My husband thinks I should keep breastfeeding: Advice?

It’s your body and your choice, but if you want to continue breastfeeding you should probably make an appointment to see a lactation specialist.

You could keep trying but if you dry up there is nothing you can do. I dried up at 2 months when I went back to work. Don’t feel bad about going to formula.

Tell him he when he has breasts he can make that decision. There are some things that are simply not up for debate - breast feeding is one of them. Mothers are the sole deciding factor there.

Good luck

PS - both of mine were breast and formula and they’re fine now, at 10 and 7. Hope that helps

Ultimately it’s up to you— but how do you know you’re not producing enough milk? Is babe not gaining weight, not having enough wet diapers?

Have you met with an IBCLC? (If you desire to keep going)

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You’re not producing enough then it’s time for formula. Point blank. Is he going to be that stubborn that your child isn’t getting enough nutrients? I honestly think guys shouldn’t have a say unless they are the one with the child stuck on the boob all day. Don’t let your baby be malnutrition and go hungry. FED IS BEST!!

You don’t. You do what you know is Best for you and your baby and don’t ask his permission.

Fuck that. Its YOUR BODY! It will mess you up mentally to keep trying to bf when you know its hard. I was suicidal over the fact that it was very hard for me until i finally bought a can of formula & i felt so much relief… do not make him make you do this to yourself and baby.

I think he should sprout boobs and do it himself if he wants it so bad.

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Have him go to the pediatrician with you and the doc will tell you guys that the baby isn’t getting enough nutrition. Some men will only listen when someone else says it.

Erm… :face_with_monocle: what do YOU want to do?
If you want to carry on, ask your doctor for help.
If not, stop.
You don’t need to convince anyone of anything especially not when it comes to your own body! I cannot stress this enough

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Tons of water and oatmeal. You can add flavor to it like chocolate, apple sauce, jam, etc. Before my daughter, I was a 30 B, nursing 48 DD, & when I was done nursing went to 36 D. I miss my B cup, oh well. Mom bod has its perks of curves.
Formula is okay. I don’t know about pumping cause I never got the luxury of one.

Have you looked into tougne ties, i found homemade lactation cookies great

If your husband doesn’t have working nipples then he has no room to talk. Do what you feel is best. It’s your body not his

Do what right of the baby and your self. But if you’re not producing enough milk your baby could suffer from malnutrition.

It’s not his business. Frankly he’s not the one up all night and all day with sore nipples and the stress can make it worse. My daughter never latched so I exclusively pumped then my supply ranked and I supplemented. She didn’t gain much weight until 3 months when I had to start supplementing and frankly it was a relief. I would have loved to exclusively bf but it wasn’t the best option and luckily my husband isn’t a jerk

You don’t, your body your choice. If he doesn’t agree that’s fine but if you can’t keep going dont, you’ll stress yourself

What has he got to say about YOUR body if you can’t keep your baby healthy or yourself

I couldn’t produce enough too. I went to formula . Fed baby is best

You won’t produce milk if you don’t breastfeed :breast_feeding: all day!!! Put the baby on the Breast before feeding him/her a bottle after! make that a routine you will see change!!! Plus, you have to rest when baby sleep that will help produce good milk. Don’t stress or baby will drink stress milk!

He sounds like a tight ass jerk. So sorry. You can not put the baby’s health over his stinginess. You should not have to get him to agree with you. Are you sure he is the one for you?

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I almost died as an infant because my mother was not producing enough milk. Dr.bsaid buy a goat which my father did. Goats milk saved my life.

If your baby is losing weight from not getting enough milk have your pediatrician suggest using formula as a supplement in front of your husband

I had to stop breastfeeding the first two times at about six months. The Dr said they were calorically deprived. Ask your Ped to back you up.

Show him how much your making compared to what baby is eating. But it’s your body and you know best. Hubby just needs to suck it up!

Tell him to breastfeed, since he thinks it’s so easy without milk production.

Unless he can produce milk he has no choice but to accept it isnt working.

I was adopted at birth, never had any breast milk, I was just fine, I couldn’t produce any for my kids and they were both bottle fed, formula is awesome.

I dont understand why he has anything to say about this it your breasts you know them better than he does and its what will be best for the baby

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It’s not his decision it’s your body and your baby needs more food tell him that until he can breastfed the baby it’s your choice

Go down n get on WIC it’s real easy n your dear husband don’t have to worry it’s state qualified for mothers not cost him nothing!!!

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Tell him to buzz off. Breast feeding us a lot of work and if you’re not producing it’s not healthy for the baby.

  1. FED IS BEST, PERIOD. I’m sure you know that.
  2. I would inform him as the milk producer and the child producer I know that I’m not making enough (this is your 3rd child). You could offer a bottle after a long nursing session and show that babies only eat when hungry, so if he takes it, he didn’t get enough.
  3. you could terrify him with every story you can find on “exclusive breastfeeding no matter what” and the child was hospitalized and some died (I know its drastic) from starvation and dehydration.
  4. Throw the whole man out and start over? What does he have against formula? Like is he afraid you will ask him to be a parent?

Is there any chance you could both attend a conference/Zoom meeting with your medical personnel? You might be able to brainstorm and it would be good for your spouse to feel he is being heard while you are making an informed decision. Plus there may be options (if you want them) where you can do both breastfeeding and supplementing.

They’re your breasts sweetheart. You don’t need permission from anyone to do or don’t do what you want with YOUR breast. :kissing_heart:

Get him to try, and when he’s not producing any milk tell him to keep going! See of he likes it!
It’s your body, you do what’s best for you and your baby.

Have him talk to your doctor! The child needs nourishment! They are NIT HIS BREASTS OR PLAYTHINGS…IF your doctor says this is right for you and the baby tthenut is your decision. Why would he dictate this? Selfish prick.

First of all he is a man they are not his tits therefore he has absolutely no say in this situation does he want the kid to starve

maybe he just doesn’t want to have to buy formula, ever thought of that

Get the doctors to tell him what you need to do ! That is what I had to do with my son’s dad

At 3 yrs old the baby should be introduced to real foods anyway

since when did wives allow their husbands to dictate anything about breastfeeding… is he your husband or your master? are you his wife or his slave? … you do what is right for you and the baby and your husband can stop being a control freak and an ass.

It’s necessary for the baby to get its nutrition. Just feed him formula. What’s he gonna do, take it away from him?

Get a new husband, one that produces milk so he understands…hell no. If he’s not the one producing or not they he needs to sit down and shut up

Seems obvious if you’re not making enough…or maybe if you want,do both. But it’s really not his decision.

Tell him he needs to grow some breasts and help with the feed? Reasonable as his demands I think

Your body your choice. It is not his decision and if you are struggling he should be supportive.

I know your husband means well, but at the end of the day, it’s your decision. His insistence can be harmful.

Just tell him, I’m
Not starving this baby…
If I don’t have enough, I am going to make sure this sweetheart has all needed to be happy and satisfied…
No discussion.
Do both!

Tell him when he produces milk then he can start having an opinion :joy:

First of all it’s up to you how long you breastfeed and you don’t need a reason to stop. But if you want you can have him go to the Doctor with you and have them tell him your baby needs nutrition.

Your body, your choice. He isn’t the one making the sacrifices for breastfeeding.

I can understand why he doesn’t want the formula maybe you can compromise and do half and half?

He does not get to decide that, unless he figures out how to breastfeed the baby himself.

So your body is his body? Nah mama you do want you wanna do. If hes gotta problem place that baby in his lap and you tell him to breast feed the baby 💁💁

Your husband should support you no matter what you choose. In my opinion not his body not his choice. :woman_shrugging:

Do not let anyone shame you and your decisions. You have your reasons and no man should have any say in the complexities of motherhood.

You can pump your milk and fortify the formula. That way the baby is getting the antibodies, and still getting the calories needed.

In my opinion he doesn’t get an opinion since it’s your body, but that’s just me.

He needs to realize if you can’t feed you can’t feed not all women can maybe had the doctor tell him so

He prob does not want to feed the baby!!! If you breastfeed it’s only u and u have to stay home or make bottles. Do what u feel is best for u and the baby

It doesnt matter, you dont need to convince him, its your body, your baby if you know you arent producing enough then get formula

Wow, I agree with all the comments involving him not telling you what’s best for you and the baby unless he can do it for you. We all know that isn’t happening!

Umm last I checked it was your body and not his. He needs to support your decision

He isn’t breastfeeding if you know you’re not making enough by all means supplement.

Since when does s a man get to tell YOU what to do with your body??! Screw him and take care of yourself! The baby will be better off with a healthy momma!

Tell your husband he should start peeing sitting down. If he doesn’t like you telling him what to do with his own body, say, SAME.

Hand the baby to him and tell him to put up (some breast milk) or shut up. If the baby is not getting full, then you have to supplement. You can’t give the baby what you don’t have.

Be careful and talk to your doctor. Babies have starved to death because of low milk production and no supplements.

Your body, your choice. Fed is best. If it is to much for you them supplement with formula.

I only wish he were my son…
That’s all I will say on this matter .

Baby comes first can not allow it to starve.

Its easy for someone to make a demand who has no idea what actually goes into it. Id be very frank with your husband and tell him to back the hell off. Do what YOU feel is best and dont ever feel bad about your decision.

You tell him it’s not his body and to sit down and shut up. Until he can breastfeed on his own, he doesn’t get a say.

I mean if your kid ain’t getting what it needs put your foot down and say that’s that

That’s when you get formula and tell him to shove it baby comes before him and what he wants!.

Does he want your baby to starve? He’s being selfish fed is best however u decide to do it! And it’s your body

Why are you letting him tell You what to do ? It doesn’t happen at my house !

How about not his boobs so he has minimal say. We all know breastfeeding has many benefits but if you want to stop for whatever reason then do that. I’d be pissed and hurt if I told my husband I wanted to stop and he told me to keep doing it. I’d feel like my feelings and most importantly my boobs don’t matter. Idc if you make enough milk or not. If you want to stop then stop. I breastfed #2 for 22 months and loved it. I only breastfed #3 for 11 months and hated every moment. I decided to stop at 11 mths and felt bad that I didn’t go as long but I was completely touched out and over it (and depressed) Had he told me to keep going anyway that would have been hurtful and added to my feelings. No one needs that.

If the doctor says you need to use formula then thats what you do . Its not his decision . Its about whats best for baby

You tell him to fuck off and you’re going to feed your baby. However means necessary

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Your body your choice if you are not producing milk your baby is not getting proper nutrition.

Tell him to feed the baby from his titty if it’s that important to him and put that baby on formula if that’s your choice :woman_shrugging:t3:

Ask him if he wants to try. You cant give the child what ypu dont have. You’ll just make ypurself sick. Then you can’t feed anyway cause you’re sick. He’s not a doctor. He has no idea what a woman goes through most likely anyway. Why don’t you both talk to your Doctor. That way he may quit pushing you into something you can"t do. Good luck!!

Ask him to try to induce lactation if he’s so concerned about it. It’s your body and you can choose what you want to do with it.

Tell him it’s a shame his nipples are just as useless as his opinion in this matter.

So he’d rather have a malnourished child?

Forget what he says he’s not the one breastfeeding. Feed your baby however you need to be able for him to get nutrients.

Ummm is he breastfeeding? No? Not his choice.

try pumping as well and build up a mini supply as you bf.

If you can’t produce, you can’t produce. Dump him if he’s that dense.

Take him to a doctor’s appointment with you. If your doctor is a man, your husband will believe him.

You tell him to shove it amd STFU. He gets an opinion when ue can breastfeed!!

You need to make your husband cook for you 4 meals a day, and take care of the other babies and the house, so you can lounge in bed and devote yourself to your baby and eating.

Tell him whip his tit out and share in the burden, he makes half you make half.

Do you drink a lot of water? They may help

Pump more often and deep freeze…even if you run out…you can still have milk

Are you breastfeeding or is he?

It is ultimately your choice.

My ex husband tried that and everyone made me feel shamed for not wanting to breastfeed and at the well check up the doctor freaked out that he was underweight and demanded we start formula!


Fed is best. My best friend has a mastectomy after her first exclusively breast fed baby and had to formula feed her second. You can not tell a difference in the two happy healthy girls. Talk to your pediatrician