My Husband Texts Another Woman Throughout the Day: Advice?

To ignore you to talk to her tells you who his priority and it’s not you. Have a come to Jesus moment and tell him that he needs to stop it and stop it now. If he did that while I was talking to him there would be hell to pay, get counseling.


Oh no not acceptable next time I take the phone and talk to her tell her to bug off

tell him he needs to knock it off that’s cheating

What’s wrong with women? Do everything but leave his dumb arse. Leave lady

I feel like yes it’s pretty shit, but are you holding up your emotional needs for him (I don’t mean that negatively please don’t misread that)

What I mean to say is maybe she is just a friend especially if they discuss each others relos. Maybe he asks for advice regarding you for a women’s perspective that isn’t involved with u :pray: my partner does this I used to flip out bit over time I have realised if I ask he will tell I pray it’s the same for you. But maybe start with strait out asking him. And if he’s shady about it RUN!

You clearly know where you stand. I’d be leaving

You teach people how to treat you. Why are you even there? That shit hurts but you are putting yourself through it.

That is 100% emotional cheating, He’s investing his time and energy into someone else other than the female he’s in a relationship with?!?
I would be kicking that man to the curb because clearly he’s much more interested in her.


Oh heck no! Throw him out​:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Divorce. You’re not a doormat…don’t let him treat you like one hunny xx

It is his job to keep others closed out of his relationship.
It is his job to never give you reasons to mistrust his sincerity or his faithfullness. When you allow doubt to creep in You build mistrust.
Communication trust and ultimately respect are all 3 needed for a healthy long term relationship.

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You should divorce him and find a real man, you currently do not have one of those. A REAL man would not make his wife doubt he loved her, he would put her first. He wouldnt be talking to someone he previously had feelings for about his current marriage issues.

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My husband and I are working past this right now. We are in counseling for his addiction to other women. It’s difficult, but unless he is willing to put in the work, nothing will help. We have dealt with it for years. It took me kicking him out, making him tell the kids why he was leaving, and coming clean with the woman’s husband to get there. Just please don’t make the mistake I did and think it was anything you did or didn’t do!!!


This isn’t going to end well.

No ma’am!!!
I was the wife that tried to be understanding, not jealous, and cool about that kind of thing.
Do you know what it got me?!!

Honestly it sounds like the only reason why your SO ISN’T messing with this female is bc she turned him down!!!
But… She’s still getting his attention… Even when you are around. So… They are well on their way to an affair.

Screw that and screw him!!!
You deserve better.


I think you know the answer

Oh hell no! Not appropriate and completely overstepping boundaries!

I’d give him the option either block her number and never talk to her again and if he does do then you’ll find out we always do😂 or carry on texting her and you leave because it’s just not on.

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Slap your self now do it again wake the fuck up

That’s not okay at all.
Talk to him about how it makes you feel though

Uhhhh no. Not ok. Why would you even allow that. Get rid of him


So much about this situation should be a warning sign.

It’s fine for men to have female friends. They don’t prioritize their friendship over their marriage. If it’s someone he used to pursue romantically and he’s dropping your conversation to respond to a text from her, that’s a problem. If he only recently gave her his number, I would wonder why he was giving her access to him that she didn’t already have, especially if he is behaving this way about it.

Wow… You have a lot of patience. Personally I don’t think it’s okay. and if you have a problem with it your husband shouldn’t be doing it.

That would be a hell no for me. I’m fine with my fiance has female friends but if he pushes me aside for another female he wouldnt be with me anymore. And also i def wouldn’t want him talking to someone he tried to romantically persue

Yup, turned out they were having an affair. I left him after 16 years of marriage. She was also married, for only 3 months when I found out about them. They were made for each other!

Take advantage of his utmost attention being on that phone and that other woman. Quietly go to the kitchen get an iron skillet and hit him upside the head with it. That’s old school mama.


This post had so many red flags, I can’t even imagine why you’re still with him. He’s actively cheating on you in front of your face.

I have s ton of male friends, and some are married. I MAKE IT A POINT to be the wife’s Friend! And even have a group chat. Why I never want any to feel uncomfortable. I make clear boundaries. As I would not be happy with my husband talk to a female with out me know who she is . The wife comes first ALWAYS !


Nope! I’d be our girlfriend! That’s not okay

Girl, I know it is hard to see your situation when you are in it, but damn… You should hear how ridiculous this sounds to an outsider… You know the answer to your question already if you have to ask a mom group, online and anonymously. Personally, I would leave. If my husband ever ignored me, texted another woman that wasn’t a family member ONCE, I would freak out. You obviously aren’t enough if he has to be entertained by another woman.

Doesn’t work for me. Hell to the nah.

This is the beginning of the affair. Document everything… Your lawyer will want it.

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Is this a joke? Sis you’re single

He’s cheating, or about to. I’d take his phone & smash it the next time he’d text her if I were you :woman_shrugging:t2:


Lose him. He’s a loser.


You gotta kick his ass to the curb

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Looks like your on your way out…


Sorry but if this was my fiance he would be long gone
Why is here texting her all day and wht is he putting her first. Sorry but you are being played

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R u serous? You are asking for advice when there are a TON of :triangular_flag_on_post:?!!! Just know that a man is going to treat you the way you let him.

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Nope nope nope, have you spoke with her?? Might not be a bad idea. But his ass would be on the curb!! Solid disrespect…perhaps you could confide in a male “friend” about your relationship. Funny he wont like wearing those shoes

That is insane! Beat his a**!!! :rofl:

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WTF! No way in hell!

Almost sounds like my situation couple years ago. My guy was messaging some chick on Snapchat. Saw she was his best friend on there. Made him delete her but then he’d re-add her then delete her when he got home. I’m not dumb!

Not into you anymore!

Just dump him- he already decided you ain’t his cuppa tea. Let him go so he can cheat on her

Hes having an emotional affair. Leave now.


This is a joke right?!


Yeah I divorced him over that and many other reasons

Nope. Big fat nope!! That’s an emotional affair

You know what you should do.

That is a problem. Something is very wrong. Id leave him and tell him when you are serious about our relationship, let me know, and if Im still available we can discuss it.

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I’m toxic, smash the phone :man_cartwheeling:t2:


I agree with everybody else, that’s an emotional affair…
well that u know of, could be a physical one too. I don’t know. Either way if it were me I’d kick him to the curb, cuz sounds like someone else is his priority.

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That’s ten pounds of nope in a five pound bag.


I’m sorry but half these posts be stupid women put up with too much I’m not saying leave him but voice your opinion and depending on his reaction act accordingly

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Serious question but why can’t guys just be friends with girls?
Why are they automatically cheating?
If his friend had a penis would you still be worried?
If you had a friend of any gender and texted them all day does that automatically mean you’re cheating?

Do you have a brain?

Definitely tell him that it makes you uncomfortable, ask him to try to understand how it makes you feel- ask him to imagine how he would feel if the situation were reversed. Also remember, it’s important to be able to have a friend you can talk to about your problems/life/etc, so it may be a platonic relationship. But in a marriage you need to respect and validate each other’s feelings, that means if it’s a platonic relationship that still makes you uncomfortable, he needs to reassure you in such a way that you’re no longer uncomfortable with it, OR that friendship should have some tighter boundaries set on what they discuss and the frequency of it all.


The only one allowing that disrespect to continue is you. It’s not even just the fact that she is an ex. If he does it while you 2 are talking. That’s just rude AF…you really need to say something and if that doesn’t change then I would inform him that I’m going to leave.


So you dont know who the female is? How do you even know its a female? Could be a psycholgist. Dont jump to conclusions ask him who it is, why hes texting them then express your feelings. Miscommunication and distrust are biggest problems in relationships

I would leave a guy for that if he didn’t stop ignoring me whenever they chat no matter how long id been with him he’s disrespecting u completely and I wouldnt put up with it is one thing for him to have friends that are woman but that sounds like he’s crossing the line!


Put a stop to it. If there’s problems in your relationship he doesn’t need to be discussing them with HER… he should be talking to you and looking for ways to fix things.
If you were texting an old boyfriend he would be beside himself. Emotional cheating is just as bad as the physical act. Tell him to stop. And remember people disrespect you and treat you badly because you let them.

Affair of the Thumbs. He should have no emotional connections except with you. An emotional bond is heady and hard to break.


This is a situation where you have to be clear that you do not like it and why. If he continues then either counseling or more needs to be done


Nope! Draw a line. Pack his stuff, set it on the porch. Get the locks changed. Tell him you’ll get hold of this other woman’s husband and see if he can move in with them.

That is a big no no. No one should ever talk to the opposite sex about their relationship in an intimate way like that. That is just asking for trouble.


That’s a deal breaker for me. Especially if he’s choosing her texts over your conversation. I see tons of red flags here


I would not even put up with that kind of garbage that your man does not have no right texting another woman while he is at work even if it’s friendly he should only be talking to you if he cannot call you then he should not be talking to anybody or texting anyone else you never tell someone else about your relationship because if it is going south then that gives the person the idea of getting with your husband or boyfriend because they think that you are having problems and that just opens up a door for more problems

That would NOT stand in my marriage. Period. I’d leave. Permanently and I love my husband no end!

You should NEVER confide in the opposite sex about your relationship. So many red flags. You can’t make him stop but you can make it known you do not approve and how it makes you feel.


Invite her over to dinner with her boo then confront them infront of her husband. Get all them cards down on the dinner table. See if her hubs knows how much they chit chat and see if it’s innocently


When you are married being close friends with the opposite sex should stop. That is an invitation to cheat. You need to confront him and lay down some rules about this. It’s not okay


Definitely not! You should never be second to another woman.


First of all, stopping mid sentence with you to talk to her is a huge red flag. There’s no woman that should be more important to him than you. Second, he shouldn’t be discussing your marriage with another female, period!! Many red flags!! Good luck and you definitely deserve better!!


Nope. Nope. Nope. If there isn’t cheating already going on, it’s coming. Honey, get yourself a lawyer and make sure to prepare yourself. He’s going to deny it if you confront him, but if YOU aren’t his first priority in life, there’s a problem already. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this :frowning:


I don’t like this at all. That’s the door to temptation


Honey I hate to be the one to break it to you but if her conversation is more important than he’s already made is choice. He’s having his cake and eating it too. He respects her enough to be open about your relationship with him. He’s not respecting you enough to be honest that they are already sleeping together. Just as she is not respecting her husband enough to be honest. I would garuntee her husband is clueless as well. Married couples don’t open up about a rough relationship unless sexual contact is already happening. Also you’ll notice he picked someone who also has a spouse so they are both weighing the same risk. I promise you she’s already won. Cut your losses fuck her husband do what you gotta do to dust your self off and move on. You’ve already lost him. There is definitely something being hidden and cheating doesn’t just happen overnight it starts with those texts your not comfortable with.


Um move one. Simple as that. If he was interested in her romantically and he does not respect you enough to let her live her life then you deserve better. Kick him to the curb. Loneliness is better than staying with a cheater

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I had a situation like that except I didn’t know he was texting someone until I found out by chance. I snapped all the way out. Let’s just say I threatened lives and they don’t talk anymore

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Leave… no excuse to allow that. If you stay, you’re only hurting yourself. My husband knows my boundaries and that is one of them and if he were to put himself in a situation to lose me, that’s his fault. Not mine. Leave.

I had the same issue with my exhusband. It wasn’t long until he kicked me and our son out. I questioned it and he didn’t like it so me and our son had to go. Within 2 weeks of kicking us out, he was seeing someone. Never ignore red flags.


Nope…red flag…if you married then nope he don’t need female friends…if my man did this …he would be gone…because that kind of attention should be given to you and only you…and he romantically pursued her in the past…well sounds like he doing it again…sorry I don’t know you but you deserve better…


if nothing else, it might be (becoming) an emotional affair. anytime someone else is put in front of u is a red flag. find out why he needs that connection before writing the relationship. it’sprobably a much bigger issue than this “friend”. either way, if u dont confront it and course correct, there’s trouble in ure future. been here, done this. and it ended our marriage in the end. she was just the catalyst that brought it clearly to me and answered all my what ifs, buts, and idk. see a counselor. get yourself the help u need. if there are children, get them help too.

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Your relationship should never be talked about with someone else especially someone of the opposite sex! They are forming an emotional bond with each other!

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How about realizing that he can have friends outside of you? Find out the details before you automatically assume something. It’s not all about you. He’s allowed to have friends, you know.


Not okay at all. Absolutely not. If the tables were turned how would he feel???


No, no, and no! Disrespectful on all levels. He should treat you the way he would expect any man to treat his Mother, Sister, or Daughter. If he can’t he needs to move on so that you can be treated as the queen that you are.

Are you kidding because you should KNOW the answer to this question. First, he is 100% WRONG to give her his phone #. Second, he shouldn’t talk to another woman every day, all day, and third, he should NEVER talk about your relationship with another woman. Where are you in your relationship? Are you breaking up???

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Wow!! Amazes me you have to ask. Private issues are between partners not the world. Sounds like looking for attention, and using issues as a excuse. Relationships aren’t grade school crushes. His mind is wondering, is enough to ignore you and be moody. Either in or out, no grey area. He needs to grow up, or be gone. No respect anymore in relationships. It’s not on the woman it is on him, to just say NO! And be a man who is loyal to you and show respect. Straight up. Don’t settle. Remember your a grown woman, no games. Your worth more.

No he only has 1 female he needs to talk to me! He don’t need any female friends except his bff me!

Wonder how he’d feel if it was reversed and you had an emotional friend.

It’s cheating no way would I allow that friends are just that but to drop you every time she texts. He is either cheating or thinking about it. Put your back bone :bone: on and end it.

Oh nooooo…that is headed for an affair if it hasnt already!!! How disrespectful to you…he would have to choose?? That is not normal.can i ask why u put up with that??

You must be first in his life! If this goes on all day every day then she, not you, is first in his life! Unacceptable!!!

Spouses come first! You should never be put on the sidelines.communication is a must❤️

That’s a red flag, get your self an attorney, he has no respect for you.

Stop worrying about it and do the same :joy: don’t tell him it bothers you let him see how it feels.

Find out who he is,talking to before jumping to conclusions. If he don’t tell you then I tell him to get loss.

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Do u know her ? What has he told her about you two…grab that phone out of his hand…an throw it in water

Time to get your ducks in a row and run if your not married. If you are I’d demand to seek counseling good luck