I definitely wouldn’t stick around to me that’s cheating
Leave him. These questions are so irritating, seriously just leave or talk to him
Girl no don’t put up with that I’d be like BOY BYE
Oh hell no.
Yah, that’s not normal.
Tell him to stop or just leave.
Emotional cheating…it’s just a recipe for the lather I think.
It starts with emotional cheating. Leave him on the curb!
I did not get on this for this crap
Yeah his shit would be in the yard
No way in hell should this be tolerated.
If you have to ask …there’s your answere.
That’s his girlfriend, you are just a friend.
That’s excessive. Id put a limit on it or leave
That’s a fuck no that’s not okay! It emotional cheating.
Oh fuck no.
Id be issuing an ultimatum. And then stick to it.
Cut contact…or im divorcing you.
No problem with my man being friends with a chick…but if shes getting his attention over you, AND they previously pursued each other…oh fuck NO.
Thats cheating. Hands down.
Hell, im not even sure id give an ultimatum at that point. Id just hand him papers and plan my leave.
I think your over thinking it. Personally I get along with males better than females. I have no interest in anyone else romantically but my husband. I have some male friends gay and straight that I text to on nearly a daily bases…we text about pretty much anything sometimes work, life or just joke around. But even though my husband doesnt do this I wouldnt be offended if he did…he has went helped his ex wife with her house and had a few beers with her…but I feel safe and secure in our relationship. I feel the trust between us both helps that security.
If hes pursuing/ed than that’s a huge nono. Him dropping attention and focusing on his phone is an even bigger nono.
Having a friend of the opposite sex? Absolutely fine as long as it’s a mutually agreed upon, strictly friendship.
I have several male friends who I’ve been close with for over a decade. I talk to them just like I would any female friend. We’ve never even kissed (except one friend, played drunk truth or dare sooo it doesnt count YEARS ago )
None of this is hidden from my SO. Hes friends with my male friends. Hes cool with my male friends coming over when hes not home. Why? Because we’ve built trust and he knows that theres no sexual history and never will be. These males are like my brothers, always will be.
One of the first things I made clear when dating a new guy was that I had male friends and if that was gonna be a problem we could end it right there.
If they are just friends, ask to meet her. Read the convo and decide for yourself if it is just friendly or not. Maybe they’re just friends and your husband is just an idiot for showing the phone more attention.
Its possible to have good intentions but always check to be sure.
Ih I’d be packing my stuff and walking out the door it’s rather he chose you or that other lady
I would not allow my man to treat me that way
Only reason he should be dropping a women like that if it’s a emergency family wise
I see so many red sings
It’s disrespectful to you and if he’s okay with that, you should not be.
That’s a helllll noooooo for me
hes cheating run while you can hun
Wtf… Going off of what you DO know, imagine what you DON’T know
Absolutely not… wtf
Chop her head off with an axe. Then chops his balls off.
Uhm end this relationship!
This is very inappropriate. Completely and totally wrong. You have every right to feel upset about it. This is not going to end well. Talk with him now and express how you feel.
I’m not about judging or being upset for my partner talking to other people, female or not. But since he is *ignoring * you for her, that is a problem. And while you should trust your partner, him having been interested in her before, in this specific instance is another bad sign. He liked her once before and now he is ignoring you to talk to her.
You need to sit him down and have a blunt heart to heart. Tell him you are very bothered by the fact that he ignores you for this person, don’t make it about gender or anything else otherwise he could use that against you. I’d hope he’s mature enough not to but, I don’t know him haha. Tell him it’s not okay with you, for him to pay more attention to someone else like that, to the point that he chooses them over you. Give him a chance to fix things. NO ONE is the same and no one is a mindreader. He might be really naive and innocent and have no clue this is a problem.
If he doesn’t fix it or he goes back to it? Then at that point you’ll have to decide if you’re okay with this.
He technically isn’t doing anything wrong yet as far as cheating would be concerned, but he definitely is heading down a bad path by choosing to give them more of his attention.
He’s starting something
It will lead to cheating if it hasn’t already. I would have to put my foot down against this one. It will lead to nothing but heartache
I had a guy best friend that I texted all the time. Wf did talk about our relationships but it was never in a bad way. Mostly looking for advice about ourselves. Our friendship was never talked about in a weird or sexual way. So I can’t really say that it means anything but it’s not always like that. I feel that if maybe he is more concerned about how her day is going and stuff and never asks you that then there is definitely something going on. You should always be the first priority.
Install a key logger. You can see everything he writes, searches etc whether he deletes it or not…
He is already tapping her booty…lol
He’s cheating no matter if physically or emotionally and it’s unacceptable.
Tony Woodward step 1 on how to get a divorce
Thats cheating my dear. Tell him to go be with her or be with you but don’t tolerate that!
Uhhhh…are you that naive??? Why are you ok with this???
I’m all for friendships, but this is past the point of disrespectful. And if he gaslights you about your feelings (which are VALID) then he has bad intentions.
First of all in my opinion if your in a relationship you each need to put each other first
And 2nd you dont go airing your dirty laundry
Find someone else that makes you there light…! That’s sad, girl know your worth, goodluck x
Talk to your husband about this, not the internet. This is something that needs communication.
If he has not already cheating on you with her, he is going to.
Nope. Not ok at all! He needs to cut off the communication ASAP! And he should NEVER EVER be talking to another female about y’all’s relationship!!
Sounds completely innocent. For future reference, THAT was a lie. If he tells you nothing is going on, follow your gut when he tells you there isn’t. It may actually be nothing. It may be just him wanting attention with no intention of pursuing anything. That’s not good either. He’s clearly weak or he wouldn’t drop you to jump for her. Things happen in the moment of weakness.
Throw him the fuck away.
My ex husband did that all the time with either his ex’s or a girl he’d had a thing for since he was 14. He wouldn’t stop and well you can guess how it ended but there’s more to the story
It’s either her or you. He can’t have both.
This situation is only gonna have you second guessing yourself and leave you feeling insecure. Know your self worth and claim it! No woman should play second fiddle to their man in any way.
I would be worried who else is he talking to that you don’t know about. It’s rude and disrespectful. I personally would consider that cheating.
If he loves you what makes you uncomfortable he should not want to do. Delete her number. Tell him how it makes you feel
Do you really have to ask for others advice on that one? I’m just curious because to me that would be a no-brainer, you make him stop all contact with this person or you leave him because he always so you don’t respect you. why would you want to deal with someone like that husband or not? know your worth
No…no no no no. That is not right at all. My husband started with the same thing…and ended up cheating. Id stop it now…because that is not right at all
He should not be texting another woman he is married to you.
I wouldn’t be comfortable with that, the excessive texting nor what they are discussing. Different if it was banter with a friend but he is disrespecting your privacy and marriage by sharing details.
Emotionally cheating! Its disrespectful to you! I’d tell her partner what’s going on. I’d also kick that jerk out!
Ask him if he wouldnt mind if you contacted an ex and see how he feels.! Ask if you can do this all day, every day and see what his response is!
There’s something more going on. You either don’t see it or refuse to see it.