My husband times me when I leave and gets mad when I don't answer: Advice?

Eww. Theres a reason he doesn’t trust you and if you know you’ve never gave him any reason that’s it’s something in himself. Like he’s probably cheated or cheating on youn if not that than hes super insecure for whatever reason. Or he’s just an abusive controller. Either way a situation like this seems doomed.

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My opinion, he’s cheating. It just started out of no where and he’s on top of you like that? He’s making sure you don’t find out somehow. So id say he’s cheating, and there’s a chance you know the person.

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My ex husband did this to me, even when I’d take my then 4 year old daughter to the library up the street and only gone for an hour, he’d look at his watch when we walked through the door and start questioning what took so long. RUN! Before he gets worse because he will.

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Leave he’s controlling you and escalate onto abuse.


Controlling and probably cheating. Sorry girl. Just cut your losses and go. Don’t be dumb like I was and wait 16 years to do so. Take your life back now.


Throw husband in the trash.

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He sounds really controlling and manipulative.
I think it’s probably time to take a serious look at the relationship and question why this is happening and probably leave


Nope… just go on a ahead and say “f*ck it” and leave!!!

You cannot use phone while driving

No good will come from this!! Plan an exit strategy, when you leave he will stalk you. If not nothing lost on your point. Restraining orders are only as good as the paper they are written on. Been there done that.


Run!!! These are traits of a narcissist and I can promise it will only get worse


He hasn’t just started this. He’s done this throughout from beginning of relationship. Just in smaller ways.
Most likely hes cheating and is nervous side peices is gonna call you or that you might cheat on him. Have you chested on him in the past or recently…Or could just be hes all of a sudden (out of the blue) insecure.
If its that bad and only a few months and you are already read to throw in the towel…you have thought about it often.
Think about it. You knew tye answer before asking


Coming from experience of an ex, this DOES NOT get any better. This is classic narcissism and it’s scary to be in this situation. It’s been 5 years and I still get anxiety from him doing this to me. I never did anything to make him not trust me because all I did was go to work, school, and home and if I didn’t leave work or school exactly that time that was written on the fridge, he’d blow my phone up.

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Oftentimes this can be a sign of a guilty conscious. He may be up to something that he’s hiding. Maybe cheating, maybe drugs or drinking. Something else could be going on as well though. Has he ever struggled with depression or any other mental health issues? If this is new behavior there has to be something that triggered it. Have you recently went back to work or switched jobs? Maybe something he’s worried about?

If you haven’t been together long this could just be his true colors starting to come out. A lot of times controlling abusive behavior doesn’t show itself right away.
I would definitely see if you can get to the reasoning behind his behavior otherwise it will just continue.


I left. Found out he was cheating and was why he was acting that way with me

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Hes either on drugs & skitzing on you or he himself is cheating & his guilty conscience is showing it by what hes doing to you.


Oh he sounds like a Narcissist!
He is always looking bc he is projecting exactly what he is doing on to you. They do this a form of mind Fuckery.
I urge you to look up behavior of Narcissist


More than likely he’s the one doing something and he’s displacing the guilt toward you. He’s convinced himself that if you are doing something too then he can blame you and feel better about what he’s doing!! That’s not always the case but it usually is true. Or he’s up to something and just keeping an eye on where you are so he can finish up before you get home. Could be substance abuse, drinking, cheating, porn, who knows but it’s not okay!! You need to put your foot down and either let him know you will not put up with that or leave!! Nobody can live like that! It’s insane! He’s being abusive and controlling!!

Get out now! He has either cheated on you already n wants to turn the tables or he’s on his way to controlling your every move. Why are you 5 minutes late? Why didn’t you answer when I called? Next he will get furious with you n that will lead to physical abuse. He’s already abusing you mentally, don’t let it go any further


That is controlling behavior, and it will get worse. He could be cheating as well, transposing his dirty deeds onto you. Either way it is not a good situation and you should separate yourself from the situation to gain perspective. Then go from there.

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It’s a sign of a guilty conscience. He’s probably cheating on you and thinks you’re out doing the same, like you’re meeting someone at the grocery store or something.
I know it sucks, I’m so sorry. The brain of a cheater doesn’t think logically. He’s projecting his guilty conscience onto you.

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Run don’t walk …… cut your ties as soon as you can.

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Safety plan. & leave.

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Block him when you leave the house and do what you want :laughing:. Unblock him when you return and ignore his questions. Don’t negotiate or entertain terrorists.


It’s obvious he isn’t going to change. Time to go before situation gets worse

Get out now. Never look back x

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RUN and NEVER look back!


I’d tell him to take a hike and get a hobby and do exactly what he does to you.

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What he is doing is a control thing. He’s possessive over you and that never ends well sorry.

It sounds like he himself is cheating honestly


If it just started randomly a few months ago maybe he is doing something wrong and is projecting it on you. That’s how it started with my ex husband. A controlling narcissist don’t typically change.


If he’s only started doing it the last few months my guess is he’s been cheating and that’s why he’s accusing you making himself feel less guilty


Personally, if this is a new thing hes doing, I’d start asking him all those same questions because to me, it sounds as though he has a quilty conscience and projecting it onto you. Kind of like that whole thing where if a spouse starts accusing the other of cheating when they aren’t, start looking at the spouse that’s throwing the accusations because 9 times out of 10, it’s the one accusing that’s actually guilty.

If this isn’t a new thing, GTFO as fast as you can because it’ll get worse and worse… to the point where you won’t be “allowed” to go anywhere at all. You are a person, not a possession.

You are worthy of all the love and mutual respect in a relationship and never settle for anything less!


No one should give any other person marriage advice even though u ask for it … … at any time in a marriage people struggle and go thru gard times just like good times … honestly work thru it urself … it dont married if u played married or legally married . A woman knows her man and the same for a man … do you , leave it her out of it


Run and don’t look back!!! Red flag for a control freak which then turns into physical abuse!!! I left my ex when it was to late so I definitely learned from that


:running_woman: my abusive ex did the same

Say f*ck it and leave. That’s your only option… if you want to live a happy life.

Make plans to leave and do it when he’s not around… I had a man who did this to me once and believe me when I tell you it it only gets worse! I ended up isolated from everyone with no control over my own life till eventually he tried to kill me because he thought I took too long at the shops and had cheated on him (I was gone 40 mins) he got arrested then jailed for a very long time and when he got out I had a panic room installed in my house by the police incase he showed up and had to get a whole bunch of restraining orders out against him. Those were some of the hardest days of my life… Trust me girl RUN :running_woman::running_woman::running_woman:


You need to get away now


Make a safe exit plan and execute it, promptly!

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This is abuse…it will only get worse. LEAVE FAST.


Maybe he needs therapy, there has to be a reason he is acting this way.

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Some someone who had been there, run don’t walk run. It gets so much worse and the damage it does runs deeper than you realize.


Sounds like he has something to feel guilty for and he’s projecting it to you ! I’d have a long talk about this and if things don’t change run !!


Im sorry, from personal experience he is projecting his cheating :peach:.


Maybe he thinks your cheating

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Honestly, if you guys were happy before all of this started, and these behaviors did JUST start a few months ago, I’d just have another conversation but this time be way more open about how your feeling, unless you’ve already made it clear how much a toll this is taking on you and your marriage, then you need to tell him exactly that and see how he wants to handle things from there, it may make him take the situation far more seriously if he knows your being pushed to the edge of your relationship about it

But also I’d put some effort into why he’s suddenly started acting like this, there has to be a reason even if it’s just a way he’s feeling and not cause of something that happened recently, cause those are extremely insecure/anxious behaviors to be showing all of a sudden

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IF you haven’t been unfaithful to him, then He must be doing something sneaky himself. Or perhaps he’s trying to run you off? It’s possible he has developed a mental health issue as well. If it were my husband, I’d schedule a complete physical for him and go with him to the doctor and voice your concerns to the doctor. If he receives an all clear from a MD then schedule a counseling session with a therapist and/or psychiatrist. If he refuses any of these, then it is definitely in your best interest to separate so he can work on himself. If he continues to harass you, get a personal protection order served on him. Do take care of yourself, that’s the only person you’re responsible for unless you have children.


Sounds like hes doing you wrong and feels guilty so hes projecting his guilt onto you. The same thing my man did to me when he was cheating.


I personally could not live in that kind of a controlling environment

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Run :running_woman: it’s only going to get worst


Somebody sounds like HE is cheating. He ( and you…) NEED counseling!!! Also, he needs to make a doctor appointment to see if there’s something wrong with him… physically. Sit down with him, calmly, and TALK !!!


Time to go. It’s a control tactic it’s only going to get worse

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Say fuck it and leave. He’s projecting.

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If this just started happening… what changed? Have you sat down and talked to him? Have you cheated? Has he? Cause someone did.

Behavior like this doesn’t “just happen” in a relationship where everything was going fine. What triggered it? Why not talk to him and see whats going on?


I would tell him to fuck off first of all that’s not healthy behavior at all.
My husband has his insecurities but when he starts projecting them I snap it back to reality quickly or I make him sweat by just ignoring n going about my obligations

I learned setting expeditions has helped him so hey I’m going to a friends I will be a few hours. Or I’m running xyz be back soon.
If it’s planned I put it in our calandras both paper in our mud room or in our google and I share the event with him for like hair, nails etc.

Second I would put him on block or put my phone on vibrate and leave and just not answer and tough cookies if he keeps it up. Maybe even flat out turn the phone off.f

Projecting…common sign that HE is the one cheating and he pushing his guilt onto you to flip the tables.


He’s possibly cheating and is paranoid because he knows what goes on.

Fact: He’s controlling you. This only gets worse as he gets more paranoid and anxious. He will attempt to limit you by going so far as shutting internet off, cutting your ties to friends even family, take your keys away, lock the doors, and may even extend to abuse.

Your best bet is to escape while you still can. You’re caged and don’t realize it yet, but by the time that you do it will be too late.

Go to your parents if possible, a cousins, aunts, best friend. ANYONE. Then explain why.

Do not return to him unless you have someone with you who can intervene. He will likely beg, cry, plead, or get extremely angry while you’re packing.

I have seen these a thousand times. In shows, comment sections, posts, etc and none ever end well.


My ex did this but he was cheating and was taking ut out on me


There’s a possibly he’s cheating. It’s very textbook behavior for a cheater to behave toward you the way they expect you to behave toward them since they are cheating.

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Did something happen where he doesn’t trust you anymore? Have you talked to him about it? There’s questions that need to be answered beforehand.

This started in the last few months,and does he have any close friends he hangs out with that maybe there wives cheated,they separated,he maybe thinking he had better keep a close eye on thinking that your going to do that to him,and he’s not talking,but he’s concerned about your marriage,communication is what keeps relationships thriving,and it’s work,but if you love him you work on your relationship daily❣️

Did you cheat and was forgiven and now he’s paranoid ? Or did he cheat you found out and he’s paranoid you’ll leave him ?

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He may not be cheating, but something 100% woke him up to how easy it would be…
This is usually because they didn’t get caught…

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Girl you are in a Controlling abusive relationship .He has mentally problems. :astonished:

He’s cheating!!! Get out!!!

He’s cheating and trying to deflect it into you.

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Sounds like fuck it and leave situation, sounds like he’s cheating

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even if he isn’t cheating, this is a form of abuse. get out now before it gets worse

He’s probably cheating on you


sounds like he’s projecting. you should be watching him


Sounds like cheating to me.


Tell him if you keep it up I’m leaving. Also people tend to do this when they are cheating an trying to manipulate you into thinking your doing something wrong. This is controlling and abusive mentally and emotionally


You need to grab what’s important to you and leave. This will not get better. It will get worse.

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Sorry to say personally I’d say he’s trying to cover his own arse for something. Think back to when it started is there anything else since then?

Sounds like all of a sudden he got a bit insecure. I’d talk about it, & work through it. If this is something out of the blue there has to be an underlying reason.


My ex did this when he was using drugs… he’s probs has a guilty conscience


Maybe he’s heard a false rumor about you? (Fooling around with someone else) I’m thinking you’re going to have to confront him about his behavior.

It’s usually projection, and he is actually up to no good himself. That is usually the majority of times this starts to occur.


Tell him to bugger off. I wouldent let my husband do that to me. Get out quick.

Wow sounds like he’s probably got something he’s hiding and wants to blame you for the same to get over guilt :face_with_spiral_eyes::persevere::woman_facepalming:t3: absolutely something going on

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You need to stand up for urself !!!
Tell him to knock it off if not get a new model …:+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3:

Better off by urself …thats mental abuse “”“”“”“”"


Sounds like he’s got a guilty conscience and that is 1000000000% abuse


And it WILL get worse

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Flip the script. Call bomb him…time and question him.

he did something - is doing something - and is hiding that from you
kinda sounds like he cheated or did something of the sorts and is now looking for a reason to start a fight that leads to HIM walking so he doesn’t feel bad abojt what he already did, is doing, and is hiding

think :thought_balloon: think

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Get out b4 he destroy’s u, he is up 2 mischief, get out!

That usually means he is doing something he shouldn’t be I would get out now

I’ve had this problem before. He was cheating.

Lord I wish I had fb back when I was married. LEAVE NOWWWWWWWW! That’s going to lead to more controlling crap. Mine ended up major abuse, control of every kind, death threats and me running with my kids across the country and life time protection orders ……… just leave now.
He is grooming you to accept abuse. Period. Get out as soon as you can!


I don’t want to project my own insecurities here but in my experience when my partner was overtly controlling and assuming I’m up to no good, it was because HE was up to no good…

I’d figure out what’s going on first. Regardless, nohody needs that kind of energy around all the time. Sorry this is what your relationship is coming to! I wish you the best.

Mental abuse. Or guilt. Or mental abuse because of guilt. Either way it’s unhealthy.

You must wonder what made him so paranoid all of a sudden.


He’s cheating. He thinks you are too.


Abuse, it’s unhealthy.


Wow control freak I’d Wonder why he’s keeping such a good eye on me what’s he up to he don’t want anyone to tell you…

Sounds like hubby nursing a shady sneaky guilty conscience.


Maybe you need to see what he is doing behind your back because it something going on so just set down and ask him yes this is abuse only you can put a stop to it

Your husband is controlling your actions.