My Husband Texts Another Woman Throughout the Day: Advice?

I’m priority if I can’t be number one then I refuse to be number 2.

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Red flag…Run n don’t look back…

Don’t just jump to leave him. Kick up a FUSS, really make it known that you are being put on the back burner and everytime she texts him ask him questions and don’t stop and if he gets defensive take his phone when he isn’t looking and go to the bathroom or a room with a lock on it and tell him what your doing if he doesn’t like it oh well if he doesn’t give you straight answers and ignores you don’t let him make you feel guilty. You look through his messages and his voicemails and if you find what you suspect take his butt too couples counseling. FIGHT FOR YOUR MARRIAGE. YOU IS WIFEY!!! Stay strong during this point and try to motivate yourself to fight for him by remembering why you fell in love with him and the good experiences you’ve had with him. DONT STOP LOVING YOUR HUSBAND. if it does come down to y’all not being able to get through counseling and him not having that female friend close. Then at the end of it you can say you loved him through it all and you fought a wife’s battle and you can lay your head down with a clear conscience and start healing.

Hell No would my man be texting another female how would he feel if you were texting another Man? I bet he wouldn’t like it either.

I can’t even begin to to tell you how this is wrong on so many levels… First it not ok … 2nd it is not ok and 3rdly it is not ok !!!He is having an emotional affair… ( he is emotionally cheating on you. )
If he hasn’t already cross the line of full blown adultery.
He doesn’t even seem at all bothered that it is wrong. Total disregard to you and the way you may feel.
No bueno!!!

NO way… Unexceptable, your married & he was interested at one point? No way…

Wait, is this real? Because if you are asking for advice on your husband calling and receiving calls from another about personal conversations, all times of the day and has nothing to do with business, because that would only be any reason a woman would call your husband and if it’s during business hours, unless this woman is running your husband’s business for him and there’s a dyer emergency that she needs him, then it’s ok, but since your husband has taken it upon himself to openly see another woman in front of your own eyes, only has me believing that you have been ok with this or you simply have no self respect for yourself and God forbid you have a daughter who witnesses the disrespect her mother receives from her father and thinks it’s OK. You will open the door to the same path for your daughter. I hope this isn’t real!

I dont know how your marriage is despite this , and i think that plays a part in deaking with ut. I don’t think anything positive for YOUR relationship is coming from he and she texting so much. I guess we all have our own standards and things that are unacceptable to me may not be to you. However, its inappropriate in my book. If you’ve expressed your feelings and he chooses to make no change when it comes to his behavior with this friend, he made a decision. He chose her relationship with him over your relationship. Its time for honesty from both of you. It will never fully leave your relationship. I know this for a fact. It will always be there. She may also feel a need to contact you after he talks to her about it and or doesn’t talk with her but distances himself and the dynamics of the relationship between them change. If it is truly just a friendship and just the friendship makes you uncomfortable due to him putting you second , he should respect your marriage enough to fix it. If not , its probably time to discuss the future of your relationship. I personally will no longer be made to feel less than, second or unsure in any relationship again. I hope you find closure with this, however that looks.

Your relationship with your husband is over he’s cheating on you with her or has intentions to do so men do not give out their numbers to women when they are happily married if they do they have intentions to cheat

O hell no! That is emotional cheating. Nothing but disrespectful to you!


Hell no. But to be fair my best friend is a dude. To be fair he is also good friends with my husband.

Honey run as fast as you can. That is so disrespectful. You deserve better :relieved:

That’s inappropriate. Everyone knows that shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on. No go. Shut it down. He wants someone other than you to talk to get a therapist.

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Emotional cheating
He shouldn’t share Your relationship with another woman

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Basically he is having an emotional affair

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That would NOT be happening. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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No, no, no and big NO over here from me. Your relationship and marriage should be private, he has audacity and balls to talk to another female about it.


Not okay. He needs to delete her number now!

He needs to spend his time talking to u. Not another woman

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Nope!! Would not tolerate it! He would be gone!

Lay down the law no texting to other people as he needs to put you first!!!

Girl no. Speaking about your relationship is a problem.

That’s a big no! Definitely a deal breaker for me, it’s just disrespectful!

Nope ! He needs to fix that

That’s a hard no for me…If he’s doing it, he better not let me find out!! His ass will pay for that…and if she knows me I’m gonna f*ck her up…js

No, just a matter of time .Put him out.

Nope, nope, nope. He shouldn’t EVEN go there.

That’s a hard nope for us!!!

At least he tells you and doesn’t hide it for months :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4: some men are so dumb

Um no no that shit would not be happening with me if it was a man it’s all good

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Wtf? NO! That’s a big no no! Do not let him disrespect you like that! Know your worth.

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No. I would not be ok with that at all

What in the world!!! That is not ok! No, nope, never, :woman_facepalming:t3:

Ummm. NO. Would not be happening without consequences.

Just NO. He would not like it if you did it.

Umm no. Not if there was romantic interest at one time.

Nope, he needs to shut that down ASAP.

O hell no cheating in the works and i would tell them both to stop.

tell him it is her or you

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Drop him right now, he’s not into you.

He is 100% cheating!!! Been there done that!!!

Tell him to chose - you or her!

Uhh that’s not ok you need to check out and leave

What ??? All types of wrong period.

Time to get out if u ask me.

That’s a no from me! That stops NOW!

This is a very bad sign everything you feared is coming true. She has no business texting him or being friends with him like that. You confront her about it and you tell her I want you to stop texting my husband you can even get both of them together and you can talk it out with her you can talk about with him but what it’s really going to come down to is he’s going to have to choose between her and you and you need to put to an end it right now.unfortunately though if he gives into easily and they come to an agreement depending on her personality and his personality they’ll just go behind your back and if you find that then the chances are that if they haven’t already had an affair he’s working on it and my own dad then you could see if he could take you to a marriage counselor if you wanted to work on it some more but usually they have to make the mistakes and it’s a very painful thing for the both of you to go through and the ultimate outcome will be he’ll either come back and say I made some mistakes I’m really sorry or he’ll heal in the marriage and he’ll have saved you some time but better to find out now than to put yours into it and you know him staying with you out of guilt or whatever the reason is but best thing to do get it all out in the open get everybody talking and basically when you do things face to face instead of over the phone it puts people on the spot and you can tell if they’re lying or not and then you can tell what kind of decisions that you need to make you know I think going to be some pretty tough decisions

Bye to that bullshit. Never sit back in your relationship. I’m not telling you to leave by any means. Buuuuuut, I certainly wouldn’t stay somewhere another woman has already infiltrated. You’ll only end up being the bitch in the story if you confront it, which is completely unfair to you. If you stay, you’re giving him permission to make you his second option. Clearly you are not the head chick in this situation and he’s abusing you and your dignity by putting her first. Idc if he hasn’t touched her, the intent to pursue that relationship at the cost of yours? That says it all.

Good luck :heart:

You can’t allow that to continue. My husband added an ex girlfriend on FB, & I told him to unfriend her immediately!! Unless he was ok with me having my ex boyfriends as friends too. He wasn’t ok with that & he did unfriend her. The only ex I don’t mind him talking to is his sons mother, & it must be about their son, or they shouldn’t be talking period!! Stand your ground!!

I just went thru this set out while u can. I watched this first hand he even flirted with the girl for a year in front of me. I’m going thru a divorce .13 year marriage to waist girl I ended up in sever depression, heart shattered and so much more kicked him out in end of june filling for divorce this week . Dont sell yourself short just cause he dont love u anymore. I’m still having a hard time with the outcome but girl I feel free and to be honest I’m learning myself again . Good luck to u and when it’s time u will know when to decide what to do.

I went through sth similar as well. My husband was in contact with his ex of a long time and he lied about everything to me and even made me feel like I was crazy for saying what I was saying when at the same time this ex of his was messaging me and gave me a screenshot of their conversation which had been clearly going on for a while. We had blocked all our exes but somehow he managed to contact her on another sm platform. What made it worse was that I had figured that all this had started after he found out (and was happy about) us being pregnant. It hurt me so bad that I snapped and started contacting an ex that happened to work just around the street. I was frustrated and just wanted him to feel what he had made me feel: stupid, worthless and unappreciated. He eventually stopped but from then (5 months ago) I’ve just lost trust. I don’t go through his phone, nor do I contact my exes. I just totally ignore everything about him and surprisingly he’s felt that distance and now he’s always up in my phone always suspecting that I’m upto to sth cos I simply don’t give a :poop: about him and what he does. Cos idk what he’d share with her, what he’d tell her about our struggles and marriage. I had to put my life on hold just so I could take care of our kids and support him in his career, and this was how he repayed me? By betraying me? Us? Our family?. No. I wasn’t going to have that. Everyday I still tell myself to just suck it up, move on and as soon as i get on my own two feet I’ll leave him and take the kids.

What im saying is, you must never allow men to make you feel that way. Don’t give them that satisfaction, esp if they’ve betrayed you that way. You deserve better, women deserve much more. Yet we settle for far less. If you’re not a confrontational person like me, make him feel your absence even when you’re there with him, because he needs to learn to appreciate your presence and never take you for granted !

Beat his ass and hers lol! But no seriously beat his ass and hers! Why are you putting up with this is the question you should be asking yourself??

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Hes emotional cheating.

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Forget counseling…drop that piece of :poop:

Fuck that guy. :+1:t2: You deserve better

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Time for a :sparkles:divorce :sparkles:
By staying with him, you’re telling him its fine he cares more about her than you.

Oh hell no!! Out he goes!!

It’s called emotionally cheating

NOOOOOOOOO MA’AM! Stop that right now!

Leave him, that’s disrespectful.

Send her a friend request

Buh bye!!! Fuck that noise

Completely unacceptable

Thats a big fat NOPE!!

Absolutely unacceptable


They’re both in the wrong. I went through this multiple times with my first husband. It’s a slippery slope to have conversations like that with anyone who is not your spouse. It’s disrespectful and is a form of cheating. In my case, it ended up turning into a full blown affair which ended our marriage.


That is why we’re divorced… He was talking to different women day and night… From fb to his whatsapp. Sometimes when he was next to me they’d be chatting,even when we were in bed… Then he started having passwords and pins in his phone. He had no boundaries and I cannot live with a liar or cheater… I’m single and happy


How do you do that?! :exploding_head: There’s no way I can allow that kind of stuff in my relationship, especially where there was something romantic going on, that’s a big no for me, put ur foot down and let him know how u feel, and then ultimatum.


My ex-husband is an ex for this reason…ended up finding out later how much of a sleaze he really was but nobody said anything until AFTER I left. Best decision I ever made!


Absolutely not ok period especially if anyone of them pursued each other at one point and time. Respectable partners would tell someone of the other sex that talking with them is out of line and that he is married and the only woman to take his time is you. Put your foot down!


2 words EMOTIONAL AFFAIR. how dare he talk about your business with another woman


I would be smashing shit until he blocked her number. Also would be making it VERY clear that if any relationship continues that I would be done.

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My boyfriend has more respect than that for me. My ex husband did as your husband is doing. Hence the EX. Since he literally stops talking to you mid conversation for her I’d say you’re not his priority and he will leave you for her soon.


Delete your number from his phone and from your residence delete him…maybe he’ll get the message. LOL

Call your guys cellphone company and block her number, and don’t tell him. Don’t delete her number from his phone though, that way it just looks like a weird phone thing.


emotional cheating is a thing.


Nope. Been there. He’s now my ex. He also realizes it was the biggest mistake of his life In every aspect possible.

Sorry, you need to have a very serious conversation with him. If you want it to work out… if not, gather your intel and hang him out to dry.

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Not ok. He’s having a relationship with her.

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He wouldnt be a husband anymore.


you don’t have to be physical to be cheating… and if this is someone he was romantic with in the past and than recently reconnected with, i find that very concerning. especially if he ignores you for her, it seems like he’s putting her before you and that’s wrong while being in a relationship with someone. in my opinion he’s cheating he’s emotionally confining in another woman, not only is he seeking emotional support from her but he’s stop seeking that support in you.


ABSOLUTELY NOT! theres nothing wrong with men having female friends but there are definitely boundaries. All day/every day is excessive, and to just stop talking to you when she messages to tend to her, his priorities are not right. If I were you, I would either set some boundaries or leave.


Nope, that’s my attention going to someone else and no other batch needs to know about my relationship! Question, would he be good with you doing that? Didn’t think so! Double standards!

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I’d of left as soon as that started! You can’t & I mean CAN’T be with a man that’ll put some other girl before you especially one that they have previous history from… that’s a huge NO! You need to leave him, I know easier said than done but you have to or else you will end up more miserable & broken once he decides to leave you for her. & that day will come, you have to get your mindset ready because you won’t want that but it will happen… leave now & don’t look back & next time around just make sure boundaries are set beforehand with you & any other so to where y’all would be know the minute one wants to give attention to another person more than to you, that it’s time to leave. I wish you all the luck… trust me I don’t even know you, but I know you deserve better! Don’t settle for less :revolving_hearts:

Hell to the no! There’s something fishy there
Clearly he is more interested in spending time with her. If they’re texting that much, perhaps they’re spending time together, too? I dont know you’t situation, but I’d tell him that if that’s what he wants, then he can leave. As much as I love him, I am strong and independent. And I deserve someone who only has eyes for me.

Emotional cheating. This happened with my soon to be ex husband. Currently a single mom to 2 littles under 3. It hurts but what he did drove me away AND he ended up gaslighting me for walking away. He kept lying to me on the constant. And he was right when he told me I deserve better.

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This is not healthy or a relationship. I personally feel like you are the third wheel and he is probably waiting for you to have the dignity and self respect to leave him.


In my mind it’s cheating. Things should be discussed with your partner. Not an outsider. It’s a betrayal. An occasional text ok, but this crosses the line.


What they said… I wouldn’t leave right off the bat but explain to him how it makes you feel, and tell him you don’t wanna come second to others. If he can’t respect your boundaries then yes, I would leave.


Wont be long till they are meeting, and hooking up, then divorce next… get out while you can. Be one step ahead. That ain’t true love. Show him you dont need him. Go ghost mode!!! Peace this out and make smart Choices.


Disrespectful. He isn’t going to stop. If he respected you and the marriage, this would not be going on. At this point ,its all on you. Once you have the talk ,if you hadn’t already , you will see his honest feelings. We can give advice, but you already know what to do.

They, yes they are a couple in my opinion, apparently they want you, to be the one who leaves.


He’s clearly cheating or on the way to it I would give him an ultimatum stop talking to her or you leave


That is pretty bogus and not fair to you. I’d talk to him and of he keeps doing it then tell him he fucked up :100:

That’s absolutely an affair! Emotional yes but no less bullshit cheating


You are much nicer than me I would of stabbed and killed him already I’m not sorry.

He is cheating. Sorry but he shouldn’t be ignoring you while he talks to another woman.

He’s a chump… he’s married he has no business texting another woman and making you feel the way you are obviously feeling.

He clearly doesn’t respect your feelings or relationship…go find you a real man!

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Get counseling, talk to a lawyer and get prepared for what is next.

Nope… he should not be entertaining her