My husband times me when I leave and gets mad when I don't answer: Advice?

Omg get out. Way too damn controlling. Why’s it matter if you’re out an extra ten minutes than he thinks it takes ? He can’t be cheating Bc damn, he’s too worried about you to be getting it in somewhere else :joy::joy:

Maybe he’s cheating since it’s new behavior. Ask him


Sounds like he could be the one cheating… and making him paranoid


Definitely agree with hes guilty of something. Happened to me too. He was always accusing me and I was doing nothing then when I checked his phone he was the one stepping out. So might want to start treating him like he does you see if he likes it

Time to check his phone. He doing something and thinks u doing it too


Control. This is a form of abuse. It starts with this, and then moves on to physical abuse. Get out while you can


Well I always let my husband know where I’m going. And if I go somewhere else after the places I told him where I was going I tell him. Not because I have to, it’s because if something were to happen to me he would know my last location/Destination. I have medical issues and There’s alot of crazy people in the world. My husband does the same out of respect. But let me tell you I can go and do as I please and whenever I please without question as for him aswell.We have zero trust issues and he’s not blowing my phone up when I’m gone nor do I him.
I see your message as He’s paranoid that your doing the same thing as him !! I see signs of He’s guilty about something! Cheating Perhaps :thinking:


He probably doing something and his guilty conscious is coming out and trying to control what you do because he’s paranoid . Check his phone girl


He’s insecure… he needs to see the quack, or he is cheating and feeling guilty so when you are out switch your phone off and wait and see if he goes out to follow you or nip off somewhere.

He’s cheating. Get out while you can.


Either you have recently given him a reason to do it or he is cheating and he is worried you will do the same.


If you do watch out leave he will say you have find someone else

Quilty  Conscience
He thinks u are cheating cuz he is

It seems like he’s insecure because he’s done something wrong and now feels guilty for it so he’s gaslighting you over it. I’ve had men do this to me. It will drive you crazy! I don’t really have any advice on what you should do but I hope things get better for you. :heart:

You just leave… he will never change… he’s paranoid and controlling!

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If this happened out of nowhere and you haven’t given him any reason to worry he is most likely guilty and now scared you’re doing the same, normally how that works


No trust no marriage!

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This obviously controlling and abusive behavior. But what caught my either, “just started within the last couple of months.” So either 1) you were unfaithful & he’s struggling to cope. Or 2) he’s been unfaithful and he’s deflecting. Highly recommend therapy and expect CHANGE. If it no efforts are made this definitely warrants leaving.


Sound like he might be doing something


He’s cheating on you and worried you’ll cheat on him. I mean this screams it. Something had to have happened for him to suddenly change and be so worried about where you are and why you’re up to.

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Definitely a guilty conscience of something if it started recently.

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At first I wanted to say, it’s probably a trauma response. But because it’s a very new thing that kind of implies he may be guilty of something. Have a serious adult conversation with him about why he’s just now acting like this. If he gets angry or super defensive, you will know


Sounds very controlling and insecure. Time to get out before it gets worse…my opinion. Good luck.

Any time this sort of behavior has started in my past it’s because he was cheating and I feel like you should watch out.


TOO manipulative! Control freak!!’

Either you have done something to break his trust or he’s doing something wrong. People just don’t flip like that for nothing. There isn’t enough information here to figure out what’s going on. But it sounds like a lack of trust which to me means the relationship is already over and you have not realized it or accepted it yet.


There are no more steps the only next step is to leave.

1: is this a normal thing? Has he done this before?
2: get up in his business like he’s in yours! Do what he’s doing to you, who ya talking to? Where ya going? Why didn’t you answer me?
3: is he Obsessive Compulsive by chance? Maybe Co-Dependant? Doesn’t justify being so extreme but it could be a partial factor, at least.
4: has there ever been a history of either of y’all cheating?… maybe he’s got something on he doesn’t want you to know about… or he THINKS he has reason to believe you are, when you aren’t.

He could be guilty of doing things behind your back, but at the same time, if he’s this obsessive with you how could he be doing something while constantly blowing you up? I feel like he’d be more silent at that point?

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Huge red flag that he’s cheating. 99% of the time when someone starts acting like this out of the blue it’s their own guilty conscience.


Obsessive…Possevice …Paranoid…Behavior…Run don’t walk…get out asap.


Try this.
When you go to text or something announce who you are texting or what you’re doing on your phone before he has a chance to look.
When you leave the house tell him how long you may be gone.

He sounds like he may have ADHD with anxiety so try to calm the anxiety by letting him know what’s going on.

He’s projecting hard on you.


A guilty conscience is all this this. Him not you.


Yes, say ‘fuck it’ and leave. He’s abusive.

Throw out the whole man child

:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: he’s controlling you.

If this just started then HE is up to no good. Start doing the same to him. Call obsessively, “time” him, and be nosey about who he’s talking to. 1. You’ll find out if he really is doing something wrong 2. You’ll give him a taste of his own medicine and when he says how he doesn’t like it, say “YA that’s how I feel”

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Sounds like projection how he’s doing stuff and is afraid you’re doing it to him too.
Divorce him or just turn your phone off when you leave. Could even block his # then unblock later

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Why not just leave then? If you can’t stand it and don’t want to deal with bit, just pack up and leave

Umm… you gotta leave before you end up on an ID special :slightly_smiling_face:


1000% he’s cheating and he can’t trust you because he can’t trust himself! Lived that myself! I promise you he’d never allow you to get into his business like that! And if he is cheating and gets caught then if you forgive him he’ll just get more crafty in hiding it the next time. I promise you the easiest thing to do is to just leave!


Since it started so recently there are a few things that could be going on. He beleives you’ve given him a reason, hes feeling guilty cause hes likely cheating or hes having some sort of mental health problem and needs to get help asap.


Sudden insecurities like that stem from either trust being broken or guilt of his own betrayal eating at him. I would leave


Those are signs of someone who is cheating on you or that’s plain down sick who will actually kill u coz u never answered ur phone run gurl run :running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


I didn’t need to read all of this to see he is insecure,controlling and doesn’t trust you….if he doesn’t fix his issues your marriage is not going to work. I speak from experience. This kind of behavior will break your spirit if it hasn’t already


Umm leave that’s not ok. That’s controlling and borderline abusive

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Leave your phone on silent.

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It’s time to leave. He’s either cheating or thinking about it. I’ve realized that any time people get that controlling, that’s what their doing. Leave him & be happy


He’s a narcissistic…leaving him for your health would be best…my ex did this…at first I thought it was because he missed me…wrong it’s his insecurities…other things that control you will follow…leaving with what sanity you have left is best

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Also if this is new this is projection. He is doing something he shouldn’t.

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Get out . He seems to be deflecting some kind of guilt on you. If you don’t leave now,eventually you’ll end up a prisoner in your own home. He needs help.


Leave. Don’t try anything to stay. He’s throwing down ALL the red flags


Does HE have a guilty conscious? Run girl, run fast and run far!!


Be open and honest but in a public place. Have things set up in place incase things go bad and if you see he is not going to change, get out before it gets worse.

I cannot stress this enough get out! get out now!


Ummm sounds like he’s the one who needs not to be trusted. Classic cheating behavior on his part. Get out now because trust me if they do it once it will continue


Tell him to piss off!

My ex timed me all the time…I hated that

Tell him to let you look at his. phone and explain his calls bet he’ll change his ways bet you’ll find some shady stuff pay attention ask him some questions bet he will not like that

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Run!! Lol. But seriously that’s a huge red flag to me. That’s obsessive, controlling behavior

Time to pack and get the hell away from him. He needs a lot of help.

He’s the one who’s cheating. Sorry.


He’s hiding something that could be old and building up or something recent. It’s not you! It’s always the guilty ones that do this and I say this from experience from two nem of long relationships.


Sounds like he’s guilty of something so in his head him acting like this helps his mind to justify what he’s doing behind your back.

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He could be guilty. Cheating. Cheaters usually start acting this way when they start doing stuff being your back.


I’d definitely bother him every time he texts or goes somewhere. Let him feel the annoyance. It won’t solve the problem but it’s fun to watch them squirm.

Ma’am I think he has a guilty conscience and is mirroring it onto you

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Just leave it will only get worse!

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He’s clearly become very insecure about something, ask him what’s going on.

Leave its going to get worst

Go talk to an attorney about a divorce. Tell her/him everything.

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My abusive ex did this. He had a guilty conscious so he assumed I was doing the same. Run! I would literally take our infant daughter, and go couponing with a female friend and he would blow my phone up and get so mad if I didn’t answer and then didn’t stay on the phone with him the whole time. He would also randomly hang up and say he heard a guys voice and noises that sounded like we were having sex. Like dude, I’m literally in Walgreens with my female friend!

Time to look into what he’s up too. Guilt comes out in many ways. Get out now it will only get worse.


Leave, he’s extremely obsessive and controlling and it all sounds very unsettling. It will only get worse.

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It sounds like he’s cheated and has a guilty conscience

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Abuse, point blank. Don’t allow anyone to manipulate and control you. Sounds like he is projecting to

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My guess is he is the one cheating.


Go love he is trying to control you . It is a form of abuse domestic violence

Run away. If your daughter had a boyfriend like this you would tell her to run. You should too


He’s guilty of something or a complete control freak

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He’s cheating and projecting it on to you. Get out now or you’ll be miserable the rest of your life.

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I’m just going to tell you a couple of reasons why people are like that

. He might have been really paranoid or something happened in the relationship for him to be like

. Sometimes people become narcissist

. Maybe he’s done something himself that makes him a little bit paranoid and thinking that you might know what he’s done

My advice is just asking ( do you want me to leave this relationship and tell me what’s wrong)


Just leave he’s a narcissist my ex was like this. Even dictated the hours I could work, what time I could go out and what time I had to be back , had to be back for 5pm and have his dinner ready. It doesn’t ever get better so run while you can

I normally just watch the posts and comments from you ladies but had to say something. Leave and get out asap. Just had someone close to me in this situation with a controlling manipulative man who made her wear air tags to track her location and while she was at home had to have her tablet facing towards her while she layed in bed sleeping so he could watch. He has a big problem and you need to leave asap. Pack your stuff your kids, dog whatever else and get out asap.


He’s jealous…maybe he did something so he thinks you did…

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Sounds like he is the one who needs to be asked what he is doing.


Most of the time when they act like that they are up to something themselves.


Just my opinion :two_hearts: what you said last…x :100:…!! “fk it & leave”

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My opinion is he’s accusing you of what he’s guilty of. Start doing it back and see how he reacts.


guilty guilty guilty , he’s on some BUUUUULLLLSHIIIIIT

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Everyone seems to think this is the behavior of a cheater they could be right I suppose some of the things you mentioned are definitely in alignment with someone who has probably cheated. Although I was involved with a serial cheater for almost 12 years some of this behavior some of it fits him, most of it doesn’t though. Alot of the behavior u describe actually fits somebody who’s more then likely has been cheated on and now is having trust issues. The serial cheater I was involved with made me behave in some of the ways that you’re describing that your husband treats u. I behaved that way( being Xtra nosey when he was on his phone, blowing his phone up when he didn’t respond never timed him when he left tho) when I found out he was cheating but hadn’t confronted him about what I found out about him cheating right away. It’s possible he’s cheating I guess but his behavior is more like someone who’s been cheated on, coming from someone who was in a relationship with someone who was a serial cheater that’s what I hear when you describe things I hear the behavior of someone who has been cheated on and no longer trust their partner. jmo

  1. Usually this starts because the other person in the relationship is cheating, or doing something inappropriate. I would start looking at his phone and other behaviors to see what’s going on.

  2. Even if he may not be cheating/doing anything in appropriate, he’s showing controlling behavior and this is NOT okay. You need to address that behavior (with a counselor if possible) and if this does not change, you need to leave. Things will only escalate from there, and could get worse for you in terms of abuse.


He’s guilty if something.



You are being controlled and abused. I’d seek shelter now.


Sounds like my ex!!!

:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:

My ex was this way, and after totally isolating me, the physical abuse began. Please be careful.


How long have you been married? Could be health related, dementia or something else. He needs help.

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It could really be anything. He doesn’t have to be cheating…everyone always goes to the extreme. I would just ask. Why the change in behavior? What is going on that you seem suspicious of me? This is your husband, not your boyfriend. No one knows him better than you do.

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He’s cheating and he’s projecting.