I just had my second son third baby last month and I was not producing enough milk to keep breastfeeding! however my husband says I need to keep breastfeeding all the time no formula! how do I get him to agree with me that it’s for the best since I am not producing enough milk?
Have him pull his titty out and try
Talk to a specialist. Remember you can pump milk and give baby formula/breastmilk at the same time.
It’s your body and your boobs Hunny He should be supporting your decision either way, also Happy Mumma = Happy Baby xxx
Tell him until he can breast feed baby, maybe he should stop pushing and do some research… what he is doing can really mess with your head
It’s not his decision whether or not you breastfeed. If the baby is fed and happy that’s all that matters.
Tell him that its your body, your choice.
Your body, your decision. Formula, breast or donated milk they are all great but I think the best option is if baby is happy and full then that’s what’s best. I think your husband needs to understand that sometimes women just can’t produce enough milk and it’s nothing you’re doing wrong!
You tell him you’re done and that’s it. It takes amount out of you mentally and mommy needs to be mentally healthy too to be a good momma.
I would tell him to piss off however maybe get your midwife or doctor to explain what’s happening I went thru this with all of my kids with my first he started to drop weight that’s when I made the decision to put him on formula my hubby wanted me to keep breastfeeding too but the reality was our baby was starving and I’d rather have a happy fed baby on formula then a screaming hungry baby on breast
What makes you think you aren’t producing enough? The best way to tell is by diaper count 4-6 every 24 hours
Fed is best. If you can not produce enough milk it isn’t an option to do breast milk only. Discuss it with the dr with him present.
Formula has just as much or even more nutrients and is completely safe and delicious for your baby !
Um it doesn’t matter if he aggres with you or not. He sure as hell isn’t the one doing it.
It’s absolutely not his decision. My ppd was so relieved when I dried out and had to give formula. I didn’t have to get up at night to pump and he didn’t have to wait to be fed. Your husband needs to either learn to breastfeed or support your decision with your body.
Please tell him the health of your son is more important than his opinion…ask if he would like to cut his calorie intake as thats what hes asking his son to do…get help and remember a mothers instinct is there for a very good reason…please listen to it x
Talk to a lactation consultant and find out if it’s really your supply or not and have him go with you! If you’re really wanting to quit know why. No need to feel guilty but be honest with yourself so you don’t regret your choice.
Tell him when he starts producing breastmilk the baby will be breastfed only. Until then formula supplementation is necessary. (FYI it can be done, but he’ll have to make a lot of sacrifices)
He doesn’t have breasts so . You do what’s best for you and those babies.
I would tell him to go f*ck himself, it’s your body not his! What an asshat.
I quit and my fiancé and his mom wanted me to keep going but they are now glad I quit as I work from 2pm till 11pm
Like Nike. Just do it. Don’t let him tell you to basically starve your baby. Adding in a little formula here and there, to keep him healthy, is what’s best.
Tell him youre going to stop, yes that’s your husband but it’s your body and it could be for any reason you can stop any day and for any reason other people do not dictate that
Just go buy the formula. Make sure baby is fed and tell your husband to come back and comment when he has breasts that can help you out.
Tell him the baby needs more than what you are able to feed him he needs more to stay healthy and its your body x
He doesn’t get to make that decision you do as the one who gave birth to the child.
Not his decision. but there are products to help you produce more milk, but do what you feel is best
Tell him that if he wants your son to continue being breastfed, then he should start lactating to help out since you aren’t producing enough
Sorry its not his choice. He can ask all he wants, till he can wipe out a breat and feed baby its ultimately your decision
He can’t force you to do anything regardless of it being feeding your child. Formula was made to help bridge the gap and breastfeeding with multiple littles is hard. Do what you need to do
It’s not his choice. If you are not producing enough your baby will fail to thrive and then you’re going to be working to get him back to normal weight. Just do it and he can deal with it, you know your baby and your body. You can always have your pediatrician tell him too
Ummm your body, he can just deal. You know if you are producing enough and you know what’s best- just make the decision and tell him if he doesn’t like it, tough sh*t.
Just go to store get formula…its not his desction to tell you what to do is hes breastfeeding your baby is he…NO! LOL please do what’s best for yourself and your baby…your baby need formula if hes isnt euoght get any from your milk breastfeeding hun dont be ashamed yourself I’ve been there before with all my 4 I stopped breastfeeding before 3 month and 6 month too… its pretty hard but you did good job atleast your trying good job momma
He has no say in the matter lol I’d ignore what he says. It’s your choice 100% and only mom knows best.
Tell him your breast feeding is as useful to your child as his is - there’s not enough to keep him healthy from yours and he can’t help because he has none…sometimes men just don’t get it and you have to truly break it down in explanation so they can get it. Good luck sweetie and you do what is best for you and that sweet baby - only YOU know your body that well and know when it isn’t enough.
Have him talk to the pediatrician. I was able to breastfeed fully with my oldest and when my second came I couldn’t provide enough and although I continued to try he wasn’t gaining weight like he needed to and we had to shift to all formula. My hubby wasn’t happy at first but when I explained evenything and told him he could call the doctor if he would like to know more
- It’s not his call AT ALL. When YOU are done, YOU are done.
Well here’s what I think. While I am all for deciding on things together as parents, this is not something he should get to have a say in. He has zero idea. Breastfeeding is something that is shared between mama and baby. You know when your body is telling you that it’s time to stop. Your baby got your immunities already and that’s a good thing. It’s misogynistic for him to try and be a part of that decision.
When he can grow breasts and feed a baby that way that is when his opinion will matter. And your mil- if she wants baby breastfeed tell her to become a wet nurse. And do what you want.
Lol tell him he can make up the milk difference or you can substitute with formula… or purchase milk from other mamas
Tell him that when he starts lactating, he gets to decide. Your boobs, your choice.
I had the same issue, I could not produce enough. Tell him fed is best
There’s no question here at the baby’s not getting enough food it is your responsibility as the mother to make sure it’s implemented in whatever way it needs to be. He can just get over it before the baby starves
Tell him to start breastfeeding and you’re the mother and will do what’s right and best for your child
Tell him to stay in his lane. If you aren’t making enough milk for your baby, then your baby is going hungry without formula. Does he want your baby to starve to death? It’s YOUR decision. Your baby needs to be fed! Whether that’s from your boob or with formula, it doesn’t matter. Not his decision to make! He has NO say in whether you breastfeed or not.
This is not his choice by any
means and it’s not like your not producing enough on purpose. He needs to get over himself and do what’s best for you son and supplement with formula. I would have your Pediatrition and/or your OBGYN explain to him why it is necessary to add formula into the equation. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter how your baby is fed as long as they are full and happy! You’ve got this just try and stay positive and do what’s right you are mama.
Before you quit I would suggest you talk to a lactation specialist… For now may maybe do both? Unless, of course you don’t want to breastfeed. Breastfeeding isn’t just beneficial for the baby, but for you as well. Either way it’s up to you. You need to make the decision, not him.
I think this is your desicion not his.
When he is the one with the boobs and the milk then he gets to decide. I’d leave him personally. How does he even think he gets a say?
Pump and supplement. If you’re not producing enough there’s no way to make it 100% of his nutrition source. However there are still great antibodies and immune benefits from continuing what you can give him. It’s cheaper too.
I will say it’s your body so do whatever you’re comfortable with. However- formula is not cheap so I’m not sure how anyone can say it’s not his business. Ultimately it should be a decision you make together. Maybe come up with a budget plan to show him proving you can afford it?
You don’t have to get him to agree with you. It’s your body and your choice whether he agrees or not. Start giving baby formula and tell your husband that’s how it’s going to be. You aren’t producing enough milk and you want your baby to be fed so formula is what you’re going to be using.
Just give the baby a bottle and tell hubby to suck it up! My daughter was breastfed for 6 weeks them my supply ran dry my so was on formula from day dot at the hospital because my milk never came in! Sometimes we aren’t great milk producers and thats why the make baby formula so unless your husband has lactating boobs he has no say on how you feed your son
When does a woman ever think a father has a say with what he wants to happen with his children on this page anyway? Do what YOU want!
Does no one realize formula costs money and maybe that’s a factor? Bigger picture, ladies. What are his reasons for being against formula?
While yes he is the other parent, if you’re not producing enough then it’s not his say. Its yours. Get formula and tell him to shut up.
Tell him to do it then
Tell him that it is his turn.
Have him sit down with the doctor and have the doctor explain to him that you can’t due to low milk since he doesn’t want to listen to you.
This was the one thing I didnt give my child’s father the option to make a decision. Its my body and if I don’t want to breastfeed I won’t. He didn’t agree and I didn’t care. I formula fed and I don’t regret it. This is a decision for you to make, not him. All other things of course are 50/50 but not this
I think you need to have a discussion with him and both decide from there ! If breastfeeding is something you want to continue there are meds that boost milk supply etc . I honestly thought I wasn’t producing enough milk for my baby too untill I did a before and after feed weigh and realised she is getting plenty . While yes ultimately it is your decision he is a parent too so should be part of the discussion
Its your body not his if you wish to stop or baby isnt getting enough to eat its no brainer a fed baby is best
When I was nurseing my Doctor told me to drink 2 beers a day for more milk, and it works. Good luck
The most important thing is to get enough milk for the baby. I wish someone would try to tell me anything about feeding my child…
Not even 2% of women don’t produce enough milk.
Hun you’re producing enough milk. If you need to quit for mental health, do what you need to do. But dont stop BF because you think you arent producing enough. Its 1 in millions that you arent, very unlikely.
You DO NOT need to get him to agree! It’s not his choice and I bet the only reason he cares more about breastfeeding vs formula is because formula is expensive and if you bottle feed he may actually have to help. If you can’t breastfeed or just don’t want to then don’t! Please do what’s best for you and not your husband on this one, he’s not the one who’s has to deal with or worry about the baby not getting enough milk. He just expects you to figure it out, he’s an ass.
Umm how is this a question? Can you give him your boobs? Tell him to shut up and go on about his damn day.
What is wrong with you people? This baby is both of theirs and I believe that the decision should be made by both parents. Is the baby loosing weight? If not you are definitely producing enough milk. If he is, then dad needs to go to the doctor with mom so he can hear it from a professional. Lactation specialists will only say keep trying which may not be best for baby. Talk to your doctor with your husband present.
Tell him to whip out his tit and start lactating then.
Make sure you are in fact not producing enough. Alot of friends I know assume they arent when they just need to nurse more frequently. Pumping tends to slow production when nursing but latching often helps, even when you think your not making enough milk. Most of the time the supply comes in fine when in demand. In the end, it’s totally your choice but just some friendly advice! Rule of thumb, if baby is gaining normal weight then you’re producing just fine!
Ignore him. Fed is best. Feed your baby however you want.
Tell him he’s welcome to take over breastfeeding if he wants it done so bad.
My husband tried to give me so much shit when I quit, but they’re your boobs, not him.
If there’s no milk you can’t feed. It’s not your fault. I didn’t even produce milk. Fed is best. Do what’s best for the baby. It’s your body, your decision.
You’ll produce more if you pump or latch baby on more. Also try supplements. There are teas, cookies, shakes etc. Helped me a lot.
It’s hard to keep it coming in. Find alternatives. There is mother’s milk tea that helps, I had to take fenugreek vitamins to help. You can do it! It is best for baby. Honestly the more you feed the baby on you the more it will increase milk production.
If you’ve been substituting with formula you won’t produce enough breast milk. You have to breastfeed more to produce more milk. Unless you started substituting because you aren’t producing enough. Regardless it’s your body and your decision. He will get over it. Don’t let him make you feel bad. At least you tried, some women won’t even give it a chance
You could be producing perfect amount. Look up cluster feeding. You could be confusing baby feeding so often for cluster feeding with baby seeming to not get enough. Look at nappy outage not how long baby is eating. And the more you feed the better your supply
You can stop breastfeeding for WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT. You don’t need anyone’s permission for that. Your body has already been through enough.
We’re not in the 1950’s.
If you’re still wanting to breastfeed but aren’t producing enough, speak to a lactation specialist who should give you good tips to help produce more milk. I’ve heard the milk cookies are good.
If you’re ready to stop, then stop. But if not, you can talk to a lactation consultant. I ate lactation cookies and it helped tremendously. As well as making sure you’re extra hydrated. Also, body armor helped me.
If the mom is not producing milk why continue to try to feed if it’s hard for the mother. The dad needs to understand. Obviously he can’t breastfeed so he has no idea what it takes!
you could do part breastmilk and part formula if your comfortable with that. ik alot of ppl who do that and the doctor says its okay. if u want to completely stop tho it isnt up to your husband
Tell him to start breastfeeding the baby himself if he’s so concerned.
Fed is best. If it helps, take him to a doctor appointment and ask them to explain it to him, sometimes that’s what is needed to get it through some people’s heads
I stopped breastfeeding my oldest after a week because I was just uneducated on the subject. I hardly got 2oz from 30 minutes of pumping and it scared me so I gave him formula. He’s now 6 and brilliant and healthy. I breastfeed my other two after I learned more about it but you’d never be able to tell the difference by looking at them.
So many people will be selfish and tell you that it’s best for the baby but it’s not. What’s best for the baby is what’s best for the mother, whether she can produce enough or not. You need your mental and emotional health to be on the same page as your physical health to take on something as stressful as breastfeeding. People think it’s as easy as putting your boob in their mouth but it’s not.
My 2nd was a cluster feeder and became very attached while my first was more independent. It took a toll on me and contributed greatly to my ppd because I just couldn’t get a break from him he refused to be comforted by anyone else when I needed to be comforted as well.
It’s been much easier with my third and we’ve figured out a way to breastfeed and both have our independence (he mostly just wants to bug his big brothers).
It’s your body and you know what you can handle.
Well he wants the best for the baby and probably his pockets too.
Honestly shouldn’t be his choice, does he want his baby to starve? if you’re wanting to respect his thoughts though you could look into finding a donor. Eats on Feets is a group you can join where mothers with extra milk will donate to you for your baby. If you type in eats on feets plus your state it should bring up the local group.
Letting a baby go hungry when you know you do not have enough milk can be considered child abuse! Please explain THAT to your husband!!
If you want to continue then continue, if you feel like you want to formula feed, then formula feed. It is not up to him. He doesn’t have a say in what you are willing to do or not do with your body. Tell him it’s not negotiable period.
I couldn’t either with my daughter. She was crying all the time. Screw him, do what you know is best for your child…mother’s intuition.
Get the midwife to explain it to him, he may think you are just saying that to make it easier?
I had the issue with not producing enough milk either. But the stayed on the boob constant. For months I tried everything up my supply up but my boys started to loss weight. So I switch to formula but I still pump so they do have some breast milk. But either way feed is best.
Well i mean its your boob, your choice. I’d tell him that if he doesn’t like my decision he can try to breastfeed from his useless nipples.
Fed is best. I had the same issue with both my babies even after multiple consultations with my doctors, the pediatricians & the lactation consultants. I ultimately opted to do a breast milk & formula mix with each baby.
The bonus was Dad got to participate more often feeding & bonding with the babies & there were times when that gave me a much needed break for a shower & a few minutes rest. Good luck to you. I hope everything works out!!
Fed. Is. Best. Momma you know what’s best for your baby. Does he not realize how much stress and pressure that is on you? You just had a baby. You do what’s best for you. I also could not produce enough. I tried and tried. A straight month fo vigorous pumping. I produced VERY little. Mentally, emotionally, and physically - I was DONE. Once I stopped and went 100% formula - I felt better and knew he was fed and getting what he needed.
Not his choice. Your body.
Not his body, not his choice. He clearly doesn’t understand the physical toll that breastfeeding takes on a mother at the best of times. If you are underproducing and do not wish to continue trying to up your supply, that’s your decision. Choose what is best for you and your child, not what he thinks a woman is supposed to do.
It’s your choice. Sure breast is best and all, but a healthy and happy mom is best too. A fed baby is best.
Ultimately, he’s not the one who is bearing the burden of a low supply. They’re your boobs, it’s your choice.
He’s so stupid. I formula fed because I wanted to. No shame. Tell him to suck it
I had the same problem with my last baby he was using so much energy and lost so much weight trying to breast feed I had to formula feed for the 1st 3 weeks of him being born and was pumping with not much milk happening lol I was told to try fenugreek and blessed thistle and it honestly worked wonders for me and he is now 2 1/2 months and just breastfed but as everyone is saying it’s up to you and fed is best !!!