut some damn fruit because they should fix everything since it’s their party, is just bad vibes.

That Fkn pineapple would’ve been shoved up his ass in front of everyone. Fk that. I’ll show ya ass crazy mfkr :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Suck it up buttercup and stop volunteering him to do things other people should have done. No wonder why men are no longer interested in getting married.


Sounds abusive to me verbal abusive showing using you make himself look good. If I was use he needs counseling he also two faced. He wont stop the abusive behavior counseling doesn’t work move on


U have every right!!!

Grow up. Adults cuss :man_shrugging:


He been told right there in front of our friends. Oh heck no your not going to disrespect me like that.


The apology needs to be as loud as the disrespect Even with the apology, I’d help him pack. He will continue what you allow. It’s going to get worse. One day his hand is going to “slip” and then another apology. NAH. Time to dip.


Stop it Now, or it will Always be that way !!!

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If this is the first time he’s done it ok. Maybe it’s q one off. Watch him and be careful. If this is a repeat thqt is the start of emotional.abuse qnd in no way is appropriate for him to address u that way or behave. HUGE RED FLAG


Cuss his stupid ass out right where he showed his ass


This could be your and your kids future, if you give him any. Leave while it’s early.


Fuck all the excuses, abuse is a slippery slope. If he is mad about you complementing his skills at cutting something, it will escalate.i don’t like being put on the spot either, no excuse to treat someone like shit. Apologies mean nothing if it keeps happening and anyone making excuses, I am sorry for you. Being alone is better than being treated like shit for simple things, like relying on your partners skill


My husband is the same way but most time it’s just my friends not mutual he hates when I volunteer him for things lmao but he’s never disrespected me in front of anybody I feel he was a bit out of line but if he doesn’t do it again then it shouldn’t be a prob but if he continues to do it then communicate to him how it makes u feel

Remember… what you put up with and excuse over and over is the ground work you are laying for how others treat you. That’s total embarrassment and degrading. He needs to apologize to you and your friends. If it doesn’t change- he’s not going to. He could’ve simply said no. You were just being helpful to yourself friends. This is a awe hell no situation


You don’t see how this is abuse…emotional abuse…This is 1.5years in what truly loving husband treats his wife this way … Run


Next time… Just ask him who TF do he think he’s talking to?!? Flip your hair and walk off! He’ll sit there like…


Just to play devils advocate my wife (while we were still dating) offered me up to carve the Christmas turkey and now 30 years later everyone we know expects me to carve turkeys. I’ve even had them brought over to have me to slice up before I either do my own or whoever’s we are having Christmas with.

So, he might be trying to say please don’t offer up my services I’ll be it in a rather crude way

It’s abuse no matter how you look at it. Unacceptable.


I was with a public name caller. It would be so embaressing. Sometimes I left out of stores. Eventually I left him.

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So he cussed at you in public, but apologized in person? Yeah. He’s an abuser. Tell him to either get help with that or get out. Because it will only get worse.


I don’t understand what it was that he got upset over.

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Ok put ur foot down…tell him that you dont like him swearing ay you and if he continues the door is right there he can get out… I dont know about u i think swearing is a minor thing compare to abuse and cheating… I joke around and say fk off to my significant other if hes being a d!ck…

Sounds like a real douche. And I wouldn’t put up with that crap. Boohoo you were asked to cut a pineapple. Is your arm going to fall off.

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Nah, it wouldn’t be me. If he wants to act like a Bitch, be the bigger bitch!

Um leave him he sounds like toxic narcissistic abuse


D.I.V.O.R.C.E. end of story. If he can not treat you right 24/7 alone and around friends and in public the he is not worth it. His apologies are fake and unacceptable.


That’s where you simply and quietly excuse yourself and leave him at the pineapple party and finish the week in a spa retreat alone :pineapple:

First of all who the hell is wants a so called friend that’s not willing to help out when asked. He’s sounds like loser all around.


Sounds like a bipolar ass Gemini


Kick his fucking loud mouth to the curb. Better off without him!!! Fucking done ass.


Red Flag!!! DON’T wait around!


He is uncomfortable with confrontation with a friend but has no problems being confrontational with you in public? Hey may love you. He may have a good heart. He is obviously lacking in manners. He has shown that he has no respect for you. You need to let him know that in no uncertain terms is that acceptable. Problem is you’ve put up with it already, so he became comfortable in his behavior believing, even knowing he can get away with it. You need to ask yourself how you are willing to put up with and set clear boundaries with consequences. Sounds like I’m advising you to treat him like your the parent and he’s a child. You don’t want that either. However you need to respect yourself and demand to be treated well. Are you willing to walk away? How far is too far? Know this before you set your boundaries. Set your boundaries and be prepared to carry out whatever consequence whether it’s walking away completely or taking some time apart and seeking marital counseling. You do not deserve to be treated like crap. This man is supposed to love and cherish you and you deserve no less.

You get what you settle for

Sounds like a dank lol sucks living in a domestic relationship

People can only continue to do to you what you allow. Calmly explain your position and your expectations going forward. Assure him, you will follow through with whatever it is you set as your guidelines or repercussions. Then, be prepared to do just that! If every time an “I’m sorry” at home gets him out of the dog house, you’re setting yourself up for more of the same. Fighting in front of your friends and lowering yourself to his level will only make it a challenge for him. If the behavior disturbs you, certainly don’t mimick that behavior to get even. It would be wrong for you to do that for any reason, just like it is wrong for him. Good luck! Stand your ground!