My husband told me I was too old to be an LPN

I was wondering am I too old to try to become an LPN. I am currently 32 and won’t complete it until I’m about 34. My husband says that’s too old and I should find something more for my age but the thing is I’ve always been drawn to medical and nursing. Life just got in the way and I had to put things off over and over. I am finally at a spot where I can afford this and I want to do it. I know it’s not an RN degree (I wish I could go for that but right now I can’t!)I just feel a little discouraged and not sure what to do anymore.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband told me I was too old to be an LPN

I went to nursing school with students ranging from 19 to 50. You’re certainly not too old!!!

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My mom went back to school to be an RN in her 40s


He’s a jerk. Do what you want to do.

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You’re not to old I was 33 when I got my RN degree, 36 when I got my bachelors degree and 40 when I got my masters. You’re not too old!

You’re never to old to go back to school!!!

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Sorry but your husband is a jerk!!!


You’re never to old to follow your dreams!!!

It’s never too late to be what you want to be!!! No matter what anyone says!!!


F that … do it girl it’s never too late. He just doesn’t want u to be more successful than him… my mom is working for her rn rt now and she’s in her 40s it’s never too late


Wth. Absolutely not too old

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No. I wouldn’t. Depending on where you live it’s not a high paying job. I’d look into something else.

My husband is 44 and plans on getting his LPN when the kids are a little bigger… Which will put him at about 47, seriously do what you feel you want to do. How he think 34 is too old is beyond me.

My mom went to Lpn school when she was in her 30s while raising 4 children. You’re not too old!!

It is NEVER too late to do something to better yourself.

It’s never too late. I will be 50 this year. I started the career I’m in now at 35. I couldn’t be happier!


I’m 34 and a nurse. Never to old.

If you don’t go you will still be 34 in 2 years…go for it!!!

Definitely not too old! :boom::boom::boom:

Go for it you’re nowhere near too old !

Go get your lpn don’t let your husband stop u.

The only thing that’s old is your husband’s thinking. We don’t shame women based on age anymore, especially not on work. Let him know the 1950’s are over.

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I’m 38 and almost finished nursing school! Went back at 35 :slightly_smiling_face: you’re never too old


You are a fine age to be an LPN

You’re never to old to get an education! & for the record, you’re not old at all. Your husband sounds like an a*s!

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My mom started nursing school at 36 and finished with her bachelors at 39. It’s never too late

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He should be supporting your dreams not putting you down about them

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My good friend just got her RN license and she’s 37. You’re never too old!!

I was 40 when I got my RN and there was a 60 year old male who graduated with us. Go for it and be proud when you earn that license!

It’s never to late! You got this!

I was 32 when I went for my Lpn and 34 for my RN

You can do anything you set your mind to at ANY AGE.

I started at 44 for my RN and graduated at 47. Never to old! Go for it!!

I had my only child at 42 & got my Masters degree three months later.
You’re not too old to get a degree !!-

Throw ur husband away he is too.old​:person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


You’re husband doesn’t want you to have a job that will offer you the ability at freedom. Just do it.

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Ppl change careers all that time, find something that you love :heart:

You already know the answer to this, come on.

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You’re never too old to follow your career

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Follow your heart and go for it you’re still young

You are not too old to become an LPN!!! Talk to some schools that offer the program and discuss it and you will find out

Get the education you need and ditch him.


Go 4 it aged 39 became a carer love it. Never 2 old xx

Omg you can be 80 and be an lpn …tell him he needs to grow up

Absolutely not!!! Go for it!!! I know a lot of people who’ve gone back to college for higher education. Don’t let anyone stop you! :heart:

Hell no. My friend is 43 and will graduate this summer.

He’s probably jealous…

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Girl your husband is broken. I’m 30 will be 31 Saturday and I just started nursing school in January. He should support your dreams! You do you and go for it.

I’m almost 32 and I’m doing my LPN. My husband was 35 when he went back to school

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I went back to school at 31 (almost 32)to be a hygienist. Best decision ever. Do what resonates with you. Only you know what you need and want to do

Go for it! And then divorce your insecure husband

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There isn’t an age limit on nursing. I have worked with several LPNs who got their licenses at various ages. Some even in their 50s. Nursing is one of the most selfless admirable professions. You literally care for people all day long and then go home and continue to care for your family.


that’s only 2 years! you won’t be too old! think of it this way, when those 2 years go by, you will still need to be working w job (i assume at least) might as well make it one that is paying you decent, you’re making a change in & one that you WANT to do! it’s never too late !

I’m really confused on why your husband would say this. You’re 32 not 98

You probably have 30 years left before retirement. Why wouldn’t you go for it ? A very good , satisfying profession. Good Luck !

Wow! First the lack of support out ways can you be an LPN for me :exploding_head: No one should ever discourage you​:bangbang:

Tell Jack ass to zip his trap.
This is your life.
If you listen to him, you will regret it.
F that

Follow ur heart. You won’t regret being true to your self. But you might if you don’t…

Don’t listen to him! I’m 34 and going for my pharmacy tech license. It’s never too late!


Never to old go for it

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You are absolutely not to old to get your LPN license. You go for it and tell your husband to hush!!!

My ex didn’t want me to go back to school
After I left him I went on to obtain 2 diplomas ( preparatory health studies and biotechnology technician)
Dont listen to anyone trying to hold you back from what makes your heart happy

Do it. Period. There were 40 and 50 year olds in my RN courses.

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You need a new husband :joy:

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32 is not old at all. While I was in nursing school there were women in their 40-50s. LPNs make great money, and then you can always advance to become an RN. There are only 5 things the LPNs can not do and only RNs can. They are pretty much the same thing only some differences and pay differences. You should go for it and change your life! If he doesn’t support you then he’s scared you’ll do better and leave him behind or something. He sounds controlling

You are definitely not to old. In my fast track class I have classmates older than you. You can do it!


My wife didn’t go back to school to become an RN until her early 30s. It’s never too late and you’re never too old.


Never too old to learn a new career. That’s bs he’s being negative. Also 32 is young?? So idk what he’s calling you old for.

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Dont let him discourage you. Express to him how its been a dream. He doesn’t want you to resent him later on in life. Go for it.

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You’re not too old. What is his problem?

You are not too old. Think of it this way, you are young enough to finish school and have a 30 year career in the field of your dreams before you retire. No way are you too old!

He sounds toxic. Do what u want, then rub it in his face lol.

You are definetly not too old! Don’t let no man dictate your life EVER!


you are not too old, he just wants u home to cook and clean☹

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Look- you’re gonna be 34 one day anyway. Why not be 34 years old with your lpn?


Absolutely not, you are never too old to learn new things and better your life


You are never to old. He has issues.

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You’re not too old. I became one at 30.

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You aren’t to old! U can do whatever you set your mind to​:raised_hands:t3::muscle:t3:

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Don’t let anyone stop you. You’ll always wish you just went for it.

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Sounds like you need a new husband.


No, we have a lady that just became a LPN at 60


He has superiority issues. Do it

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Sounds like your husband is stupid :woman_shrugging:t3: I’m 30 and about to graduate with my RN. You’re never to old.

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Do what you are drawn to and can picture yourself doing. My thought has always been choose a career path that you can make enough money to be able to pay off or replace the cost and have enough time to work and really enjoy what you are doing to put the money in your pocket or for your retirement.

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When I went to nursing school we had women and men in their 50s or older.


I’d tell him to take a hike

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You’re never too old, follow your heart to your passion.

I was 38 when I started school for my LPN, 43 when I went for my RN, 47 when I finished and got my RN license.


I would go an follow your dreams don’t let your husband discourage you from be LPN! age is nothing but a number.

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Never to old,l went back to school at 31 with a two year old and husband and work full time

My sister just I believe is still in school and she is 43, you most certainly are not too old

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Your husband SUCKS! You are not too old and he is not supportive and that’s messed up!


Not too old but I would advise rn over lpn for marketability and earnings potential. Lots of places have 2 yr rn degrees

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Your never too old to do anything

Go get it girl you’re never too old

There’s people in pharmacy school that’s in their 50s it’s never to late


My cousin is 39 and in nursing school!! Go for it

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I’m 36 and just done a Barbering course! I have 4 kids and I just figured out what I wanted to do in life, now my kids are older, never let anyone come between ur dreams