My husband thinks I am cheating with his brother: Advice?

Tell him that’s because his d*ck must have shrunk!!! Sound like he’s the guilty one. Though protest too much

Sounds like he has a guilty conscience

He is gaslighting you. Run and run fast.

He’s gaslighting you. Get out

He the one that’s cheating they are the ones accusing been there

D.I.V.O.R.C.E!! Men like that are not worth anyone’s time, energy or love

Leave…controlling and trying to break you!!

They always accuse us of what tgey are guilty of…

He already think you cheating with the brother, so a lil quickie or two won’t hurt.:woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5:

Sounds like he’s projecting. If you want to make things work. He needs therapy. And couples counselling would be good too. But ultimately he needs to work on himself.
Or just leave. You don’t deserve this shit and if he doesn’t seek to change himself on his own he will never change and you will be stuck with this behavior.
I truly wish you well and Goodluck it’s not easy. And whatever you choose to do, I wish you the best possible outcome. :heart:

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Sounds like he is the one cheating.

Maybe he’s cheating again

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Are you EFFING kidding me? You’re still with him because???!!!

Agreeing with many others. He is most likely cheating on you and projecting it onto you. My baby dad accused me so much even with my cousin husband (who was like an older brother to me, he was my bros best friend). He put me thru hell over it when all along he was the one cheating even left my and our BABY for her . either you see it for it is and cut your loss now or you stay with someone who doesnt even have the respect for you to leave you and let you live a better life. He rather drag you down and break you. It may hurt at first but best believe it will get better

The accuser is usuay the one doing it

Guilty dog barks… get rid of him

that’s called projection…


See a counselor please. This won’t get better.

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Accusations from a narcissist are confessions.

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He is doing this to try and distract from his inde

Guilty conscious is eating him up… I’d sit him down WITH his brother and tell him what is happening and how all this is affecting you and your relationship with not just your husband but brother in law too! This also affects the relationship your children will have with their father and uncle (not that you would purposely keep them all apart but kids can feel that negativity and tension). If after the conversation, you feel as if you arent gonna get anywhere, then id walk away…it’ll just get worse! My ex done this on me too… even when i commented on two of my male friend’s wedding photos! (When i said the brides looked stunning he then kept saying "bet you wish it was you marrying him in that dress":roll_eyes:)

My ex did this too. Found out he was the one that was cheating. He tried to project his guilt onto me as a smoke in mirrors tactic.

Using when someone accuses you of cheating, it’s because that’s what they’re already doing. I’m not sure why you married him to begin with if things were that bad. Sounds like he’s looking for a reason to leave.

He knows what he’s capable of and he’s blame shifting it onto you. I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t recently cheated on you.

He’s definitely cheating again because he’s accusing you

He’s probably cheating again. Cheaters always accuse the other one of cheating… or whatever it is he’s doing wrong. Dump him and start dating his brother. You’re kid already likes him haha

I would leave him and go fuck his brother on purpose now so he has somethin to talk about and tell him “your brother said it feels just right :ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2:


Sounds like you need to go

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Get out,sooner than later.

Your husband is cheating on you & projecting it onto you

You need to go unless you want to live like that if it started now what’s going to stop it or change it

I’d leave before it get physical

Usually people who are paranoid about the SO cheating are the ones cheating.

I would still like to meet the guy I was supposedly having an affair with …what he looks like , who he is, why he was in my driveway and I videoed it from inside my home and the bf who I wish to know was outside the window while my husband was home with me ect… well MY GUESS IS… he was the one doing the doing … the one doin the accusing is the one doin the doin…

Sounds like he’s projecting !!

What happened to this page?

Why would he know how big his brothers adult peen is?


sounds like it’s time for a divorce

Sorry but your husband is a pig. Discussing your vagina size…??? WTAF…??? Hes jealous that you get on well with his brother and is now projecting his own insecurities/cheating ways onto you. Get shot of him or your self esteem will hit the floor. He’s disgusting Xxx

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Sounds like hes insecure and taking it out on you. Its easier to blam someone else than to admit his insecurities. Tell him to hike up his skirt and knock the sand out of his pussy and show his daughter how a man should treat a woman. I don’t think he wants his daughter to think it’s ok to treat a woman like that. Girlfriend reach in your purse and hand him your balls because he doesn’t have any treating you like that. Fuck him. Happily divorced single mom of 4 amazing sons right here. You are better than that.

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Babies come out vaginas and they go RIGHT back… Try again sir LOL

He’s projecting and definitely cheating on you again


Fine. I’m sleeping with your brother. And then bye, divorce :wave:t2:

Tell him to confront his brother about it

Listen to your gut chick he’s a narcissist it’s what they do and it will never change! He will love bomb you then gaslight you emotionally abused you it’s a narcissist trait and it will only get worse you will end up with PTSD and it’s not a good thing trust me iv been there and it’s a long recovery for the sake of yourself and your child listen to what your gut says it’s never wrong

You don’t I say leave and stop the abuse you are going through

The one accusing is the cheater in the relationship

Almost sounds like my ex

Boot in the rear and out the door.

Hes cheaaaaating … and leave him what a pos for saying that to you … tell him hes cheating cause his dick smells like crusty vagina and yours isint

Throw him away! He is projecting and most definitely cheating!!!

he’s a narcissist.
what they accuse u of, is probably what they do.
or control. and…
I found out too late…what one did to my youngest.
He’s serving 10 yrs and more…when out on bound…

Allow yourself a little self pity then stand up, dust yourself down, straighten your crown and show the world what an amazing Queen you really are :purple_heart:

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Leave him, he won’t change & it’s only gunna get worse

I honestly believe he is guilty of being unfaithful again. Sometimes when people do things like that that they know they shouldn’t have they make accusations to take the attention off of themselves. If he can do it once he can very much do it again. You forgave him once he will expect you to do it again.

Him disrespecting your body is foul. Not only that but it makes him sound extremely unintelligent as we all know that women aren’t “loose” from having sex anyways. This is a horribly toxic situation and you don’t need to he around that. I know it’s easier said than done but I believe staying in this relationship is just going to cause you more pain and you have a little to think about. I’m sorry you are in this situation. I will never understand how people can be so cruel to the ones they are supposed to love.

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He is still cheating on you and trying to divert focus. Time to move on!


He could just be making excuses so you will end up leaving, he wants you to so y’all can break up and he can be with other women in peace or without the guilt. I have been through it all so yes men are not as stupid as you think, they know exactly what they are doing. Hes toxic. His actions won’t change until time goes by and he regrets having you leave. You might as well leave, you can do much better than him.

If he is accusing you of cheating… it’s most likely he is cheating and trying to pass on guilt. Doesn’t sound like a very strong relationship to begin with. Without trust you have no foundation.

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Uh huh, what’s really going on? He’s projecting his bullshit (whether it’s insecurities or dirt he’s doing) on to you.

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Its his guilt! A lot of woman loss elasticity after having kids…leave him… never ever forgive a cheater ever!! you forgive once… they will continue because when you forgive once and take them back they no they can do it again… forgiving is like giving them permission… get out while your young… you only have one life and that’s it… It’s not about just you… you can’t have that environment for your child…The situation will never change… it’s not your fault… you don’t need a man in your life to be happy… you have your daughter… that’s all you need… trust me… I am 65 and a single parent… I have been through hell and back with bullshit when I was married to my son’s dad and have looked back with regret of time crying…getting myself sick… f—k that shit! Just hold your head high sweetheart and leave or you will never know what true happiness is and your daughter will grow up thinking what you endured from a man is acceptable…:heart:

It sounds to me like he has a guilty conscience. May have to do what is necessary for your own mental health.

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Divorce that narcissistic mother fucker ASAP! It will NEVER get better, in fact, it will only get WORSE.

My exhusband and kids dad accused me the whole 7 years of our relationship, the last 2 years being the worst. It went from accusations to the worst possible verbal and mental abuse. Then would tell me that he wasn’t abusing me and that nobody would believe me because he never put his hands on me. Told me that it would be easy to turn my kids (who were 2 and 5 at the time) against me. Told me to think about the uncle who molested me when I was little. Told me he would use the fact that I was going to therapy for my anxiety and depression against me in court to take my kids if I left. Tried to claim that our youngest wasn’t his… those are just a few nasty things he said and did to me behind closed doors.


That sounds exactly like my ex who is an evil raging narcissist, he would accuse me of cheating every day come to find out he was the one seeing other people!! Do not believe anything he says!! He is an evil narcissist! :rage:

Leave him. He already showed you that he doesn’t care by being unfaithful. He isn’t loyal to you and is just projecting his own insecurities onto you because he’s probably cheating again. My ex would say stuff like this to me because he wanted me to leave him so he wouldn’t seem like the bad guy. Turns out he had a whole other relationship with someone and wanted to marry them instead. So I let him and left.

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My ex narcissist use to blame me for cheating. When he was the one doing it. I mean how could I? (Met at 18. My first, my everything I would never. Plus he had to make sure where I was going at all times. Went to a baby shower dropped phone in toilet and phone stopped working. Couldn’t tell him how long. He texted another girl who was there just to make sure I was there. Hed never let me use the car. If I leave when we had kids I’d have to take both or one at least. Plus he had camera all in the house. Monitored my computer usage ect ect) did I mention all while blaming me he got my best friend pregnant. Got out. Take it from me. I took him back after the first few cheats with other girls. (I even forgave him for a maybe baby who’s 8 or 9 our youngest together is 10yrs old. That mom was married so he never did anything with that information) and he’s an idiot for making that remark about your lady part. Obviously he doesn’t know anything about a women’s lady part.

Leave him he’s accusing you because HES a cheater. And probably still is cheating, no man is worth getting told your cheating when you’re not getting dick.

Yeah girl he cheating on u and his guilty conscience is eating his ass up. He also know u could do better but that just from personal experiences.

This is a hard situation with a very simple solution, leave. Plain and simple. There’s no saving this and his behavior towards you is inexcusable. You have a daughter to think about, give her a good example of how love should be and how women need to be treated and leave.

People often accuse others of the things they’re doing. As a way to ease their conscience.

If I was you, I’d tell my husband that me and my wide vagina are leaving his ass. You don’t need that small dick energy… Especially with his history. You don’t need to put up with that shit!

Leave him and get a DNA test to shove down his throat when it comes back showing he’s the dad. He sounds toxic and like he’s projecting. Girl…RUN!

First off… if you’ve already been having sex for years, a new nan isnt going to make you any more loose. You can literally give birth, dilate 10 centimeters and go back… so men need to get over the fact a single penis changes your size. I’ve had 2 kids and their father will tell you it hasnt changed, at least not that he can tell and I just asked him. It takes about 6 months for you vagina to turn back to normal after a baby. But… it is like an elastic that stretches. If giving birth doesnt do much, a penis is irrelevant. Google it!

He needs to go. That behavior is never going to stop.

And you trying to control the situation is total victim behavior. A victim of abuse. Like gaslighting.

Any victim will tell you that you cannot make yourself or a situation perfect enough to keep an abuser from being an abuser.

Because you and the situation aren’t why they’re being abusive. :wink:

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I feel like hes the one doing wrong and deflecting onto you.
Sorry :frowning:


Projecting. He is toxic and chronic cheater. Boy bye.

He’s insecure and toxic. You’re better off without him.

Throw the whole damn husband out! You absolutely don’t deserve that. You deserve the world!!! Hugs momma

He’s insecure because of his own actions

That’s some BULLSHIT there Ain’t worth his time to Be saying shit like that cause MOFO IS A CHEATER TRYING TO MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY I SAY KICK HIS ASS TO THE FREAKING CURB

He’s a jerk. He’s telling you and showing you that he’s a jerk. That isn’t love. Walk away.

Sounds like he’s the one cheating. Divorce!!!

He sounds like a scumbag…you deserve better.

Leave wtf thats so weird and creepy and for him to tell you your vag is wide wtf :joy:

My guess is he is cheating again

Leave the guy he’s not worth it

He’s cheating on you no doubt about it

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He’s cheating and protecting it onto you. Classic. Smh

Make him confront his brother. Like when the brother comes over and your husband is there ask the brother, “ hey are you and I fucking? Cause your brother told me the other day that my VJJ is wider cause we are fucking so I just wanted to know if there’s something I’m missing. He will have to explain the situation and stop his stupidity. He is just controlling you! Also tell him that you feel like his dick is shrinking that you’re not interested in sex with him anymore. If he doesn’t grow the F up divorce his stupid ass. And if you guys have a divorce when they ask for reason of divorce put “dick shrinking” in the papers. Like straight up.

The one that does the accusing…is the one doing it !!

I’d tell him his dicks just small :woozy_face:

Leave. It’s never going to get better.

Just do it to shut him up.

cause he’s doing it hun open your eyes

Leave his ass!!! If not for yourself do it for your kids

Just do it to shut him up.

Lol leave the asshole for his brother lmao… he cheated on you. He’ll keep doing it

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Sounds like he’s cheating again

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He is an arsehole.
Move on and leave

A long winded ridiculous story…, what the hell do you expect from someone fool on Facebook?