My husband thinks I am cheating with his brother: Advice?

Hailey Alexis totally agree. It’s a particularly nasty thing to say to a woman as there’s very little that you can do about it. My ex husband me told me this after I had my 3rd child. HIS 3rd child. Turns out that he was not only cheating, he was also experimenting with his sexuality and has now come out as gay. I didn’t realise it at the time but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I’d still be listening to awful things about myself right now. OP don’t waste any more of your time on a this guy, 4 years is long enough. I really wish you all the best :two_hearts:

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Usually when a person accuses another of cheating its because they’re the ones cheating themselves. They have a guilty conscience and try to turn it on you. Also if he is THIS insecure, he needs fricken therapy. Like he really does.

Please don’t take my advice bc you could end up in jail but me and my husband have been together since we were 16 and were both 37… I started working at a different place March and he has accused me of cheating Wednesday night. I kept telling him 2 shut the fuck up bc I know I ain’t no hoe. I have only been with him the whole time. Well let’s just say he didn’t shut up and I became very anger and busted his lip wide open. He needed stitches but wouldn’t go. I’m not one 2 fight him bc he is big and works out all the time but enough was enough now he has been so loving and nice.


My ex did the same damn thing. I’m so so so sorry but you need to know this is NOT about you or anything wrong with you.
This is what they do, they Make wildly hurtful insults to make you feel insecure and at The same damn time accuse YOU Of what they are doing to not only throw you off the scent but to put you so far in the defensive that you’re more busy worrying about proving your innocence that you won’t even notice the shit he’s doing.
Girl, RUN.
That’s so hurtful and abusive on so many levels

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You dont have to do nothing girl, he is Just gaslighting you. He is probably cheating again and doesnt want feel bad so He makes you feel bad knowing EXACTLY that you didnt do anything wrong. This wont stop. Trust me.

I agree with most of this…however I will say this, unless his brother has stolen a girlfriend before him being like this is mostly because he feels threatened by your relationship with his brother. He is trying to drive a wedge. Either way leave

Well usually when they start accusing you then that means they’re doing it and I would tell the brother to stay away just explain why

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He’s accusing you because he’s cheating and it’s how he feels less guilt about it. Run, run, run!!! His brother probably knows so he’s creating division between you and brother to keep his secrets.

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He’s cheating, insecure, and trying to find a way out to where it will not be his fault. I’m so sorry you’re going through this :pensive:

Usually when people accuse someone of that it’s because they are trying to cover up what they are doing themselves. You deserve better.

and cheaters don’t stop…just find other ways not to get caught. .


I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said here…but girl, when he said your vagina was wider or some crap, I’d ask him if he’s sure he’s peen isn’t shrinking. Lol. But really, it’s only going to get worse…he’s cheating, maybe even looking for a reason to leave you, so he’s hoping to blame you for problems here.


He’s projecting🤷 he’s probably cheating again and putting blame on you so you don’t suspect anything

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Sounds like he has mental issues…he never will trust unless he gets help… hopefully he will be open to help but I doubt it as he really thinks this is real…

My ex husband done the same exact thing to me I was accused of sleeping with his best friend and about a year of him accusing me. He left his wallet lay around one day… Needless to say I found another girls name and number and when I called him and her both out… Long story short I let her have him he wasn’t worth fighting over. Moral of the story is the accuser is the guilty one. Best bet is move on honey.

So I dealt with this bullshit from my ex husband. I found when he started accusing me of this or that it was because he was doing what he was accusing me of. He accused me of cheating and he was the one that was talking to other girls and sending pics of his junk to them. He was hella controlling and he would question everyone I talked to. I never cheated on him. I was never talking to anyone else. He was so insecure that he blamed me for everything he was doing behind my back. You need to educate your husband on how the vagina works! Yes the vagina will stretch but the best thing is it goes back to it’s normal regular sized. He’s a punk for trying to make you feel bad by making that comment to you. DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO TALK TO YOU LIKE THAT! If you’d like I’ll educate him, he’ll never make a stupid comment like that again!

Sounds like your husband is the one cheating. That’s usually why they accuse you.

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From personal experience with my ex-husband, “Get out of that ‘marriage’, it will only get worse”. Take your precious child and leave x

His obviously he is back out playing the field and cheating on you, and I’d be telling him his dick is shrinking with all the screwing around on you he does hence why he can’t feel shit

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Do yourself a favor and let him go. It will always be the blame game. You and your daughter deserve to be treated better than that.

My ex did this exact thing. Turns out he was cheating and doing drugs. It’s so unhealthy and trust me get the heck away. He told me the same thing about my vagina when I knew for a fact I hadn’t been with anyone but him because I was so crazy in love with him. I couldn’t have cheated on him if I wanted too! It literally kills you inside. It’s been 2 years and I still haven’t gotten over it or him. It’s hard, but trust me, get away no matter how hard girl!

It seems like he is gaslighting you. I was in a abusive marriage and my ex would say weird things like that to me. Get counseling and if he don’t change…Get Out.

He sounds like a typical asshole why are you still with him though? You don’t want to have sex with him anymore so that physical connection is f#&ked, on an emotional level his playing with your mind and he’s clearly not making you happy! Get out before you start to despise him on the whole.

My man and I haven’t had sex in 2 years and he’s constantly thinking I’m getting it somewhere else because of that. I’m 25. We have 4 kids 6 to 2. I work full time, I’m in school full time, and come home to cook, clean, get the kids situated for bed and school etc. I’m just exhausted and mentally drained. I also want affection in ways other than just sex. He used to pressure me and push me when I didn’t want to and treat me like complete shit until I gave in which made me even more uninterested in it. :woman_facepalming:t3:

The guilty lay the blame at innocent doorstep…


He’s definitely projecting, my husband even accused me of having kids with his brother. Turns out his girlfriend was pregnant.

You need to leave him. There is no getting better or controlling the situation.

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Sounds like hubby has a guilty conscience so he is projecting on you! Tell him his dick stinks see how he likes it

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That is a sign that HE is cheating…I don’t see him changing and personally I would move on.

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Sounds like your husband is having some serious issues going on within himself since he “knows” so much about nothing! My husband did the same thing to me including when I was pregnant with my youngest; of course he was the father and I knew it. We haven’t had sex in 16yrs and it doesn’t faze me one bit. If your husband knows so much then I’d lay it out on the line and tell him straight out that you arent cheating and am REFUSING to be not only accused of it but treated the way you are. He can find the door if he so feels the need to. Its not your fault sweetie and you don’t deserve to be treated this way. Keep your self respect, walk with your head high and do what you gotta do. :heart:

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I would suggest he research more about female anatomy. If you can push out a baby and return to normal a penis will not “stretch” your vagina and when a vagina “feels loose” it means you are turned on

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Does the brother know of these accusations? I’d flat out invite him over and roll your husband straight under that bus. He (husband) is completely out of line and I would start treating him with complete venom. When he would ask what crawled up my ass I’d throw gasoline on the fire and say “According to you, your brother and so and so and so and so too!”

But no seriously, is this how you want to spend your life? Is this the type of relationship you want to model for your child(ren)? He is choosing to die on this hill and if it were me, I’d involve his family, embarrass the hell out of him and then leave anyway. But this is your life and you have to decide if you want this to be your forever. You cannot change him, he has to make a conscious effort and it doesn’t seem like he has any intention of even trying to be a better spouse. I really, truly hope you see that you deserve better then this. Hugs❤

Check his phone and his whereabouts. If he’s accusing you, it’s because he has a guilty conscience himself.

Girl leave. Soooooo toxic. Both my exes did this and they were BOTH cheating.

He sounds like a controlling narcissist. Get out of that relationship as soon as you can. There is no healing or fixing this. It gets worse. … Especially if he’s a drinker. :cry:

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Leave… end of… no way would I allow a man to treat me like that again… and to then go as low as personal things to say… nah he’d be gone and me and my children would be fine… and I could then have whoever I wanted in my vijay vijay and it would be none of his fucking business

He is accusing you to cover his own cheating. Mine has done the same. Get out while you can. Don’t let him do this to you

He’s cheating on you and taking it out on you and he is acting paranoid this is paranoid behavior. Tell him “I don’t wanna sleep with you because you made comments about my downstairs that really hurt me and you make me feel horrible about myself so no I don’t wanna sleep with you and as for me doing anything with you brother that would never happen because I’m not like that maybe you’ve got stuff to hide and that’s why you’re acting like this I think we need time apart because I don’t wanna be with a guy who treats me this way”. He sounds like a twat and clearly he’s projecting on to you it’s obvious. Don’t let you baby watch him do this to you because she will think being with someone like her father personally wise is okay when it’s not and it’s borderline abusive. Take a break for a couple weeks and ask yourself do I wanna be with a twat bag or would I rather be alone and file for divorce? You’ve got some thinking to do and your baby will understand what’s going on at some point and this isn’t healthy to see let alone be involved in.

Partners who accuse other partner of cheating are usually the one who is cheating as they feel they got away with it maybe my partner is cheating too


Your first mistake was getting married to a man that had already cheated.

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He is taking it out on you because he is the guilty mongrel . He wants his cake but blames you for his mistakes .He may get worse so Get the hell out of there he is not worth the hassle.

This is abuse. Maybe he’s not hitting you. Or threatening you. But this is definitely abuse. This is toxic behavior and these things can escalate and become violent. I’d definitely leave if you’re able to. Or get help if you can’t. It sounds like he’s projecting because he’s been unfaithful in the past (or possibly still is). And he’s trying to find a way to minimize his guilt. This is controlling behavior. He’s gaslighting you. He’s projecting his own infidelity onto you. He’s trying to isolate you from his own family. What about yours? Please listen to the women on this post and be cautious if you do decide to stay.

Sounds like he might be the one cheating usually the cheaters blames the other and tries to Tear you down so you won’t try and leave them and to make themselves feel better it’s up to you what you wanna do but I’d definitely do my own investigating to find out if he’s cheating and I’d definitely put my foot down and not let him treat you like this good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Does he not confront his brother bout his speculations? He should say something to him rather you if he thinks that and tell him that he doesn’t want him around. That should not be your problem to deal with. He needs to grow a pair and stop acting like a child.

Likely he is the one cheating and as far as feeling too wide, it doesn’t work that way. If he thinks it feels “too wide” he only has his pencil d*** to blame. :woman_shrugging:

Sounds like my ex husband and trust me when I say it doesn’t get better…only worse. It doesn’t matter what you do or how much you prove, he won’t ever believe you. You can either choose to deal with it and continue walking on eggshells or leave. If you get annoyed at hearing the same accusations and snap, they’ll accuse you of getting defensive because it “must be true or why else would you be mad”. Good luck.

He is the one probably cheating ? Looking for a way out and to blame you ? X you can’t live like that xxx

Narcissistic and playing you. He’s trying to make feel the guilt he feels. Time for a serious discussion and making him know you are NOT playing those games with him. Stay calm but time to get real. Your feelings matter.

First of all if theres no trust there is no relationship.You have been hurt he is insecure and most the time they feel like they can blame you for what there doing.Either get counseling or call it quits I myself would walk you will never feel the same about him from now on .I have been in your shoes and it just gets wirse

Abusive and just plain gross what he is doing to you. HUGH red flag. Sounds like he may be projecting. Is it possible HE is actually cheating on you? I would look into that.

Honestly if he’s accusing you…usually means he’s the one cheating.

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The only times I have ever been accused of cheating was when the one accusing me was the one cheating. He’s projecting it onto you, but he’s probably the cheater.


Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment.[1] It may evoke changes in them such as cognitive dissonance or low self-esteem, rendering the victim additionally dependent on the gaslighter for emotional support and validation. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction and disinformation,[2] gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim’s beliefs.

Instances can range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents occurred, to belittling the victim’s emotions and feelings, to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim. The goal of gaslighting is to gradually undermine the victim’s confidence in their own ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, or reality from delusion, thereby rendering the individual or group pathologically dependent on the gaslighter for their thinking and feelings.

In my experience, the one accusing…is the one doing.


Hes probably still cheating and is feeling guilt so hes throwing it on u

He is cheating on you and making you a scapegoat to deflect his actions. Leave.

Hes up to no good and trying to cover his ass by making you feel like you’re doing something wrong. Get rid of him

He’s cheating, time to bounce it’s not going to stop u DESERVE better yes ? :thinking:

He’s projecting. Sounds like he might be up to his old tricks again

When someone points a finger accusingly theres usually 3 pointing back at them. A habitual cheater will always think the other is doing the same.

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Control the situation by
L e a v i n g. You control YOUR life. He is likely cheating AGAIN and per a typical cheater, he acts like it is you that is the problem. Open your eyes and see the writing on the wall that everyone else sees so clearly. Or stay and deal with this same and worse bullcrap for the rest of your life :woman_shrugging:.

Hubby sounds like a twat the brother sounds like a half decent man tbf … ditch the hubby have the brother :joy: but honestly the hubby sounds toxic af get shot of him

He’s obviously cheating if he flips the story back on you

Typically someone who accuses like that is because they’re either doing it actively or has so it’s a guilt issue.

I think he still cheating. When they are doing something they want you to think you are wrong and doing bad in the relation ship.

Why do guys always say that? When you get in an argument they want to blame you about shit that like cheating (that has never fucking happened) to take the attention off of them and say “that’s why your vagina felt different!” Or like your husband said “wide” such BS!

Normally when you’re being accused of cheating it’s because that’s what your partner is doing

The one accusing…usually has a guilty conscious.

He’s cheating on you. The accuser is usually the guilty party.

People who point fingers have four pointing back at themselves

Usually those accusing
Are the ones cheating. And that sounds like a horrible environment to raise a child in. Run :running_woman:t4:

Telling you your vagina is wide really? I’ve dated someone like that they are bad news run away

I’d ask the brother to no come for a while

Your vagina felt wide? Chuck the whole man in the bin and find one who doesn’t have a pencil dick.

Sounds toxic… I wouldn’t put up with it.

Nancy Sinatra said it the best way you need to hear it… put your boots on girl coz you need to do some walking… straight after you plant one in his backside!!!


This is mental abuse. You need to leave. People like that don’t change, they’re toxic.


Sleep with the brother, then leave :face_with_hand_over_mouth::sweat_smile: No in all seriousness sounds like he is probably the one cheating but wants to point the finger at you to get the focus off what he’s doing. Im not you but my hot headed ass would confront him about it in front of the brother so he can see how stupid he is making himself look.

Show him the door. He’s a dirtbag. It’ll only get worse. He’s accusing you of the stuff he’s doing. What a gem🙄


Sounds like he’s a little guilty of something. You don’t deserve that kind of treatment,I’d leave.

He’s probably the one cheating. Accusing you of the things he’s doing, you deserve better!

Tell him to F himself and leave. You deserve better.

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Someones husband accused her of sleeping with his brother. Turns out hes on drugs :woman_shrugging:t4:

Sounds like he is projecting…he is most likely still cheating on you. I’m sorry :cry:

Cheat on him with his brother… just kidding don’t do this…


My ex accused me of this and turns out it was him doing the cheating. So.

Narcissist. Trauma bonding. Gaslighting. Run girl, run.


He sounds like a narcissistic douche bag…kick his butt to the curb. You don’t deserve to be treated like crap. Leave, take your kid(s) and FILE FOR A DIVORCE BEFORE IT GETS WORSE!! Trust me, I have been through this before myself!

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Sounds to me like he’s guilty.

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Get out of that marriage lady. Not worth your sanity or time

This happened to me, he was the one cheating.

Leave. It won’t get better. He’s projecting and it’ll only get worse.

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:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:Throw the whole husband away and :soap: your :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:’s of all things him minus what has to do w your daughter.

Run. Been there. Done that. Trust me. RUN.

Guilty dogs bark the loudest! He’s guilty


Run! Seriously. I know what your dealing with.

Sounds like he has a guilty mind

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Maybe he’s cheating again :thinking: sorry your going threw this BIG HUGS :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Confront him with the truth get his brother to stand there and have your say while his there

People who accuse you of doing stuff like that are usually the ones that are doing exactly what they are accusing you of. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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