It’s your body, I think your fully capable to make your own medical decisions on what will be comfortable for your body!
Not his body, not his choice.
Wow, that’s frustrating. Make it clear that this is the route you’re choosing to commit to, (not open to debate) and he will have no choice but to support you and his baby. I do agree with others, if you haven’t already, try educating him by having Dr/midwife ease his mind.
Does he know he doesn’t even legally have a right to be there for the birth at all much less dictate how it happens?
Don’t explain. Make your choice and stick with it and if he wants to throw a fit tell him to shut up and get over himself asshole.
Sounds like he’s gonna get kicked out of the delivery room
I would say to bad don’t come in then
Tell him when he’s able to push out a baby… he can decide whatever birth he wants… until then… you’ll make the final decision.
I think a water birth would be amazing! I wouldn’t argue you it though. Get him to agree.
Meh just tell him yeah okay and make him think he’s getting his way but schedule a water birth lol
Coming from someone who wanted a VBAC so badly (& didn’t get one for medical reasons) I would make sure he’s aware there is a chance a c-section will be the only option whether he likes it or not. Whatever gets your baby here the safest is all that matters. Sending love and hope you get your VBAC / water birth mama.
I had a vbac with my daughter but had to have a epidural as I didnt want to risk getting knocked out again for surgery like I did with my son so water birth was completely out of the question for me unfortunately.
That is why I raised my children alone!!